已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、根文件系统移植实验、实习题目针对arm2410cl的根文件系统移植实习目的了解arm2410cl根文件系统结构,掌握其生成步骤,了解busybox、mkcramfs工具 三、实习内容1 .配置并启动redhat的samba服务(具体步骤见实验四),把从110系统 下载的实验所需压缩包复制到redhat中。2 .在 redhat 中用 tar xjvf busybox-1.00-pre10.tar.bz2 解压 busybox工具压缩 包。切换到解压后的 busybox-1.00-pre10目录,再执行 make menuconfig 命令,根据具体需要配置busybox编译配置。.A I I

2、RJL/a Tl、y-4m J*ITJrootC root# cp -bfr /arn410c 1/raotfs/busybox-l .00-preW n/rootfs(roc ig虬 root I sjnilconda-ks. cfg busybox-1 JHi-pre 1 U. ta r ins la I L lugins lj 11. lag . syslogmg- sunp k s-1 .6 JO. lar .gzk忸编辑 隹看出终端转到却助(H?.bz2 I ibmin igu i-1 t6,10 uar qvfb- 1,1 h iar inle-L .6 JO. tar .gzro

3、otC motif tried ir root f5roo IC4KJ r uot cd rootf 5rocKBC rootf si# cp . r/busybox-1 00-pre 10k lar .bi2 . /rcxitC root!si# Hbusybox-1.00-preID.r.hz2(rooroo11 s# iar -j xv f busybox- 1 .()()-pre 10, tar fapp k iscoreu tilsf indut i1sL1CESEpu ichc ssysdepsarch iva Jdeb in.nc hide1。甘 inu t l I proep

4、esy !ik LogdALTintSdebunut iiin i 1Mkefik1 fle s l su i leChange logdocs1SSTALLmi !;cu | i 1 5加i le5 . makut 1- 1 inuxconf ig-up tc ched j lor ilibbbniidu tilsscr ip i &conioIsexanp le 91 ibpwjgrpnf iork ingshe 11pusynox-1 ruu-pre j 11/ cnren t 1 i / cu 1 r c hutiybox- J .OU-prelD/coreuli 1/pvuJ.c t

5、oolTJC rnot f s1# cd buybox-*00-prel0 (rue biisyhoS-1 .OU-pre 11)1# 1 st(:BC bui&ybox 1 .00-pr? 10/r运行 make menuconfig ,酉己置 busybox图1 busybox配置界面文件() 编辑()S#(V) 终端(Q 转到(9 帮助(比roolBC: /roolfs/busyt)ox-1 0()-pre 】。Arrow keys nav iga te the rwnu. se lects subrwnus .High I igh ted Ie t ter s are hotkeys.

6、 Press ing se lec tes a feature, while will exc lude a fea ture. Press to exit. for Ik? Ip. Legend: fea lure is selected fea ture is exc ludedBui Id BusyBox as a static binary (no shared libs)u i Id with Large File Suppor t (for access ing f i les 2 GB) o you want to bu i Id BusyBox wi th a Cross Co

7、np i ler?(/op t/hos t/ar!nr4 l/b in/armr4 1-unknown- 1 inux-) ross Conp i ler prefix () ny extra CFLAGS opt ions for the conpi ler?rootBC: /roolfs/busyboxT OO-pre 1文件编辑() 查看(V) 终端(Q 转到(G) 帮助(比1i Ie wi 1 1 exc lude a fea ture .Press to exit, forArrow keys nav iga te the nrnuPress nig se Icctes a fea

8、ture .liigh I igh ted Ie t ters are hotkeys .Legend: fea ture is se lected J fealure is excluded(./_ins tall) usyBox ins ta I la t ion pref ixroo&BG; oolfs/busyboxT ,01)-pre文件 编辑查看(V) 终端3 转到(G) 帮助(WArrow keys nav iga te the nrnu. se lects subnrnus .High I igh ted Ie t ter s are hotkeys . Press ing s

9、e lec tes a feature, while wi) I exc lude a fea ture . Press to ex i t for Ik? Ip. Legend: fea ture is se lected fea ture is excludeduppor t read ing*uppor t runn inguppor I dunp ing*hou Id in i t be*alt*owroffebootan ini t tab f i le?ini t from wi thin an ini trd?core for child processes (debugg in

10、g on ly)?ex t ra_ qu ie t on hoot?3.修改编译工具链的libc.a文件,先备份原文件。创建一个链接脚本,将 libnss_files.a, libnss_dns.a, libresolv.都力口入至I脚本中。链接文件内容如下 图所示:GROUP(/opt/host/armv41/arfnv41 -unknown-linux/lib/libc_ns + a/opt/ha5t/arffv41/armv41-unkncwn-linux/lilb/libnss_files.a /opt/host/arinv41/drmv41-unknown-linux/lib/lib

11、nssdns, a /apt/host/arfflv41/srmv41-unknown-linux/lib/libre5clv.* )图2 libc.a链接文件Z1文件编辑起)查看终端05 转到帮助抄Il root .:4JG /4 cd /opl/husl/armr4 l-uuiknowi-I mux/I ib11be.$。u6Iibcus tnnvidgelb soI ibcus toniidlge K so. 1I ibcus tomiidEe l 卜手口 J +1 ()euuSBC lib# k 1 ibc-2.2.1.soI ibc1ibc_nonshared.a1ibcp.aIib

12、crypt-2.2 J.sd |1抑 I ih# cp (too J ib# m |仃加1型 lib#libr* 1 ibcryp t .aI ibrryptjp,a1 ibcryptI ibcrypt +5口I ibc.soI ibc ka I ibcaa ikI ibc Iibc_ns.a4.在busybox-1.00-pre10 目录下,执行 make clean命令,清理上次编译 的中间代码文件。再执行rm -f .depend 删除旧的依赖文件。最后执 行make命令编译。文件 编辑 查看f竺答端 转到康p ffiWKWroott阡 3 # cd /opt/hofl t/a rmr4

13、 l/a rinr4 l-iinknown-1 inux/1 ih rou lib# i I ibc*Iibc2.2.1 .soIibc+aI ibc noiiihtij red .aIibc_p h3I ibcrypt- TOOt(C roo 1,可视. roc l :jBC2 ,2.1.eUlib# opI ih# mrI ibcrypt .a 1 ihc. si)GI ihcrypt _p hB I ihvu %t ,I ibcrypt.m I ibcuslonvid1.so JI ibcrypt /opL/host/arin4l/arm4lrunkncun-inux71ib/1ihc

14、J1F Zflpt/hos i /a rmr4 I Zarw4 |-unknon- I inux 7 I ib/ I ibc_Ti!i. a /opt/hos 1 /a rmr4 I Za r in 4 1-uiikjiumi 1 inu/ I ib/ ibnss_f i Ie i .a ?upt7hc?4 l-unknoun- 1 inux/ I ib/ I ibreiinlv、篇)以产root?BC lib#I ibc-2,2,1,eqI ibc .aI ibc+a hakI ibc_nanstia red .aroolBC lib#libc*I ibc_ns 后I ibc_p .aIib

15、crypt2.2.1 %。Iiberyp I . j1ibcrypt_p-a1ibcrypi .moI ibtrypl. jso . 11 ibc.soI jbc4 jto htiI ihtU$ tutm idge l. mI ibcus tnm idge l . fo . 1I jbcus tutrti idgc i. %u . I L )5.编译完成后,执行 make PREFIX=./root install 成后执行 cp - rf /arm2410cl/rootfs/target ./ 文件夹 复制到 busybox-1.00-pre10目 录,,生成安装文件。完命令,将target

16、 cd target 切换到busybox-1.00-pre10下的target目录,删除无用的链接文件root/jam小小unTjo 11四七卬七二ggg工件编辑f宙音看终端QJ 转到帮助(H)Iroolib# cd /rflot/roQtfn/busybnx-1HO(Hpre10rootvC buybox-l .00-prelC# nke cleanivakc -C les ts c kanirake i *bb such i i le or direcicry . Slop.inikc: clean Error 2 ( ignored :rnn -f docs/busybox .dv i

17、 cioc5/busyhox ,ps docs/busybox.pod docs/busybox.nel/busybux.hUni docs/husybox podShtn *,gdh *+eIf * ccre *conf ig.Ig docs/liii yllox . l S t ducs/lkKiyUon . JUov .11 Lml docs/busybox .ne t/BusyBox.hlml butybox.1 inks Iibbb/loop.h .conf ig Id . hdepejid busyboxrm -r f _insta I I ind - -nanFp ,*hf la

18、gs -exec rm -f f ind - -nani? * .d -exec rm - f I ;find . -nanr *那 -pkcc rm -f I ;f rou husyhov- I .OU-pre 1C # rm -f .dependtoor:BC husyhox-l .00-prel01tf6.返回上一级到 busybox-1.00-pre10 目录,执行 mkcramfs target/ root.cramfs ,建立根文件系统。wtBG、/nx)m/Ixisybox 1。PF。文件 编辑(E)终端转到帮助pes -Shadow -Os -fs t r ict-a I ia

19、s ing -fomi t-frarw-pointer -D_CMJ_S(1 KCE -ObOLBLG 区- c -o Iibbb/pr int_f ile,o Iibbb/pr int_f iIe.c/opt/hos t/armr4 l/b in/armr4 l-unknon- i inux-gcc -I ./ inc lude 11 t r ict-prototypes -Shadow -O; -fs tr ict-a 1 ias ing -fomi t-frarw-pointer -D_(MJ_SOLRCE -DbCtBLG- c -o Iibbb/ge t_console.o 1ibb

20、b/ge t_console.c/op t/hos l/armr4 l/b in/armr4 l-unknowi- I inux-gcc -I . / include -Mi 11 t r ict-pro to types -Shadow -Q; -fs Ir ict-a I ias ing -fomi t-frare-pointer -D_(HJ_SOLRCE -DhCEBUJ- c -o Iibbb/process_escape_sequencc.o 1ibbb/process_escape_sequence.c/opt/hos t/armr4 l/bin/arm4 l-unknosn-

21、I inux-gcc -I ./ include -M6 11 tr ict-prototypes -Shadow -Os -fs tr ict-a I ias ing -fomi t-frarw-pointer -D_GMJ_SOLRQ -OhTEBUG- c -o Iibbb/proeps.o Iibbb/proeps.c/opt/hos I/ar mr4 l/b in/armr4 l-unknon- I inux-gcc -I ./include -Mfi 11 ; t r ict-prototypes -Shadow -Os -fs t r ict-a I ias ing -fomi

22、t-franr-po in ter -D_CNJ_S(1KCE- c -o 1 ibbb/pd2spd o 1 ibbb/pd2spd . c/opt/hos t/armr4 l/b in/armr4 l-unknon- i inux-gcc -I ./ inc lude i 1 t r ict-prototy pes -Shadow -Os -fs tr ict-a I ias ing -fomi t-frarw-pointer -D_(MJ_SOLRCE -CbOiBUi- c -o I ibbb/puencrypt .o I ibbb/pv_encrypt .c/op t/hos t/a

23、rmr4 l/b in/arm4 l-unknowi- 1 inux-gcc -I ./ inc lude -Will t r ict-prototypes -Shadow -Q; -fs tr ict-a 1 ias ing -fomi t-franr-pointer -D_GNU_SOLRCE -DbCEBLG- c -o I ibbb/qrwdu le .o I ibbb/qirodu le .c/opt/hos t/armr4 l/b in/arm4 l-unknoi)- I inux-gcc -I. / include -WUI -W; tr ict-prololy pes -Kha

24、dow -fs tr ict-a I ias ing -fomi l-frarw-pointer -D_(NJ_SOLRCE -DhTEBUtJ- c -o 1ibbb/read_package_f ieId.o I ibbb/read_package_f ieId.croo 侬 BC: /ooifs/busyboxT ,U0-pre 10文件 编辑 S#(V) 终端(Q 转到哂助(如pod2nBn -center=BusyBox -re lease= docs/BusyBox.1pod2html -no index docs/busybox .pod docs/busybox.ne t/Bu

25、syBox.htmlnkd ir -p docsrootSC busybox-1 .()0-prel()# Isapp le t sconf ig-upteched i torslibbbnudut i Isscr iptsarch iva 1console-too Isexarrp les1 ibpwdgrpne twork ingshe 11AITIBRScoreut iIsf indu tilsLICENSEpa tchessysdepsbusyboxdeb ianincludeloginut i Isproepssysk !ogdbusybox.1 inksdeb ianu tilsi

26、n i tMke i i leREADMEtes t su i teChange logdocsINSTALLmiscut iIsRules .mku t i1-1inuxroot4K2 busybox-1 .00-pre 1()# rrake PREFIXj./root ins ta 11/bin/sh appIc ts/ins ta 11.sh ./root./root/bin/ash - busybox./rool/bin/caI - busybox./root/bin/chgrp - busybox./rool/bin/chirod - busybox./root/bin/chown

27、- busybox./root/usr/sbin/chroot - ./. ./bin/busybox./root/usr/sb in/ine td - . ./b in/busybox./root/usr/sbin/te Inetd - ././bin/busybex rootBC busybox-1 .00-pre 1()# cd .rootJC rootfs# Is busybox-1.00-prel0 busybox-1.00-prei0.tar.bz2 root rootBC rootfs# Is root/ bin ) inuxrc sb in usrtC roolfs#7.JO:

28、J? BC: /1odLti-|O X|文件(E编辑好看山 终端转到(1二)帮助必root *BCb in 加vr(Mt f&f cp -rf /arnl?4 10c l/roo I s / ta roo L fss targp l /e tc hos t lib 1inuv r l rmt procrge i Jsb in显usrvarroot:C joulfg# cd largt 1/f rootBC la rgf 1 rm -r f bin/ I inuxrc sb in/ usr/rout.?BC lurgE# cp - r t . 7rou l/b in . root/ t inur c L L/r co /in L ./r uu i /usrraot34 7 L Uiv dntKfMton *nlow ol I8炉rt图3 tftpd32配置配置完成后,在超级终端执行t即flash root root.cramfs命令烧写根文件系统。地址)匕J D: bootloader文件和文件夹任务大二2创建一个新文件夹 必将这个文件夹发布到 WebR共享此文件夹其它位置3J本地磁盘(D:)口我的文档力共享文档s j 2410-1.


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