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1、 - 1 - CLEAN ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES: INTENSIVE COURSE Instructor: Professor Yong X. Tao, Ph.D., P.E. PACCAR Professor, Director of PACCAR Technology Institute Chair, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA October 10 October 11, 2013 Kyushu Universi

2、ty - 2 - 1. Hydrogen 2. Hydropower 3. Nuclear Energy 4. Smart Grids Session 2 - 3 - Production (Omitted) Storage (Omitted) Utilization (Fuel cell) - 4 - Hydrogen Fuel Cell Fuel Cell Basic How Fuel Cells work Applications of Fuel Cell - 5 - Fuel Cells: Fuel to Electricity Hydrogen Fuel - 6 - What is

3、a Fuel Cell A Fuel Cell is an electrochemical device that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water and heat as its by-product. Fuel (H2) + O2 / Catalyst (H2)O + Heat - 7 - Fuel Cells Concept Individual fuel cells can then be placed in a series to form a fuel cell stack The sta

4、ck can be used in a system to power a vehicle or to provide stationary power to a building - 8 - Benefits Low / Zero Emissions Based on measured data, a fuel cell power plant may create less than one ounce of pollution per 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity (25 pounds for Conventional systems) - 9

5、- Benefits High Efficiency Wide Range of Applications / Distributed High Quality, Reliable Power Quiet Fuel Flexible Economic Benefits Lightweight battery alternative - 10 - Applications Transportation All major automakers are working to commercialize a fuel cell car Automakers and experts speculate

6、 that a fuel cell vehicle will be commercialized by 2012, others later 50 fuel cell buses are currently in use in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia Trains, planes, boats, scooters, forklifts and even bicycles are utilizing fuel cell technology as well FordHyundai Toyota Honda GM -

7、11 - Applications Stationary Power Stations Over 2,500 fuel cell systems have been installed all over the world in hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, office buildings, schools and utility power plants Most of these systems are either connected to the electric grid to provide supplemental power and ba

8、ckup assurance or as a grid-independent generator for locations that are inaccessible by power lines - 12 - Applications Telecommunications Due to computers, the Internet and sophisticated communication networks there is a need for an incredibly reliable power source Fuel Cells have been proven to b

9、e 99.999% reliable Micro Power Consumer electronics could gain drastically longer battery power with Fuel Cell technology Cell phones can be powered for 30 days without recharging Laptops can be powered for 20 hours without recharging - 13 - Hydrogen Fuel Cell The theoretical efficiency of a fuel ce

10、ll is The overall system efficiency ( : the reform efficiency, : the DC/AC convert efficiency) fc H G max CRfc R C - 14 - Hydropower - 15 - Hydropower is a mature and cost-competitive renewable energy source. Contributing to more than 16% of electricity generation worldwide and about 85% of global r

11、enewable electricity. Helps stabilize fluctuations between demand and supply. This role will become even more significant, as the shares of variable renewable electricity sources primarily wind power and solar photovoltaic (PV) will increase considerably. - 16 - - 17 - Three functional categories: 1

12、. Run-of-river (RoR) 2. Reservoir (or storage) HPP 3. Pumped storage plants (PSP). - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - Pelton, Francis and Kaplan Turbines - 21 - Definitions of Small-Scale Hydro in Different Countries - 22 - Fundamentals Nuclear reactor technology Pressurized Water Reactor Boiling Water Reactor (e

13、.g., Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant) Team exercise - 23 - Basic Reaction U235 + n - U236 - 2 Fission Products + n n + 6b +10 g +10 (neutrinos) + E (200 MeV) Krypton92 Barium 141 - 24 - Basic Feature The kinetic energy of fission products is converted to thermal energy (primary heat) 1 kg (U-2

14、35) (nuclear conversion) - 7.2 1013 joules Versus: 2.4 107 joules per kilogram of coal Heat produced by the radioactive decay of fission products and materials that have been activated by neutron absorption. (Decay heat source. About 6% of full thermal heat production of the reactor) - 25 - Cooling

15、Requirement Cooling Reactor coolant usually water (or gas or a liquid metal or molten salt) is circulated past the reactor core to absorb the heat that it generates. The heat is carried away from the reactor and is then used to generate steam. Pressurized water reactor Indirect via a heat exchanger

16、Boiling water reactor direct in fuel element - 26 - Pressurized water reactor - 27 - 1. Reactor pressure vessel (RPV) 2. Nuclear fuel element 3. Control rods 4. Circulation pumps 5. Control rod motors 6. Steam 7. Feedwater 8. High pressure turbine (HPT) 9. Low pressure turbine 10. Generator 11. Exci

17、ter 12. Condenser 13. Coolant 14. Pre-heater 15. Feedwater pump 16. Cold water pump 17. Concrete enclosure 18. Connection to electricity grid BWR - 28 - Typical BWR Mark I containment as used in units 1 to 5 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant RPV: reactor pressure vessel. DW: dry well enclosin

18、g reactor pressure vessel. WW: wet well - torus- shaped all around the base enclosing steam suppression pool. Excess steam from the dry well enters the wet well water pool via downcomer pipes. SFP: spent fuel pool area. SCSW: secondary concrete shield wall. - 29 - BWR CANDU - 30 - CANDU-Cycling Fuel

19、s - 31 - Recent Accidents The most serious in US - the Three Mile Island accident in 1979. Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant - the source of two of the top five most dangerous nuclear incidents in US since 1979. Chernobyl disaster of 1986 (Worst of all, Ukraine. Level 7) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Powe

20、r Plant 2011. Level 7) Nuclear Plant Safety - 32 - “Smart grid” generally refers to a class of technology people are using to bring utility electricity delivery systems into the 21st century, using computer-based remote control and automation. These systems are made possible by two-way communication technology and computer processing that has been used for decades in other industries. They are beginning to be used on electricity ne


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