高中英语 Unit15 Learning Section Ⅳ Communications Workshop Culture Corner 课时检测 Unit15 综合检测 北师大版必修5_第1页
高中英语 Unit15 Learning Section Ⅳ Communications Workshop Culture Corner 课时检测 Unit15 综合检测 北师大版必修5_第2页
高中英语 Unit15 Learning Section Ⅳ Communications Workshop Culture Corner 课时检测 Unit15 综合检测 北师大版必修5_第3页
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高中英语 Unit15 Learning Section Ⅳ Communications Workshop Culture Corner 课时检测 Unit15 综合检测 北师大版必修5_第5页
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1、unit 15 learning section communications workshop culture corner 课时检测 unit 15 综合检测.单项填空1.this kind of vegetables can be grown _ different conditions.ain a range ofbbeyond the range ofcwith a range of dfor the range of解析:句意:这种蔬菜可以在不同的条件下种植。in a range of .“在的范围”。答案:a2the good thing about children is th

2、at they_very easily to new environments.aadapt bappealcattach dapply解析:考查短语辨析。句意:关于孩子们,好的一点是他们很容易适应新环境。adapt to表示“使适应于”;appeal to表示“对有吸引力”;attach to表示“(使)相关”;apply to则表示“运用,适用于”。根据句意,故选a项。答案:a3the memory of his childhood _ him to finish his first novel and had it published.aadmired bdemandedcinspire

3、d drespected解析:inspire sb.to do sth.“鼓舞、激励某人做某事”。admire“羡慕”;demand“要求”;respect“尊敬”。答案:c4im not _ up so early yet, but i have to _ myself to it.yeah. just as the saying goes, “an early bird catches the worm.”aused to getting; adoptbaccustomed to getting; accustomcused to get; adoptdaccustomed to get;

4、 accustom解析:第一空表示“习惯于干某事”,可用be used to doing或be accustom to doing,先排除c项和d项;第二空可用adapt oneself to .表示“使自己适应于”,也可用accustom oneself to .表示“表示使自己习惯于”,所以选b项。而a项中的adopt为“接纳,采纳”之意。答案:b5yesterday a group of american soldiers were walking along the road in libya when a bomb was _.aset about bset outcset up d

5、set off解析:set about“着手做某事”;set out“出发,动身,开始”;set up“创立,建立”;set off“引爆,使爆炸”。由语境可知选d。答案:d6its useless envying others success. its time you _ hard.amust work bwere to workccould work dworked解析:考查句型its time that .句型。从句中应使用一般过去时或“should动词原形”的形式表示虚拟语气,should一般不能省略。答案:d7_ some gifts, he received several le

6、tters from his friends.ain addition bbesidecexcept daside from解析:句意:除了礼物之外,他还收到了几封朋友写给他的信。本句中aside from 相当于in addition to 或besides表示“除了之外还有”。答案:d8_ is worthwhile _ the film confucius.ait; to see bit; of seeingcthere; to see dthere; of seeing解析:句意:电影孔子很值得看。it is worthwhile to do/doing sth.表示“值得做”。答案:

7、a9as we all know, the internet will let people have _ to huge amounts of information from their own homes.aentrance bwaycmeans daccess解析:have/gain/get/obtain access to“可以利用,接近,使用”。答案:d10the sinous relations, although they have experienced twists and turns in the past,_ have moved forward.ain return

8、bin turncon the whole don the other hand解析:on the whole是一个固定的短语,意为“总的看来,大体上”。in return“作为回报”;in turn“依次,反过来又”;on the other hand“另一方面”。答案:c11it seems i cant possibly finish the task in time.if you had accepted his help, you _ it yesterday.awould finish bwill finishcshould finish dwould have finished解

9、析:条件句的虚拟语气,表示对过去的虚拟,主句用could/would/should/might have done结构。答案:d12chinese arts have won the _ of a lot of people outside china.aenjoyment bappreciationcentertainment dreputation解析:句意:中国艺术已赢得国外许多人的赞赏。appreciation“欣赏,赞赏”。答案:b13having missed that last bus, bob had no alternative _ a taxi home though he

10、 did not like the idea.abut to take btake to butcto but take dto take but解析:have no alternative but to do sth.意为“别无选择只好做某事”。答案:a14jane wished that she_foreign trade instead of literature when she was in college.adid bwould studychad studied dcould study解析:wish后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气。与现在的事实相反,用were或动词过去式;与过去的事实

11、相反用had done或would/couldhave done。答案:c15has mary come back yet?yes. she has got many books from her elder schoolmates, which _ 1,000.aadd up badd up tocadd to dadd解析:add up“把加起来”;add up to“总共,总计”;add to“使增加”。答案:b.完形填空losewin is weak. its easy to get stepped on. its easy to be the nice guy. its easy t

12、o give in, all in the name of being a peacemaker.a girl named jenny once told me about her _1_ in the world of losewin during her eighthgrade year before she finally broke _2_.my _3_ with my mom all started one day _4_ she said to me sarcastically (讽刺地) “wow, youre sure sassy today.”i _5_ it so lite

13、rally (字面地) that then and there i decided to close off from her and never _6_ back to her. so every time she would say something _7_ i disagreed with her i would just say. “okay, _8_ you want, mom.” but i really got cold quickly. and my _9_ began to build. one night i talked to my mom about the scho

14、ol homework and she said,“oh, thats _10_.”and then went back to mop the floor.“dont you ever _11_?”i thought.but i didnt say anything and stormed off. she had no idea i was _12_ upset. she would have been willing to talk to me had i _13_ her how important it was to me.at last i just blew up. “mom, t

15、his has got to _14_. you tell me everything you want me to do and i just do it because its _15_ than if fighting. well, im sick of it.”this all came as a _16_ to her.after my blow up, we felt like we were _17_ all over in our relationship. but its getting better all the time. we discuss things now a

16、nd i always _18_ my feelings with her.if you adopt losewin as your basic _19_ toward life, then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. youll also be _20_ your true feelings deep inside. and thats not healthy.1a.wanderings bdisappointmentclessons dhelplessness解析:通过下文看,jenny讲述了自己从忍气吞声到最终摆脱出来的过程。而在此

17、过程中,她经历了从妥协到气愤,最后跟妈妈理论争得尊严的过程。因此,选“徘徊”最能说明这个过程。答案:a2a.out bdowncup dfree解析:break free“挣脱;获得心灵、精神上的解放”,符合最终jenny争得自己尊严的结果。本题不能仅凭搭配关系去选择答案。break out“战争、争吵、火灾等爆发”;break down“出故障”;break up“破裂、关系等中断”均不符合语境。答案:d3a.relationship bproblemscquarrels dimprovement解析:从后文看,这儿指的是我跟妈妈的“问题、矛盾”的出现。a项“关系”不符合逻辑,不能说我跟妈妈

18、的关系是从某一天开始的。答案:b4a.as bsincecwhen dbefore解析:when引导定语从句,修饰前面的名词day,作状语。答案:c5a.regarded btreatedcreceived dtook解析:take此处意思是“接受,理解”,此处指我并未真正了解妈妈对我的讽刺口吻,仅仅是理解了她所说的话的字面意义。答案:d6a.fight bstrugglectalk dturn解析:talk back“还嘴,顶嘴”,此处指我决定忍气吞声,不跟妈妈顶嘴。答案:c7a.even if bonly ifcwhich das though解析:even if引导让步状语从句,意为“即

19、使”,此处意为:即使妈妈说的不对,也不去顶撞她。答案:a8a.however bwhatevercso much dtoo much解析:此处指我总是不顶撞妈妈,妈妈说什么就是什么,因此用whatever“无论什么”,意即:你说什么都行。答案:b9a.coldness bangercdisagreement dhope解析:此处指我总是不顶撞妈妈,但内心的怒气在聚集。答案:b10a.true bimpossiblecnice dimportant解析:从下文我生气可知,此处指妈妈敷衍我的话,意为“好啊”,表现出妈妈对我的学业漠不关心。答案:c11a.care bseecsay dlisten解

20、析:care“关心,在乎”,此处我在内心里发问:妈妈关心过我吗?答案:a12a.also bstillceven dalready解析:even此处用来加强语气。进一步说明妈妈对我漠不关心,意为:她甚至不知道我生气了。答案:c13a.warned bshowncasked dtold解析:此处句子结构是虚拟语气,句意:假如我告诉妈妈,她会明白学业对我来说有多么重要。答案:d14a.end bchangeclast dstop解析:我最后终于爆发,对妈妈说:“这一切需要改变了。”言外之意即:我不能再忍气吞声了,我要改变这个状态。答案:b15a.worse beasiercmore dless解析

21、:我在申诉:我忍气吞声总比与你发生争执更简单些。答案:b16a.surprise bpleasurecgift dharm解析:此处指妈妈没有预料到我会这么生气,故她很吃惊。surprise用作可数名词,意为“令人吃惊的事情”。答案:a17a.going bstartingcthinking dreviewing解析:表示我和妈妈的关系有了新的“开始”。start all over表示“重新开始”。答案:b18a.share bhavecdiscuss dimprove解析:share . with .“与分享”,此处指与妈妈分享(交流)自己的感情,符合题意和搭配。答案:a19a.way bm

22、ethodcattitude dtheory解析:由后面的介词toward可知,应选attitude,表示“对的态度”。答案:c20a.hurting bwakingcstoring dhiding解析:我最后发表议论,“忍气吞声”,把自己的真实感情“隐藏”起来对健康不利。分析全文可知,d项符合此处语境。答案:d.阅读理解lifelong learning is the concept that “its never too soon or too late for learning,” a philosophy that has taken root in a whole host of d

23、ifferent organisations. lifelong learning is an attitude; that one can and should be open to new ideas, decisions, skills or behaviours. lifelong learning throws the axiom (公理) “you cant teach an old dog new tricks” out of the door.lifelong learning sees citizens provided with learning opportunities

24、 at all ages and in numerous contexts: at work, at home and through leisure activities, not just through formal channels such as school and higher education.lifelong education is a form of teaching often accomplished through distance learning or elearning, continuing education, home schooling or cor

25、respondence courses. it also includes postgraduate programmes for those who want to improve their qualifications, bring their skills up to date or retrain for a new line of work. internal corporate training has similar goals, with the concept of lifelong learning used by organisations to promote a s

26、tronger employee base, better able to react in an agile (敏捷的) manner to a rapidly changing climate. in later life, especially in retirement, continued learning takes different forms, crossing traditional academic bounds and including recreational (消遣的) activities.one of the reasons why lifelong educ

27、ation has become so important is the acceleration (加快) of scientific and technological progress. despite the increased length of primary, secondary and university education, the knowledge and skills acquired there are usually not sufficient for a professional career spanning three or four decades.语篇


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