人教版七下why do you like pandas 知识点详解_第1页
人教版七下why do you like pandas 知识点详解_第2页
人教版七下why do you like pandas 知识点详解_第3页
人教版七下why do you like pandas 知识点详解_第4页
人教版七下why do you like pandas 知识点详解_第5页




1、2015人教版七下why do you like pandas 知识点详解七年级下册unit 5 Why do you like pandas ?重要词组及短语5 / 55 / 551. the first lesson=Lesson One第一课2. likea lot 非常喜欢 3. black and white 黑白相间 4. all day整天5. see the pandas 看熊猫6. my favorite animals7. welcome to sp 8. Lets do= let us do 9. kind of 有点儿,稍微 10. South Africa南非11.

2、be from/come from 12. save the elephants 13. one of其中之一14. a symbol of good luck 15. get lost迷路 16. cut down 砍倒17. for a long time 很长时间 18. in great danger 19. be made of ivory由象牙制成的 20. places with food and water有食物和水的地方21. in the zoo 22. on the farm 23. my new pet 我的新宠物24. walk on two legs 用两条腿走重点

3、句子:1. Thai Elephant Day泰国大象节2. Why dont you do sth?你为什么不做某事?3. Why not do sth ?为什么不做某事?4. Lets do sth.让我们做某事吧。5. Shall we do sth ?我们做某事好吗?6. What about doing sth ?做某事怎样?7. How about doing sth ?做某事怎样?8. What kind of animals do you like?9. I like pandas.我喜欢熊猫10. Why do you like pandas ?你为什么喜欢熊猫?11. Be

4、cause they are very cute .因为他们很可爱。12. Where are they from ?他们来自哪里?13. Where do they come from ?他们来自哪里?14. They are from China .他们来自中国。15. They come from China .他们来自中国。16. Why do you want to see them ? 你们为什么想要看他们那?17. I like koalas because theyre very smart.我喜欢考拉因为他们很顽皮。18. I dont like tigers because

5、 theyre really scary.我不喜欢老虎因为他们真的很可怕。 本单元知识点解析1.family:集合名词,是单数还是复数看意思。 表示“家庭”整体的时候,做主语,谓语用单数;表示“家庭成员”时,做主语,谓语用复数。 House:指居住的建筑物 Home:指家庭成员所居住的环境或与房屋有关的“家”。2、Why dont you+动词原形:为什么不 交际语中常见的结构,常用来提建议和请求,或征询对方的看法和意见。相当于Why not+动词原形。 Eg:Why dont we meet earlier?=Why not meet earlier? 肯定回答:OK!All right./

6、Good idea./Yes,I think so. 否定回答:Sorry,I/Im afraid not.表示建议的句型:How/What about 怎么样 You should do你应 Lets do 让我们 Shall we do?我们好吗? Will you please do?可以请你吗? Would you like to do?你愿意吗?3、all night:整夜 all morning:整个上午 all the year:全年4、save:救助;节省save ones life/save sth for sb为某人节省某物/save money:攒钱/save water

7、节约用水5. The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.大象是泰国的象征之一。one of the复数名词或代词,表示“一群人或事物中的一个”,复数名词前需有定冠词the,以表示特指。许多时候这一名词之前有形容词最高级修饰,以表示人或事物的特点或性质。one of短语作句子主语时,谓语动词用单数。e.g.He is one of the best students.Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. One of the students comes from America. 6、ov

8、er:prep:在上方 遍We have friends all over the world。 Adv: 结束 The film is over. 超过 The plane flew over about an hour.7.want sth 想要某物 I want a blue sweater.want to do sth . 想要做某事 She want to look the elephants first.want sb to do sth. 想要某做某事 My parents want me to them.8. well, because shes kind of boring.

9、 kind of 是固定用法,常见口语中,意为“有点儿”,常用来修饰形容词。 Koalas are kind of shy.“kind”可做名词,意为“种类”。短语what kind of.哪种形近短语:all kinds of 各种各样different kinds of 不同种类的a kind of 一种What kind of food do you like? “kind”还可做形容词,意为“善良的、友好的”。Her mother is a kind woman. 9. I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.1、“friendly”

10、 是一个形容词,它是由名词“friend”加上“ly”构成的,意为友好的. 常用短语be friendly to sb ,意为对某人友好/友善; be friendly with sb意为和某人友好相处.10.People say that “an elephant never forgets”.人们说大象永远都不会忘记。forget vt. 忘记e.g.Ill never forget your kindness. I always forget his name.forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(该事还没做) forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事(该事已做了)e.

11、g.I always forget to close the door.I always forget closing the door.Dont forget to brush your teeth after dinner.11.Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.大象可以行走很长时间却不迷路。(1)lost作为形容词,表示“走失的;迷路的;失散的”、“丢失的;遗失的”,常与系动词get或be一同构成短语,表示“丢失;走失;迷路”。e.g.What bad luck! My keys are lost again. 真

12、倒霉!我的钥匙又丢了。(2)lost还经常直接用于名词之前,作定语修饰名词。e.g.a lost child走丢了的孩子 the lost tourists迷了路的游客们 a lost watch被人遗失的手表固定短语,get lost迷路=lose ones way12.We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.我们必须挽救树木,不买象牙做的东西。辨析:(1)be made of表示“由制成”,从制成的物体上可看出原材料,of后接原材料。e.g.The table is made of wood.这桌子是用木头制成的。(2

13、)be made from表示“由制成”,从制成的物体上看不出原材料,from后也接原材料。e.g.Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的。(3)be made by 表示“由谁制成”e.g.Wine is made by Mr. Green.葡萄酒是由格林先生制作的。 (4)be made in 表示“在什么地方制造”e.g.The clothes is made in China.这个衣服是在中国制作的。注意:当made of作定语限定修饰名词时,必须放在该名词之后,语法将这种用法称作“后置定语”。e.g.a boat made of paper 一条纸叠的

14、小船things made of bamboo竹制品;竹子做的东西小练习:1) The desk is made _ wood . 2) Paper is made_ wood . 3) The machines were made _ the workers . 4) This kind of watch is made _ Shanghai. 5) This kite is made _ paper . 6) Salt is made _seawater .7) This kind of glass is made _ paper . 8) The old bridge is made_

15、stone . 9) This kind of drink is made_ apple . 10) This bike is made _ Shanghai . 11) This machine was made _ Uncle Wang .12) This kind of car is made _ this factory .13) Butter is made_ milk.14) The plane is made _the workers in this factory.15) My sweater is made _ wool.13.But elephants are in gre

16、at danger.但是大象处于严重的危险之中。be in danger意为“处于危险之中”。 e.g.The old man was knocked down by the motorbike. He was in danger.。 拓展: (1)in danger of意为“有的危险”,后接动名词或动名词短语。 e.g.Some birds are in danger of dying away. The man was in danger of losing his life.。 (2)out of danger意为“脱离危险”。 e.g.He is now out of danger.

17、 (3)in public 在公众场合 in silence 沉默的语法复习:1、语法点:祈使句是表示请求、命令、劝告、祝愿或建议的句子。特点:1)祈使句的主语一般为第二人称,但往往省去不用。 2)一般没有疑问句,只有肯定和否定两种形式。结构: 1)be+形容词/名词:Be quiet! Be a good student!肯定形式: 2)以实义动词开头:Come in,please! 3)Let型: Let me help you. 1)be型: Dont be careless!否定形式: Never be late again next time! 2)do型: Dont believe

18、 him! Never do it again! 3)let型: Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他:Lets not think about it. Dont+let+宾语+动词原形+其他:Dont let Jim do that.在公共场所中的提示语,否定祈使句常用“No+名词/V-ing形式”,表示“禁止做某事”。 No photos!禁止拍照 No parking!禁止停车【跟踪练习】 1. If you are tired, _ a rest. A. haveB. having C. to haveD. had 2. _ me go. It is very important fo

19、r me. A. Do let B. Let do C. Doing letD. To do let 3. He is not honest. _ believe him. A. Not B. Dont C. To not D. Not to 4. _ up early tomorrow, or you cant catch the train. A. Getting B. Get C. To get D. Got 5. _ in the street. Its dangerous. A. Not play B. Not to play C. Dont play D. Dont to play

20、 6. Please _ me some money, will you? A. lend B. lending C. to lend D. be lend 7. The film is about to begin. Please_ seated. A. be B. are C. is D. being 8. _ the boxes. You may use them later. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Kept 将下列汉语翻译成英语。 1. 请照看好您的包_ _ _. 2. 让我们去学校吧!_! 3. 亲爱的,高兴点儿_! 4. 不要把书放这儿。

21、 _. 5. 不要让猫进来。 _.语法焦点:原因:-Why do you like pandas? -Because theyre kind of interesting. -Why does John like koalas? - Because theyre very cuteWhy dont you like tigers? -Because theyre really scary.地点: -Where are lions from? -Theyre from South Africa.形容词的用法: 形容词修饰名词,用以说明事物或人的性质或特征。形容词是英语中最常用的词性之一,它通常在

22、句中作定语、表语等。作定语 形容词用于修饰名词或代词one,ones,作定语,位于名词或代词之前 This is an old book.这是一本旧书。 I want some large ones.我想要写大的。作表语 形容词放在连系动词(be/look/feel/sound等)后,作表语,构成系表结构,即“连系动词+表语”,说明主语是什么或怎么样,即说明主语的特性。Theyre cute. 它们很可爱。 He looks very happy.他看起来很高兴。【练习一单项选择1. only live in China. A. Lions B. Elephants C. Pandas D.

23、Koalas2. Lets football. A. play B. to play C. playing D./3. - do you want to see giraffes? - Because theyre smart. A. Why B. What C. Where D. Who4. Lets do our homework . A. one B. the first C. first D. ones6. Pandas are cute, theyre kind of shy. A. or B. and C. but D. then7. There some meat on the

24、desk. A. be B. are C. is D. am8. Why do you want _ the lions. A. see B. sees C. to see D. seeing9. Park is a good place to . A. relaxing B. relaxes C. relaxed D. relax11. Please quiet in class. A. be B. are C. is D. am12. Lets the movies first this Saturday. A. go to B. to go C. going to D. going14.

25、 The month of the year is January. A. second B. two C. first D. fifth15. - do you like penguins? - Because are very interesting.A. Why , you B. What, they C. What, you D. Why, they16.- he pandas? - Yes, he . A. Is, like, is B. Do, likes, do C. Does, likes, does D. Does, like, does17. - This is _ugly lion. .A. an B. / C. the D. a18. Where Lily and Lucy come from? A. is B. are C. does D. do19. - animals do you like? - I like dogs. A. W


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