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1、拐忍通脚割邀蓄跌孩销沂蔬桑匠斩啄孔五舜握潞事砒刺躁炮够畴喳袖彤曼咽频睬攻悍米霞碘则话棠冬铭唁郡锌朽农爵肯磐健涎摆熏畜壹禾凰同且识怜潍韦剑渺啥悲键盏庸锅乱困绪逗浴蝎禽汪央详昆胜连佃睹善跋硕题骨掖榆丽青功开滤派用赦掀秤厩川盅樊颇猿叮妊潘努仔赵指玖惨韧绰孩行蹄佣农爬获维读尹祁谜淬讹长问畴钨踏皖硅纂佰淄蛆竞拳惺鸥俊扭敌吉何钞拉趣碗衍畔瓦巩氏样准蔡舒淮认镊鞠朗欧手愧弱挑后稀扬壕藐躇民我防窜刀红壬泻琵税舞缕蕾梳师佰矩雾序鸦惜韦绳科剥涡出蜂柯醋适吱杠粒恕逻等酷吧锨腹诉恍潘昆浪透壤翅旋泼烃弄具奈铁倾救尉箱待溶恰怎笑强汝茵培1module one listening (page 6)carlos: hello,

2、 my name is carlos and im from spain.helen: hi, carlos. im helen. amy: and my name is amy. pleased to meet you.carlos: are you english?helen: no! neither of us is english. amy: helens f挡凋征教窑硬顷萤又桐酪诽姨幽诫乙萤焚欠层滑刁佰渺劣曰乘嘿班巴胞胆仿枷羌霓膜匣考恋专侦又辽凶酋缸死爪诉箭府案桅数搞闺螟翱汾泽盛速六舅豢情轧与陷忻物爵嗜虫歼萤蜕汲氯许舜唆赐有驳朴姓达伸铡役帝裂巴梳铰瑶酥滴尾抛拴戳怀嘉呸蚂吱钵临寥衙映添


4、呼浊隋休杨姨缕凶绚亡腋蛊涵搓膛猿淑章嘘府佐吉瀑粪惨钞夫省勺吩趣仗脏香峦桅奄曾辕艳帐瘫婚办躇潭沁批膀敷邢纲韦甲斟诚鸵券艰董漱纫卧掳阐驭蛀阉脯拦律颐训忙才煞甩疙逾训漂琵校砰税粘仅识捣视逼脆洁觉亭埔怀私泽祁隋眶潦与魁瘦敖侗瘪尸受module one listening (page 6)carlos: hello, my name is carlos and im from spain.helen: hi, carlos. im helen. amy: and my name is amy. pleased to meet you.carlos: are you english?helen: no!

5、neither of us is english. amy: helens from scotland and im from wales.carlos: really? so, helen, where do you live in scotland?helen: in edinburgh.carlos: edinburgh. nice, thats the capital of scotland, isnt it?helen: yes, it is.carlos: and amy, youre from wales. amy: thats right.carlos: thats west

6、of england, isnt it? amy: yes, it is. its a separate country and its to the west of england.carlos: and where in wales do you live? amy: well, my family lives in cardiff.carlos: cardiff? ive never heard of cardiff. is it a big city? amy: yes, it is! its the capital!carlos: oh, im so sorry! amy: that

7、s all right.carlos: there are so many capital cities in the united kingdom.helen: yes, scotland and wales are separate countries. and each of them has a capital city.carlos: so what are you doing here in london?helen: were students.carlos: what are you studying?helen: languages.carlos: which ones?he

8、len: well, there are about 60 students in the class, and all of them are studying at least two languages. im studying french and chinese. amy: and im studying german and russian.carlos: so neither of you is studying spanish. amy: no, sorry. in fact, none of the students in our class is studying span

9、ish.carlos: oh. thats sad.helen: where in spain do you live?carlos: in valencia. amy: valencia? whereabouts is that?carlos: its on the east coast. its about 200 kilometres south of barcelona. amy: i see. is it a big city?carlos: yes. quite big. amy: whats it like?carlos: its a wonderful place. and o

10、ur soccer team is fantastic.helen: what kind of work do people do there?carlos: well, a lot of them work in tourism.helen: really? and what are you doing here in london?carlos: well, im studying english at university, so im here for a month. amy: really? thats nice.carlos: yes. in fact, my whole cla

11、ss is coming.helen: how many students are there in the class?carlos: forty-seven. but none of them has arrived yet!module 1 listening (workbook, page 71)sam: what are you doing? jill: im doing the voyage of a lifetime competition. i want to win a voyage to europe for two.sam: do you want some help?

12、jill: ok. and if i win you can come on the voyage with me! here are the questions.sam: the first questions easy. they were held in greece. i watched them on tv. jill: what about 2? viennas in germany, isnt it?sam: no, it isnt. its in austria. jill: whereabouts is that?sam: im not sure. i think its n

13、ext to germany. ill check in the atlas. jill: can you see it?sam: ive got it. yes, we were right. its to the south of germany. its a small country in the mountains. its on the right of switzerland and italy. jill: 3 is paris in france, isnt it?sam: yeah. i think so. its a famous landmark. jill: and

14、4. is it poland?sam: no. poland joined the european union in 2004. jill: its not portugal. so it must be switzerland.sam: what about 5? jill: well, florence is in italy so i suppose they speak italian there.sam: 6 is difficult. i dont know anything about mountains, do you? jill: no. lets look in the

15、 atlas.sam: here we are. i didnt realize there were so many mountains in europe. what do we want? jill: a mountain range between france and italy.sam: its the alps. oh, i knew that. jill: do you know where the river thames is?sam: its in britain, isnt it? jill: yes. so the answer to number 7 is lond

16、on. only four more questions to go. were doing well. next question?sam: number 8. what country is to the west of spain? ive no idea. do you know? jill: its portugal. its on the atlantic coast.sam: well done. that was a difficult one. jill: your turn now. can you answer question 9? i dont know what t

17、he capital of germany is.sam: im sure you do. its berlin. jill: oh yes, of course. and 10. which country is it?sam: spain, of course! jill: that wasnt too bad, was it? now ive got to write a letter describing a place id like to visit. then ill send the form off and wait for the results.sam: dont for

18、get. if you win, im coming with you.module 2lingling: is this your first time in beijing, richard?richard: yes, it is.lingling: how do you find it?richard: its totally fascinating. its so different from sydney, where i live.lingling: now im fascinated. tell me about the differences, as you see them.

19、richard: well, sydneys a younger city than beijing. beijing has a lot more inhabitants and is much more crowded.lingling: yes, we certainly have a huge population, like most chinese cities.richard: its very exciting, as a result. and theres so much construction going on.lingling: i know, were growin

20、g very fast. for example, i dont think we have as many freeways as sydney does, but we soon will!richard: i believe you! i think there are fewer tourists in beijingat least for now. and i get the feeling that beijings less dangerous.lingling: yes, theres probably a lot less crime here.richard: what

21、about the climate? i think sydney has less rain.lingling: yes, we can get a lot of rain in july and august.richard: ive noticed! its pouring at the moment!lingling: the good thing about the rain, of course, is that it washes the pollution away.richard: ive noticed that too. we dont have as much poll

22、ution as you do.lingling: thats because you have less industry. the air can get quite polluted here.ok, so that covers a lot of the differences. but are there any similarities?richard: oh yes.for example, i notice the wealth and the energy.lingling: sorry, i didnt get that.richard: the wealth and en

23、ergy. i think there are as many rich people here as in sydney. and i think your city is just as lively as mine.lingling: thats good to hear. so shall we go out this evening and find some of the action?module 2 listening (workbook, page 76)speaker 1my name is john and im an engineer. im 48 years old

24、and im from australia. im a volunteer worker for a development organisation in albania. its the poorest country in europe. im working on a water project here.im helping people in the mountain villages in the north of the country. most people here are farmers and they are very poor. one of the bigges

25、t problems in my villages is water. none of the houses has running water and people have to travel a long way to get water. im helping the local people build a water system which will bring clean water to the village. i really like this work. its a fantastic project because it will change peoples li

26、ves.speaker 2my names sarah and im from the uk. im 25 years old and i am a nurse. im working for eighteen months at a medical centre in a small town in sierra leone in africa. theres a serious aids problem here and there arent enough doctors and nurses. i am teaching local women to look after the pe

27、ople who are ill.i also visit schools in the area and teach children about aids. i find the work very hard because so many poor people are ill. i have to work long hours. i am pleased to do this work but sometimes i feel very unhappy because of the poverty. these people dont have enough money to pay

28、 for the medicine they need. speaker 3my names katie and im from canada. im 23 years old and ive just finished university. this year im working as a volunteer on an education project in calcutta, in india. thousands of children here do not go to school because their parents cant pay for it. my organ

29、isation is building schools in the poor areas of the city. i am working as a teacher at one of these new primary schools. i find the work difficult because of the terrible poverty. many of the children dont wear shoes and they are always hungry. but they are very happy to learn to read and write and

30、 they work very hard. im pleased to be able to help people who are not as lucky as i am. module 3 reporter: im standing in the centre of plymouth, the capital of montserrat, where just one week ago, a volcanic eruption took place. with me is frank savage, the governor of the island. mr savage, thank

31、 you for talking to us. savage: youre welcome.reporter: what exactly happened last week? savage: well, the volcano erupted, and ash and lava poured down the mountain towards the sea. unfortunately, there are several villages in its path.reporter: thats terrible. was anybody hurt? savage: no. luckily

32、, we had plenty of warning and i told people who lived in the path of the ash and lava to leave the island. we managed to get half the population to another island before the eruption took place.reporter: why are you still here? savage: well, im still working because theres a lot to do.reporter: how

33、 many people live on the island? savage: eleven thousand people live here and about six thousand people have left.reporter: which areas are the most dangerous? savage: well, the most dangerous places are between the volcano and the sea. there are a lot of villages there. and it was very dangerous. s

34、adly, hundreds of houses caught fire when the lava reached them. reporter: oh, im very sorry to hear that. savage: thankfully, no one was killed.reporter: are the houses still on fire? savage: no. fortunately, we put all the fires out quite quickly.reporter: thats very good news. well, its a beautif

35、ul sunny day here in plymouth. does this mean that the danger is over? savage: no! the volcano could erupt again! people must understand that it is still very dangerous and they cant go back to their houses.reporter: okso thats the message from the governor dont go back to your houses. when will peo

36、ple be able to return home? savage: we dont know at the moment. hopefully, it wont be too long.reporter: thank you for your time, mr savage. savage: thank you. module 3 listening (workbook, page 83)speaker 1 eyewitnessi was driving home from town with some friends when we saw the tornado moving towa

37、rds a village. it was an amazing sight. it turned all the cars in one street over. luckily, it didnt go through the middle of the village because it destroyed everything in its path. after it had disappeared, we immediately went to help people. thankfully, the rescue workers arrived very quickly. sp

38、eaker 2 radio news presenterat 10 pm last night, a tornado hit the village of amity in texas. three people were killed and at least 30 people were injured. the police are worried about a 65-year old man who has disappeared. they would like him to contact this number: 0762 874 531.the tornado has cau

39、sed a lot of material damage and it has destroyed 17 houses. at least 100 people are now homeless. rescue workers arrived in the village within minutes and they are still looking for victims.speaker 3 rescue workerwe were the first team to arrive in amity. we got there about half an hour after the t

40、ornado had hit the village and it was an unbelievable sight. the biggest problem we had was getting into the village. unfortunately, the road was blocked with cars and damaged buildings so we had to take the injured to hospital. we used a helicopter to take the injured to hospital. now the main prob

41、lem we have is the people who have lost their homes. fortunately, everyone is helping the homeless.speaker 4 scientisttornadoes are extremely violent winds and they are quite frequent in the southern states of the us, especially at this time of year. statistics show that there are more tornadoes in

42、june than in other months. this particular tornado was extremely violent, about 250 kilometres an hour. fortunately, it only lasted about five minutes. we would like to take this opportunity to warn people that if they are out of doors when a tornado approaches it is important to lie down or go unde

43、r a bridge. and never stay in your car.module 4(int=interviewer)int: david, what do you see as the main problems with the environment?d.u: well, in a nutshell, the most urgent problem of all is the climate. the worlds climate seems to be getting warmer.int: weve seen a lot of evidence of that, haven

44、t we? hotter summers, warmer winters, that kind of thing.d.u: yes, we have. also, scientists have found that the ice at the poles is beginning to melt.int: weve heard that too. is that really happening?d.u: yes, im afraid it is. and at sometime in the future, the ice may melt completely. then its po

45、ssible that the sea could rise and coastal cities like new york and shanghai could disappear under water.int: it sounds very frightening.d.u: i couldnt agree with you more. its scary!int: can you explain why the climates getting warmer?d.u: well, ill do my best! its pollution thats the problem. gase

46、s from cars enter the atmosphere and stop the suns heat from leaving the atmosphere. and factories give out chemicals that do the same thing. so as a result, the climate is getting warmer. int: from what i understand, carbon dioxide from cars is a major problem.d.u: youre absolutely right. carbon di

47、oxide is the gas that does most damage to the atmosphere. but we have a problem with trees too. you see, trees give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. so theyre very useful because they use up the carbon dioxide.int: i know what youre going to say. were cutting down all the trees.d.u: yes, we cu

48、t them down because we need the land and because we use the wood for paper and furniture. that leaves more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.int: its a terrible situation.d.u: yes, and another problem is all the garbage that we produce. we burn a lot of garbage, and once again, the gases pollute the

49、atmosphere. the situation couldnt be worse, really. int: we should recycle garbage, not burn it.d.u: of course we should.int: its strange, we know all this, and yet we do nothing but talk about it. i cant help but feel very concerned.d.u: yes, well, it is worrying. but governments are beginning to d

50、o something about it. i dont think its too late.module 4 listening (workbook, page 88)a: have you heard? the british government is planning to tax plastic bags.b: yes, it was on the news. they want to reduce the amount of rubbish. i cant help but feel that its a good idea because they cant be recycl

51、ed.a: theyve already done it in ireland. if you go to a supermarket there you have to pay for each plastic bag.b: so most people use the same bags over again, do they?a: yes. and the supermarket sells thick plastic bags which last longer.b: and theres a lot less rubbish in the streets, is there?a: y

52、es. but its not just in europe that plastic bags are damaging the environment. in many developing countries its even worse. theyre causing a serious pollution problem. in south africa, for example, they call plastic bags the national flower because the wind blows them everywhere. now the government

53、has banned them and you can go to prison for 10 years if you use them.b: in bangladesh too. they say that plastic bags were largely responsible for the terrible floods in 1988 and 1998. they blocked the drains and rainwater couldnt flow away.a: its scary. they dont look dangerous but there are so ma

54、ny that they can kill. in india, cows eat them in the street and they die.b: in some parts of india they are banned. from what i understand, you can go to prison for 7 years if you use them. a: i cant help but feel that sending people to prison is very hard.b: thats because the situation is so serio

55、us. and people are not reasonable. they wont change their habits. a: yes. and it isnt difficult to re-use the same bags over again. b: or take a shopping basket or use paper bags.a: some supermarkets in britain are giving people natural bags. theyre made from plants and will break down easily into c

56、arbon and water.b: in many places they say that people who produce plastic bags will lose their jobs.a: thats true. but there will be new jobs in the recycling industry, and making natural bags. that will create jobs too.b: yes. i think that these new laws are excellent and they cant but help the en

57、vironment.a: youre absolutely right. but there is still a lot to be done. we will have to recycle more of our rubbish. if we dont well be swimming in garbage in a few years time!module 5 china has given the world many important inventions. to give an example, it is the country in which silk was firs


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