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1、2022届高考英语一轮总复习 练案29 选修6 unit 4 global warming练习新人教版2022届高考英语一轮总复习 练案29 选修6 unit 4 global warming练习新人教版年级:姓名:选修六unit 4global warming.完形填空(2020河南省南阳市一中月考)“whats all this tree-planting for?”i was asked when i began writing about 1.b a piece of land i had bought in somerset. the truth is, i just love tr

2、ees. and i am not 2.c . as i get older, all i really 3.d is to plant trees , prince charles says in a bbc documentary in which he is 4.a in the wood he planted on the day prince george was born.there are 5.c and wonderful trees in our cities and villages. they were planted, or self-sown, years, even

3、 centuries ago. we take them for granted, 6.c the creatures living among them, remain in ignorance of the 7.b trees are doing us(cleaning the air, for instance) and cut them down for new 8.a . yet we keep a feeling of 9.d for them. this may account for the 10.b the government faced in 2010 when it s

4、ought to sell off publicly owned woods, and for the wide support that the woodland trust (a tree-protecting charity) 11.a .trees need 12.a , which is why i, a city-resident, bought my somerset woodland in 1999. at that time, climate change was already well proved, 13.d my hopes of planting long-live

5、d oaks and pines gradually developed into anxiety about their 14.b . tree diseases new to the uk, wind, drought and flood were all 15.a against them.but i did not 16.d things to move so fast. the woodland is still good, the new trees are growing like mad, but the creatures are 17.c . the rabbits hav

6、e disappeared and the owl has moved. the bees and butterflies are 18.b there but in smaller numbers. how can this happen on land 19.c pesticides (杀虫剂)?surely, it indicates we need to give nature the chance to restore its own 20.d . meanwhile, i love my wood, and so do many of its visitors. and tree-

7、planting has done wonders for restoring my balance town and country.文章大意:这是一篇议论文。作者写树木给人带来的好处,和自己买下一块萨默塞特林地种树,种树的目的就是维持人与自然的平衡。1. areplacingbrestoringcrecyclingdreturning解析:句意:当我写我在恢复萨默塞特购买的那片土地时,我被问道:种这些树是为了什么?replacing替代;restoring恢复;recycling回收利用;returning归还。根据最后一句“and tree-planting has done wonde

8、rs for restoring my balance town and country,”得知作者种树是为了恢复土地,故选b。2a.richbweakcalonedsocial解析:句意:不是只有我一个人有这种想法。rich富有的;weak虚弱的;alone独自的;social社会的。空格后引用了 prince charles的话“我开始变老,我所想的就是种树”,可见他与作者有相同的观点,因而作者说自己 not alone。故选c。3a.apply forbwait forcmake fordlong for解析:句意:随着年龄增长,我唯一渴望的就是种树。apply for申请;wait f

9、or等待;make for有助于;long for渴望。作者唯一渴望的就是种树,故选d。4a.filmedbtrackedcreflectedddiscovered解析:句意:prince charles在他参演的bbc纪录片里面说到“我开始变老。我所想的就是种树”。filmed拍摄;tracked追踪;reflected反射;discovered发现。根据documentary(纪录片)可知选 filmed。故选a。5a.holybyoungcmaturedmysterious解析:句意:这有成熟美丽的大树。holy神圣的;young年轻的;mature成熟的;mysterious神秘的。空

10、格后面一句写到这些树被种或者自己成长在几年以前或者是几个世纪前,因而推测出我们村庄的这些树是成熟的(mature),故选c。6a.raisebwatchcignoredabuse解析: 句意:我们认为这些树是理所当然的,忽视了生活在其中的其他生物,忽视了树给我们带来的净化空气等等的好处,砍下树木另作他用。raise上升;watch看;ignore忽略;abuse滥用。空格后有ignorance,所以这里选择ignore。故选c。7a.honorbgoodccreditdjustice解析:句意:忽视了树给我们带来的净化空气等等的好处,砍下树木另作他用。honor荣誉;good好处;credit

11、信用;justice正义。空格后有 clean the air(净化空气)等好处,所以选择good赞扬树木。故选b。8a.usebspiritclifedhope解析:句意:忽视了生活在其中的其他生物,忽视了树给我们带来的净化空气等等的好处砍下树木另作他用。use用途;spirit精神;life生活;hope希望。人们忽视树木的好处,为了新的用途而砍树,故选a。9a.trustbsadnesscbetrayaldaffection解析:句意:我们对树木有喜爱之情。trust信任;sadness悲伤;betrayal背叛;affection喜爱。根据上文yet表示转折,上文写我们忽视了树木给我们

12、带来的好处,砍伐他们,然而我们内心对树木还是有喜爱之情的。故选d。10a.approvalboppositioncoptionddilemma解析:句意:这可以解释政府在2010年试图卖掉公有树木时遭遇了反对,因为获得了广泛的支持。approval支持;opposition反对;option选择;dilemma困境。woodland trust(树木保护组织)获胜了。上文是公众喜爱树木,所以应该是反对政府卖树的。故选b。11a.winsbrejectscrequiresdwithdraws解析:句意:树木保护组织赢了。wins赢;rejects拒绝;requires要求;withdraws撤退

13、。因为获得了wide support,所以woodland trust(树木保护组织)赢了。故选a。12a.spacebtimeccompanydnutrition解析:句意:树木生长需要空间。space空间;time时间;company公司;nutrition营养。我在1999年买下萨默塞特林地的原因是树木需要空间。故选a。13a.sincebforcyetdso解析:句意:当时,气候变化已经得到了很好的证明,所以我种植长寿橡树和松树的希望逐渐变成了焦虑。前后是因果关系。故选d。14a.benefitsbchancesclocationdappearance解析:句意:当时,气候变化已经得到

14、了很好的证明,所以我种植长寿橡树和松树的希望逐渐变成了焦虑。benefits益处;chances机会;location位置;appearance外表。气候变化已被证实,所以我对树木是否有生长机会的忧虑。故选b。15a.piling upbspeeding upckeeping updmixing up解析:句意:狂风、干旱、洪水共同抵抗他们。piling up堆积;speeding up加速;keeping up保持;mixing up混合。这里讲到影响树木生长的阻碍。故选a。16a.wishbintendcallowdexpect解析:句意:但是我没预料到事态发展地如此之快。wish祈求;i

15、ntend打算;allow允许; expect期待;预料。因为林地目前很好,但新树苗在疯长。故选d。17a.in placebin ordercin declinedin question解析:句意:生物的数量在减少。in place适当的;in order整齐;in decline下降;in question考虑中的。上文提到树木在疯长,用but转折可知 creatures的数量应该在减少(in decline)。故选c。18a.evenbstillceverdonce解析:句意:蜜蜂和蝴蝶仍然有,但是数量减少了。根据减少得知前面是虽然仍然存在。故选b。19a.short ofbsick o

16、fcfree ofdfull of解析:句意:我们如何让这片土地上的生物摆脱杀虫剂呢?short of缺乏;sick of厌恶;free of摆脱;full of充满。杀虫剂阻碍生物生长,要摆脱它们。故选c。20a.glorybfunctioncimpactdbalance解析:句意:我们要给自然机会去维持自身的均衡。glory荣誉;function功能;impact影响; balance平衡。我们要给自然机会去维持自身的均衡,和最后一句 restore my balance呼应。故选d。.阅读理解(2021河南省九师联盟质检)as spring advances across the mid

17、west, a new study looking at blooming (盛开的) flowers suggests non-native plants might live longer than native plants due to climate change.the studyled by researchers at indiana university and michigan state universityhas shown warming temperatures affect native and non-native flowering plants differ

18、ently, which could change the look of local place over time. “when a plant flowers determines whether it will be pollinated (授粉) by bees or other insects and how much time it will have to produce seeds. our data makes me worry that we will have a very weedy world in our future, ” said the studys lea

19、d author jen lau, an associate professor in indiana university.the researchers findings suggest non-native plants may be better at shifting their flowering time compared to native plants. these differences are thought to influence a plants success both now and in future warmer environments.lau and h

20、er students simulated (模拟) global warming in fields planted with 45 native and non-native plants. some areas were warmed by infrared (红外线的) heaters, while other areas were not. laus lab surveyed all plants to determine when they first flowered and how long they flowered.when plants were grown in war

21、med plots simulating the climate change expected in the midwest by the end of the century, the researchers found that non-native plants flowered more than 11 days earlier on average. in contrast, native plants didnt change flowering times at all when warmed.they also found earlier-flowering non-nati

22、ve plants had greater geographic spread, suggesting that flowering earlier may help promote successful occupation across large areas.the findings suggest important differences in how native and non-native plants respond to climate change.文章大意:本文是一篇科普说明文。一项新的研究发现,本土植物比非本土植物更易受气候变化的影响。1what does the n

23、ew study find about native plants compared with non-natives? d athey may have a longer life cycle.bthey are likely to have more flowers.cthey are more adaptable to climate change.dthey may be at greater risk from climate change.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“.a new study looking at blooming(盛开的)flowers suggests non

24、-native plants might live longer than native plants due to climate change.”可知,跟非本土植物相比,气候变化给本土植物带来的危险更大。2what do jen laus words in paragraph 2 suggest? c ashes quite sure that a weedy world is waiting for us.bplants may lose the ability to flower in the future.cthe timing of a plants flowering is ke

25、y to its life cycle.da plants flowering time almost has no effect on its pollination.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“when a plant flowers determines whether it will be pollinated(授粉)by bees or other insects and how much time it will have to produce seeds.”可知,植物的开花时间决定了它是否会被蜜蜂授粉以及它将有多少时间来产生种子。由此可推断,植物的开花时间是它生命周期的关键。3

26、what does the underlined word “shifting” in paragraph 3 probably mean? a achanging. bpostponing. carranging. dpredicting.解析:词义猜测题。画线词所在句子句意表示“研究人员的发现表明非本土植物可能比本土植物更擅长它们的开花时间”,再根据第五段“.the researchers found that non-native plants flowered more than 11 days earlier on average. in contrast, native plant

27、s didnt change flowering times at all when warmed.”可推断,画线词义为“改变”。4what is paragraph 4 mainly about? b ahow global warming affected plant species. bhow the researchers tested their supposition.chow to keep the warmth of the planted fields. dhow to determine the flowering times of plants.解析:段落大意题。根据第三

28、段“these differences are thought to influence a plants success both now and in future warmer environments.”及第四段中提到“模拟全球变暖”和“用红外线加热器”等可推断,第四段主要讲述的是研究人员是如何测试他们的假设的。.阅读七选五(2021四川省天府名校联考)is our planet heating up? are human beings to blame for climate change? 1. g the discussion on this subject has been h

29、eated, but what are scientists actually saying? at readers digest, we decided to find it out. 2. b yes, it has, and even warmer. greenland was forested between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, so temperatures were considerably warmer then. there have also been other times of relatively high temperatur

30、es.so why does the concern exist?its all about the speed at which temperatures are changing. 3. e but in the 20th and 21st centuries, especially since 1976, temperatures have probably risen more quickly than during any century in the past 1,000 years. warming may bring improved crop production and o

31、ther benefits to northern countries such as canada or russia. however, many species may not adapt to these conditions, and the one that is able to may cause a problem. 4. f the west nile virus, first seen in north america nine years ago, infected about 4,000 people in the us in 2006. the mountain pi

32、ne beetle, which is active during warmer winters, has already destroyed about 13 million hectares of canadas forests, worth an estimated $6.4 billion.what is causing the warming?ipcc has concluded that human activity is very likely responsible, by increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases an

33、d thus the greenhouse effect. 5. a they argue the human contribution is nothing.asome scientists, however, still disagree.bhas the planet ever been this warm before?chas human behavior made the planet warm?dtemperatures have been changing all the time.ein the past, temperatures moved up or down grad

34、ually.fmosquitoes have been moving northwards to higher places.gthese questions have burst into newspapers, films and popular books.文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。主要内容是科学家关注引起气候变暖的真正原因,及对该问题的讨论。解析:1根据前文提出的两个问题可知,g选项中的these questions指代前文的两个问题;再根据下文可知,关于“气候变暖”的问题讨论一直很热烈,g选项中提到“气候变暖这些问题在报纸、电影和书籍中都提到过。”,由此可知,g选项能承接上下文。故

35、选g。2根据下文的“yes, it has, and even warmer”(是的,有,而且更暖和。),可知此句是答语,由it has也可推知,问句的部分包含has助动词,b项符合这个要求,且语义(地球以前有过这么温暖吗?)承接下文。故选b。3根据上下文可知,此处强调的是气候的变化,且e选项中的temperatures和上下文呼应,且语境承接上下文。故选e。4根据前文的“many species”(许多物种)可知,此处用“mosquitoes”进行举例说明,因为一些物种无法适应这种环境,所以蚊子向北移到较高的地方。故f项承接上文,故选f。5根据上下文可知,政府间气候变化专门委员会得出结论,人

36、类活动很可能是罪魁祸首,因为人类活动增加了温室气体的浓度,从而造成了温室效应。然而,一些科学家仍然不同意。他们认为人类的贡献微不足道。故a项承接上下文,且呼应本文主题。故选a。.语法填空(2020潍坊市6月模拟)earlier 2019, the international centre for integrated mountain development published 1.the most comprehensive analysis up to now of how climate change will affect the glaciers (冰川) of the world,

37、 2.warning (warn) that about 18,000 glaciers will disappear by 2100.this is a bad 3.prediction (predict) for some 1.9 billion south asians, 4.who use water from these glaciers not only for drinking but aslo for agriculture, hydroelectric power, and tourism. but the survey also looked at an immediate question: as the glaciers 5.rapidly (rapid) melt, where will all the watermore than a quadrillion gallons of it, almost the amount 6.contained (contain) in lake hurongo?the answer is that the hima


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