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1、外研版(一起)四年级英语下册期末复习句子部分及模拟试题(一)小学资源网一、 根据所给情景说出英文句子:1. 当你想知道lisa来自哪里时,应怎样问:2. 当你想知道tom的父亲是做什么工作的,你应怎样问:3. 当你想知道linda是几班的时,应怎样问:4. 当你想知道linda的学号是几时,应怎样问:5. 当你想问david:“用英语说这是什么?”时,应怎样问:6. 你想问david:“你喜欢桔子吗?”应怎样问:7. 妈妈想让david喝些牛奶,应怎样表达:8. 你想建议妈妈去公园好吗?应怎样表达:9. 你想找妈妈要些凉水喝,应怎样和妈妈说:10. 当你想试穿新买的一件衬衫时,应怎样问妈妈?1

2、1. 当你想让dad看那条牛仔裤时,应怎样说:12. 当你想看看货架上的那双鞋时,应怎样跟售货员说:13. 当你想祝你的朋友新年快乐时,你会怎样表达:14. 当你想说:“大象长着大耳朵和小眼睛”时,应怎样说:15. 当你到商店购物时,服务员会热情的跟你说:二、 根据所给的问句找答句:( )1. hows the weather today? a. its sunny.b. its bread.( )2. where are my shorts? a. here it is.b. here they are.( )3. wheres my cap? a. here it is.b. here t

3、hey are.( )4. may i try them on? a. certainly.b. excuse me.( )5. can i have a new skirt, please? a. sure.b. great.( )6. where are you from? a. shes from america.b. im from china.( )7. do you like apples? a. yes.b. yes, i do.( )8. what fruit has the letter “a”? a. kiwifruit.b. pear.( )9. whats ten an

4、d ten? a. twelve.b. twenty.( )10. what class are you in? a. im in class one, grade four.b. im in class one, grade four.三、 按顺序默26个小写字母: 四、 填空:1. 英文中共有 个字母,其中有 个辅音字母, 个元音字母,这些元音字母分别是 。2. p.r.c.是指 3. w.c是指 ,d.c是指 。4. w.t.o是指 5. cctv是指 ,tjtv是指 。五、 找出下列各组字母中与本组字母不同音系的字母:( )1. a h g k( )2. e b d l( )3. g

5、p t f( )4. i y o( )5. f l m w( )6. r n s x六、 找出不属同类词的序号:( )1. a. eggplantb. cucumberc. raincoat( )2. a. blouseb. jacketc. carrot( )3. a. coolb. hotc. socks( )4. a. postmanb. doctorc. girl( )5. a. englandb. kiwifruitc. canada( )6. a. rainy b. shoesc. snowy七、 看图补全短语: 1. a pencil a pen2. a ball a box3.

6、 a man a boy 4. a shirt5. a face八、 看图回答问题:1. what class are you in? im in class grade .2. whats your number? im number .3. whats this in english? its an .4. hows the weather today? its . put on your .九、 填入适当的词:1. i from china. (be)2. where she from?(be)3. where they from?(be)4. we good friends.(be)5

7、. it sunny today. (be)6. we can a kite.(make)7. i a rabbit.(have)8. they ten tomatoes. (have)9. a rabbit a short tail. (have)10.lisa two english books. (have)【试题答案】一、 根据所给情景说出英文句子:1. 当你想知道lisa来自哪里时,应怎样问: where are you from, lisa?2. 当你想知道tom的父亲是做什么工作的,你应怎样问: whats your father, tom?3. 当你想知道linda是几班的时,

8、应怎样问: what class are you in?4. 当你想知道linda的学号是几时,应怎样问: whats your number?5. 当你想问david:“用英语说这是什么?”时,应怎样问: whats this in english?6. 你想问david:“你喜欢桔子吗?”应怎样问: do you like oranges?7. 妈妈想让david喝些牛奶,应怎样表达: have some milk.8. 你想建议妈妈去公园好吗?应怎样表达: shall we go to the park?9. 你想找妈妈要些凉水喝,应怎样和妈妈说: can i have some col

9、d water, please?10. 当你想试穿新买的一件衬衫时,应怎样问妈妈? can i try it on, mum?11. 当你想让dad看那条牛仔裤时,应怎样说: dad, look at those jeans?12. 当你想看看货架上的那双鞋时,应怎样跟售货员说: miss, can i have a look at those shoes?13. 当你想祝你的朋友新年快乐时,你会怎样表达: happy new year!14. 当你想说:“大象长着大耳朵和小眼睛”时,应怎样说: an elephant has big ears and small eyes.15. 当你到商店

10、购物时,服务员会热情的跟你说: can i help you?二、 根据所给的问句找答句:( a )1. hows the weather today? a. its sunny.b. its bread.( b )2. where are my shorts? a. here it is.b. here they are.( a )3. wheres my cap? a. here it is.b. here they are.( a )4. may i try them on? a. certainly.b. excuse me.( a )5. can i have a new skirt

11、, please? a. sure.b. great.( b )6. where are you from? a. shes from america.b. im from china.( b )7. do you like apples? a. yes.b. yes, i do.( b )8. what fruit has the letter “a”? a. kiwifruit.b. pear.( b )9. whats ten and ten? a. twelve.b. twenty.( b )10. what class are you in? a. im in class one,

12、grade four.b. im in class one, grade four.三、 按顺序默26个小写字母: 四、 填空:1. 英文中共有 26 个字母,其中有 21 个辅音字母, 5 个元音字母,这些元音字母分别是 aa ee ii oo uu 。2. p.r.c.是指 中华人民共和国 3. w.c是指 厕所 ,d.c是指 特区 4. w.t.o是指 世界贸易组织 5. cctv是指 中国中央电视台 ,tjtv是指 天津电视台 。五、 找出下列各组字母中与本组字母不同音系的字母:( g )1. a h g k( l )2. e b d l( f )3. g p t f( o )4. i

13、 y o( w )5. f l m w( r )6. r n s x六、 找出不属同类词的序号:( c )1. a. eggplantb. cucumberc. raincoat( c )2. a. blouseb. jacketc. carrot( c )3. a. coolb. hotc. socks( c )4. a. postmanb. doctorc. girl( b )5. a. englandb. kiwifruitc. canada( b )6. a. rainyb. shoesc. snowy七、 看图补全短语:1. a long pencil a short pen2. a

14、 big ball a small box3. a tall man a short boy 4. a new shirt5. a happy face八、 看图回答问题:1. 1. 1. what class are you in? im in class seven grade eight .2. whats your number? im number nine .3. whats this in english? its an apple .4. hows the weather today? its rainy . put on your raincoat .九、 填入适当的词:1. i am from china.(be)2. where is she from? (be)3. where are they fr


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