2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour学案新人教版必修3_第1页
2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour学案新人教版必修3_第2页
2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour学案新人教版必修3_第3页
2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour学案新人教版必修3_第4页




1、2020-2021学年高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour学案新人教版必修32020-2021学年高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour学案新人教版必修3年级:姓名:unit 3a taste of english humour单元脉图素养导引 聆听经典话题热身 frank r. stockton(18341902), 美国作家, 擅长撰写幽默故事, 从事写作前是一名木头雕刻师。他的幽默故事中的 “the lady, or the tiger?”这个句子如今已成为一个习语, 表示“两难境地”的意思。注: 听音填空the

2、lady, or the tigerfrank r. stocktonlong ago, in the very olden time, there lived a powerful king. some of his ideas were progressive. but others caused people to suffer. one of the kings ideas was a public arena as an agent of poetic justice. crime was punished, or innocence was decided, by the resu

3、lt of chance. when a person was accused of a crime, his future would be judged in the public arena. all the people would gather in this building. the king sat high up on his ceremonial chair. he gave a sign, a door under him opened. the accused person stepped out into the arena. directly opposite th

4、e king were two doors. they were side by side, exactly alike. the person on trial had to walk directly to these doors and open one of them. he could open whichever door he pleased. if the accused man opened one door, out came a hungry tiger, the fiercest in the land, the tiger immediately jumped on

5、him and tore him to pieces as punishment for his guilt. the case of the suspect was thus decided. iron bells rang sadly. great cries went up from the paid mourners. and the people, with heads hanging low and sad hearts, slowly made their way home. they mourned greatly that one so young and fair, or

6、so old and respected, should have died this way. 巧辨/ /的发音1. /都是th的发音。舌齿摩擦辅音。发音时舌尖轻触上齿背, 气流由舌齿间送出, 形成摩擦音。2. /是清辅音, 声带不振动。/是浊辅音, 声带振动。3. 有些人把/发成“舌尖齿龈摩擦音”/s/z/, 其实只要记住轻轻咬住舌尖, 就不会错。4. 发音小秘诀: 看见“th”就轻轻咬舌!【即时训练】听音频回答问题, 并辨别对话中的/ /的发音。1. what did the woman do last night?a. she attended a meeting. b. she we

7、nt shopping. c. she joined a club. 2. what does the man think of the womans suggestion?a. practical. b. creative. c. unreasonable. 3. what can we learn about the woman?a. she lost her way. b. she wants to get a lift. c. she isnt familiar with emberton. 4. why does the woman go to emberton?a. to watc

8、h a football match. b. to join in the football match. c. to visit her friend. 5. how will the woman go to emberton?a. on foot. b. by car. c. by bus. 答案: 15. aacab【听力原文】text 1回答第1, 2两道小题m: did you go to the meeting last night?w: yes, but i wish i hadnt. m: did you ask how much the new furniture for t

9、he club was going to cost?w: yes, and i really put my foot in it. m: how?w: well, i said i thought it was a stupid idea to buy new furniture when the club was so short of money. m: well, theres nothing wrong with that. its a reasonable opinion. w: maybe, but i had forgotten that i was the one who fi

10、rst suggested new furniture at last years meeting. text 2回答第3, 4, 5三道小题w: excuse me. m: oh, hi. what can i do for you?w: can you tell me how far it is to emberton?m: emberton? yes, thats six miles away from here. w: six miles! oh dear, i wish id known that. id never have tried to walk. maybe i could

11、 have taken a bus there to watch the football match. anyhow, thank you. m: oh, just a minute. im driving to emberton. ill give you a lift, if you like. we share the same interest in the match. w: oh, thank you. thats very kind of you. 译文: 美女, 还是老虎frank r. stockton古时候, 有一位非常有权势的国王。他有些想法颇有远见, 有些却让他的国民受罪。他的想法之一是设立一个公审场, 作赏罚判定之用。是定罪受罚还是还其清白, 全看被告的运气。当有人被指控犯罪, 就会被推到那个公审场接受审判, 一切听天由命。所有人将聚集在这个建筑物里。国王高踞宝座, 他稍稍示意, 宝座之下的一扇门就会打开, 被告从那儿走出来, 走进公审场。国王正对着两扇门, 它们紧紧相邻, 外观


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