



1、unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake?the first period section a ( 1atc & 3b, 3c)teaching aims (教学目标)1. 掌握和食物有关的可数名词和不可数名词以及how much/many 用法。2. 学会使用祈使句并正确使用 first, then, next, finally 等连接词。3. 能够描述制作一种家庭食品的过程。language points (语言点)1 要求掌握以下词汇:1) 名词 n. shake, blender, yogurt, pot, spoon, salt, popc

2、orn, corn2) 动词 v. drink, peel, pour, put, add , boil3) 副词 adv. finally4) 词组 turn on, cut up, add to, put into, pour into(本节课的生词较少, 而且单词的拼写比较简单, 所以学生学起来不会感到困难, 如果班级 学生的水平较高,可以鼓励学生当堂掌握。)2. 要求掌握以下句式:how do you make a banana milk shake?how much . do you need?first,.then,.next,. finally,.difficulties (难点

3、):掌握可数和不可数的食物名词熟练使用first ,then, next, finally等连接词描述某种过程teaching steps(教学步骤)1. warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)t: what do you like to eat? lets talk about some fruits 。(通过问题, 让学生进行头脑风暴, 复习学习过的食物的相关表达并为下面的环节进行铺垫。)2. presentation (呈现知识重点可数名词和不可数名词)t: now, change these fruits into plurals.(教师通过让学生把水果变成复数形

4、式, 提高学生兴趣与积极性, 并对可数名词的复数加以复习和巩固。)s:t: pay attention! when do we use “how many” and “how much ”?let s read aloud together. can you discover the rules?(教师把时间留给学生,让学生自己总结可数名词的单复数变化规律)t: give students several drinksfor uncountable nouns, you may need: a bottle, a tin/can of (教师适当拓展了常见的一些量词词组, 以完善学生对于不可数

5、名词的表达, 为后面的教学做了铺垫,在此,教师可根据情况采用不同形式完成,如个别回答,集体回答,或者小组竞赛)t: what can we make with these foods?how can we make it?what else do we need?(教师循序渐进引导学生关注本课时要学习的香蕉奶昔的制作)3. presentation1、 teach some verbs ( peel cut up o pour into turn on turn off drink etc)(教学生熟练掌握这些动词,并用其造句,为教做香蕉奶昔做好准备)2、 show the pr

6、ocess :how to make a banana milk shake?4. listening practiset: listen and put the instructions in order.(教师放录音,因为对话简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案)t: listen again and put the correct word before each sentence.(教师可以把first , then, next, now, finally 写在黑板上,以达到降低难度和强化重点的作用 )t: can you repeat them in the correct or

7、der?5. work on 1a. 1b6. cover the instructions above. tell your partner how to make a banana milk shake.(给学生 pair work 练习的时间 )t: read in pairs and remember.(充分利用听力材料的文本,标识关键词,强化输入。)t: try to complete the missing parts. say them loudly.a: i m hungry! let s .b: how do . ?a: well, first peelb: three ba

8、nanas?a: yes. then cutb: ok, i m finished.a: now put . blender. then pour8: is this enough milk?a: i guess so. next, turn.fourlly, and(教师也可以根据学情,删减或者强化此部分内容)6. listening practise ( 2a,2b)1) listen and complete the chartkeys : practicing the use of need2) listen again and write the correct amount in

9、the chart7. practisedivide the ss into two groups ,one group makes a banana milk shake ,one group makes fruit saladt: now let s maakebanana milk shake / fruit saladwe need how do you make a banana milk shake/ fruit salad ?(为了强化,正确使用first ,then, next, now, finally 表述奶昔制作过程,)t: work in groups and talk

10、 about the process of making a banana milk shake/ fruit salada: how do you make a banana milk shake/ fruit salad?b: first t: lets try together. (此处是对 3b 的复现,同时进一步拓展和完善表述)8 summarylet ss enjoy their milk shake and salad together9.homeworkoral:read aloud and remember the process of making the banana milk shake .written:ch


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