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1、带上背包我们去 旅行 组员:王嘉欣 王佳燕 钱翠媛 陈兆阳 We bring backpacks to travel n 世界是一本书,不旅行的人只看到其中的一页。 n The world is a book, people who do not travel only see them one. Aegean SeaAegean Sea Aegean SeaAegean Sea n 一生中一定要有一次这样的旅行:当某处风景突 然闯入你心里,你不加思索地买了奔向它的票, 没有计划也不求向导,像它闯入你心一样突如其 来。无畏旅途遥远或前路艰险,无谓错过或恰巧 遇见。归来时你会自觉很骄傲:终有一次

2、,你在 自己的风景里,不在别人的世界里。 n 所以你准备好背上你的行囊,去一次旅行了么? n So youre ready to back your luggage, go to a trip it? Aegean SeaAegean Sea nMost want to travel places n 中文名称:爱琴海 n 英文名称:Aegean Sea n 希腊文名称: n 日文名称:海 n 法文名称:Aegean n 意大利文名称:Mar Egeo Aegean SeaAegean Sea n 爱琴海(希腊语: )是地中海的一 部分,位于希腊半岛和小亚细亚半岛之间,南北长610km, 东西

3、宽300km。爱琴海的东北部经达达尼尔海峡与马尔马 拉海相连。 n Aegean (Greek: ) is part of the Mediterranean, in Greece and Asia Minor peninsula, between the peninsula, north to south and 610km, east- west width 300km. Northeast Aegean through the Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara is connected. Aegean SeaAegean Sea n 关于爱琴海名称的起

4、源有各种解释:源于古爱琴城;源于 一位名叫爱琴的亚马逊女王,她葬身于海中;源于忒修斯 王子的父王爱琴斯,他误以为忒修斯死了,心碎地跳海自 尽。源于古希腊著名竖琴师琴,她收集的露水形成了爱琴 海。 n Origin of the name on the Aegean Sea there are various explanations: from the ancient Aegean city; stems from a man named Aegean Amazon queen, she died in the sea; derived from the parent YELLOW Adams

5、 Prince Theseus, he mistakenly thought Intuit Hughes died, heartbreaking to jump into the sea himself. From the ancient Greek famous harpist piano, she collected dew formation of the Aegean Sea. Aegean SeaAegean Sea n 爱琴海是地中海的一部分,位于希腊半岛和小亚细亚半岛 之间。海岸线非常曲折,港湾众多,岛屿星罗棋布。相邻岛 屿之间的距离很短,站在一个岛上,可以把对面的海岛看得 清清

6、楚楚。它所拥有的岛屿数量之众,全世界没有哪个海能 比得上,所以爱琴海又有“多岛海”之称。爱琴海的岛屿大 部 分属于西岸的希腊,小部分属于东岸的土耳其。海中最大的 一个岛名叫克里特岛。克里特岛面积约8300平方公里,东西 狭长,是爱琴海南部的屏障。 Aegean SeaAegean Sea n Aegean is part of the Mediterranean, the Greek peninsula located between the peninsula and Asia Minor. Very tortuous coastline, harbors numerous islands

7、dotted. The distance between adjacent islands is very short, standing on an island opposite the island can be seen clearly. It has a number of islands in the public, without which the world can match the sea, so the Aegean Sea has Archipelago said. Most belong to the Aegean islands of Greece, the We

8、st Bank, a small part, of the east coast of Turkey. The largest island in the sea called Crete. Crete, an area of about 8300 square kilometers, something long and narrow, is a barrier to the southern Aegean Sea. Aegean SeaAegean Sea n接下来就让我们带你去看看美丽的爱情海。 nNext, let us take you to see the beautiful Ae

9、gean Sea. Aegean SeaAegean Sea Aegean SeaAegean Sea nAegean Sea at night Aegean SeaAegean Sea Aegean SeaAegean Sea n 来到了爱情海,舒适的住宿环境也是很重要的,【圣托里 尼Katikies Hotel酒店】一定是你好的选择。圣托里尼Katikies Hotel酒店高耸于Oia的悬崖上,就在爱琴海蔚蓝水域300英 尺之上,设有一间屋顶餐厅。酒店的无边游泳池享有火山 口一览无遗的景致。 n Came to love the sea, comfortable accommodation is also very important, Santorini Katikies Hotel Hotel】 【necessarily hello choice. Santorini Katikies Hotel is located high above the cliffs of Oia, on the Aegean Sea, 300 feet above the blue waters offers a rooftop restaurant. The hotels infinity pool offers sweeping views of t


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