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1、GM 4000 HULL Date: 13.12.2006Title: Outline Specification MAIN GROUP 7 Rev.: BTABLE OF CONTENTS目录7. SYSTEMS FOR MACHINERY MAIN COMPONENTS.2 机械的主要组成系统70 Fuel systems .2 燃油系统71 Lube oil systems .2 滑油系统72. Cooling systems.3 冷却系统73. Compressed air systems.4压缩空气系统74. Exhaust systems and air intakes.5排气和进

2、气系统76. Distilled and make-up water systems.5蒸发和造水系统79. Automation systems .5自动系统APPENDIX A Single Line Diagram附录A单线图7. SYSTEMS FOR MACHINERY MAIN COMPONENTS (机械的主要组成系统)70 Fuel systems (燃油系统)701. Fuel oil transfer and drain system.(燃油输送和泄放系统)There shall be four fuel oil tanks, two in each pontoon wit

3、h a combined capacity of approx. 3200m3. The tanks shall be fitted with two transfer pumps with interconnecting means.在两个PONTOON里各有两个燃油舱,每个PONTOON里的两个燃油舱组合容量约3200 立方米。配备两台燃油输送泵,交互链接。Fuel tanks are filled from the bunkering stations on both sides.燃油舱的注入通过平台两舷的注入站实现。Fuel oil transfer pump capacitydeli

4、very pressure: 60m3/hr6bar燃油输送泵的容量为:60m3/hr6barIt shall be possible to drain limited amounts from day and settling tanks to the engine room slop tank, however major draining of the tanks shall be possible to the fuel oil pontoon tanks. The fuel transfer system shall be designed for 16 bar pressure.燃

5、油日用/沉淀舱的泄放允许一定量的燃油流入机舱溢流舱,主要的泄放还是泄放至PONTOON里的燃油舱里。燃油输送系统的设计压力为16 Bar。702. Fuel oil purification.(燃油净化)In each engine room there shall be a fuel oil purifier w/pump. The purifier shall be fitted with a sludge tank drained to the closed drain collection tank in double bottom. Each purifier shall be fi

6、tted with a valve system enabling connection to one single day tank at a time. Capacity: 3m3每个机舱配备一台燃油分油机,每台燃油分油机配备一个油渣舱,各油渣舱均泄放至双层底内的收集舱。每个分油机的安装要求满足同时分离单个日用舱。舱容:3 m3703. Fuel oil supply systems. (燃油供给系统)The fuel storage tanks tank shall be fitted with the transfer pumps, as described in section 70

7、1, which can deliver fuel to the main generators day tanks as well as the emergency generator day tank.燃油储存舱配备两台输送泵,详见701,应能分别输送燃油至主发电机日用油舱和应急发电机日用油舱。The main generators shall be supplied from the day tank via a filter package, and a solenoid valve. There shall be a standby booster pump common for e

8、ach engine room. A fuel oil cooler shall be provided in the return line. The filter packages, fuel oil booster pumps, the fuel oil coolers and the solenoid valves will be provided by the engine vendor.主发电机日用油舱的燃油通过滤器单元和电磁阀输送给主发电机。每个机舱配备一台备用增压泵。燃油回路上需安装燃油冷却器。滤器单元、燃油增压泵、燃油冷却器和电磁阀由柴油机厂家配套提供。The settlin

9、g and day tank shall be fitted with high and low level alarm. The settling and day tank shall each have a capacity of 25m3.每个燃油储存舱和沉淀舱的舱容为 25立方米 ,且安装高位和低位报警。The emergency generator shall have a day tank with a 48 hour capacity. The fuel will be gravity feed to the emergency generator. The emergency

10、generator day tank shall have high and low level alarms.应急发电机日用舱的舱容应能满足应急发电机连续运行48小时的消耗量 ,依靠重力向应急发电机供油,且安装高位和低位报警。71 Lube oil systems(滑油系统)711. Lube oil transfer and drain system.(滑油输送和泄放系统统)There shall be one storage tank of 32m3 for lube oil. The lube oil shall begravity feed to the main diesel ge

11、nerators as well as to a station in the engine room where oil can be filled into small containers etc.配备一个32立方米的滑油储存舱,依靠重力向主发电机和机舱内其他用户和小容器供油。There shall be a lube oil drain tank of 21m3 fitted with high level alarm in the double bottom below engine rooms with connections to the main diesel engines

12、for draining. A transfer pump capable of pumping 10m3/h shall deliver dirty lube oil to the bunkering stations on both sides as well as to work area on deck. The pump shall be capable of running towards a closed valve for 1 hour.在双层底内配备一个32立方米的滑油泄放舱供主发电机滑油泄放收集,舱内设高位报警。配备一台 10m3/h 的滑油输送泵,将污滑油输送至两舷的注入

13、站或甲板上的工作区域。此污滑油输送泵应能满足1个小时的封闭管路运行而不被损坏。72. Cooling systems(冷却系统)A total of four independent seawater/freshwater cooling systems shall be fitted.Three of these systems shall independent of each other deliver freshwater cooling to the three engine groups and associated systems. The fourth system shall

14、 deliver freshwater cooling to rig systems except from the engines.These systems shall be separated and secured independently for fire and flooding according to DP class 3 operations.Each thruster shall have its own seawater/freshwater circulation system.本船设有四套独立的海水/淡水冷却系统。其中三套分别为三组主发电机及其辅助设备服务。另外一套

15、为发电机以外的钻井相关设备服务。这些系统相互隔离并能满足DP3要求安全独立地为消防和预防舱室进水服务。每台方位推进器拥有格子的海水/淡水循环系统。721.1 Main seawater cooling system(主海水冷却系统)There shall be two seawater cooling pumps, one running, one standby delivering seawater to two seawater coolers, one running and one stand by for each group of diesel generators. Each

16、system shall be located in separate pump room with minimum A60 fire insulation in between. Each system shall also be secured against flooding.配备两台主海水冷却泵(一备一用)向两台海水冷却器(一备一用)输送海水,为各组主发电机组服务。各个系统均安装在独立的泵舱内,防火绝缘等级不小于A60,每个系统也担负着预防舱室进水的任务。Material(材料):Pump housing(泵体): AISI 316Pump impeller(叶轮): Bronze(青

17、铜)Pump pipe stack(轴): AISI 316Approximate capacities for one system(系统能力):Sea water Cooling pump capacity delivery pressure(海水冷却泵容量): 900m3/h3barIn each thruster room there shall be seawater pump, heat exchanger, freshwater pump and distribution system for cooling of the thruster and frequency conve

18、rter, as well as hydraulics etc. related to that thruster.每个推进器室设有海水泵、热交换器、淡水泵和推进器、转炉、液压单元等相关设备的冷却分配系统。There shall be two seawater cooling pumps, one running and one standby delivering seawater to two separate coolers, one running and one standby for the rig cooling water system.配备两台主海水冷却泵(一备一用)向两台海

19、水冷却器(一备一用)输送海水,为钻井相关设备冷却系统服务。722.1 Main freshwater circulation system.(主淡水循环系统)As described in section 721, two main SW/FW coolers shall be installed in each pump room. Two FW circulation pumps, one running, one stand by, located in each machinery room, shall circulate FW from these coolers to the e

20、ngines as well as various consumers thru a ringline. Each system shall be independent from the others. There shall be an expansion tank below deck in each engine room. The cooling water supply to the AC and refrigeration systems shall be feed from the system for the optional two engines. All air-act

21、uated Temperature Control Valves (TCV) in the FW cooling systems shall fall-set in position or fail to full cooling.与721中描述相同,在每个泵舱安装两台主海水/淡水冷却器,在每个机舱安装两台淡水循环泵(一备一用),从冷却器输送循环淡水至主机和环路上其他用户。每个系统与其他系统独立。每个机舱内均安装有一个膨胀水箱。用于空调冷藏的系统的冷却水将由任意两台主机的的冷却系统提供。淡水冷却系统上所有的气动温控阀的开度应位于适当位置,通常情况下不应满负荷运转。Approximate cap

22、acities:Main Seawater Cooler capacity(主海水冷却器容量): 7500kWSW side(海水侧 ): 600m3/h32CFW side(淡水侧): 350m3/h32CSuitable pumps to match the cooler requirements.循环泵根据冷却器厂家建议配备。722.2 Thruster freshwater circulation system.(推进器淡水循环系统)As described in section 721, coolers shall be installed in each thruster room

23、.Two Thruster FW circulation pumps, one running, one stand by, in each thruster room shall circulate FW from coolers to the respective consumers. All air-actuated Temperature Control Valves (TCV) in the FW cooling systems shall fall-set in position or fail to full cooling.The configuration of the FW

24、 supply to the thrusters shall follow the configuration of the thruster prime movers.与721中描述相同,在每个推进器室安装两个冷却器,每个推进器室的两个淡水循环泵(一备一用),从各冷却器输送循环淡水至各自的用户。淡水冷却系统上所有的气动温控阀的开度应位于适当位置,通常情况下不应满负荷运转。推进器淡水供给系统的构造应根据推进器转炉的要求布置。Thruster Seawater Cooler Capacity(推进器海水冷却器容量): 1200kWSW side(海水侧): 243m3/h32 CFW side(

25、给水侧): 180 m3/h35 CSuitable pumps to match the cooler requirements.循环泵根据冷却器厂家建议配备。73. Compressed air systems(压缩空气系统)731. Starting air(起动空气)Three air cooled starting air compressors shall be fitted each in one of the auxiliary machine rooms. All compressors shall deliver starting air to 6x600litres30b

26、ar receivers (+ Optional two), where two are fitted in each engine. The receivers are supplied by engine vendor. It shall be possible to isolate each engine room from the compressors. There shall be a crossover between the engine rooms with normally closed isolating valves.在每个辅机舱安装一台起动空气空压机,所有起动空气空压

27、机供应起动空气至6个600l30bar的空气瓶,每个机舱两个。空气瓶由主机厂家提供。空压机输送出的压缩空气可以通过截止阀隔离每个机舱的压缩空气。机舱之间应安装常闭隔离阀组。Compressor(空压机): Sperre HL2/120, 59m3/h30bar732. General purpose air(杂用空气)Two freshwater cooled working air screw compressors located in the compressor room, shall have auto start to supply air to a common receiver

28、, connected to the ring line.在空压机室安装两个水冷式带自起动的螺旋空压机,向连接在压缩空气环路上的常用空气瓶供气。The service air lines shall be arranged in a ringline to the various consumers in each service space and suitable locations on main deck with isolation valves to each branch.日用空气管路将布置在各个用户需要的地方和主甲板的适当区域,采用截止阀隔离各分支。Compressor cap

29、acity(空压机容量): 7m3/min FADWorking pressure(工作压力): 8 bar734. Instrument air控制(仪表)用空气Instrument air shall be taken from working air by reducer, through two absorption air dryers in parallel and delivered to one receiver in each engine room.控制空气从工作空气管路中通过减压阀组减压后经过两个并联的空气干燥器进入每个机舱内的空气瓶。The instrument air

30、 lines shall be arranged in a ringline to the various consumers with isolation valves to each branch.控制空气应作为一环路通过分管上的隔离阀为各用户提供控制空气。Dryer Capacity(each) 干燥器容量(一台): 0.68m3/minReceiver capacityworking pressure(空气瓶容量): 600litres7barSpace for installing two instrument air compressors with dryers and rece

31、ivers shall be provided in the compressor room.控制空气空压机、干燥器、空气瓶等均安装在空压机室。74. Exhaust systems and air intakes(排气和进气系统)741.1 Fresh air intakes for diesel engines(柴油机新风进口)The air intakes for the diesel engines shall be separate ducts for each diesel. The ducts shall be routed separate and direct from en

32、gine thru the box girder bulkhead. Where ducts are below damaged water line water tight valves are to be fitted. The starting of the diesel shall be interlocked with the valve. Closing the valve shall give a stop signal to the diesel. The valves shall be linked up to the panel for watertight closing

33、 (section 513).每台柴油机新风进口应有独立的风道,风道直接通过箱形梁防水壁分别通向开敞区域。位于危险水线以下的风管必须安装水密阀,此阀与主机起动系统连锁,关阀前需向主机发送一个关闭信号。此阀的控制应连接至驾驶室水密完整性控制系统。741.1 Fresh air intake for emergency diesel(应急发电机新风进口)The air intake for the emergency diesel engine shall be ducted separate. This duct shall be above damaged waterline.应急发电机新风风

34、道应为独立风道,进口应在危险水线以上。744.1 Exhaust gas systems for main diesel engines.(主发电机排气系统)The exhaust system for the diesels shall be routed thru the box girder side bulkhead within the engine room. There shall be water spray nozzles in each exhaust outlet located in the outside uptube to provide the possibili

35、ty to spray the exhaust with sea water. There shall be a water tight valve in each bulkhead penetration to provide watertight integrity. The valve shall be suited for the system. This valve shall be remote operated and controlled via the engine control. The starting of the diesel shall be interlocke

36、d with the valve. Closing the valve shall give a stop signal to the diesel. The valves shall be linked up to the panel for watertight closing (section 513).主发电机排气系统的风道穿过机舱箱形梁防水壁。在机舱外的排气管道出口处安装水雾喷头(海水)。为保证水密完整性,在每个水密舱壁的贯穿件处安装水密阀,此阀应具备遥控功能,通过柴油机控制系统控制。柴油机的起动应与此阀连锁,关闭此阀时应给柴油机一个关闭信号。此阀的控制应连接至驾驶室水密完整性控制系

37、统。The exhaust pipes shall point upwards, but end well above the deepest waterline. Silencers for each exhaust shall be installed outside the engine rooms.排气管的走向应向上通往开敞甲板,出口应位于重载水线以上,每个柴油机机舱外的排气管道上安装一个消音器。744.2 Exhaust gas systems for emergency diesel engine(应急发电机排气系统)The exhaust system for the emerg

38、ency diesel shall lead to an area above the worst damaged waterline. The exhaust pipe shall be clear of fresh air intakes for ventilation.应急发电机的排气系统应通向危险水线以上。排气管应与通风的新风进口明显区分。Silencer shall be installed inside engine room.在机舱里安装消音器。76. Distilled and make-up water systems (蒸馏和补给水系统)761. Distilled and

39、 make-up water systems(蒸馏水和补给水系统)Two Alfa Laval watermakers shall be installed nearby the boilers. It shall be possible to run these from both the engine cooling water system, without breaking the system segregation, as well as from the boilers. Capacity 2 x 75 cub.m/24h. The watermakers shall deliv

40、er water to a distilled water tank, connected to the freshwater system via a UV/filtering unit.在锅炉附近安装两台 Alfa Laval 造水机,加热介质既可以利用锅炉水,也可以利用主发电机高温冷却水。此造水机容量为75 cub.m/24h ,所产生淡水输送至蒸馏水舱,经过紫外线消毒器与淡水系统相连。79. Automation systems(自动化系统)791.1 Manoeuvre consoles and navigation consoles on bridge(驾驶室操纵台和导航控制台)A

41、ll consoles shall be made of steel or aluminium plates. All equipment shall be mounted in consoles. The consoles shall have detachable covers in the front or where practicable according to arrangement. For maintenance and repair, a receptacle and a working light shall be installed inside of each con

42、sole.所有的控制台由钢板或铝板制成。所有设备将安装在控制台上。控制台有可拆卸的盖子按照布置在台子前部或易于操作的位置。用于维护和维修,提供一个插座和工作灯安装在每个台子内部。There shall be a manoeuvre station forwards as well as aft, fitted with thruster controls, joystick, navigation instruments etc. The forward station shall also be fitted with autopilot. Stations shall have in-co

43、mmand indication and take command function. Indication of thrusters rpm and direction shall be fitted on each station. Slave monitors for compass, radars, GPS, electronic maps etc. to be arranged on all manoeuvre stations.有一个艏和艉操纵站,安装带有推进器控制,操纵杆,导航仪器等。艏部操纵站将装备有自动操舵仪。操纵站将具有控制显示和取得控制功能。推进器转速表和方向显示将安装在

44、每一个控制站上。罗经,雷达,全球定位系统GPS,电子海图等复示器布置在所有的操纵站上。Side by side with the radio station there shall be a navigation table with suitable storage for maps and navigation instruments. A shelf for books and other reference shall be fitted above.与无线电控制站并排的那里将提供一个导航桌带有适当的储存柜,用于存放地图和导航仪器。在导航桌上面安装一个用于存放书籍和参考资料的架子。Th

45、e Joystick system shall be interfaced to wind sensors, gyro, azimuth thrusters and power plant. The independent Joystick system shall have “Auto heading”,”Auto pilot” and “Wind compensation” functionality.操纵杆系统将连接到风向风速仪,电罗经,方位推进器和电站。单独的操纵杆系统将具有“自动航向”,“自动操舵”和“风向风速补偿”功能。Aft of the bridge, the main DP

46、control station as specified in section 408 shall be located together with manual thruster control and independent joystick. The main DP control station shall have one operator station for the vessel control system integrated. Thruster emergency stop buttons for DP controlled systems shall be reache

47、d from DP consoles. All this emergency stop circuits shall be monitored.驾驶室的艉部,主动态定位(DP)控制站按照408章节的规定将定位与手动操纵推进器控制和单独的操纵杆在一起。主动态定位控制站将有一个与平台控制系统集成在一起的控制站。推进器应急停止按钮用于来自DP控制台的动态定位控制系统的延伸。所有推进器应急停止按钮电路都将被监控。The backup DP station shall be located in the primary engine control room.备用DP控制站位于主机控室。The ball

48、ast control station shall be located centrally on the bridge. The system shall display the entire ballast system, as well as the bulk/liquid handling system.压载控制站位于驾驶室中央。该系统将显示整个压载系统以及货舱/液舱控制系统。The watertight integrity panel, the fire alarm panel and the loading computer shall be located with the ba

49、llast control station and displayed on screens. Adjustable chairs shall be fitted as required.水密完整性监测板、火警报警板和装载计算机位于压载控制台和显示器屏。按照规定将安装可调的椅子。Consoles in engine control rooms机控室控制台There shall be a vessel control system station, emergency operation panels, alarms, printers and equipment as required for

50、 operation of the vessel according to class and authorities. The bridge acts as the backup engine control room. The engine control room act as the backup DP station.机控室将安装一个平台控制站,应急操作板,报警,打印机和按照规范规定的平台操作所必要的设备。驾驶室作为备用机控室;机控室作为备用DP控制站。792.1 Vessel control system (VCS) 平台控制系统(VCS)The vessel control sy

51、stem shall be a complete integrated computer-based system. The system shall be based on a common fully redundant dual network system (A-60 divided) which enables all relevant data to be available to all parts of the integrated system, manoeuvring system, DP etc. The system shall be delivered by Kong

52、sberg Maritime.Instrumentation, alarms and control systems for operation of the vessel to be included.平台控制系统是一个完全基于计算机的集成控制系统。该系统基于公共完全多余的双重网络系统(A-60隔离)。其能使所有的相关数据用到集成系统的所有部分,操纵系统、DP系统等。该系统由“Kongsberg”制造商提供。包括平台操纵的仪表、报警和控制系统。The vessel control system shall include:Power management systemSwitchboard/

53、generator control systemWatch call “Dead man alarm”Diesel generator control and alarms, incl. emergency gen.Ballast control, incl. tank soundingRemote operation of valves/start-stop of pumpsValve indication systemAuxiliary system controlWatertight integrity controlLoading computerOperator consoles a

54、nd printer logsThe vessel control system shall be powered from a UPS system with full redundancy and a capacity for 30 minutes of backup operation.平台控制系统包括: 电能管理系统; 配电板/发电机控制系统; 值班呼叫“死人报警系统”; 柴油发电机控制和报警,包括应急发电机的控制和报警; 压载控制,包括舱柜的监测; 泵的起停/阀的遥控操作; 阀指示系统; 辅机系统控制; 水密完整性控制; 装载计算机; 操作控制台和打印航行日志;平台控制系统电源来自一

55、个带有完全多余的,备用操作30分钟容量的UPS系统。792.1 Power management system 电能管理系统(PMS)There shall be a power management system (PMS) integrated in the vessel control system.电能管理系统(PMS)集成在平台控制系统里。The PMS systems shall perform load dependant start/stop of diesel generators, black-out prevention, load sharing, synchronis

56、ing, remote operation of relevant breakers and tripping of non-essential consumers in the event of power shortage.PMS系统履行柴油机发电机的负载待命起动/停止、预防电源中断、负荷分配、同步、相应断路器的遥控操作和在电能缺乏的情况下自动分离非重要负载。The PMS shall be able to function independently for each switchboard in three split mode.PMS 在三座配电板分别供电情况下,对每座配电板有独立地

57、运行的功能。The system shall be prepared for future installation of drilling and well intervention equipment.给未来的钻井和井干涉的设备留有备用系统。792.2 Switchboard/generator control system(配电板/发电机控制系统)The switchboards shall be controlled by the VCS.配电板控制由VCS控制。792.3 Alarm and event management/watch call/dead-man alarm(报警和事件管理/值班呼叫/死人报警)The alarm and event management system shall be an integrated function of the VCS. It shall measure, detect, and repo


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