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1、外研版八年级上册M2U2 外研版八年级上册M2U2 外研版八年级上册M2U2 Where is it? Its England. 外研版八年级上册M2U2 Its famous for Big Ben. What is it famous for? 外研版八年级上册M2U2 It is London. What is the capital of England? 外研版八年级上册M2U2 N(north) E(east) S(south) W(west) 外研版八年级上册M2U2 north n. 北;北方北;北方 adj. 在北方的;朝北的在北方的;朝北的 e.g. Canada lies

2、 to the north of USA. 加拿大位于美国的北部。加拿大位于美国的北部。 Is your home town in North China? (翻译翻译) 你的家乡在中国的北方吗?你的家乡在中国的北方吗? 外研版八年级上册M2U2 south n. 南;南方南;南方 adj. 在南方的;朝南的在南方的;朝南的 e.g. She works on the south coast. 她在南方沿海地区工作。她在南方沿海地区工作。 Guangdong is in the south of China. (翻译)(翻译) 广东在中国的南部。广东在中国的南部。 外研版八年级上册M2U2 w

3、est n. 西,西方;西,西方; adj. 在西方的;朝西的在西方的;朝西的 e.g. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起太阳从东方升起, 从西方落下。从西方落下。 They live in West Germany. (翻译)(翻译) 他们住在德国西部。他们住在德国西部。 外研版八年级上册M2U2 university n. 大学大学 e.g. My uncle is a professor in this university. 我叔叔是这所大学的一名教授。我叔叔是这所大学的一名教授。 island n. 岛,岛

4、屿岛,岛屿 e.g. There are some banana trees on that island. 那个小岛上有一些香蕉树。那个小岛上有一些香蕉树。 外研版八年级上册M2U2 countryside n. 农村地区;乡下农村地区;乡下 e.g. The young people from the countryside are honest. 这些农村来的年轻人都很老实。这些农村来的年轻人都很老实。 area n. 地区;区域地区;区域 e.g. There are many gardens in this area. 这一地区有很多公园。这一地区有很多公园。 外研版八年级上册M2U

5、2 mountain n. 山;山丘山;山丘 e.g. The mountain is 3500 meters high. 这座山有这座山有3500米高。米高。 low adj. 矮的;低的矮的;低的 e.g. The office is in a low building. 办公室在一幢低矮的房子里。办公室在一幢低矮的房子里。 外研版八年级上册M2U2 umbrella n. 雨伞雨伞 e.g. I left my umbrella on the bus. 我把雨伞落在公共汽车上了。我把雨伞落在公共汽车上了。 especially adv. 尤其尤其 e.g. I love reading,

6、 especially novel. 我喜欢阅读,尤其是小说。我喜欢阅读,尤其是小说。 外研版八年级上册M2U2 外研版八年级上册M2U2 east north south west 1. Cambridge is in the east of England. 2. London is in the south of England. 3. Bristol is in the west of England. 4. Manchester is in the north of England. 外研版八年级上册M2U2 Where is Manchester? It is in the nor

7、th of England. Where is London? It is in the south of England. 外研版八年级上册M2U2 Where is Cambridge? It is in the east of England. Where is Bristol? It is in the west of England. 外研版八年级上册M2U2 Beijing Guangdong Chengdu Shanghai 外研版八年级上册M2U2 外研版八年级上册M2U2 1. Tower Bridge and the River Thames 2. Cambridge Un

8、iversity and the River Cam a._b._ Read the passage and choose a title for each picture below. 1. Whats the population of Cambridge? It is about 120,000. 2. Whats Cambridge famous for? University. Read the passage again and answer the questions. 3. How old is London? Its about 2,000 years old. 4. Wha

9、ts the weather like in England? It is never very hot in summer or very cold in winter. Cambridge London Location Population Famous places River In the east of England In the south of England 120,000 About 7.5 million University, old buildings and churches Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge Riv

10、er CamRiver Thames Complete the table comparing Cambridge with London. countryside east home town island London mountains south university England is part of a(n) (1) _. It is famous for its beautiful green (2) _ with (3) _ and lakes in the north, island countrysidemountains Complete the passage wit

11、h the words and expression in the box. and hills and villages in the south. My (4) _ is Cambridge, in the (5) _ of England. It has lots of old buildings and churches, and a well- known (6) _. It is smaller than (7) _, which is in the (8) _ of England. home town east university London south countrysi

12、de east home town island London mountains south university 外研版八年级上册M2U2 It is founded in 1209. It is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the UK. It has a worldwide reputation for academic achievements. Cambridge affiliates have won more than 80 Nobel Prizes. 1. nort

13、h, south, east和和west north, south, east和和west都是方位词。请仔细都是方位词。请仔细 观察下面的例句,然后补全结论部分所缺观察下面的例句,然后补全结论部分所缺 的内容。的内容。 【例句】【例句】 1) North points up on the map. 在地图上,在地图上, 北方指向上。北方指向上。 2) Is the country in the east? 这个国家在东这个国家在东 方吗?方吗? 3) They are facing west. 他们正面朝西。他们正面朝西。 4) The U.S. is south of Canada. 美国在

14、加拿美国在加拿 大之南。大之南。 5) The east wind is blowing softly. 东风轻轻东风轻轻 地吹。地吹。 【结论】【结论】 通过观察上述例句可知:通过观察上述例句可知: 1) north, south, east和和west可用作名词,意为可用作名词,意为 “北方北方”、“南方南方”、“东方东方”和和“西方西方” (如例句(如例句1);表示);表示“在北方在北方/南方南方/东方东方/西方西方” 常用短语常用短语_ the north / south / east / west (如例句(如例句2)。)。 in 2) north, south, east和和wes

15、t可用作副词,意可用作副词,意 为为“向北向北”、“向南向南”、“向东向东”和和“向向 西西”,常用于动词之后(如例句,常用于动词之后(如例句3)。有时)。有时 也用于短语也用于短语north / south / east / west of, 意为意为“在在之北之北/南南/东东/西西”(如例句(如例句4)。)。 3) north, south, east和和west可用作形容词,可用作形容词, 意为意为“北方的北方的”、“南方的南方的”、“东方的东方的” 和和“西方的西方的”,作它们后面名词的定语,作它们后面名词的定语 (如例句(如例句5)。)。 【运用】【运用】 请根据汉语意思补全下列英语

16、句子,每空一词。请根据汉语意思补全下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 你知道哪个方向是南方吗?你知道哪个方向是南方吗? Do you know which way _ _? 2. 我们的学校在南京的西部。我们的学校在南京的西部。 Our school is _ _ _ of Nanjing. 3. 一位老人正向东走。一位老人正向东走。 An old man is _ _. 4. 一场北风带来了寒冷天气。一场北风带来了寒冷天气。 A _ _ brings cold weather. is south in the west walking east north wind 外研版八年级上册M2U2 2

17、. It is on the river Cam and has a population of about 120,000. 1) on the river Cam 表示表示“在康桥河在康桥河 畔畔”, on表示在河的沿岸。表示在河的沿岸。 2) have a population of 表示表示“有有 人口人口”。指人口的多少用。指人口的多少用large或或 small。 外研版八年级上册M2U2 3. My home town is especially famous for its university. be famous for是一个固定短语,意为是一个固定短语,意为 “因因而闻名

18、;以而闻名;以著名著名”。 主语既可以是表示人的词语,也可以是表主语既可以是表示人的词语,也可以是表 示地点的词语。主语是表示人的词语时,示地点的词语。主语是表示人的词语时, 多表示以某种技能或特征而闻名;主语是多表示以某种技能或特征而闻名;主语是 表示地点的词语时,多表示以某种特产或表示地点的词语时,多表示以某种特产或 某处名胜古迹而著名。某处名胜古迹而著名。 e.g. She is famous for her sweet voice. The town is famous for its fruit. be famous as意为意为“作为作为而著名而著名”,指,指 某人以某种身份、职业

19、等出名;或指某地某人以某种身份、职业等出名;或指某地 作为什么产地等而出名。作为什么产地等而出名。 【运用】汉译英。【运用】汉译英。 (1) 中国以其悠久历史而闻名。中国以其悠久历史而闻名。 (be famous for) _ (2) 张艺谋以他的电影而闻名。张艺谋以他的电影而闻名。 _ (3) 北京作为一个首都城市而闻名。北京作为一个首都城市而闻名。 _ (4) 杨利伟作为一名伟大的宇航员而闻名。杨利伟作为一名伟大的宇航员而闻名。 _ Zhang Yimou is famous for his movies. China is famous for its long history. Bei

20、jing is famous as a capital city. Yang Liwei is famous as a great astronaut. 外研版八年级上册M2U2 4. Tourists like the area of low mountains and beautiful lakes in the north low意为意为“矮的;低的矮的;低的”,常指建筑物、,常指建筑物、 山的低或矮、价格的低、声音的低。山的低或矮、价格的低、声音的低。 e.g. The Browns live in a low house. The hill is low. Today the pri

21、ce of sweaters is low. Joan often speaks in a low voice. 外研版八年级上册M2U2 short也有也有“矮的矮的”的意思的意思, 但常指人的矮。但常指人的矮。 e.g. The girl in the front of the classroom is short. 根据句意选用根据句意选用low或或short填空填空, 有的需要变有的需要变 换形式。换形式。 (1) The price of the T-shirt is very _. (2) Li Lei is _ than his brother. (3) The hill is

22、_ and we can get the top very soon. low low shorter 外研版八年级上册M2U2 1. Where is it? 2. What is its population? 3. Is it big or small? 4. What is it famous for? 5. How old is it? 6. What is the weather like? My home town - Dalian in the northeast of China over six million a big city famous for beaches,

23、the Underwater World, the Bird Park and the Polar Region Zoo over 100 years old 1. warm in winter and hot in summer Dalian is in the northeast of China. It has a population of over six million. It is a big city. It is famous for its beautiful beaches, the Underwater World, the Bird Park and the Pola

24、r Region Zoo. It is over 100 years old. It is warm in winter and hot in summer in Dalian. 外研版八年级上册M2U2 . 根据句意从方框中选择恰当的单词填根据句意从方框中选择恰当的单词填 空,有的需要变换形式。空,有的需要变换形式。 1. Many birds will fly to the _ when winter comes. 2. This kind of silk is nicer, but its price is _. countryside, especially, south, low, a


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