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1、8 THE DATA OF MACROECONOMICS 宏观宏观 Chapter 23 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uMicroeconomics is the study of how individual households and firms make decisions and how they interact with one another in markets. 微观经济学微观经济学研究家庭和企业如何作出决研究家庭和企业如何作出决 策,以及他们如何在市场上相互

2、交易。策,以及他们如何在市场上相互交易。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uMacroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole. 宏观经济学研究整体经济。宏观经济学研究整体经济。 uIts goal is to explain the economic changes that affect many households, firms, and markets at once. 宏观经济学的目标是解释同时影响许多家宏观经济学的

3、目标是解释同时影响许多家 庭、企业和市场的经济变化。庭、企业和市场的经济变化。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uMacroeconomics answers questions like the following: uWhy is average income high in some countries and low in others? uWhy do prices rise rapidly in some time periods while they are more

4、stable in others? uWhy do production and employment expand in some years and contract in others? Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u宏观经济学回答以下问题:宏观经济学回答以下问题: u为什么一些国家平均收入高,而另一些国为什么一些国家平均收入高,而另一些国 家平均收入低家平均收入低? u为什么一些时期物价上升迅速,而另一些为什么一些时期物价上升迅速,而另一些 时期物价较为稳定时期物价较为稳

5、定? u为什么一些年份生产和就业扩大,而另一为什么一些年份生产和就业扩大,而另一 些年份收缩?些年份收缩? Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. When judging whether the economy is doing well or poorly, it is natural to look at the total income that everyone in the economy is earning. 当判断经济富裕还是贫穷时,观察经济当判断经济富裕还是贫穷时,观察经

6、济 中所有人赚到的总收入是自然而然的。中所有人赚到的总收入是自然而然的。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uFor an economy as a whole, income must equal expenditure because: 对一个整体经济而言,收入必定等于支出,对一个整体经济而言,收入必定等于支出, 因为:因为: uEvery transaction has a buyer and a seller. 每一次交易都有买者和卖者。每一次交易都有买者和卖者。 uEvery

7、 dollar of spending by some buyer is a dollar of income for some seller. 某个买者的某个买者的1美元支出就是某个卖者的美元支出就是某个卖者的1美元收入美元收入 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uGross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the income and expenditures of an economy. uIt is the total market

8、 value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u国内生产总值国内生产总值 (GDP) 衡量一个经衡量一个经 济体的收入和支出。济体的收入和支出。 u国内生产总值国内生产总值 (GDP) 是在某一既是在某一既 定时期一个国家内生产的所有最定时期一个国家内生产的所有最 终商品(物品)与服务(劳务)终商品(物品)与服务(劳

9、务) 的市场价值。的市场价值。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. The equality of income and expenditure can be illustrated with the circular-flow diagram. 收入等于支出可以由经济循环图来收入等于支出可以由经济循环图来 说明。说明。 Spending Goods and services bought Revenue Goods and services sold Labor, land, and

10、capital Income = Flow of inputs and outputs = Flow of dollars Factors of production Wages, rent, and profit FIRMS Produce and sell goods and services Hire and use factors of production Buy and consume goods and services Own and sell factors of production HOUSEHOLDS Households sell Firms buy MARKETS

11、FOR FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Firms sell Households buy MARKETS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. 企业企业 家庭家庭 生产要素生产要素 市场市场 商品和服务商品和服务 市场市场 支出支出(=GDP)收入收入=(DGP) 工资、租金工资、租金 和利润和利润(=GDP) 收入收入(=GDP) 销售商品销售商品 和服务和服务 购买商品购买商品 和服务和服务 劳动、土地劳动、土地 和资本和资本

12、 生产投入生产投入 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. GDP 是在某一既定时期一个国家内生是在某一既定时期一个国家内生 产的所有最终物品与劳务的产的所有最终物品与劳务的 市场价值。市场价值。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items c

13、opyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u“GDP is the Market Value . . .” Output is valued at market prices. u“. . . Of All Final . . .” It records only the value of final goods, not intermediate goods (the value is counted only once). u“. . . Goods and Services . . . “ It includes both tangible goods (food,

14、 clothing, cars) and intangible services (haircuts, housecleaning, doctor visits). Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u“GDP 是市场价值是市场价值 . . .” 产出按市场价格来评价。产出按市场价格来评价。 u“. . . 所有的所有的 . . .” GDP只包括最终物品的价值,而不包括中间只包括最终物品的价值,而不包括中间 品的价值(价值只能计算一次)。品的价值(价值只能计算一次)。 u“. . .

15、 物品与劳务物品与劳务 . . . “ 它既包括有形的物品(食物、衣服、汽车)它既包括有形的物品(食物、衣服、汽车) ,也包括无形的劳务(理发、打扫房屋、医,也包括无形的劳务(理发、打扫房屋、医 生出诊生出诊)。)。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u“. . . Produced . . .” It includes goods and services currently produced, not transactions involving goods produced in

16、 the past. u“ . . . Within a Country . . .” It measures the value of production within the geographic confines of a country. Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u“. . . 生产的生产的 . . .” 它包括现期生产的物品与劳务,并不包括它包括现期生产的物品与劳务,并不包括 涉及过去生产的东西的交易。涉及过去生产的东西的交易。 u“ . . . 一个国家之内一个

17、国家之内 . . .” 它衡量的生产价值是在一个国家的地理范它衡量的生产价值是在一个国家的地理范 围之内。围之内。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u“. . . In a Given Period of Time.” “在某一既定时期内在某一既定时期内” It measures the value of production that takes place within a specific interval of time, usually a year or a quarte

18、r (three months). 它衡量某一既定时期内进行的生产的价值,通它衡量某一既定时期内进行的生产的价值,通 常这个时期是一年和一个季度(三个月)。常这个时期是一年和一个季度(三个月)。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uGDP includes all items produced in the economy and sold legally in markets. GDP包括一个经济体生产并在市场上合包括一个经济体生产并在市场上合 法销售的所有物品与劳务。法销售的所有物

19、品与劳务。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uWhat Is Not Counted in GDP? GDP excludes most items that are produced and consumed at home and that never enter the marketplace. It excludes items produced and sold illicitly, such as illegal drugs. Harcourt, Inc. items a

20、nd derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u什么未计算在什么未计算在GDP之内?之内? GDP不包括在家里生产和消费而没有进不包括在家里生产和消费而没有进 入市场的大多数商品和服务。入市场的大多数商品和服务。 GDP不包括非法生产和销售的项目,如不包括非法生产和销售的项目,如 毒品。毒品。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uGross National Product (GNP) 国民收入总值国民收入总值 uNet Natio

21、nal Product (NNP) 国民生产净值国民生产净值 uNational Income 国民收入国民收入 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uPersonal Income 个人收入个人收入 uDisposable Personal Income 个人可支配收入个人可支配收入 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uGross national product (GNP)

22、is the total income earned by a nations permanent residents (called nationals). uIt differs from GDP by including income that our citizens earn abroad and excluding income that foreigners earn here. Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u国民总收入国民总收入 (GNP) 是一国永久居民(称是一

23、国永久居民(称 为国民)所赚到的总收入。为国民)所赚到的总收入。 uGNP 与与GDP不同之处在于包括本国公民不同之处在于包括本国公民 在国外赚到的收入,而不包括外国人在在国外赚到的收入,而不包括外国人在 本国赚到的收入。本国赚到的收入。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uNet National Product (NNP) is the total income of the nations residents (GNP) minus losses from depreciatio

24、n. uDepreciation is the wear and tear on the economys stock of equipment and structures. Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u国民生产净值国民生产净值 (NNP)是一国居民的是一国居民的 总收入减去折旧的消耗。总收入减去折旧的消耗。 u折旧是经济中设备和建筑物存量的折旧是经济中设备和建筑物存量的 磨损或损耗。磨损或损耗。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items

25、copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uNational Income is the total income earned by a nations residents in the production of goods and services. uIt differs from NNP by excluding indirect business taxes (such as sales taxes) and including business subsidies. Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyri

26、ght 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u国民收入国民收入 是一国居民在物品与劳务生是一国居民在物品与劳务生 产中赚到的总收入。产中赚到的总收入。 u国民收入与国民产值的不同之处在于国民收入与国民产值的不同之处在于 不包括间接的企业税(例如销售税)不包括间接的企业税(例如销售税) 而包括企业补贴。而包括企业补贴。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uPersonal income is the income that households and noncorporate

27、 businesses receive. uUnlike national income, it excludes retained earnings, which is income that corporations have earned but have not paid out to their owners. uIn addition, it includes households interest income and government transfers. Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Ha

28、rcourt, Inc. u个人收入是居民户和非公司企业得到的个人收入是居民户和非公司企业得到的 收入。收入。 u与国民收入不同,个人收入不包括留存与国民收入不同,个人收入不包括留存 收益(未分配利润),留存收益是公司收益(未分配利润),留存收益是公司 赚到但没有支付给其所有者的收入。赚到但没有支付给其所有者的收入。 u另外,个人收入包括家庭从其持有政府另外,个人收入包括家庭从其持有政府 债券中得到的利息收入,以及从政府得债券中得到的利息收入,以及从政府得 到的转移支付(例如福利和社会保障收到的转移支付(例如福利和社会保障收 入)。入)。 Harcourt, Inc. items and de

29、rived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uDisposable personal income is the income that household and noncorporate businesses have left after satisfying all their obligations to the government. uIt equals personal income minus personal taxes and certain nontax payments. Harcourt, Inc. items and

30、derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u个人可支配收入个人可支配收入是家庭和非公司企业在是家庭和非公司企业在 完成他们对政府的义务之后剩下的收完成他们对政府的义务之后剩下的收 入。入。 u个人可支配收入个人可支配收入等于个人收入减去个人等于个人收入减去个人 所得税和某些非税收支付(例如,交所得税和某些非税收支付(例如,交 通罚单)。通罚单)。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. GDP (Y ) is the sum of the

31、following: GDP (Y) 是以下项目之和:是以下项目之和: u Consumption (C) 消费(消费(C) u Investment (I) 投资(投资(I) u Government Purchases (G) 政府购买(政府购买(G) u Net Exports (NX) 净出口(净出口(NX) Y = C + I + G + NX Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uConsumption消费消费 (C): uThe spending by households

32、 on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing. 家庭除了购买新住房以外用于物品与劳务的支出。家庭除了购买新住房以外用于物品与劳务的支出。 uInvestment投资投资 (I): uThe spending on capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including new housing. 用于资本设备、存货和建筑物的支出,其中包括家用于资本设备、存货和建筑物的支出,其中包括家 庭用于购买新住房的支出。庭用于购买新住房的支出。 Harc

33、ourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uGovernment Purchases (G): uThe spending on goods and services by local, state, and federal governments. uDoes not include transfer payments because they are not made in exchange for currently produced goods or services. uNet Export

34、s (NX): uExports minus imports. Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u政府购买政府购买 (G): u地方、州和联邦政府用于物品与劳务的支地方、州和联邦政府用于物品与劳务的支 出。出。 u政府购买不包括转移支付,因为这种支付政府购买不包括转移支付,因为这种支付 并不要求交换现在生产的物品与劳务。并不要求交换现在生产的物品与劳务。 u净出口净出口(NX): u出口减进口出口减进口 Copyright2004 South-Western Harcourt, In

35、c. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. 总量总量 (10亿美元亿美元 ) 人均量人均量 (美元)(美元) 占百分比占百分比 ()() 国内生产总值,国内生产总值, Y 10 08235 375100 消费,消费,C6 98724 51669 投资,投资,I1 5865 56516 政府购买,政府购买,G1 8586 51918 净出口,净出口,NX-349-1 225-3 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.

36、Consumption 69% Government Purchases 18% Net Exports -3 % Investment 16% Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. 消费消费 69% 政府购买政府购买 18% 净出口净出口 -3 % 投资投资 16% Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uNominal GDP values the production of go

37、ods and services at current prices. 名义名义GDP按现期价格计算的物品与按现期价格计算的物品与 劳务产出的价值量。劳务产出的价值量。 uReal GDP values the production of goods and services at constant prices. 实际实际GDP按不变的基年价格计算的按不变的基年价格计算的 物品与劳务产出的价值量。物品与劳务产出的价值量。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. An accurate vi

38、ew of the economy requires adjusting nominal to real GDP by using the GDP deflator. 如果想对经济有一个更准确的理解,如果想对经济有一个更准确的理解, 需要用需要用GDP平减指数将名义平减指数将名义GDP转换转换 成实际成实际GDP。 Copyright2004 South-Western 年年热狗的价格热狗的价格热狗的数量热狗的数量汉堡的价格汉堡的价格汉堡的数量汉堡的数量 2001$1100$250 2002$2150$3100 2003$3200$4150 Copyright2004 South-Wester

39、n 计算名义计算名义GDP: 20012001 ($1/个热狗个热狗 X 100个)个)+($2/个汉堡个汉堡 X 50个)¥个)¥200 20022002 ($2/个热狗个热狗 X 100个)个)+($3/个汉堡个汉堡 X 50个)¥个)¥600 20032003 ($3/个热狗个热狗 X 100个)个)+($4/个汉堡个汉堡 X 50个)¥个)¥1200 Copyright2004 South-Western 计算实际计算实际GDP(基年为基年为2001年)年): 20012001 ($1/个热狗个热狗 X 100个)个)+($2/个汉堡个汉堡 X 50个)¥个)¥200 20022002

40、 ($1/个热狗个热狗 X 100个)个)+($2/个汉堡个汉堡 X 50个)¥个)¥350 20032003 ($1/个热狗个热狗 X 100个)个)+($2/个汉堡个汉堡 X 50个)¥个)¥500 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uThe GDP deflator measures the current level of prices relative to the level of prices in the base year. GDP平减指数平减指数衡量相对于基年价格的

41、现期物价水平。衡量相对于基年价格的现期物价水平。 uIt tells us the rise in nominal GDP that is attributable to a rise in prices rather than a rise in the quantities produced. GDP平减指数说明在名义平减指数说明在名义GDP增长中,多少归因增长中,多少归因 于价格的上升而不是产量的增加。于价格的上升而不是产量的增加。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. 100 GD

42、P Real GDP Nominal =deflator GDP The GDP deflator is calculated as follows: GDP平减指数平减指数计算如下:计算如下: Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. 100X )deflator (GDP ) GDP (Nominal =GDP Real 20 xx 20 xx 20 xx Nominal GDP is converted to real GDP as follows: 转换如下:转换如下: Copyrig

43、ht2004 South-Western 计算计算GDP平减指数:平减指数: 2001($200/$200) X 100 = 100 2002($600/$350) X 100 = 171 2003($1200/$500) X 100 = 240 Billions of 1996 Dollars $10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 1970197519801985199020001995 1996年的年的 10亿美元亿美元 $10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 1970

44、197519801985199020001995 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uGDP is the best single measure of the economic well-being of a society. GDP是社会经济福利一个最好的衡量指标。是社会经济福利一个最好的衡量指标。 uGDP per person tells us the income and expenditure of the average person in the economy. 人均

45、人均GDP告诉我们经济中每个人的平均收入告诉我们经济中每个人的平均收入 与支出。与支出。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uHigher GDP per person indicates a higher standard of living. 较高的人均较高的人均GDP说明较高的生活水平。说明较高的生活水平。 uGDP is not a perfect measure of the happiness or quality of life, however. 但是,但是,GDP并不

46、是幸福或生活质量的完美衡并不是幸福或生活质量的完美衡 量指标。量指标。 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uSome things that contribute to well-being are not included in GDP. uThe value of leisure. uThe value of a clean environment. uThe value of almost all activity that takes place outside of mark

47、ets, such as the value of the time parents spend with their children and the value of volunteer work. Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. u对美好生活作出贡献的某些东西并没对美好生活作出贡献的某些东西并没 有包括在有包括在GDP中。中。 u闲暇的价值。闲暇的价值。 u清洁环境的价值。清洁环境的价值。 u几乎所有在市场之外进行的活动的价值,几乎所有在市场之外进行的活动的价值, 如父母在家照

48、顾孩子的时间的价值和义务如父母在家照顾孩子的时间的价值和义务 工作的价值。工作的价值。 Copyright2004 South-Western Copyright2004 South-Western 国别国别 人均实际人均实际GDP(1999年,美元年,美元) 预期寿命(岁)预期寿命(岁) 成人识字率()成人识字率() 美国美国 31 872 77 99 日本日本 24 898 81 99 德国德国 23 742 78 99 墨西哥墨西哥 8 297 72 91 俄罗斯俄罗斯 7 473 66 99 巴西巴西 7 037 67 85 中国中国 3 617 70 83 印度尼西亚印度尼西亚 2

49、857 66 86 印度印度 2 248 63 56 巴基斯坦巴基斯坦 1 834 60 45 孟加拉国孟加拉国 1 483 59 41 尼日利亚尼日利亚 853 52 63 Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. uBecause every transaction has a buyer and a seller, the total expenditure in the economy must equal the total income in the economy. uGross Domestic Product (GDP) measures an economys total expenditure on newly produced goods and services and the total income earned from the production of these goods a


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