1、Unit 3 International cargo insurance Unit 3 International cargo insurance 1. Parties to the insurance 2. Types of Risks, losses and expenses 3. Scope of Insurance coverage 4. Procedures of Marine Insurance 5. Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance 1. Parties to the insurance lInsurer 保险人/承保人 lThe
2、 party undertaking to indemnify the insurant against losses or damages l Can be the insurance company / underwriter lIn China, PICC is usually the insurer 1. Parties to the insurance linsured/ the insurant投保人投保人/被保险人被保险人 lThe party that buys insurance lCan be the exporter or importer depending on th
3、e Incoterms adopted in the transaction 1. Parties to the insurance lthe claimant 索赔人索赔人 lThe insurant may not necessarily be the claimant lDepending on: who has the insurable interest of the goods when the goods are damaged or lost 1. Parties to the insurance lthe claimant 索赔人索赔人 lThe insurant may n
4、ot necessarily be the claimant lDepending on: who has the insurable interest of the goods when the goods are damaged or lost 2. Types of Risks, losses and expenses 2.1 Marine Risks Natural Calamities Perils of the Sea 海上风险 Unexpected Accidents Risks General Extraneous Risks Extraneous Risks 外来风险 Spe
5、cial Extraneous Risks 2.Types of Risks, losses and expenses l2.2 Losses total loss lLosses partial loss l2.3 Expenses lTotal Loss 全部损失全部损失 Total loss refers to the loss of the entire shipment caused by the occurrence of one of the perils of the sea, fire, or some other reasons. lPartial loss 部分损失部分损
6、失 2.2 Types of losses 2.2.1 Types of total loss lActual total loss(实际全损)(实际全损): It occurs where the insured goods have been totally lost or damage, or found to be totally valueless on arrival. l完全灭失;完全灭失; l受到严重损坏完全失去原有的形体效用受到严重损坏完全失去原有的形体效用( (改变原来的改变原来的 用途);用途); l不能再归被保险人拥有;不能再归被保险人拥有; l载货船舶失踪,达到一定时
7、间仍无消息(一般为半载货船舶失踪,达到一定时间仍无消息(一般为半 年)。年)。 lConstructive total loss(推定全损)(推定全损): It is found in the case where an actual total loss appears to be unavoidable or the cost to be incurred in recovering or reconditioning the goods together with the forwarding cost to the destination named in the policy wou
8、ld exceed their value on arrival. 被保险货物在运输途中受损后,实际全损已经不可避免,被保险货物在运输途中受损后,实际全损已经不可避免, 或者为避免发生实际全损所需支付的费用与继续将货物运抵目或者为避免发生实际全损所需支付的费用与继续将货物运抵目 的地的费用之和超过保险价值,即恢复、修复受损货物并将其的地的费用之和超过保险价值,即恢复、修复受损货物并将其 运送到原订目的地的费用将超过该目的地的货物价值。运送到原订目的地的费用将超过该目的地的货物价值。 2.2.1 Types of total loss 2.2.2 Types of Partial loss lG
9、eneral average (GA) 共同海损 lParticular average(PA) 单独海损 General average (GA) 共同海损共同海损 lIt means that whichever shipper loses all or part of his cargo, all the others will club together to recompense him for his loss. l是指载货船舶在海上遇到灾害、事故,威胁到船货等各方面的共是指载货船舶在海上遇到灾害、事故,威胁到船货等各方面的共 同安全,为了解除这种威胁,维护船货安全,使航程得以继续
10、完同安全,为了解除这种威胁,维护船货安全,使航程得以继续完 成,船方有意识地、合理地采取措施,造成某些特殊损失或者支成,船方有意识地、合理地采取措施,造成某些特殊损失或者支 出特殊额外费用。出特殊额外费用。 l具备条件:具备条件: l危及船、货共同安全的危险必须是实际存在和不可避免的而产危及船、货共同安全的危险必须是实际存在和不可避免的而产 生的,不是主观臆测的。生的,不是主观臆测的。 l消除船、货共同危险而采取的措施,必须是船方有意识的和合消除船、货共同危险而采取的措施,必须是船方有意识的和合 理的。理的。 l共同海损的牺牲必须是特殊的,费用必须是额外支出的。共同海损的牺牲必须是特殊的,费用
11、必须是额外支出的。 l共同海损行为必须是最终有效的。共同海损行为必须是最终有效的。 Particular average(PA) 单独海损单独海损 lIt means that a particular consignment is suffered by one whose goods are partly lost or damaged. lWhen there is a particular average loss, other interests in the voyage (such as the carrier and other cargo owners whose goods
12、 were not damage) do not contribute to the partial recovery of the one suffering the loss. l某一载货海轮在航行中有一船舱发生火灾,危及某一载货海轮在航行中有一船舱发生火灾,危及 船货的共同安全,经船长下令灌水施救后被扑灭。船货的共同安全,经船长下令灌水施救后被扑灭。 事后检查该船舱的货物,原装在该舱内的事后检查该船舱的货物,原装在该舱内的500包包 棉花,除被烧毁部分外,剩下部分有严重水渍,棉花,除被烧毁部分外,剩下部分有严重水渍, 只能作为纸浆出售给造纸厂,得价占原货价值的只能作为纸浆出售给造纸厂,得
13、价占原货价值的 30%;原装在该舱内尚有;原装在该舱内尚有500包大米,经检查这包大米,经检查这 批大米只有水渍损失,而无烧毁或热熏的损失,批大米只有水渍损失,而无烧毁或热熏的损失, 经晒干处理后,作为次等米出售,得价占原价的经晒干处理后,作为次等米出售,得价占原价的 40%。按照上述情况,棉花损失价值占原价的。按照上述情况,棉花损失价值占原价的 70%,大米损失价值占原价的,大米损失价值占原价的60%。 l问:试分析这两种情况的损失是否都属于部分损问:试分析这两种情况的损失是否都属于部分损 失?为什么?失?为什么? Case study l本例如果单纯从损失的程度来确定,都属于部本例如果单纯
14、从损失的程度来确定,都属于部 分损失,但按照保险业务的习惯,上述棉花的分损失,但按照保险业务的习惯,上述棉花的 损失被认为是全部损失,而大米的损失则是部损失被认为是全部损失,而大米的损失则是部 分损失。保险业务中,全损分为实际全损和推分损失。保险业务中,全损分为实际全损和推 定全损。实际全损分为三种情况:定全损。实际全损分为三种情况:1. 货物实际货物实际 灭失;(如:货物全部沉入海底,无法打捞)灭失;(如:货物全部沉入海底,无法打捞) 2. 货物虽然没有实际灭失,但已完全失去使用货物虽然没有实际灭失,但已完全失去使用 价值;(如:水泥被水浸泡后结成硬块)价值;(如:水泥被水浸泡后结成硬块)
15、分分 析析 l3. 货物即没有实际灭失,也没有完全失去使用货物即没有实际灭失,也没有完全失去使用 价值,但货物原来的用途已完全改变。本例中价值,但货物原来的用途已完全改变。本例中 的棉花就属于第三种情况,受到严重水渍的棉的棉花就属于第三种情况,受到严重水渍的棉 花原来具有纺纱织布的用途已完全丧失。因此,花原来具有纺纱织布的用途已完全丧失。因此, 尽管货主可以收回尽管货主可以收回30%的价值,但在保险业务的价值,但在保险业务 中视为全损。中视为全损。 case 某货物从天津新港驶往新加坡,在航行途中船舶货舱某货物从天津新港驶往新加坡,在航行途中船舶货舱 起火,大火蔓延到机舱,船长为了船、货的共同
16、安全,起火,大火蔓延到机舱,船长为了船、货的共同安全, 决定采取紧急措施,往舱中灌水灭火。火虽被扑灭,决定采取紧急措施,往舱中灌水灭火。火虽被扑灭, 但由于主机受损,无法继续航行,于是船长决定雇用但由于主机受损,无法继续航行,于是船长决定雇用 拖轮将货船拖回新港修理。检修后重新驶往新加坡。拖轮将货船拖回新港修理。检修后重新驶往新加坡。 事后调查,这次事件造成的损失有:(事后调查,这次事件造成的损失有:(1)1000箱货箱货 被火烧毁;(被火烧毁;(2)600箱货由于灌水灭火受到损失;箱货由于灌水灭火受到损失; (3)主机和部分甲板被烧毁;()主机和部分甲板被烧毁;(4)拖船费用;()拖船费用;
17、(5) 额外增加的燃料和船长、船员工资。额外增加的燃料和船长、船员工资。 从上述各项损失性质来看,各属于什么海损?从上述各项损失性质来看,各属于什么海损? Differences between GA lThe partial loss caused by the natural calamities. 3.1.2 WA/WPA 水渍险水渍险 水渍险水渍险=平安险平安险FPA+自然灾害引起的单独海损自然灾害引起的单独海损P.A. lAll Risks 一切险一切险 lAside from WPA, this insurance also covers all risks of loss of
18、or damage to the insured goods whether partial or total, arising from general external causes in the course of transit. l“All Risks” does not really cover all risks. It excludes coverage against damage caused by war, strikes, riots, etc. 3.1.3 All Risks 一切险一切险 = 水渍险水渍险 + 一般外来原因造成一般外来原因造成 的损失(一般附加险)的
19、损失(一般附加险) 水渍险水渍险 一一 般般 外外 来来 风风 险险 3.1.3 All Risks 附加险 3.2 Additional Risks General Additional Risks 一般附加险 Special Additional Risks 特殊附加险 Fall into 8 types, such as war risks and strike risks. Fall into 11 types covered in All Risks Ocean Marine Cargo Clause modified on 1 January 1981 provides: 3.2
20、Additional Coverage 附加险附加险 3.2.1 General Additional Risk 一般附加险一般附加险 lT.P.N.D (Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery 偷窃、提货 不着险) lR.F.W.D (Fresh Water Rain Damage 淡水雨淋险) lRisks of Shortage (短量险) lInter-Mixture goods insured; lKinds of risks and accidents covered; lCommencement date of insurance as well as
21、 time limit; lInsurance amount and Insurance premium; lDate and place of taking out the policy; lWords evidencing the establishment of the insurance relationship between the insured and insurer; lParticulars of the insured goods; lCoverage, place of claim satisfaction place and declaration of the in
22、surer. lOn the back of the insurance policy, there are obligations and rights of the insurer and the insured. Insurance policy 保险单保险单 l保险单又称大保单。正面载明承保的各项内容,保险单又称大保单。正面载明承保的各项内容, 背面还列有保险人的责任范围及双方权利与义背面还列有保险人的责任范围及双方权利与义 务。凡是指明货物、指明航程均可出立保险单。务。凡是指明货物、指明航程均可出立保险单。 lInsurance certificate is the simplifi
23、ed insurance policy. It doesnt have the clauses on the back, while on the front page, it has the same clauses as listed on the insurance policy. It has the same legal effect as the insurance policy. Insurance certificate 保险凭证保险凭证 l保险凭证又称小保单。是简化的保险单,正面保险凭证又称小保单。是简化的保险单,正面 与保险单一致,背面无条款。如果与保险单一致,背面无条款。
24、如果L/C规定提交规定提交 保险单时,一般不能以此代替。保险单时,一般不能以此代替。 lOpen policy or open cover is a pre-contract concluded between the insurer and the insured by which the insurer offers insurance to the insured for the consignments he dispatches within a certain period of time. Open policy 预约保单预约保单 l是承保一定时间内发运的一切货物的保险单。是承保
25、一定时间内发运的一切货物的保险单。 是由保险公司与被保险人双方签定预约保险合是由保险公司与被保险人双方签定预约保险合 同。其保险期限可以为定期也可以为长期。同。其保险期限可以为定期也可以为长期。 l在此保险范围内的物品一经起运保险公司即自在此保险范围内的物品一经起运保险公司即自 动承保。在采用预约保险时,保险公司通常都动承保。在采用预约保险时,保险公司通常都 给被保险人一本空白的启运通知书,以便其申给被保险人一本空白的启运通知书,以便其申 报启运的货物。这种通知书大都采用保险凭证报启运的货物。这种通知书大都采用保险凭证 的格式,因而被保险人得到的是保险凭证。的格式,因而被保险人得到的是保险凭证
26、。 lWhen damage or losses occur during the transportation, the insured should lodge a claim against the insurer. He should lMake advice of goods damaged or losses immediately when he find lost or goods in a bad condition while inspect the goods. lTake possible and suitable measures to remedy the goods in order to minimize the loss. Moreover, the insured should do as the insurer requires. lPrepare
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