



1、反意疑问句专练反义疑问句一。概念:在陈述句之后附上一个简单问句,对陈述句的事实提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫做反义疑问句。二。结构:反义疑问句的结构为:前肯后否;前否后肯。 You like playing basketball ,dont you ? /You dont like playing basketball , do you ?三。反义疑问句的答语。在回答这类句子时,不管风雨疑问句的陈述句是肯定的,还是否定的,肯定的回答前要用yes , 否定的回答前要用No. 可以简单的列出这样一个公式: 答句的两部分是: 肯, + 肯 / 否, + 否 / You didnt finish you

2、r homework , did you ? -No, I didnt . / Yes , I did .四。几种动词形式的反义疑问句。 1.You are a student , _ _? 2. He has a dictionary , _ _ ? 3. She is doing homework , _ _ ? 4. Hell be back in ten days ,_ _? 5.Hes cleaned the blackboard , _ _? 6. I was able to do the work , _ _? 7. They didnt come to the party ,

3、_ _ ? 8. You wrote a letter to Mary last week , _ _ ?五。 当陈述部分的主语是名词时,附加问句中只能用相应的人称代词,不可再用名词。 不可说:Jenny is often late , isnt Jenny ? 应该说:Jenny is often late , isnt she ? 不可说:Your brother doesnt like math , does your brother ? 应该说: Your brother doesnt likes math , does he ? 附加疑问句的部分的时态、人称、含义要与陈述部分的动词保

4、持一致。 She is a beautiful girl , isnt she ? Mary has finished her work , hasnt she ? Tom had supper at six oclock , didnt he ? You had finished your work when I came back , didnt you ?六。几种特例: 1. 祈使句的反义疑问句。 1)在肯定的祈使句后,加上will you ? would you ? wont you ? can you ? could you ? Cant you ? 等,从而使语气更加婉转。 Com

5、e in and sit down , wont you ? Be sure to come on time , can you ? Make less noise , will you ? 小声点,好吗?注意,在肯定的祈使句后,以上各种形式皆可以选择,但在否定的祈使句后只能用will you . Dont be careless , will you ? 2).在Let us ( me ) 祈使句后加will you ? wont you ?在Lets 祈使句后加shall we ? 从而使语气更加缓和。Let me do it , will you / Let us do it for y

6、ou , will you ? Lets have a rest , shall we ?3)如果主句中含有否定意义的词如:few, little, hardly, seldom, nothing , neither 等。疑问部分须 用肯定形式。 -You have never been to Beijing , have you ? - Yes ,I have . / -No, I havent .- No one will believe , will they ( he) ? Yes , they will ? 注意。在含有dislike , unimportant 等以否定前缀构成的词

7、的反意疑问句中,这些词仍按肯定词对待。 This is an unimportant question , isnt it ?2. There be 和 That / This be 的结构的反义疑问句。 陈述部分是there be 结构时,疑问部分用 be there 结构。是that / this 结构时,疑问部分要用it 代替that /this . There are some students playing , arent there ? Thats a good idea , isnt it ?3.不定代词作主语的反义疑问句。 陈述部分如果有everything ,nothing

8、 等表示事物的词作主语,疑问部分的主语用 it ,陈述部分如果有everyone / someone /any one / no one 等不定代词,其疑问部分的主语用he / theyNothing has been said at the meeting , has it ?会议上没说什么事情,是不是?Everything goes well , doesnt it ? 一切顺利,是吗?Nobody wants to make mistakes , do they ( does he ) (注意:不定代词若表示事或物,代词用it. 不定代词若表示人,代词用they )4.否定前移的反意疑问

9、句。陈述句是含有宾语从句的主从复合句时,疑问部分的动词的主语代词应和主句的动词和主语保持一致。 He never thought I would come , did he ? They told us that we neednt go to school tomorrow , didnt they ?注意:如果陈述部分是“I dont think ( believe ,guess , consider , feel find ) + 宾语从句”时。疑问部分的动词和 主语应和宾语从句的动词和主语保持一致。并且要用肯定形式。 I dont think that he has done that

10、 , has he ? 我认为那不是他干的,是不是? 特别注意:下面例子的变化。 -How many students do you think are still in the class-room now ? - I am afraid there are few of them, _ ? A. are their B. arent I C. arent there D. am I 前面有表示否定意义的词”few”. 故反义疑问句要用肯定形式,I am afraid 只是插入语,故应选择A.下列例子要记牢。1. I am late today , arent I ?2.There is s

11、omething wrong with the radio , isnt there ?3.Everything here is dirty , isnt it ? / No one was hurt, were they ?4.Eating too much is bad for your health , isnt it ?5.These are your books , arent they ?6. Open the window , will you ? / Dont play in the street , will you ?7. Lets go to school togethe

12、r , shall we ? / Let us go to school together , will you ?8. My brother can hardly swim , can he ? / There is nothing on the table , is there ?9. Father told you not to play computer games , didnt he /10.Jim was unhappy , wasnt he ?11. We believe that he is right , isnt he ? / I dont believe that he

13、 has been back , has he ?12.She says she will buy a car , doesnt she ?13 must 表推测“一定,想必” The boy must be very clever , isnt he ? She must be a teacher of chemistry , isnt she ?反意疑问句的回答。在回答这类问句的时候,不管反意疑问句的陈述句是肯定还是否定的,肯定的回答前要用Yes, 否定回答前要用No .1)-Lucy likes English , doesnt she ?-Yes , she does . / -No,

14、 she doesnt .2)-They havent been to the Great Wall , have they ?他们没去过长城,对吗? - Yes, they have .不,他们去过。-No ,they havent . 对,他们没去过。中考在线一)选择填空。1. - Its a nice day , _ ? A. doesnt it B. isnt it C. hasnt it D. wont it 2. John , clean your room , _ ? A. will you B. shall we C . dont you D . doesnt he 3. Th

15、ere is no important in the newspaper , _ ? A. isnt there B. is it C. is there 4. I dont think she has gone to Beijing , _ ? A. has she B. hasnt she C. do I D. dont I 5. E-mail is very popular today . People seldom write letters now , _ ? A. did they B. do they C. didnt they D. dont they 6. - You don

16、t come from England , do you ? - _. I come from America .How do you know that ? A. No , I do B. Yes , I do C. Yes , I dont D. No, I dont 7. .Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it , _ ? A. arent they B. are they C . isnt it D. is it 8. What about Sally ? Shes done her best t

17、hese days , _? A. hasnt she B. isnt Sally C. hasnt Sally D. isnt she 9. -How many students do you think are still in the classroom now ? -I am afraid there are few of them , _ ? A. are there B. arent I C. arent there D . am I 10.- Lets go and play football, _ ? - Thats wonderful. . A. will you B. do

18、 you C. wont we D. shall we11. I dont think she will agree with me , _ ? A. wont she B. will she C. does she D. isnt she 12.Light doesnt travel as fast as sound , _ ? A. doesnt it B. is it C. does it D. do they 13.Go to see a movie with us tonight , _? A. shall we B. will you C. dont you D. arent yo

19、u 14.You had a good time during the May Day holiday , _ you ? A. hadnt B. didnt C. havent 15.-This bus is always late , _ ? -It sure is . A. is not it B. isnt it C. isnt the bus D. doesnt it16.-Bill had nothing for breakfast this morning, _ / -_ , he got up too late . A. had he ; Yes B. hadnt he ; Y

20、es C. did he ; No D. didnt he ; No17.-Your sister doesnt get up late , does she ? -_ . But she gets up late on weekends . A. Yes , she does B. No, she doesnt C. Yes , she doesnt D. No ,she does 18.-You dont like drawing , do you ? - _ . A. Yes , I do B. No, I do C. Yes , I dont D. Yes , I am 19.You

21、need to wear warm clothes , _ you ? A. need B. neednt C . dont D do 20.Hes never been to the Great Wall ,_ ? A. is he B. isnt he C. hasnt he D. has he21.There will be a volleyball match in our school , _ ? A. be there B. is there C. will there D. wont there 22.To understand others is very kind , _ ?

22、 A. isnt it B. arent they C. is it D. are they23. Im afraid he wont arrive in the city today , _? A. am I B. arent I C. will he D. wont he 24.Youre never seen such a wonderful film before,_? A. havent you B. have you C. do you D. dont you25.-You have been there, _?- Yes, I have been there twice. A.

23、havent you B. have you C. do you D. dont you26. Uncle Wang has to get up early to catch the first bus,_ ? A. doesnt he B. has he C. must he D. cant he27.Your sister has no money with her, _ ? A. doesnt she B. do you C. havent you D. does she28. Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _?

24、A. did he B. couldnt he C. didnt he D. could he29.-Lucy didnt come to school, did she ?-_. She was ill in bed. A. No, she did B. Yes, she did C. No, she didnt D. Yes, she didnt30. There is little milk in the bottle ,_ ? A. isnt it B. is it C. isnt there D. is there31.-Meimei hasnt paid for the schoo

25、l things, has she ? -_. Her mother will pay for them. A. Yes, she has B. No, she hasnt C. Yes, she did D. No, she didnt32.-Cats are as big as tigers , arent they ? - _. A. Yes, they are B. No, they arent C. Yes, they arent D. No, they are33.- She didnt come to school yesterday, did she ? - _, though

26、 she was not feeling well. A. No, she didnt B. No, she did C. Yes, she didnt D. Yes, she did34.Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it, _? A. arent they B. are they C. isnt it D. is it35. There is little meat on the plate, _ ? A. is there B. isnt there C. is it D. will you36. Peter hardly had time for concerts at that time, _? A. wasnt he B. was he C. didnt he D. did he37. I


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