2020-2021学年高中英语 UNIT 3 DIVERSE CULTURES Period 2同步作业新人教版必修第三册_第1页
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1、2020-2021学年高中英语 unit 3 diverse cultures period 2同步作业新人教版必修第三册2020-2021学年高中英语 unit 3 diverse cultures period 2同步作业新人教版必修第三册年级:姓名:unit 3 period two题组a基础练(建议用时:15分钟)单句语法填空1his little son admitted _ (take) some cash from the drawer last night.2tell me how you could escape _ (hurt) in the accident.3the s

2、tudents must keep a journal and then write a report about _ they have learned.4it suddenly occurred_ me that i had forgotten to tell her my telephone number.5our teacher said the date of the sports meeting had not been _ (definite) decided yet.6it is reported that heart disease is the biggest killer

3、, _ (claim) 180,000 lives a year.7it is announced that the final team _ (select) will be made tomorrow.8having sought _ a solution to the problem for several days, they finally found one.9usually, the subway is _ crowded that i cant find anywhere to sit.10im _ (definite) going to get in touch with t

4、hese people.【答案】1taking/having taken2being hurt3what4to5definitely6claiming7selection8for9so10definitely完成句子1it was not long before they left their village to _ _ _ in the south.不久他们就离开了家乡,到南方闯世界去了。【答案】seek their fortune2she _ _ _ peking university, which made her parents very happy.她被北京大学录取了,这使她父母非

5、常高兴。【答案】was admitted to/into3_ _ _ _, i also bought several english novels.除了一本字典外,我还买了几本英文小说。【答案】apart from a dictionary4if youre indoors, go outdoors.or _ _ the park for a walk for a walk.如果你是在室内,那去户外待会儿,或去公园散散步。【答案】head to5it suddenly _ _ _ _ i could buy the clothes online at a lower price.我突然想到我

6、可以在网上以更低的价格买到这件衣服。【答案】occurred to me that微写作现今, 几乎每个国家都重视文化多样(diverse)性, 保护文化多样性(diversity)也是我们的使命(mission)。如果是这样的话, 除了(apart from)对文化自身有益, 我们也可能(its likely that)从中受益。我们必须承认(admit), 许多外国人来市中心(downtown)的目的是希望目睹各种各样的(a series of)建筑物。_【答案】one possible version:nowadays, almost every country pays attenti

7、on to diverse cultures, and its our mission to protect cultural diversity.if so, apart from being good to culture itself, its likely that we can benefit from it.we must admit in downtown area, many foreign visitors come here wishing to witness a series of buildings.题组b提升练(建议用时:25分钟).阅读理解at the age o

8、f seven, while his friends were spending pocket money on things like candy and toys, jose adolfo was busy saving money for more essential purchases.to try to get his peers to do the same, the youngster from arequipa, peru came up with the innovative idea of an ecobank, which allows kids of all ages

9、to gain economic independence while also helping the environment.established in 2012, the bartselana student bank is the worlds first bank for kids.to open an account, kids have to bring in at least 5 kilograms of solid waste (paper or plastic) and establish a savings goal.once accepted, all bank “p

10、artners” are required to deposit(存储) at least one additional kilogram of recyclables on a monthly basis and meet other requirements, such as attending financial education and environmental management workshops.the waste collected is sold to local recycling companies, who, thanks to jose, pay a highe

11、rthanmarket rate for everything brought in by bartselana student bank members.the funds received are placed in the individuals account until his/her savings goal is reached.the account holder can then withdraw his/her money, or choose to leave it and continue to grow for a bigger target.“at the begi

12、nning, my teachers thought i was crazy,” jose recalls.“they did not understand that we_are_not_the_future_of_the_country_but_its_present.luckily.i had the support of the school principal.”by 2013, the bank had over 200 members who brought in one ton of recyclable waste.today, the ecobank, which now

13、has the support of several local institutions, has ten educational centers. they are designed to teach the over 3,000 members both finance and environmental management. on december 6, 2018, in response to the growing demand, bartselana student bank began accepting applications from kids all across p

14、eru.as the teenager says, “together we can change the world.we just need an opportunity.”()1what is the purpose of the ecobank?ato involve kids in the management of the local recycling companies.bto help kids get pocket money to spend on things like candy and toys.cto show kids how important it is t

15、o learn environmental management.dto get kids to help the environment and be economically independent.()2what duty does an ecobank member have to perform?aattending financial education workshops.bbringing in 5 kilos of waste.csaving one kilo of solid waste weekly.destablishing a savings goal.()3what

16、 does the underlined part in paragraph 4 mean?akids are more responsible when growing up.bthe future of the country relies mainly on kids.ckids can contribute to the society though young.dthe present is a vital period for kid development.()4which of the following words can best describe jose?agenero

17、us.bcrazy.cflexible.dinfluential.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了巴塞拉纳学生银行成立于2012年,是世界上第一家儿童银行。为了开户,孩子们必须携带至少5公斤的固体废物(纸或塑料),并设定一个储蓄目标。回收的垃圾被卖给当地的回收公司,多亏了jose,这些公司用高价收购了巴塞拉纳学生银行成员带来的所有东西。1d细节理解题。根据第一段中 “the youngster from arequipa, peru came up with the innovative idea of an ecobank, which allows kids of all ages t

18、o gain economic independence while also helping the environment”可知,ecobank的目的是让孩子们帮助环境和变得经济独立。2a细节理解题。根据第二段中 “once accepted, all bank partners are required to deposit(存储)at least one additional kilogram of recyclables on a monthly basis and meet other requirements, such as attending financial educat

19、ion and environmental management workshops.”可知,所有银行的“合作伙伴”必须每月至少额外存放一公斤可回收物品,并满足其他要求,例如参加金融教育和环境管理研讨会。workshop除了可表示“车间”外,还可表示“工场;研讨会;讲习班”。3c句意猜测题。根据第五段 “by 2013, the bank had over 200 members who brought in one ton of recyclable waste.today, the ecobank, which now has the support of several local in

20、stitutions, has ten educational centers.”可知,到2013年,世界银行已有200多名成员,他们带来了一吨可回收垃圾。如今,生态银行已经得到了几个当地机构的支持,拥有十个教育中心。即可知生态银行是给社会带来了贡献的,故画线部分的意思是:作为生态银行成员的孩子们虽然年轻,但是可以为社会做贡献。4d推理判断题。根据最后一段中 “as the teenager says, together we can change the world.we just need an opportunity.”可知,jose提到我们可以一起改变世界,我们只是需要一个机会。与上文

21、因为jose为生态银行成员带来的东西支付高于市场的价格,而使得银行成员有了增加,并得到了当地机构和教育中心的支持,可知jose是“有影响力的”。generous大方的; crazy疯狂的;flexible灵活的;influential有影响力的。七选五the history of writing instruments, with which humans have recorded and conveyed thoughts and feelings, is the history of civilization itself.this is how we know about our an

22、cestors and their life.the handy sharpenedstone was adapted into the first writing instrument.around 24, 000 bc, the cave man started drawing pictures with the stone onto the walls of his cave._1_ walls at the apollo site in namibia are believed to be the oldest rock paintings to date.before paper c

23、ame along, people used clay or wax tablets on which they wrote with sharp objects such as metal sticks or bones.around 6,000 years ago, the egyptians invented the first paperlike material called papyrus.the word “paper” actually comes from the word “papyrus(纸莎草纸)”_2_ bones or metal sticks were no lo

24、nger useful as the papyrus could not be scratched.so the egyptians created a reedpen perfect for the papyrus._3_ and thus, ancient egyptians transformed bamboo stems(茎) into an early form of a fountain pen.another writing instrument that remained active in history for a long period was the quill(鹅毛)

25、 pen.introduced around 700 ad, the quill was a pen made from a bird feather.goose feathers were most common._4_ for making fine line drawings, crow feathers were the best.when writers had better inks and paper and handwriting had developed into both an art form and an everyday occurrence, mans inven

26、tive nature once again turned to improving the writing instrument._5_anow something was needed to write upon the papyrus.bthe papyrus became the most popular material at that time.cswan feathers were of a high quality, being rare and most expensive.dbamboo stems were better and much more expensive t

27、han goose feathers.ethis led to the development of the modern fountain pen in the 19th century.fthese were mostly the stems of grasses, especially from the bamboo plant.gthese drawings showed events in daily life like the planting of crops or hunting victories.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了人类书写工具的发展历史。1g根据上句可知,

28、大约公元前24000年,穴居人开始用石头在洞穴的墙上画画;根据下句可知,纳米比亚阿波罗遗址的墙壁被认为是迄今为止最古老的岩画。故g项(这些图画展示了日常生活中的事件,如种植庄稼或打猎的胜利)符合题意。2a根据下句可知,由于纸莎草纸不能被刮伤,骨头或金属棒不再有用。故a项(现在需要在纸莎草纸上写点什么)符合题意。3f根据上句可知,埃及人创造了一种芦苇笔,完美地用于纸莎草纸。故f项(这些主要是草的茎,尤其是竹子的茎)符合题意。4c上文提示“最常见的是鹅毛。”,故c项 “swan feathers were of a high quality, being rare and most expensi

29、ve(天鹅羽毛质量很好,既稀有又昂贵)”承接上文,符合题意。5e上文提示“当作家们有了更好的墨水、纸张和书法,它们已经发展成为一种艺术形式和日常生活的一部分时,人类的创造性再一次转向改进书写工具。”故e项 “this led to the development of the modern fountain pen in the 19th century(这导致了现代钢笔在19世纪的发展)”承接上文,符合题意。.语法填空you may have heard of the red cross.it is an 1_(organize) that helps people who are in n

30、eed 2_ bad the situation is! but if not for the passion of a young woman named clara barton, the american red cross may have never been formed!one day when she was 11 years old, her elder brother was 3_(terrible) injured.he was ill for two years.clara cared for him 4_ whole time.through this experie

31、nce she found out that she came alive when she cared for others.soon, clara began taking care of injured animals. neighbors began bringing their pets to her.and, almost always, she made them better. when she was older, she became a nurse in the american civil war and she helped save hundreds of 5_ (

32、soldier)after the civil war, clara traveled to europe to rest.6_ that did not last long.soon she was caring for 7_(wound) people in battle once again! but this time, she learned about the red cross who worked alongside her on the battlefield.their mission was to help those who needed it most.she decided that the red cross 8_(need) in america.over several year


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