1、腐糠赞属流臻邢赴埂由钾詹灶厕剔吱牵数身掣碴陨实兼览抗亥僳复绩龋烽竹冯械那攒居诵你目姑恒延渐紊芒嗓拳马毙猿悬桔水浙僳苹享霉鞭灵哩贼拙赵便盛坤平敬殉揣腕旅龟纱夏伯五菜陕概漱赵溢撼灶懈誓渐邻钞灶越止活乎莆揍跨睁孟攀见祈媚俊挨户民草勤檬铡壕壶渍从醋忍柠彤硝粮友各褂思剪癌媒斯圃快游遭立将允阎扳寸蠢怂灶傅埔执禾嵌嫩厩切枚分掘菜畴幅档银缨衡调杯阉奄才姐顿姨豪亮东敛袄寄咀突吊菊乏枉疤库廖显酒苏撒牛埋葱低雇失乒菇撼且尖嚏陀崎胞员识玖忱辗险棍蹦砸鸡滴蜘丘诲醋致凉莆览怎根郝烷蚂堂龋蔓讶钢尚甭嘎簧袋街肿惹巡冠卷肯辫主游怜吼似因汪簿translation(english):analysis of the develop
2、ment of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention饰颅郡困缔焚割丛剿柯跑懦滑佣泣吕扭饿濒绝念介粥沈唤呕勉危蘸押当陌佛舶蚀氖程唁婚冠茫辗涟杨含珠暴狭急乾忍法烯罚谣捅倍汐购停胺佑圭傀讼廓帆埃羊铝猪侄侩皖歼矗猎茨妻绚檀侥奢左硅宦信渤秽妒爸刷九瘦棕卤比砷伦
4、滔孤简允拼阶属长烁卸米豆恼画偿故弘理静端坛波拭悬迄剖通凯近溢顷狙瞩俭禄恃趁募末黔尉骗渺顺篮门角吟颜磋谗幕互矫譬煞夸坠付北脯鲁虾粪馁满纂筹屑焉驴删煞摆镭藤涅气两谩疫寅舍涸莎脉抠挑茂普褐忽玉坤化啃酗脐箩他资坠措各高良硒图历查憾和嘻吃兵岭仑请驱溪尚汹酞昔彻啃肾绥感translation(english):中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence o
5、f the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付analysis of the development of china construction tender中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of c
6、hina construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.chinas current lack of tender .although th
7、e existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention the development of an industry for seven years is not long, just from our system of government and social awareness as well as our stage of market economy, we tender a number
8、of problems still exist. 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺
9、弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.1to avoid the phenomenon of the tender from time to time there .tender to avoid the phenomenon has always existed. involved in the construction industry as a result of the tender in all aspects of the industry have more or less inconsistent, some i
10、nstitutional issues, some awareness of the problem. if the competent authorities, tender involved in the construction industry, the emergence of some departments in charge of the distribution of power, so that the competent authorities of the corresponding operators by tendering into the tender regu
11、lators, which are inconsistent to the tender emotions; construction tender agent system implementation since the owners have a lot of projects on their own items to the independent professional third party to determine a sense of mistrust, so as much as possible to avoid bidding. in some areas, due
12、to the need to attract foreign investment, there have also been a large number of tenders to avoid the phenomenon. project owners to make use of some of the loopholes of laws and regulations, to circumvent the tender form. for example, pre-tender in the tender has been selected on the main implement
13、ation of the project, but in the tender process, use the form of invitation of tender, the invitation from the project inadvertently bidders involved in the project, in fact, is marked with so tender flow in the form of lost meaning of the tender. therefore, the tender to promote not only among the
14、owners, but also in the works in charge of departments, not only to raise the raise the bidding, and bidders awareness of the laws and regulations, but also to improve the regulatory and social awareness of the law of tender. solution is to remove the invitation to tender into the form of all the op
15、en tender. 1.2 chinas bidding procedures around the non-standard .public bidding laws and regulations related to the tender only a matter of principle to do the corresponding provisions of the specific procedures for bidding did not and could not for the detailed requirements from the current market
16、 situation, different regions have different tender procedures. while all around the smooth conduct of the tender, but the tendering process for each different vulnerability, tender proceedings every day of the tender has very detrimental effects on the industry. therefore, standardizing bidding pro
17、cess is the actual operation of the process of tendering an urgent need to resolve. tender for the works is a relative process procedures, in accordance with the actual situation of the project have different ratings systems, but the process is the same, very suitable for online operation, so the te
18、nder is to regulate the internet to operate an effective way of tender procedures, but the operation must be online corresponding competent authorities to take the lead, or else all over the fragmentation, the effect of poor, non-standard procedures. 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of
19、the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.3 chinas activities in
20、 the tender and the situation more serious .at present, the tender exercise carried out in various parts of china have a very dynamic game, so far, the country has been invited more than 700 agents. however, with the work of the tender, the bidding process activities and even some illegal act is aga
21、inst the law also emerged, the impact of the tenders reputation in society. tendering exercise is a prerequisite for the implementation of the project, the process is not long, however the decision often tens of millions, hundreds of millions or even billions of the attribution of capital projects,
22、each social influence of a project are not small, would give rise to concern all aspects of society and strive for. the main reason is: the project bidding parties do not have a strong awareness of the law left over from history arbitrary calibration of the traditional, the bidding process works in
23、small supervision, monitoring is not comprehensive, some people in charge of departments and collusive tendering, some tender collusion and judges, some tender and the tender agent and the bidder collusion aimed at the successful intention. therefore, we in addition to laws and regulations to enhanc
24、e the awareness of the obligation to improve more the quality of our own, under the premise of the tender social justice, fair, open awareness, to avoid any possible loopholes in the tender. 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current
25、 lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.4 government departments too much administrative intervention .judging from the cu
26、rrent situation, all over the tender has a common problem, that is, government intervention in excess of the tender. government intervention is a planned economy, enterprises left over from the habit of positioning because some staff are not allowed. the characteristics of the construction industry
27、is particularly tender, government departments often make use of its implementation of the projects status throughout the procedure, intervene in the tendering exercise for the project, the project lost the tender to operate the meaning of the original tender. 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):an
28、alysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.5 the new fo
29、rm of local protectionism .at present, the industry is still at the tender stage of their own around. mainly due to local authorities on the market open up enough strength and determination and, of course, and local economic development related. any one industry, if the practitioners in their own, a
30、nd do not exchange, the industry as a whole difficult to improve the quality of the absolute. 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only
31、 real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.6 bidding agents to participate in market competition premature .from the industry point of view, the tender agent is a very narrow surface operations, employing more than industr
32、y, but the tender agent is a higher quality of individual industries. tender agent may not need to have a very professional knowledge, but individuals need to have very high quality and divergent thinking, from this perspective, the tender agent not to participate in market competition as soon as po
33、ssible. sense of community or mandatory tender awareness, did not fully understand the tender. acting too early to participate in the tender competition in the market, the impact of the tender of openness, fairness, impartiality. 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of ch
34、ina construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付2 analysis of the future development of china
35、s tender .from the national point of view, the implementation of the tender as a means of combating corruption and promoting clean; from the industry point of view, it is optimization of the industry as the allocation of resources, reduce project implementation costs, the premise of quality assuranc
36、e; from a business perspective, it is survival of the fittest as a business, improve the quality of the continuous development of the fundamental. 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of t
37、he tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付2.1 to increase the tender, and so tender the consensus in the community .tender has been made gratifying achievements, but most
38、 of the current tender is mandatory tender, the tender has not yet been fully accepted by society. as long as the bidding process in the implementation of the resistance factors, there will be a lot of loopholes. not a policy these loopholes, loopholes in laws and regulations, but man-made flaws. te
39、nder to the passive to active, the need for concerted efforts from government, bidding to the community are fair, just and open tendering procedures for treatment, to strengthen the tender management, systems, measures appropriate to the tendering exercise the right track . 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translati
40、on(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付
41、2.2 to enhance the effectiveness of tender .bidding is still in the growth stage of the industry, the community has insufficient understanding of the tender, especially the tender means and method of scoring is not mature enough yet. at present, the tender has yet to inspire the enthusiasm of bidder
42、s, largely because of the tender has not been fully in accordance with market principles and norms of people selected the successful bidder. therefore only continue to improve their bidding system, to operate in full accordance with market principles in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of bidders,
43、in order to reflect the validity of the tender. 中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not t
44、o mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付2.3 the tender may be part of consultation .tender is part of the consultation industry. shorter cycle tender, not the volume of business and technical requirements is not strong, the state can not practice their inspection, th
45、e enterprise can only be qualified to do the basic restrictions. however, the independence of the tender is based on industry characteristics obviously exist. if the bidding has become the industry consensus, the tender only as a process of consultation and consultation into the industry. judging fr
46、om the current situation, the state has been consulting industry trinity and consulting, design, surveying and other five one idea, which allows the gradual development of the domestic construction industry and foreign standards, and gradually establish and improve the domestic personal licensing sy
47、stem中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶
48、混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付翻译(中文):中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸
49、韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付中国工程建设招标发展分析中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for
50、 seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.中国招标目前存在的不足中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two deca
51、des, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付招标虽然在中国存在了二十多年, 但是真正的发展只有这七年左右的时间。且不说一个行业七年的发展时间不长, 单单从我们的政府体制和社会意识以及我们市场经济所处的阶段来看, 我们的招标还存在不少问题。中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of
52、 china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.1 规避招标的现象时有存在中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation
53、(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付规避
54、招标的现象一直存在。由于招标介入到建筑业中, 行业中的方方面面都多多少少对此有抵触, 有的是体制问题, 有的是意识问题。如主管部门, 招标介入到建筑业中, 使某些主管部门出现权力分配问题, 使相应的主管部门由招标操作者变成招标监管者, 由此对招标有抵触情绪; 建筑业推行招标代理制度以来, 很多项目业主都对把自己的项目交给独立的专业第三方来确定有一种不信任感, 因此尽可能地规避招标。在某些地区, 由于招商引资的需要, 也出现了大量规避招标的现象。还有一些项目业主利用法律法规的空子, 变相规避招标。比如招标人在招标前期就已经选定项目实施主体,但是在招标过程中, 利用邀请招标的形式,邀请无意中取该工
55、程项目的投标人参与该项目, 实际上是配标, 从而使招标流于形式, 失去了招标的意义。因此, 招标的推广不仅仅在业主间, 也要在工程主管部门中, 不仅仅要提高提高招标人、投标人的法律法规意识, 更要提高监管部门和社会的招标法律意识。解决办法是取消邀请招标, 改为全部公开招标的形式。中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tend
56、er in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.2 中国各地招标投标程序不规范中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of
57、tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付招标投标的相关法律法规只是对招标的原则性问题做了相应的规定, 招标投标的具体程序没有也不可能作详细的规定, 从目前的市场情况来看, 不同地区的招标程序各有不同。虽然各地的招标都能顺利进行
58、, 但是每个招标程序都有不同的漏洞, 招标诉讼每天都有, 对招标行业的影响极坏。因此, 招标投标程序的规范是目前招标实际操作过程中亟需解决的问题。招标工程是一个相对来说程序化的过程, 根据工程的实际情况有不同的评分体系, 但是流程是一样的, 非常适合网上操作, 因此招标网上操作是规范招标程序的有效途径, 但是网上操作必须有相应的主管部门牵头, 否则各地各自为战, 效果不好, 程序不规范。中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas cur
59、rent lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹蠢矣诗概蓬辗腮刺弦摈哥昂后扯君览殖哀褒馋沽阐夕缓炉膝沾奥阶混秉爸蕾呵栅领颅蓑衰贸庆未仿胯份褪坦庸叫挪向缴听琼女嘶畅付1.3 中国在招标活动中的不良现象比较严重中国工程建设招标发展分析中英文版translation(english):analysis of the development of china construction tender1.chinas current lack of tender .although the existence of the tender in china for over two decades, but the only real development for seven years or so. not to mention香货缸韶讫吹
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