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1、 韩礼德(1970,1973,1985/1994/2004)把语言的纯理功 能或元功能(metafunction),分为三种概念功能(ideational function),人际功能(interpersonal function)和语篇功能 (texual function)。 外国语言学及应用语言学杜玉 经验功能经验功能 experientional function 概念功能概念功能 ideational function 逻辑功能逻辑功能 logical function 及物性系统及物性系统 transivity system 语态语态 voice 相互依存相互依存 interdep

2、endency 逻辑语义关系逻辑语义关系 logical-semantic relation 并列并列 parataxis 扩展扩展 expansion 主从主从 hypotaxis 投射投射 projection 逻辑功能逻辑功能指的是语言所具备的反映两个或两个以上语言单位两个或两个以上语言单位之 间逻辑语义关系逻辑语义关系的功能,Halliday(1985/1994/2004)是从两个不 同的角度来研究这种功能的:相互依存(interdependency)和逻辑 语义关系(logical-semantic relation)。 并列并列两个或两个以上的语言单位同等重要,这种关系即可出现在词

3、复 合体(word complex),也可出现在小句复合体(clause complex)。 词复合体(word complex):tea or coffee 小句复合体(clause complex): She is an intelligent and diligent girl. 相互依存相互依存 interdependency 并列并列 parataxis 相互依存相互依存 interdependency 主从主从 hypotaxis 主从主从两个或两个以上的语言单位在逻辑和语义上地位不同,其中一个 单位比其他单位重要,是其他单位依附的对象。Halliday把这类语言单位 叫做支配成分

4、支配成分(dominant element),把处于从属地位的语言单位叫做依附依附 成分(成分(depenent element)。)。 词复合体: There is a stone bridge on the river. 依附 支配 小句复合体: Nobady believed that he is a liar. 逻辑语义逻辑语义 logical-semantic relation 扩展扩展 expansion 语言单位之间的逻辑关系大体可分为:扩展(扩展(expension)和投射投射 (projection)。)。 扩展扩展一个词或一个小句在语义上对另一个词或小句进行扩充,扩 充方式

5、有三种:详述(elaboration)、延伸(extension)和增强 (enhancement) No Image 详述详述改换一个说法来表示已经表述的语义,新旧说法在内容上是一致的 John ran away; he didnt wait. John ran away, which means he didnt wait. 延伸延伸在原有的语义上添加新内容 John ran away and Fred stayed behind. John ran away whereas Fred stayed behind. 增强增强交代时间、地点、因果、条件等环境因素来对小句进行语义说明 John

6、 was so scared so he ran away. John ran away because he was scared. No Image 投射投射通过一个小句引出另一个小句的语言现象。被投射的小句可以 是话语(locution),包括直接引语(direct speech)和间接引语 (indirect speech)或某人的想法(idea)。 直引 John said: “ Im running away. ” 间引 John said he was running away. 想法 John thought he would run away. 逻辑语义逻辑语义 logica

7、l-semantic relation 投射投射 projection No Image 功能语法在分析“投射”现象时,主要描写了“投射投射”小句与被小句与被“投射投射” 小句小句之间的逻辑功能,着重分析了小句与小句之间的关系。 Irene said: “ You are required to do it .” “投射”符号等于“投射”小句,而“投射”信息是一个“被投射” 小句或一个嵌入言语或观点(embedded locution or idea),或事实 (facts)。 “ “ 投射投射 ”小句小句 “ “ 被投射被投射 ”小句小句 “投射投射”符符 号号 “ “投射投射”信息信息 N

8、o Image “投射投射”符号符号“投射投射”信息信息 投射小句:投射小句: 1, 2 投射副词或介词:投射副词或介词:8,10,16,17 投射名词:投射名词: 6, 7 外置结构:外置结构: 14 引号:引号: 17 引语:引语: 1, 4 小句复合体:小句复合体:6, 7, 9 that 小句:小句: 2, 3, 5 wh 小句:小句: 15 动词不定式:动词不定式:12 -ing 小句:小句: 18 介词短语:介词短语: 11, 13 名词词组:名词词组: 17 No Image (1) Dont forget, he had said, were responsible for y

9、our safety and for the safety of the kit.引语引语 (2) The council spokesman also said there were not enough professional caterers in the area to meet demand.that小句小句 (3) It is often said that there can be no confidence in iniquity.that小句小句 (4) Ow was I supposed to know, he thought afterwards.引语引语 (5) I

10、thought you were anxious to hear about your friend.that小句小句 (6) But the answer is, each one secretly thinks hes the best.小句复合体小句复合体 (7) The message which Balfour sent was that, He is also of the opinion that will be a serious danger if the Socialist Party is allowed to assume office at the present t

11、ime and he thinks every means ought to be taken to avert the Parliamentary defeat which would bring them into office in your place.小句复合体小句复合体 No Image (8) As for Paul, he thinks its fantastic.介词介词 (9) An opinion poll for the Globe and Mail and the Canadian Broasting Corporation produced surprising r

12、esults from Quebec: while most people there strongly demand change, only 10% want full independence and 52% wish their province to remain within Canada.小句复合体小句复合体 (10) According to Moscucci, this claim commanded the general assent, although practitioners interpreted it in vastly different ways.介词介词

13、(11) If all goes well, the company could add by royal appointment to its other claims to fame.介词短语介词短语 (12) ECGD does not require these agents to have any sp ecial qualifications as claimed by the Director of Adjustment Claims Services Ltd.动词不定式动词不定式 No Image (13) I didnt come to argue about what you meant to Maurice.介词短语介词短语 (14) It is very significant that nobody abstained.外置结构外置结构 (15) She asked what to do.wh小句小句 (16) He also reportedly jotted down the license plate numbers of cars spouting black smoke from their exhaust pipes and sent the culprits numb


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