pep三上单元题 Unit Three Look at me_第1页
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1、Unit Three Look at me! Part A听力部分1、 听单词,选出你所听到的单词,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个单词读两遍。( C )1. A. pencil B. eraser C. face( A )2. A. ear B. orange C. eye( B )3. A. bag B. eye C. white( A )4. A. nose B. book C. black( C )5. A. brown B. crayon C. mouth2、 根据你听到的内容给下面的图片排列顺序,把序号写在相应图片下的括号内。 ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 5 ) ( 2

2、 )3、 听句子,选出你所听到的句子,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。( A )1. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Touch your nose.( C )2. A. Lets go to school. B. Hello, hello. C. How are you?( B )3. A. This is my face. B. Look at me. C. This is my eye.( C )4. A. Touch you mouth. B. This is my face. C. Touch your face.( A )5

3、. A. Im fine, thank you. B. Very well, thanks. C. This is my eye.笔试部分基础知识巩固四、将下列字母的大小写连线,并按照字母表顺序在四线三格内书写这几个字母的大小写。 F I G H E i g e f h五、看图,选择正确的单词,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。( A )1. A. ear B. eye ( B )2. A. ear B. eye( B )3. A. eye B. nose ( B )4. A. nose B. mouth( B )5. A. hand B. face六、选出每组中不同类的一项,并把答案代号写在题前括

4、号内。( B )1. A. face B. orange C. nose( C )2. A. blue B. green C. mouth( A )3. A. open B. ear C. eye( C )4. A. mouth B. eye C. touch( C )5. A. pencil B. book C. nose七、图文连线。Touch your face.Touch your ear.Touch your nose.Close your eyes.Open your mouth.八、下面方框里的单词迷路了,你能根据它们的首字母把它们送回家吗?1. egg 2. face 3. g

5、reen 4. hand 5. ice cream 6. elephant 7. foot 8. gift 9. hi 10. ice Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii能力拓展提升九、单项选择。把答案代号写在题前括号内。( C )1. How _ you? A. am B. is C. are( A )2. I _ fine, thank you. A. am B. is C. are( B )3. Lets go _ school. A. good B. to C. At( A )4. Close your _. A. eyes B. nose C. ear( C )5. Look _ me.

6、A. I B. to C. at十、将下列句子与合适的答语连线。 1.Hello! A.OK! 2.How are you? B.Hello. 3.Good morning. C.Im fine ,thank you. 4.Nice to meet you. D.Good morning. 5.Lets go to school. E.Nice to meet you,too.十一、根据汉语意思,选择合适的句子,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。( C )1. 你好吗? A. How old are you? B. Whats your name? C. How are you?( C )2. 让我

7、们一起做个木偶吧! A. Show me the puppet. B. This is a puppet. C. Lets make a puppet.( A )3. 我很好,谢谢你。 A. Im fine, thank you. B. Nice to meet you. C. How are you?( B )4. 看我。 A. Im fine. B. Look at me. C. I see red.( B )5. 这是我的脸。 A. Touch your face. B. This is my face. C. Lets go to school!十二、给下列句子选择合适的答语。把答案代

8、号写在题前括号内。A. Im fine, thank you.B. Nice to meet you.C. OK.D. My names Zip.( D )1. - Hello! Im Zoom. Whats your name? -_( B )2. - This is John. - _( A )3. - How are you? - _( C )4. - Lets go to school. - _十三、补全对话。从方框中选择合适的句子,使对话完整。早上上学时胡图图(H)和小美(X)在路上相遇了A. Im fine.B. Good morning.C. OK!D. How are you?

9、H: Good morning, Xiaomei.X: 1. _B_ Hu Tutu.H: 2. _D_X: 3. _A_ Thank you. Lets go to school.H:4. _C_十四、情景交际。根据所给的情景,选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号里。( B )1. 熟人之间见面打招呼,他们经常说: A. Whats your name ? B. How are you ? C. Good morning !( A )2. 当你对第一次认识的人说:“Nice to meet you .”你听到的回答是: A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Me ,too.

10、 C. OK !( A )3. 你告诉别人你身体很好时,你说: A. Im fine, thank you. B. Thank you. C. Great !( A )4. 你邀请你的同伴一起去上学,你应该说: A. Lets go to school. B. Go to school. C. Thank you.( C )5. 早上见面应该向对方这样问候: AGoodbye. B.Nice to meet you. C.Good morning.开心智慧乐园人的“五官”同学们,咱们在这一单元中学习了eye(眼)、ear(耳)、nose(鼻)、mouth(口),在加上tongue(舌)就组成了

11、人的“五官(facial features)”。我们要养成良好的生活习惯,保护好我们的“五官”,因为“五官”对我们每个人都很重要。Unit Three Look at me! Part B听力部分1、 听音,选择你听到的单词,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个小题内容读两遍。( A )1. A. hand B. head C. white( C )2. A. mum B. eye C. arm( B )3. A. ear B. red C. mouth( B )4. A. black B. leg C. body( A )5. A. foot B. face C. white二、听句子,选出你所

12、听到的句子,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。( B )1. A. Fine, thanks. B. Very well, thanks. C. Im fine, thank you.( A )2. A. Lets make a puppet. B. Lets go to school. C. Lets paint.( C )3. A. OK! B. Goodbye! C. Great!( A )4. A. This is the body. B. This is the leg. C. This is the head.( C )5. A. Wave your arms. B. S

13、tamp your foot. C. Touch your head.三、听音,给下列图片排序号。请把序号写在相应图片下的括号内,每个小题内容读两遍。 ( 5 ) ( 2 ) ( 4 ) ( 6 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 )笔试部分基础知识巩固四、找出下列每小题单词中不同类的一个,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。( A )1. A. body B. head C. hand( C )2. A. ear B. eye C. face( C )3. A. nose B. mouth C. book( B )4. A. leg B. red C. foot( B )5. A. arm B. bag C.

14、head五、根据图片,在下面方框内选择合适的单词,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。A. foot B. head C. hand D. face E. eye F. ear G. mouth H. nose I. leg J. arm( C )1. ( B )2. ( D )3. ( G )4. ( E ).5 ( F )6. ( I )7. ( H )8. ( A )9. ( J )10. 六、读下列单词然后数一数相同的单词有几个。body ear hand nose mouth leg mouth hand body eye foot arm body eye hand leg ear arm

15、arm _2_ body _3_ ear _2_ nose _1_ leg _2_mouth _2_ hand _3_ foot _1_ eye _2_七、请将单词填入葫芦娃的身体部位。A. head B. arm C. leg D. foot E. hand F. body能力拓展提升八、根据图片选择合适的句子,并将答案代号填在相应图片下的括号内。 ( 4 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 ) ( 5 ) ( 2 )1. Clap your hands. 2. Wave your arms. 3. Shake your body.4. Touch your head. 5. Stamp your fo

16、ot.九、选择填空,把答案代号写在题前括号内。( B )1. Nice to meet _. A. I B. you( A )2. Clap your _. A. hands B. nose( A )3. This is my _. A. leg B. me( B )4. Touch your _. A. great B. ear( A )5. Wave _ arms. A. your B. you十、选择填空,把答案序号写在题前括号内。( B )1. - How are you ? - _ A. Thank you. B. Very well, thanks.( A )2. - Lets m

17、ake a puppet. - _ A. Great. B. Thanks.( B )3. - Good morning. - _ A. Good afternoon. B. Good morning.( B ) 4. - Whats your name ? - _ A. Im fine. B. My names John.( A )5. - Nice to meet you. - _ A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Me, too.十一、给下列句子用数字排序,组成一段对话,并把序号写在每个句子前的括号内。( 5 ). Great!( 2 ). How are you

18、?( 4 ). Lets make a puppet!( 1 ). Hi, Mike!( 3 ). Very well, thanks.十二、情景交际,选择正确的答案。并把答案代号写在题前括号内。( B )1. 当你下午见到 Mr Brown 时,你说: A. Good morning ,Mr Brown. B. Good afternoon , Mr Brown. C. Goodbye, Mr Brown.( C )2. 当你想知道别人叫什么名字时,你问: A. How are you ? B. Very well, thanks. C. Whats your name ?( A )3. 当你回答“我很好”时,你说: A. Im fine. B. Im five. C. Nice to meet you.( A )4. 你的同桌对你说“Lets make a puppet.”你可以这样回答: A. Great! B. Im fine, thanks. C. Shake your body.( C )5. 你想对你的同桌说“摇晃你的身体”,你可以这样说: A. Stamp your foot. B. Wave your arms. C. Shake your body.开心智慧乐园身体部位英语单词顺口溜1:脑袋Head圆又圆,鼻


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