2020-2021学年英语牛津译林版第一册教学案:Unit 2 Let''s talk teens 导读 话题妙切入含解析_第1页
2020-2021学年英语牛津译林版第一册教学案:Unit 2 Let''s talk teens 导读 话题妙切入含解析_第2页
2020-2021学年英语牛津译林版第一册教学案:Unit 2 Let''s talk teens 导读 话题妙切入含解析_第3页




1、学必求其心得,业必贵于专精2020-2021学年英语新教材牛津译林版必修第一册教学案:unit 2 lets talk teens 导读 话题妙切入含解析名人名言1.the motherchild relationship is the worlds most sacred emotion。-dumas母子之情是世界上最神圣的情感.大仲马2。parents and children is the best gift to each other.vistas父母和子女是彼此赠与的最佳礼物。-维斯冠3。those who refuse their parents discipline will l

2、ose the chance to be human first.hadj abu bakayam谁拒绝父母对自己的训导,谁就首先失去了做人的机会。哈吉阿布巴卡亚姆live every day of your life in full。experience the highs and the lows,the postitives and the negatives,and all the moods present between the various extremes.dont focus on simply being happy.focus on living a well.roun

3、ded,seasoned life.focus on achieving completeness。yes,happiness is part of this completeness,but so is sadness,difficulty,frustration,and failure.and overcoming these latter points supports your personal growth far more than constant happiness.美文欣赏you must have heard these words like how happy it is

4、 to be a child。but would you honestly change places with a child?think of the years at school.the years spent living in continual fear of examinations and school reports。every movement you make,every thought you think is observed by some adults.think of the times you had to go to bed early,you had t

5、o eat hateful things that was supposed to be good for you。remember how “gentle pressure was given to you with words like “if you dont do as i say,i will。.”im sure you will never forget!even so,these are only part of childrens trouble.no matter how kind and loving parents may be,children often suffer

6、 from some terrible and illogical fears since they cant understand the world around them.they often have such fear in the dark or in the dreams。adults can share their fears with other adults while children have to face their fears alone。but the most painful part of childhood is a period when you beg

7、in to go out of it,the period when you go into adolescence.teenagers start to be against their parents and this causes them great unhappiness.there is a complete lack of self。confidence during this time.adolescents pay much attention to their appearance and the impression they make on others.they fe

8、el shy,awkward and clumsy。feelings are strong and hearts are easily broken。teenagers experience moments of great happiness or black despair.and through this period,adults seem to be more unkind than ever.【探索发现】1.read the passage carefully and think of a suitable title for it。teens trouble2.find out why children often suffer from some terrible and illogical fears。because they cant understand the world around them.they often have such fear in the dark or in the dreams,and they have to face their fears alone。3。find out what teenagers think of adults during adolesce


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