




1、 模具设计与制造模具是制造业的重要工艺基础,在我国,模具制造属于专用设备制造业。中国虽然很早就开始制造模具和使用模具,但长期未形成产业。直到20世纪80年代后期,中国模具工业才驶入发展的快车道。近年,不仅国有模具企业有了很大发展,三资企业、乡镇(个体)模具企业的发展也相当迅速。 虽然中国模具工业发展迅速,但与需求相比,显然供不应求,其主要缺口集中于精密、大型、复杂、长寿命模具领域。由于在模具精度、寿命、制造周期及生产能力等方面,中国与国际平均水平和发达国家仍有较大差距,因此,每年需要大量进口模具。 中国模具产业除了要继续提高生产能力,今后更要着重于行业内部结构的调整和技术发展水平的提高。结构调
2、整方面,主要是企业结构向专业化调整,产品结构向着中高档模具发展,向进出口结构的改进,中高档汽车覆盖件模具成形分析及结构改进、多功能复合模具和复合加工及激光技术在模具设计制造上的应用、高速切削、超精加工及抛光技术、信息化方向发展。 近年,模具行业结构调整和体制改革步伐加大,主要表现在,大型、精密、复杂、长寿命、中高档模具及模具标准件发展速度高于一般模具产品;塑料模和压铸模比例增大;专业模具厂数量及其生产能力增加;“三资”及私营企业发展迅速;股份制改造步伐加快等。从地区分布来看,以珠江三角洲和长江三角洲为中心的东南沿海地区发展快于中西部地区,南方的发展快于北方。目前发展最快、模具生产最为集中的省份
3、是广东和浙江,江苏、上海、安徽和山东等地近几年也有较大发展。 虽然我国模具总量目前已达到相当规模,模具水平也有很大提高,但设计制造水平总体上落后于德、美、日、法、意等工业发达国家许多。当前存在的问题和差距主要表现在以下几方面:(1)总量供不应求 国内模具自配率只有70%左右。其中低档模具供过于求,中高档模具自配率只有50%左右。 (2)企业组织结构、产品结构、技术结构和进出口结构均不合理 我国模具生产厂中多数是自产自配的工模具车间(分厂),自产自配比例高达60%左右,而国外模具超过70%属商品模具。专业模具厂大多是“大而全”、“小而全”的组织形式,而国外大多是“小而专”、“小而精”。国内大型、
4、精密、复杂、长寿命的模具占总量比例不足30%,而国外在50%以上。2004年,模具进出口之比为3.7:1,进出口相抵后的净进口额达13.2亿美元,为世界模具净进口量最大的国家。(3)模具产品水平大大低于国际水平,生产周期却高于国际水平 产品水平低主要表现在模具的精度、型腔表面粗糙度、寿命及结构等方面。 (4)开发能力较差,经济效益欠佳 我国模具企业技术人员比例低,水平较低,且不重视产品开发,在市场中经常处于被动地位。我国每个模具职工平均年创造产值约合1万美元,国外模具工业发达国家大多是1520万美元,有的高达2530万美元,与之相对的是我国相当一部分模具企业还沿用过去作坊式管理,真正实现现代化
5、企业管理的企业较少。 造成上述差距的原因很多,除了历史上模具作为产品长期未得到应有的重视,以及多数国有企业机制不能适应市场经济之外,还有下列几个原因: (1)国家对模具工业的政策支持力度还不够 虽然国家已经明确颁布了模具行业的产业政策,但配套政策少,执行力度弱。目前享受模具产品增值税的企业全国只有185家,大多数企业仍旧税负过重。模具企业进行技术改造引进设备要缴纳相当数量的税金,影响技术进步,而且民营企业贷款十分困难。 (2)人才严重不足,科研开发及技术攻关投入太少 模具行业是技术、资金、劳动密集的产业,随着时代的进步和技术的发展,掌握并且熟练运用新技术的人才异常短缺,高级模具钳工及企业管理人
6、才也非常紧张。由于模具企业效益欠佳及对科研开发和技术攻关重视不够,科研单位和大专院校的眼睛盯着创收,导致模具行业在科研开发和技术攻关方面投入太少,致使模具技术发展步伐不大,进展不快。 (3)工艺装备水平低,且配套性不好,利用率低 近年来我国机床行业进步较快,已能提供比较成套的高精度加工设备,但与国外装备相比,仍有较大差距。虽然国内许多企业已引进许多国外先进设备,但总体的装备水平比国外许多企业低很多。由于体制和资金等方面的原因,引进设备不配套,设备与附件不配套现象十分普遍,设备利用率低的问题长期得不到较妥善的解决。 (4)专业化、标准化、商品化程度低,协作能力差 由于长期以来受“大而全”“小而全
7、”影响,模具专业化水平低,专业分工不细致,商品化程度低。目前国内每年生产的模具,商品模具只占40%左右,其余为自产自用。模具企业之间协作不畅,难以完成较大规模的模具成套任务。模具标准化水平低,模具标准件使用覆盖率低也对模具质量、成本有较大影响,特别是对模具制造周期有很大影响。 (5)模具材料及模具相关技术落后 模具材料性能、质量和品种问题往往会影响模具质量、寿命及成本,国产模具钢与国外进口钢材相比有较大差距。塑料、板材、设备性能差,也直接影响模具水平的提高。 随着全球经济的发展,新的技术革命不断取得新的进展和突破,技术的飞跃和发展已经成为推动世界经济增长的重要因素。市场经济的不断发展,促使工业
9、,是综合经济效益比较显著的一类制造模具的技术,概括起来,有以下几种类别。 1快速原型制造技术快速原型制造技术简称rpm,是80年代后期发展起来的一种新型制造技术。美国、日本、英国、以色列、德国、中国都推出了自己的商业化产品,并逐渐形成了新型产业。rpm是电脑、激光、光学扫描、先进的新型材料、计算机辅助设计(cad)、计算机辅助加工(cam)、数控(cnc)综合应用的高新技术。在成型概念上以平面离散、堆积为指导,在控制上以计算机和数控为基础,以最大柔性为总体目标。它摒弃了传统的机械加工方法,对制造业的变革是一个重大的突破,利用rpm技术可以直接或间接地快速制模,该技术已被汽车、航空、家电、船舶、
10、医疗、模具等行业广泛应用。 2表面成型制模技术表面成型制模技术,主要是利用喷涂、电铸、化学腐蚀等新的工艺方法形成型腔表面及精细花纹的一种工艺技术,实际应用中包括以下几种类型。电弧喷涂成型制模技术电弧喷涂成型技术的原理是:利用2根通电的金属丝之间产生电弧的热量将金属丝熔化,依靠高压气体将其充分雾化,并给予一定的动能,高速喷射在样模表面,层层镶嵌,形成一金属壳体,即型腔的内表面,再用充填基体材料(一般为金属粉粒与树脂的复合材料)加以支撑加固,提高其强度和刚性,连同金属模架组合成模具。这种制模技术工艺简单、成本低,制造周期非常短,型腔表面的成型仅需几个小时,节省能源和金属材料,一般型腔表面仅2-3m
11、m厚,仿真性极强,花纹精度可达到0.5m。目前该技术被广泛地用于飞机、汽车的内饰件模具、家电、家俱、制鞋、美术工艺品等表面形状复杂及花纹精细的各种聚氨酯制品的吹塑、吸塑、pvc注射、pu发泡及各类注射成型模具中。 电铸成型技术电铸成型技术的原理同电镀一样,是依样模(现成制品或按制品图纸制成的母模)为基准(阴极),置放在电铸液中(阳极),使电铸液中的金属离子还原后一层一层地沉积在样模上,形成金属壳体,将其剥离后,与样模接触的表面即为模具的型腔内表面。该技术主要特点是节省材料、模具制造周期短,电铸层硬度可达40hrc,提高了耐磨性和寿命,粗糙度、尺寸精度与样模完全一致,适用于注射、吸塑、吹塑、搪塑
13、模型腔。其特点是制造周期短,型腔精度高(it7级),表面粗糙度ra=0.025m,强度高,寿命可达50万次,无环境污染。该技术是利用金属材料在细化晶粒、一定成型温度、低变形速率条件下,材料具有最佳超塑性时,将事先制作好的凸模,用较小的力便可挤压出凹模的一种快速经济制模技术。超塑成型材料的典型代表是zn-22%al。 5无模多点成形技术无模多点快速成形技术是以cad/cam/cat技术为主要手段,利用计算机控制高度可调基本体群形成上下成形面,代替传统模具对板料进行三维曲面成形的又一现代先进制造技术。此项技术可以随意改变变形路径与受力状态,提高材料的成形极限,可反复成形,以此消除材料内部的残余应力
14、,实现无回弹成形。 6凯维朗(kevron)钢带冲裁落料制模技术新型钢带冲裁落料制模技术是一种不同于一般具有凸、凹模结构的钢带模,它是由单刃钢带与特制垫板组成的新型快速经济制模技术。这种模具重量轻,一般只有200kg,加工精度为0.35-0.50mm,可适合各种黑色和有色金属的0.5-0.65mm厚的板料加工。寿命可达到5-25万次,制造成本低。 7模具毛坯的快速制造技术实型铸造由于大量的模具是属于单件或小批量生产,模具毛坯的制造质量和周期及成本对最终的模具质量和周期及成本的影响是至关重要的。现代模具毛坯已广泛地采用子实型铸造技术,所谓实型铸造就是利用泡沫塑料(聚苯乙烯ps或聚甲基丙烯酸酯pm
15、ma)制作代替传统的木模或金属模,造型后不需取出模型,便可以浇铸,泡沫塑料模型的高温液体金属作用下,迅速燃烧气化而消失,金属液取代原来泡沫塑料模型所占有的位置,冷凝后形成铸件。 8 其它方面技术为了简化模具的结构设计,降低模具成本,缩短模具制造周期,在国内外也先后出现了一些其它方面新技术的应用,如快换模架、冲压单元、刃口堆焊、镶块铸造、氮气弹簧等。 氮气弹簧在模具上的应用氮气弹簧是一种新型弹性功能部件,用它代替弹簧、橡胶、聚氨酯或者气垫,它能够准确地提供压边力,在较小空间便可产生较大初始弹压力,不需预紧,在模具整个工作过程中弹压力基本恒定。弹压力大小及受力点位置可随时、准确、方便地调整,简化模
16、具拉伸、压边、卸料等结构,简化模具设计,缩短制模周期,调试模具方便,缩短更换模具时间,提高生产效率。 快速换模技术由于产品品种的增多,使模具在生产中更换变得十分频繁,于是如何缩短冲压设备的停机时间,提高生产效率,快速换模技术受到了人们的关注。目前发达工业国家的一些大公司换模速度达到了惊人的程度,是否具有快速换模技术已成为企业技术进步的一项标志。总的趋势就是减少模具在设备上安装、固定、调整的时间,这既要在设备结构设计上予以考虑,又要在模具的结构设计、标准化方面予以考虑,将机上的作业尽可能地放在机下做。 冲压单元组合技术冲压单元组合技术是将常规的冲模分解为一个个简单的单元冲模,根据工序件的要求,排
17、列组合,在同一次冲程内完成多种冲压工序的新型工艺装备,工作时冲压单元不与冲床滑块联接,只需滑块打击即可完成冲压工作。单独使用时它就是1副完整模具。它可以用来加工板料或型材的冲孔、落料、切角、切槽、切断及浅拉伸等。具有组装快捷、使用方便、通用性强、经济性好等特点,特别适合多品种、中小批量生产。 可加工塑料在模具制造中的应用可加工塑料在发达的工业国家应用较普遍,特别是在汽车、飞机等制造业中,主要代替木材或金属制作汽车车身主模型、靠模、检具和铸造模型等。可加工塑料的主要特点是兼备木材和金属的优良加工性能,制作工艺简捷(可采用模塑、浇注、拼粘、雕塑等方法)、尺寸稳定性好、不变形、耐潮湿、耐腐蚀、易修复
19、由于它能使企业赢得市场,创造显著的经济效益,越来越受到企业家的青睐和有关领导部门的极大关注与政策资金的支持。各种快速经济制模技术在推广应用过程中也会不断完善成熟和发展,由于高新技术的发展,各种技术的复合与渗透,为适应生产中的不同需求,今后必定会形成一些新型、节约能源、节约材料的快速制模技术。mold design and manufacturethe mold is the manufacturing industry important craft foundation, in our country, the mold manufacture belongs to the special
20、purpose equipment manufacturing industry. china although very already starts to make the mold and the use mold, but long-term has not formed the industry. straight stabs 0 centuries 80s later periods, the chinese mold industry only then drives into the development speedway. recent years, not only th
21、e state-owned mold enterprise had the very big development, the three investments enterprise, the villages and towns (individual) the mold enterprises development also quite rapidly. although the chinese mold industrial development rapid, but compares with the demand, obviously falls short of demand
22、, its main gap concentrates precisely to, large-scale, is complex, the long life mold domain. as a result of in aspect and so on mold precision, life, manufacture cycle and productivity, china and the international average horizontal and the developed country still had a bigger disparity, therefore,
23、 needed massively to import the mold every year .the chinese mold industry except must continue to sharpen the productivity; from now on will have emphatically to the profession internal structure adjustment and the state-of-art enhancement. the structure adjustment aspect, mainly is the enterprise
24、structure to the specialized adjustment, the product structure to center the upscale mold development, to the import and export structure improvement, center the upscale automobile cover mold forming analysis and the structure improvement, the multi-purpose compound mold and the compound processing
25、and the laser technology in the mold design manufacture application, the high-speed cutting, the super finishing and polished the technology, the information direction develops .the recent years, the mold profession structure adjustment and the organizational reform step enlarges, mainly displayed i
26、n, large-scale, precise, was complex, the long life, center the upscale mold and the mold standard letter development speed is higher than the common mold product; the plastic mold and the compression casting mold proportion increases; specialized mold factory quantity and its productivity increase;
27、 the three investments and the private enterprise develops rapidly; the joint stock system transformation step speeds up and so on. distributes from the area looked, take zhujiang delta and yangtze river delta as central southeast coastal area development quickly to mid-west area, south development
28、quickly to north. at present develops quickest, the mold produces the most centralized province is guangdong and zhejiang, places such as jiangsu, shanghai, anhui and shandong also has a bigger development in recent years.although our country mold total quantity had at present achieved the suitable
29、scale, the mold level also has the very big enhancement, after but design manufacture horizontal overall rise and fall industry developed country and so on yu de, america, date, france, italy many. the current existence question and the disparity mainly display in following several aspects:(1) the t
30、otal quantity falls short of demand domestic mold assembling one rate only, about 70%. low-grade mold, center upscale mold assembling oneself rate only has 50% about.(2) the enterprise organizational structure, the product structure, the technical structure and the import and export structure does n
31、ot gatherin our country mold production factory to be most is from the labor mold workshop which produces assembles oneself (branch factory), from produces assembles oneself the proportion to reach as high as about 60%, but the overseas mold ultra 70% is the commodity mold. the specialized mold fact
32、ory mostly is large and complete, small and entire organization form, but overseas mostly is small but, is specially small and fine. domestic large-scale, precise, complex, the long life mold accounts for the total quantity proportion to be insufficient 30%, but overseas in 50% above 2004 years, rat
33、io of the mold import and export is 3.7:1, the import and export balances the after net import volume to amount to 1.32 billion us dollars, is world mold net import quantity biggest country .(3) the mold product level greatly is lower than the international standardthe production cycle actually is h
34、igher than the international water broad product level low mainly to display in the mold precision, cavity aspect and so on surface roughness, life and structure.(4) develops the ability badly, economic efficiency unsatisfactory our country mold enterprise technical personnel proportion lowthe level
35、 is lower, also does not take the product development, and frequently is in the passive position in the market. our country each mold staff average year creation output value approximately, ten thousand us dollars, overseas mold industry developed country mostly 15 to10, 000 us dollars, some reach a
36、s high as 25 to10, 000 us dollars, relative is our country quite part of molds enterprises also continues to use the workshop type management with it, truly realizes the enterprise which the modernized enterprise manages few to create the above disparity the reason to be very many, the mold long-ter
37、m has not obtained the value besides the history in as the product which should have, as well as the most state-owned enterprises mechanism cannot adapt the market economy, but also has the following several reasons: .(1) country to mold industry policy support dynamics also insufficientlyalthough t
38、he country already was clear about has promulgated the mold profession industrial policy, but necessary policy few, carried out dynamics to be weak. at present enjoyed the mold product increment duty enterprise nation 185; the majority enterprise still the tax burden is only overweight. the mold ent
39、erprise carries on the technological transformations introduction equipment to have to pay the considerable amount the tax money, affects the technology advancement, moreover privately operated enterprise loan extremely difficult.(2) talented person serious insufficient, the scientific research deve
40、lopment and the technical attack investment too urine mold profession is the technology, the fund, the work crowded industry, along with the time progress and the technical development, grasps the talented person which and skilled utilizes the new technology exceptionally short, the high-quality mol
41、d fitter and the enterprise management talent extremely is also anxious. because the mold enterprise benefit unsatisfactory and takes insufficiently the scientific research development and the technical attack, the scientific research unit and the universities, colleges and institutes eye stares at
42、is creating income, causes the mold profession invests too few in the scientific research development and the technical attack aspect, causes the mold technological development step not to be big, progresses not quick.(3) the craft equipment level to be low, also necessary is not good, the use facto
43、r low recent years our country engine bed profession progressed quickly, has been able to provide the quite complete precision work equipment, but compared with the overseas equipment, still had a bigger disparity. although the domestic many enterprises have introduced many overseas advanced equipme
44、nt, but the overall equipment level low are very more than the overseas many enterprises. as a result of aspect the and so on system and fund reason, introduces the equipment not necessary, the equipment and the appendix not necessary phenomenon are extremely common, the equipment utilization rate l
45、ow question cannot obtain the comparatively properly solution for a long time .(4) specialization, standardization, commercialized degree low, the cooperation ability because receives large and complete small and entire the influence since long ago, mold specialization level low, the specialized lab
46、or division is not careful, the commercialized degree is low. at present domestic every year produces mold, commodity mold minister 40% about, other for from produce uses for oneself. between the molds enterprise cooperates impeded, completes the comparatively large-scale mold complete task with dif
47、ficulty. mold standardization level low, mold standard letter use cave rare is low also to the mold quality, the cost has a more tremendous influence, specially has very tremendous influence.(5) to the mold manufacture cycle) the mold material and the mold correlation technology fall.the mold materi
48、al performance, the quality and the variety question often can affect the mold quality, the life and the cost, the domestically produced molding tool steel and overseas imports the steel products to compare has a bigger disparity. plastic, plate, equipment energy balance, also direct influence mold
49、level enhancement.along with the global economy development, the new technological revolution made the new progress and the breakthrough unceasingly, the technical leap development already becomes the important attribute which the impetus world economics grew. the market economy unceasing developmen
50、t, urges the industry product more and more to the multi- varieties, high grade, the low cost direction to develop, in order to maintain and strengthens the product in market competitive power, product development cycle, production cycle more and more short, thereupon to makes each kind of product t
51、he essential craft equipment mold request to be more and more harsh. on the one hand the enterprise for the pursue scale benefit, causes the mold to turn towards high speed, is precise, the long life direction develops; on the other hand enterprise in order to satisfy the multi- varieties, the produ
52、ct renewal quickly, wins the market the need, requests the mold to turn towards the manufacture cycle to be short, the cost low fast economy direction develops. the computer, the laser, electronic, the new material, the new technical development, causes the fast economical pattern making technology
53、even more powerful, the application scope expands unceasingly, the type increases unceasingly, the creation economic efficiency and the social efficiency are more and more remarkable. the fast economical pattern making technology and the traditional machine-finishing compares, has the pattern making
54、 cycle short, the cost is low, the precision and the life can satisfy in the production the operation requirements, is synthesizes an economic efficiency quite remarkable kind to make the mold the technology, summarizes below, has several types to leave. 1 fast prototype manufactures technology the
55、fast prototype manufacture technology is called rpm, is one kind of new manufacture technology which the 80s later period develops. us, japan, england, israel, germany, china have all promoted own commercialization product, and has formed the new industry gradually. rpm is the computer, the laser, t
56、he optical scanning, the advanced new material, the computer-aided design (cad), the computer assistance processing (cam), the numerical control (cnc) synthesizes the application the high technology and new technology. in takes shape in the concept take the plane separate, piles up as the instructio
57、n, in the control take the computer and the numerical control as the foundation, and take biggest flexibility as general goals. it has abandoned the traditional machine-finishing method, to the manufacturing industry transformation is a significant breakthrough, uses the rpm technology to be possibl
58、e directly or indirectly the fast pattern making, this technology already by profession widespread application and so on automobile, aviation, electrical appliances, ships, medical service, and mold.2 surfaces take shape the pattern making technology the surface takes shape the pattern making technology, mainly is the use spurts spreads, the electrolytic casting, chemistry corrosion and so on the new technique formation cavity surface and the fine pattern one kind of craft technology, in the practical application including following several kind of types.electric arcs spurt spread take shap
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