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1、有关汉字知识在古代汉语词汇教学中的重要意义的探析中英文对照relevant knowledge of chinese characters in the ancient chinese vocabulary teaching significance analysis of chinese and english language compared 汉字是一种以象形为基础而发展起来的表意兼标音的文字,其字形与词义之间的关系十分密切,二者间有着异常重要的关联,所以常常可以通过分析字形来达到探求词义的目的。由于汉字字形与词义之间的密切关联,就为我们透过字形探求词义创造了方便的条件。我们试从以下几方

2、面加以探析:chinese characters is a kind of developed on the basis of pictographic and ideographic and the sound of words, the font style and word meaning is in close relationship between the unusually important link between them, and so often can achieve the purpose of exploring the meaning by analysis g

3、lyph. due to the close connection between chinese character font style and word meaning, through glyph to search for the meaning for us to create a convenient conditions. we try to analysis from the following several aspects: 一、可以利用汉字的表意特点,通过分析字形来探求词义内部的脉络关系。a, can use ideographic characteristics of

4、 chinese characters, through the analysis glyph to explore meaning of internal thread of the relationship. 表意文字的最大特点是尚形,要求以形表义,形、义结合。由于汉字的字形与词义之间的关系十分密切,二者间的结合有着异常密切的关联,所以常常可以通过分析字形来探求词义,并分析其词义特点。ideogram is the biggest characteristic of form, requirements in table form, shape, righteousness. due to

5、 close relationship between chinese characters font style and word meaning, the combination has unusually close relation between them, and through the analysis glyph to explore the meaning, so you can often and analysis the features of meaning. 1.利用字形构造讲清词的本义。刃(古字形为“刃”),刀上加一符号,表示刀锋所在。说文:“刀,坚也。像刀有刃之形

6、。”采(古字形为“采”),手在木上,表示采摘。说文:“捋取也。从木从爪。”炙(古字形为“炙”),用火烤肉。说文:“炮肉也。从肉在火上。”涉(古字形为“涉”),徒步过河。以上字形与词义之间的关系异常形象、紧密,既可以生动而又令人信服地说明其形与义之间的内在关联,也可以通过分析字形探析出各词的本义来,从而把各个词内部复杂的义脉关系梳理清楚。1. the use of the glyph structure explained to the original meaning of words. blade (ancient font for blade), knife on a sign, said

7、 blade. shuo wen jie zi : knife, hard also. like a knife has a blade shape. mining (ancient font for mining), hand on the wood, said. shuo wen jie zi : le take. also from the wood from claw. main (ancient font for barbecue), roast with fire. shuo wen jie zi : cannon meat also. from meat on the fire.

8、 (ancient font for stakeholders), on foot across the river. above font style and word meaning, close the relationship between the abnormal image, vivid and can convincingly explain the inner relation between form and meaning, can also through the analysis glyph analysis out of the original meaning o

9、f the word, to comb the righteousness of each word within the complex relations of arteries and veins clear. 2.充分利用汉字的特点,加强对汉字形、音、义的综合阐释。过去我们对于古汉字的分析,往往只注意到字形与词义之间的联系,但事实上每个汉字都是形、音、义的有机结合体,形、音、义三者三位一体,不可或缺,只有充分利用汉字的特点,加强对其形、音、义的综合阐释,才能说真正把这一汉字研究得比较深透了。这一点尤其在分析通假字时特别有用。分辨和识别通假字通常可以从音同音近的角度入手并结合汉字的字形和

10、意义特点综合予以考量。所谓通假字是指本有其字而不用,却临时用一个音同或音近的借字来代替本字的现象。从字形上看,同声符的字往往可以相互通假,它的根据仍然是音同或音近,因为按谐声规律而言,声符相同的字,其古音也必然相同或相近。所以考察是否构成通假字首先要注意其声符。例如,“详”通“佯”,“逝”通“誓”,“锡”通“赐”,等等。有时候,也常常可以以简代繁,用一个笔画比较少的字代替一个笔画比较多的字。例如,“矢”通“誓”,“才”通“裁”,“矜”通“鳏”等等。2. take full advantage of the characteristics of chinese characters, to st

11、rengthen the comprehensive of han glyph, sound and meaning. we used for the analysis of the ancient chinese characters, often only pay attention to the connection between the font style and word meaning, but in fact every chinese character is the organic combination of form, sound and meaning, form,

12、 sound and meaning of the trinity, indispensable, only take full advantage of the characteristics of chinese characters, to strengthen its comprehensive interpretation form, sound and meaning, to really bring the characters more deep research. this is especially is especially useful when analyzing t

13、ongjia characters. distinguish and identify tongjia characters can often from the perspective of sound homophones nearly and combining with the characteristics of chinese characters font and meaning comprehensive considerations. tongjia characters refers to this there instead of the word, but tempor

14、ary with a note with or near the borrowed words to replace also. look from the glyph, and representation of the words often can mutual interchangeability, according to is still sounds with or close to it, because according to the law of symphony, representation of the same word, the dialect must be

15、the same or similar. so inspection whether constitute tongjia characters should pay attention to its representation in the first place. detail, for example, close, gone shi, tin gift, and so on. sometimes, also can often with simple generation, with one stroke of words instead of a stroke more words

16、. arrow, for example, shi, to pass cut, r. tong alone and so on. 3.利用“俗字源”的手段进行形象化的词汇教学。所谓“俗字源”就是一种利用汉字自身特点进行形象生动的曲意别解手段,它通俗、易懂,妙趣横生,寓教于乐,能突出汉字构成的特点,也可以纠正学生写字时容易发生的错误,在汉字教学实践中特别是在帮助学生记忆方面有着独特的魅力和作用。例如:众人挤人、人挨人,人上还有人,人很多,自然成“众”;好一个人又有妻子(女)、又有孩子(子),真是好极了;祭(古字形作“祭”)祭祀的时候要在供桌上摆放祭品,所以“祭”字像手持祭肉在供桌上祭祀的情形;利

17、用“俗字源”讲解汉字,可以充分调动学生的想象力,培养他们学习汉字的兴趣,增进对汉字的了解,并活跃课堂气氛,从而有效地弥补正规课堂教学的不足。3. the use of the arrangement source means for the visualization of vocabulary teaching. so-called the arrangement source is a kind of make use of the characteristics of chinese characters are vivid song idea dont solution method,

18、 it plain, clear, interesting, entertaining, can highlight the characteristics of chinese characters form, also can correct students are prone to mistakes when writing, especially in helping students to memory in chinese teaching practice has a unique charm and function. for example: the - its so cr

19、owded, people to people, people and people, too many people, nature into the; well, a man and his wife (female), and have children (child), is really great. offerings (ancient font offering) - sacrifice on the altar when you need to put the offerings, so the word sacrifice like handheld flesh in cas

20、e of an altar sacrifice; use arrangement source interpretation of chinese characters, can fully mobilize the students imagination, to cultivate their interest to learn the chinese characters, to enhance understanding of the chinese characters, and active classroom atmosphere, and effectively make up

21、 for the inadequacy of formal classroom teaching. 二、通过字形分化和字义发展来探析古今字词义间的差异及演化规律second, through glyph differentiation and development of character analysis of the differences between ancient and modern words of righteousness, and evolution rule 古今字历来是古代汉语教学中的重点和难点问题,很不容易讲解。比较行之有效的办法是从字形的分化、字义的发展角度来加


23、字。还有一种情况是由于用字的假借,造成本字本义与在意义上不相干的假借义共存于一体,为使本字本义与假借义区分开来而另造新字所出现的古今字。例如,“说”字的本义是陈述、解说,后借用为喜悦的“悦”,后来人们另造新字“悦”,专门用来表示“喜悦”义,“说”与“悦”便有了明确的分工,成了古今字。ancient and modern words always is the important and difficult problem in ancient chinese teaching, is not easy to explain. more effective from differentiatio

24、n, meaning the development of the angle of font to distinguish and identify, which review the differences between ancient and modern words meaning and its evolution regularity. refers to the ancient and modern words express a certain common sense has produced different word form. causes of ancient a

25、nd modern words of polysemous word meanings, one is differentiation from the combination of form and express more clearly. when several meanings of a polysemous word are far apart, in peoples minds think has developed into a different word, people also created a new word to express one of polysemous

26、 word meanings, this differentiation both of polysemous word meanings, and from the combination of form and makes the text on the expression of more clear. for example, the original meaning of knowing is to know and understand, know much, who became wisdom. know the original meaning and metaphorical

27、 meaning in ancient times with the same word to express know, then the other made the think tank, dedicated to say the word know, so that the meaning of smarter, wiser is separated from the knowledge, knowledge and wisdom is a pair of ancient and modern words. still have a kind of situation is due t

28、o the fact that under the guise of words, also caused by original and coexist under the guise of justice sense irrelevant at an organic whole, in order to make also apart from the original meaning and under the guise of justice and other new words of ancient and modern words. for example, the origin

29、al meaning of said the word is presentation, explanation, yue, to borrow for joy after people later made another new word please, joy is dedicated to the said, say and yue there is a clear division of labor, became the ancient and modern words. 三、通过字形的联系讲清同源词之间的意义关系three, through the glyph contact e

30、xplained the meaning of the relationship between cognate words 汉语言词汇的形成,是一个不断发展、丰富的积累过程,新词的产生有多种途径,但一般总离不开旧词的基础。孤立地看,某些词犹如一盘散沙,似乎说不清它们内部之间有什么必然联系,但事实上这些新词和旧词之间有着非常密切的源流关系,具有同源或同族关系,这便是同源词。这些同源词往往可以从它们的字符偏旁上体现出来,所以我们可以通过分析汉字字形的联系来认清同源词之间的意义关系。例如,兼(古字形为“兼”)是一只手同时持有两把禾麦之形,意思是“兼有”。由“兼”构成的的字也都含有“双”或“两”的意


32、“刭”是以“耳”、“颈”为对象的动词,据此,它们用刀割耳朵、割脖子的词义就很容易理解了。有助于扩大词语的积累。例如,一旦我们知道“戋”具有小而少的意思后,就可以由此及彼,顺理成章地清楚明白“浅”指水少,“钱”指金少,价值低的货币,“箋”指古代一种内容少的注释,“贱”指价格低,“饯”是用少量的酒食为人送行。从而通过抓住这组同源词的语根由此及彼地扩大词语的积累。the formation of the chinese language vocabulary, is a continuous development and rich accumulation process, the generat

33、ion of neologisms has a variety of ways, but always cannot leave the foundation of the old words. certain words in isolation, fragmented, it seems that couldnt say for sure whats the connection between their internal, but in fact these new words and old words has a very close relationship between ho

34、mologous or kin relationship, this is the cognates. the cognate word can often from their characters reflected on chinese character component, so we can through the analysis of the connection of chinese characters font to recognize the meaning of the relationship between cognate words. for example,

35、and (the ancient font and) is a hand to hold both the shape of the grain of wheat, means both. composed of and the words also contain double or two means. 缣 as the twin wire, 鳒 for the flounder, jian for a pair of lovebirds. jing the out in the said wen jie zi has been interpreted to mean: water vei

36、n also. is the water straight and long. jing as root cognates in dialect consisting of the same or similar language, meaning, have the meaning of straight and long. stem is straight and long grass shoots; path is a straight road; hengjing is straight ripples; shin is crus, its shape up straight and

37、thin; neck is a long thin neck; sutra is longitudinal woven of silk. in specific teaching of ancient chinese vocabulary, appropriate, through the analysis of the contact of some of the chinese character glyph ziru besides can help us more in-depth understanding of the words of the significance of th

38、e relationship between knowledge and cognate words, there are two prominent positive role: (1) helps to deepen the understanding of word meaning. for example, the ear and 刵 homologous, the neck and jing homologous, the latter by the former unripe hair out. ear, the neck is a noun, 刵, jing is the ear

39、s, neck as the object of the verb, therefore, the meaning of their ears cut with a knife, cut the neck it is easy to understand. (2) help to expand the accumulation of words. , for example, once we know the meaning of jian with small and less, you can send a, naturally, clear shallow means less wate

40、r, less money means gold, low value of the currency, thinks refers to a kind of ancient content less annotation, base means the price is low, the one is to use a small amount of wine is off. and by grasping the language of cognate words send a root to expand the accumulation of words. 有关汉字知识在古代汉语词汇教

41、学中的重要意义的探析中英文对照relevant knowledge of chinese characters in the ancient chinese vocabulary teaching significance analysis of chinese and english language compared 汉字是一种以象形为基础而发展起来的表意兼标音的文字,其字形与词义之间的关系十分密切,二者间有着异常重要的关联,所以常常可以通过分析字形来达到探求词义的目的。由于汉字字形与词义之间的密切关联,就为我们透过字形探求词义创造了方便的条件。我们试从以下几方面加以探析:chinese

42、characters is a kind of developed on the basis of pictographic and ideographic and the sound of words, the font style and word meaning is in close relationship between the unusually important link between them, and so often can achieve the purpose of exploring the meaning by analysis glyph. due to t

43、he close connection between chinese character font style and word meaning, through glyph to search for the meaning for us to create a convenient conditions. we try to analysis from the following several aspects: 一、可以利用汉字的表意特点,通过分析字形来探求词义内部的脉络关系。a, can use ideographic characteristics of chinese chara

44、cters, through the analysis glyph to explore meaning of internal thread of the relationship. 表意文字的最大特点是尚形,要求以形表义,形、义结合。由于汉字的字形与词义之间的关系十分密切,二者间的结合有着异常密切的关联,所以常常可以通过分析字形来探求词义,并分析其词义特点。ideogram is the biggest characteristic of form, requirements in table form, shape, righteousness. due to close relatio

45、nship between chinese characters font style and word meaning, the combination has unusually close relation between them, and through the analysis glyph to explore the meaning, so you can often and analysis the features of meaning. 1.利用字形构造讲清词的本义。刃(古字形为“刃”),刀上加一符号,表示刀锋所在。说文:“刀,坚也。像刀有刃之形。”采(古字形为“采”),手

46、在木上,表示采摘。说文:“捋取也。从木从爪。”炙(古字形为“炙”),用火烤肉。说文:“炮肉也。从肉在火上。”涉(古字形为“涉”),徒步过河。以上字形与词义之间的关系异常形象、紧密,既可以生动而又令人信服地说明其形与义之间的内在关联,也可以通过分析字形探析出各词的本义来,从而把各个词内部复杂的义脉关系梳理清楚。1. the use of the glyph structure explained to the original meaning of words. blade (ancient font for blade), knife on a sign, said blade. shuo w

47、en jie zi : knife, hard also. like a knife has a blade shape. mining (ancient font for mining), hand on the wood, said. shuo wen jie zi : le take. also from the wood from claw. main (ancient font for barbecue), roast with fire. shuo wen jie zi : cannon meat also. from meat on the fire. (ancient font

48、 for stakeholders), on foot across the river. above font style and word meaning, close the relationship between the abnormal image, vivid and can convincingly explain the inner relation between form and meaning, can also through the analysis glyph analysis out of the original meaning of the word, to

49、 comb the righteousness of each word within the complex relations of arteries and veins clear. 2.充分利用汉字的特点,加强对汉字形、音、义的综合阐释。过去我们对于古汉字的分析,往往只注意到字形与词义之间的联系,但事实上每个汉字都是形、音、义的有机结合体,形、音、义三者三位一体,不可或缺,只有充分利用汉字的特点,加强对其形、音、义的综合阐释,才能说真正把这一汉字研究得比较深透了。这一点尤其在分析通假字时特别有用。分辨和识别通假字通常可以从音同音近的角度入手并结合汉字的字形和意义特点综合予以考量。所谓通

50、假字是指本有其字而不用,却临时用一个音同或音近的借字来代替本字的现象。从字形上看,同声符的字往往可以相互通假,它的根据仍然是音同或音近,因为按谐声规律而言,声符相同的字,其古音也必然相同或相近。所以考察是否构成通假字首先要注意其声符。例如,“详”通“佯”,“逝”通“誓”,“锡”通“赐”,等等。有时候,也常常可以以简代繁,用一个笔画比较少的字代替一个笔画比较多的字。例如,“矢”通“誓”,“才”通“裁”,“矜”通“鳏”等等。2. take full advantage of the characteristics of chinese characters, to strengthen the c

51、omprehensive of han glyph, sound and meaning. we used for the analysis of the ancient chinese characters, often only pay attention to the connection between the font style and word meaning, but in fact every chinese character is the organic combination of form, sound and meaning, form, sound and mea

52、ning of the trinity, indispensable, only take full advantage of the characteristics of chinese characters, to strengthen its comprehensive interpretation form, sound and meaning, to really bring the characters more deep research. this is especially is especially useful when analyzing tongjia charact

53、ers. distinguish and identify tongjia characters can often from the perspective of sound homophones nearly and combining with the characteristics of chinese characters font and meaning comprehensive considerations. tongjia characters refers to this there instead of the word, but temporary with a not

54、e with or near the borrowed words to replace also. look from the glyph, and representation of the words often can mutual interchangeability, according to is still sounds with or close to it, because according to the law of symphony, representation of the same word, the dialect must be the same or si

55、milar. so inspection whether constitute tongjia characters should pay attention to its representation in the first place. detail, for example, close, gone shi, tin gift, and so on. sometimes, also can often with simple generation, with one stroke of words instead of a stroke more words. arrow, for e

56、xample, shi, to pass cut, r. tong alone and so on. 3.利用“俗字源”的手段进行形象化的词汇教学。所谓“俗字源”就是一种利用汉字自身特点进行形象生动的曲意别解手段,它通俗、易懂,妙趣横生,寓教于乐,能突出汉字构成的特点,也可以纠正学生写字时容易发生的错误,在汉字教学实践中特别是在帮助学生记忆方面有着独特的魅力和作用。例如:众人挤人、人挨人,人上还有人,人很多,自然成“众”;好一个人又有妻子(女)、又有孩子(子),真是好极了;祭(古字形作“祭”)祭祀的时候要在供桌上摆放祭品,所以“祭”字像手持祭肉在供桌上祭祀的情形;利用“俗字源”讲解汉字,可以充

57、分调动学生的想象力,培养他们学习汉字的兴趣,增进对汉字的了解,并活跃课堂气氛,从而有效地弥补正规课堂教学的不足。3. the use of the arrangement source means for the visualization of vocabulary teaching. so-called the arrangement source is a kind of make use of the characteristics of chinese characters are vivid song idea dont solution method, it plain, cle

58、ar, interesting, entertaining, can highlight the characteristics of chinese characters form, also can correct students are prone to mistakes when writing, especially in helping students to memory in chinese teaching practice has a unique charm and function. for example: the - its so crowded, people to people, people and people, too many people, nature into the; well, a man and his wife (female), and have children (child), is really great. offerings (ancient font offering) - sacrifice on the altar when you need to put the offerings, so the word sacrifice li


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