已阅读5页,还剩33页未读 继续免费阅读




1、焊接专业英语词汇(通用部分) Fierce welding 满焊焊烧Symmetry welding 对称焊接Welding deformation 焊接变形Seal 封口Vertical position welding 立焊Horizontal position welding 横焊Over-head position welding 仰焊acetylene 乙炔 ampere 电流安培 angle welding 角焊 arc 电弧 argon arc welding 氩弧焊接 bare electrode 光熔接条 butt welding 对接焊接 camber 电弧弯曲 casca

2、de 阶叠熔接法 clad weld 被覆熔接 crator 焊疤 excess metal 多余金属 filler rod 焊条 fillet weld 填角焊接 gas shield 气体遮蔽 groove welding 起槽熔接 hand face shield 手握面罩 hard facing 硬表面堆焊 jig welding 工模焊接 laser beam welding 雷射光焊接 metal electrode insert gas welding MIG熔接 nugget 点焊熔核 overlaying 堆焊 peening of welding 珠击熔接法 plug we

3、lding 塞孔熔接 positioned welding 正向熔接 pressure welding 压焊 propane gas cutting 丙烷气切割 pure nickel electrode 纯镍熔接条 reinforcement of weld 加强焊接 resist 抗蚀护膜 root running 背面熔接 seam 焊缝 seaming 接合 seam welding 流缝熔接 series seam welding 串联缝熔接 skip welding process 跳焊法 spark 火花 spot welding 点焊接 stitch welding 针角焊接

4、stud arc welding 电弧焊接 under laying 下部焊层 void 焊接空隙 weld flow mark 焊接流痕 weld flush 焊缝凸起 weld line 焊接纹 weld mark 焊接痕 weld penetration 熔接透入 weld zone 焊接区 welding 焊接 welding bead 焊接泡 welding direction 焊接方向 welding distortion 焊接变形 welding flux 焊剂 welding ground 电熔接地 welding interval 焊接周期 welding stress 熔接

5、应变 welding torch 熔接气炬 welding electrode production line电焊条生产线 welding electrode焊条welding fixture焊接夹具welding generator电焊机welding goggles焊工护目镜welding gun焊枪welding helmet电焊帽welding inspection ruler焊接检验尺welding machine焊接机welding mill焊管机welding motor generator电动焊接发电机welding nozzle焊嘴welding paste焊接药膏weldi

6、ng pipe焊接管welding powder焊粉welding rectifier焊接整流器welding robot焊接机器人welding rod extrusion press焊条挤压机welding rod with acidic coating酸性焊条welding rod with alkaline coating碱性焊条welding rod焊条welding simulator焊接模拟器welding stainless electrode不锈电焊条welding steel tube焊接钢管welding tin billet焊锡棒料welding tongs焊接夹钳we

7、lding torch焊炬welding transformer电焊变压器welding unit焊机welding wire machine焊线机welding wire焊丝welding-cutting hose熔焊及切割胶管welding-cutting tool焊割具welding-rod core焊条芯welding-seam cleaner焊缝清理机weldless pipe无缝管weldless steel tube无缝钢管well borer凿井机well counter井式计数器well deck vessel井形甲板船well drill钻井机well platform钻井

8、平台well rig钻井机well testing truck试井车well thermometer井温计well tube filter井管滤管well type tempering electric furnace井式回火电炉well winch矿井绞车well-logging probe测井探头well-type counter井型计数器Wella Balsam Conditioner威娜宝护发素Wella Balsam shampoo威娜宝香波Wellene韦纶聚酯短纤维wellhead acid preventer井口防酸器wellington惠灵顿防雨呢Wellingtons长筒皮

9、靴Welltite韦纶泰特聚丙烯和聚乙烯单丝Welsbachs alloy韦尔斯巴赫发火合金Welsh flannel威尔士法兰绒Welsh wool威尔士粗羊毛welsh-onion stalk葱白welsh-onion葱welt cementing machine贴边粘合机welt coloring machine贴边染色机welt cutting machine切沿条机welt fitting machine贴边机welt footwear加贴边的鞋welter screen翻滚筛welter镶边机Wepsin三唑磷胺Werlisa威里沙牌照相机Werner维尔纳牌手表weskit紧身背

10、心Wessel silver韦塞尔铜镍锌合金West cigarette威狮牌香烟West ginseng西洋参West Lake Dragon Well tea西湖龙井茶West Lake silk umbrella西湖绸伞West Lake silk西湖丝绸West Lake water shield西湖莼菜Westeeco韦斯蒂科镍铬铁耐热合金Western king prawn宽沟对虾Western saddle pants西式马裤Western sand cherry沙樱桃Western shirt西式衬衫western style bed sheet西式床单Western styl

11、e hat西式呢帽Western style pajamas西式睡衣裤Western style pants西裤Western style shirt西式衬衫Western style shirt-waist blouse西式衬衫上衣Western style suit西服western tie西式领带Western wool美国西部羊毛Western-made shirt in plaid gingham长方格贞咸布西式衬衫Westinghouse alloy西屋镍铜热磁补偿合金wet spinning frame湿纺细纱机wet air compressor湿空气压缩机wet air pu

12、mp湿空气泵wet and dry bulb hygrometer干湿球湿度计wet and dry bulb recording hygrometer干湿球自记湿度计wet and dry bulb thermometer干湿球温度计wet ball mill湿式球磨机wet blue goat leather山羊蓝湿革wet blue goat skin蓝湿山羊皮wet board machine湿式纸板机wet brush湿刷wet chrome goat skin铬湿山羊皮wet cleaner湿法清洗器wet cloth湿光布wet clutch湿式离合器wet collector湿

13、式除尘器wet condenser湿式冷凝器wet crude含水原油wet crushing mill湿粉碎机wet cylinder liner湿式气缸套wet drill湿式风钻wet dust collector湿式收尘器wet dust separator湿式除尘器wet electro-magnet湿式电磁铁wet electrolytic capacitor电解液电容器wet feeder湿式给料机wet fiber filter湿式纤维过滤器wet filter湿式过滤器wet fourdrinier board machine长网湿抄机wet frame湿纺机wet furf

14、ural condenser含水糖醛冷凝器wet gas meter湿式气量计wet gas scrubber湿法气体洗涤质量合格证书certification of fitness原材料rawmaterial底板 bottom plate垫层 cushion侧壁 sidewall中心线center line条形基础 strip footing附件 accessories型钢 profile steel钢板 steel plate熔渣 slag飞溅 welding spatter定位焊 tacking引弧 generating of arc 熄弧 quenching of arc焊道 weld

15、ing bead坡口 beveled edges外观检查 visual inspection重皮 doubleskin水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction成型 molding直线度 straightness accuracy焊缝角变形 welding line angular distortion水平度 levelness铅垂度 verticality翘曲变形 buckling deformation角尺 angle square对接焊缝 butt weld母材 parent metal法兰密封面 flange sealing surface夹层inter

16、layer表面锈蚀浓度 surface corrosion concentration挠曲变 bending deformation超声波探伤 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination压力容器 pressure vessel预制下料prefabrication baiting排版直径 set-type diameter焊缝 welding line中幅板 ? center plate测量方法 measuring method 基准点 datum mark跳焊 skip welding允许偏差 allowable variation补强板 stiffe

17、ning plate开孔 tapping对接接头 banjo fixing butt jointing角钢 angle iron安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle吊装立柱 hoisting upright column焊接钢管 welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope带板 band plate槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring环口 collar extension局部变形 local distortion环缝 circumferential weld顶板 to

18、p plate拱顶 vault顶板加强肋 stiffening rib对接 butt joint胎具 clamping fixture卷板机 plate bending rolls中心支架 center bearing bracket椭圆度 ovality等分线 bisectrix搭接宽度lap width点焊spot welding搭接焊 overlap welding对称:symmetrically螺旋爬梯cockle stairs放料阀baiting valve液位计 content gauge充水试验 filling water test错边量 unfitness of butt jo

19、int 底圈 foundation ring真空度检漏 vacuum degree leak test丁字焊缝 tee welding渗透探伤 oil whiting test充水试验 filling water test内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line joint foundation settlement 基础沉降测量基准点 datum mark ?稳定性试验 stability test排气阀 outlet valve角钢 angle steel构件 component part机械损伤 mechanical damage缩孔 shrinkage c

20、avityenfoldment 折迭碳钢管 carbon steel tube公称直径 nominal diameter预埋件 embedded part轴测图 axonometric drawing布置图arrangement diagram氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting低合金钢管low alloy steel热影响区/受热区 heat affected area修磨polish砂轮片grinding wheel等离子plasma panel重皮 coldlap凹凸unevenness缩口necking down端面 head face倾斜 偏 差 dip de

21、viation外径 external diameter砂轮grinding wheel管件 pipe casting单线 图single line drawing平齐parallel and level两端 two terminals满扣 buckle螺栓 紧 固 bolton周边 periphery附加 应 力 additional stress同轴 度 axiality平行 度 parallelism随机 stochastic允许 偏 差 allowable variation重直 度verticality水平 度 levelness隔离 盲 板 blind plate氩弧 焊argon

22、arc welding压盖 螺 栓 gland bolt间距spacing有效 期 period of validity担任 take charge of ;undertake焊条 welding rod碳钢 焊 条carbon steel焊丝 welding wire熔化 焊 melting钢丝 steel wire气体 保 护 焊 gas shielded arc welding 烘干drying清洗ablution 制度system焊接 工 艺welding procedure相应corresponding手工 电 弧 焊manual electric arc welding手工 钨 极

23、 manual tungsten electrode打底render电源power source交流alternating current焊件 weldment管壁 厚 度 pipe thickness对接 焊 缝 butt weld工件 壁 厚 workpiece飞溅 物 splash沾污 smirch油污 oil stain细锉 smooth file铣刀 milling cutter氧化 膜 oxide film脱脂 处 理 ungrease treatment棉质 纤 维 cotton fibre丙酮acetone硫 sulfur焊剂 welding flux钢板 steel plat

24、e纵向 焊 缝 longitudinal weld longitudinal seam筒节 shell ring封头 end socket卷管 reelpipe强度试验strength test起弧arc starting 穿堂 风draught熔合fusion反面reverse side整体integral 封堵block up焊口 weld bond医用 胶 布medical proof fabric高频 high frequency焊炬welding torch送气air supply喇叭形坡口flare groove锁底坡口single bevel groove with backin

25、g locked坡形板边 tapered edge焊缝 weld接逢 seam焊缝符号 welding symbol焊缝金属 weld metal填充金属 filler metal熔敷金属 deposited metal焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld焊缝背面 back of weld焊缝轴线axis of weld焊缝尺寸 size of weld焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld焊缝长度 weld length/ length of weld焊缝有效长度 effective length of weld焊缝厚度 throat depth/ th

26、roat thickness焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat焊缝实际厚度actual throat熔深penetration/ depth of penetration焊缝成形appearance of weld焊缝成形系数form factor of weld余高 reinforcement/ excess weld metal背面余高root reinforcement削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush对接焊缝butt weld角焊缝fillet焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet

27、weld平形角焊缝flat fillet凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld角焊缝凹度fillet weld concavity侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position平角焊缝fillet weld in the

28、 flat position斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld连续焊缝continuous weld断续焊缝intermittent weld连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld端接焊缝edge weld卷边焊缝flanged edge weld塞焊焊缝plug weld纵向焊缝longitudinal weld横向焊缝transverse weld环行

29、焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld密封焊缝seal weld承载焊缝strength weld联系焊缝connective weld定位焊缝tack weld焊道bead/ run/ pass焊波ripple焊根weld root/ root of weld焊趾weld toe/ toe封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld根部焊道r

30、oot pass/ root run填充焊道filling bead盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead熔透焊道penetration bead焊层 layer焊接接头welded joint接头形状joint geometry等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint接头根部root of joint对接接头butt jointI形对接接头square butt jointV

31、形对接接头single V butt jointU形对接接头single U butt jointJ形坡口接头single J butt joint双V形对接接头double V butt joint双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint角接接头corner jointT形接头T joint斜T形接头inclined T joint十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint三联接头joint

32、 among three members搭接接头lap joint套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint双盖板接头double strapped joint盖板接头strapped joint端接接头edge joint卷边接头flanged edge joint锁底对接接头lock butt joint斜对接接头oblique butt joint混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint有间隙接头open joint无间隙接头closed joint焊接电弧welding arc电弧形态arc shape电弧物理行为arc physics behav

33、iour引弧striking arc引弧电压striking voltage电弧气氛arc atmosphere阴极cathode热阴极hot cathode冷阴极cold cathode阴极斑点cathode spot阴极区cathode region阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region阴极压降cathode drop阳极anode阳极斑点anode spot斑点压力spot pressure阳极区anode region阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in th

34、e anode region阳极压降anode drop弧柱arc column/ arc stream弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column弧焰arc flame弧心arc core硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc软电弧soft arc旋转电弧rotating arc脉冲电弧pulsed arc脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc起皱现象puckering phenomena起皱电弧puckering arc起皱临界电流 puckering critical c

35、urrent间接电弧 indirect arc压缩电弧 compressive arc磁控电弧 magnetic controlling arc电弧力 arc force电磁力 electromagnectic force电磁收缩效应 pinch effect电弧飘移 wandering of arc电弧稳定性 arc stability电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage电弧挺度arc stiffness电弧偏吹 arc

36、blow磁偏吹 magnetic blow阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode电弧自身调节 arc self-regulation挖掘作用 digging action极性效应 polarity effect熔滴 droplet熔滴比表面积 specific surface of droplet熔滴过渡metal transfer过度频率 transition frequency 粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer短路过渡short circuiting transfer喷射过渡spray transfer旋转喷射过渡

37、 rotating spray transfer脉冲喷射过渡 pulsed spray transfer爆炸过渡 explosive transfer渣壁过渡 flux wall guided transfer熔池 molten pool 沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool弧坑crater熔渣slag渣系 slag system渣系相图 slag system diagram碱性渣 basic slag酸性渣 acid slag碱度 basicity酸度 acidity长渣 long slag短渣 short slag粘性熔渣 viscous slag氧化物型熔渣 oxide

38、melting slag盐型熔渣 salt melting slag盐-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide melting slag熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity熔渣solidified slag多孔焊渣 porous slag玻璃状焊渣 vitreous slag自动脱落焊渣 self-releasing slag脱渣性 slag detachability焊接设备 welding equipment; welding set焊机 welding machine; welder电焊机 electric welding machine; el

39、ectric welder焊接电源 welding power source热丝MIG焊hot wire MIG welding MIG熔接metal electrode insert gas welding X射线衍射法X-ray stress analysis X射线探伤X-ray radiographic inspection X射线工业电视探伤X-ray industrial television inspection Tigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验Tigamajing thin plate cracking test 热丝TIG焊hot wire TIG welding 100

40、残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remained at 100 射频熔接; 高频焊接radio-frequency welding 预热preheat 预热preheat 预热温度preheat temperature 预热时间preheat time 预热电流preheat * 预热火焰preheat flame 预热氧preheat oxygen CO2预热器CO2 heater 预热Preheating 预热温度Preheat temperature 错边量unfitness of butt joint 埋弧焊submerged arc welding (SAW) 埋弧

41、焊Submerged arc welding (SAW) 自动埋弧焊automatic submerged arc welding 窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding 埋弧焊submerged arc welding (SAW) 多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding 纵列多丝埋弧焊Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding) 横列多丝埋弧焊series submerged arc welding (SAW-S) 横列双丝并联埋弧焊transverse s

42、ubmerged arc welding 热丝埋弧焊hot wire submerged-arc welding 窄间隙埋弧焊narrow-gap submerged arc welding 埋弧焊机submerged arc welding machine 接合线, 焊线埋弧焊bonding wire 埋弧焊Submerged arc welding (SAW) 对接接头butt joint 对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 对接接头butt joint I形对接接头square butt joint V形对接接头single V butt joint U形对接接

43、头single U butt joint 双V形对接接头double V butt joint 双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint 带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint 锁底对接接头lock butt joint 斜对接接头oblique butt joint 对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 搭接对接接头butt and lap joint 焊接weld 硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊braze welding 焊接法, 定位焊接welding 碳极弧焊carbon arc weld

44、 平焊缝downhand weld 凹角焊concave fillet weld 气压焊gas-pressure weld 凸面对焊法烂raised face welding neck flange 轨端补焊rail-end welding 射频熔接; 高频焊接radio-frequency welding 自动点焊法automatic spot weld 爆炸焊接explosive weld 特形焊接contour weld 坡口焊groove weld 双斜边坡口焊缝, K形坡口焊缝double-bevel groove weld 对接焊缝butt weld 焊(接)件weldment 无

45、焊缝的weldless 可焊的weldable 硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊braze welding 可焊的weldable 空气-乙炔焊接air-acetylene welding welding 自动电渣焊automatic slag-pool welding 自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊aircomatic welding 铸焊, 铝热剂焊接aluminothermic welding 对接焊, 对焊butt welding 不锈钢(焊条)焊接austenite welding 自动埋弧焊automatic submerged arc welding 氩护电弧焊argon shie

46、lded arc welding 焊工welder 焊工Weldor 焊工护目镜welding goggles 焊工welder 电焊工manual arc welder 气焊工gas welder 焊工培训welders training 焊工模拟训练器trainer of synthetic weld 焊工考试welder qualification test 焊工合格证welder qualification/ welder qualified certification 焊工升降台welders lifting platform 焊工尘肺pheumocomsis of welder车轮

47、系统 Wheeling System轮毂 Wheel Hub轮胎 Tire轮胎汽门嘴 Tire Valve轮圈 Wheel Disk轮圈盖 Wheel Cover车轮系统 Wheeling System电装品 Electrical Parts电瓶 Battery中央门控 Central Door Lock分电盘 Distributor火星塞 Spark Plug汽车用电子钟 Digital Clock汽车音响 Car Audio防盗器 Car Burglar Alarm雨刷及雨刷连杆 Wiper / Linkage保险丝座 Fuse Seat保险丝 Fuse洗涤壶 Windshield Was

48、her配线 Wire Harness马达类 Motor高压线组 Ignition Cable喇叭 Horn发电机(零件) Alternator (Components)开关类 Switch蜂鸣器 Buzzer预热塞 Glow Plug仪表 Combination Meter灯泡 Bulb灯类 Lamp点火线圈 Ignition Coil继电器 Relay倒车雷达 Reverse Sensor电池充电器 Battery Charger闪光器 Flasher省电器 Energy Saving Unit端子 Terminal电动座椅装置 Power Seat Unit马达零件 Motor Compo

49、nents电装品 Electrical Parts汽车用光盘 Car CD汽车用液晶显示器 Car LCD调整器 Regulator整流器 Rectifier电子点火器 Ignition Module倒车显示器 Rear View Display定速器 Cruise ControllerHID车灯安定器组合 HID Ballast Complete Set for HeadlightsLED 灯 LED Lamp车灯控制器 Lighting Controller点火线圈模块 Ignition Coil Module外装品 Exterior Parts水箱饰罩 Radiator Grille天线 Antenna车身护条 Side Protecto


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