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1、走向景区的中国人 - 景区 你还好吗 PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: 景区的国人 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. FLAT DESIGN BUT WHY? .because the all out flashy websites are no longer pleasing! And people really

2、 dont have the time to go through a content heavy page. A flat design forces you to not only minimize the colors on your website, but also the elements to keep it neat and tidy! Exactly what a user wants these days. 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rig

3、hts reserved. 乘坐公共交通工具是争抢拥挤 随地抛扔垃圾,废弃物,上厕所不冲 在教堂寺庙等宗教场所嬉戏,玩闹 在名胜古迹上乱涂乱画 随意攀登历史建筑物 CREATE MULTICOLOR PANELS To further enhance the bold look, combine colors to make a beautiful series of background panels, like . Note Limit your websites color palette to a few number of colors. TriplAge nt 1999 - 201

4、4 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. “路培国一游”的字样分别于2012年10月1日、2015年4月30日出现在武侯祠博物馆的石碑、石兽和石刻上。 ,并 指其2012年还曾在成都杨升庵的临江仙上刻字。 颐和园绿地成“公厕”? 至少十名男性游客 当众小便 7月1日,在颐和园散步的曹先生看到,十七 孔桥附近十多名男性游客同时面对颐和园外 墙小便,引得外国游客边摇头边拍照,曹先 生拍照,并发微博批评游客不雅行为。颐和 园管理处回应称,颐和园内共有150余处公 厕,

5、布局合理,如此多游客当众小便,属不 文明行为。 There are a lot many colors that you can play around with on Photoshop, but you can make life easier by using while creating your flat color theme. Flat UI Colors 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. 长安城逃票游客攀爬城墙被拍 大呼:别传上 网! 7月31日晚上8点左右,有10多名男女青年 游客为了逃票,在西安含光门内,相互帮

6、忙 徒手攀爬上了城墙,这一行为立刻引起路人 的侧目。有路过的记者将这不文明的一幕拍 下,当看到有人拍照时,这几个青年却大喊 “别拍了,我们不想把这样的照片传到网 上。” Flat design is a minimalistic approach to designing that focuses primarily on usability. It consists of using bright colors, spacing and two dimensional (flat) illustrations as elements. Microsoft was one of the fir

7、st to apply this design to its interface. 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. 纽约时报发表了一篇探讨中国游客的文 章,题为让世界各国又爱又恨的中国游 客,文中分析了中国游客在世界各地的种 种“让人无法忍受的行为”,称中国人接过 美国人和日本人的接力棒,如今“到处讨人 嫌”,他们成了最不讨喜的游客。 中国游客在中国游客在卢卢浮浮宫宫前水池洗前水池洗 脚脚 Since almost every other flat design ends up using flat colors, heres

8、a way to stand out: use unique panoramic photos! They serve the purpose of a centerpiece while also giving the other elements a flatter touch. gets it right! MailChim p 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. EQUIP YOURSELF! Get yourself a Flat Design UI Kit so that you dont have to run fro

9、m website to website looking for elements to use. Here are the top 5: 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. “ “不文明的不文明的现现象象 冲出了祖国,走冲出了祖国,走 向了世界向了世界” ” Use uppercase characters to demarcate navigation items and key headlines from the other elements. has been doing this and you should too!

10、Wistia VECTORS ARE COOL! 极易造成旅游景区整体吸引力下降, 旅游价值降低,甚至来带灾难性灾难性的影响。 给旅游景区管理。景观管理景观管理带来 极大的困难 往往成为其他游客游览活动中的 视觉污染,影响游兴,破坏环境气氛,进 而影响游览质量影响游览质量 处境游是,会给外国人留下不好的 印象,损害国家形象损害国家形象 Vectors are constructed using geometrical shapes and distinct colors; and are best suited for artwork on flat designs. Heres how us

11、ed it. Lorenzo Verzini 出来混出来混 迟早要还迟早要还 SUBTLE BACKGROUNDS STILL RULE! For those of you who cant do without heavy content, try and make visually impactful background. On this, give away the content you want to offer using contrasting colors. A very good example of this is . OnSit e 1999 - 2014 IX Web

12、 Hosting. All rights reserved. BIG IS BETTER! Use huge page elements, and space them out well. This gives your page a minimal look, which suits your flat design. 文明旅游文明旅游 从我做起从我做起 Now that your design is in place, its time to ensure that it delivers quality browsing experience across all your users.

13、 The only to deliver efficiency is to sign up your website for services. Depending on the resources your website requires, you can opt for any of these plans: Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Reseller and Cloud. Lastly,GET HOSTED Webhostin g 1999 - 2014 IX Web Hosting. All rights reserved. CONCLUSION No matter what your business offers


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