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1、2012年武汉市初三四月调考英语试题及答案(word版)2012年武汉市初三四月调考英语试题及答案(word版) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2012年武汉市初三四月调考英语试题及答案(word版))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为2012年武汉市初三四月调考英语试题及答案(word版)的

2、全部内容。8 专心 专注 专一2012年武汉市初三四月调考 ( b )26. when were you born? - i was born _july 1st, 1988 a. at b. in c. on d. for( d )27. hi, tom. how are you doing? a。 reading a magazineb。 ok c。 thats all rightd. its a pleasure( a )28。 would you like me to help you? a. yes, please b。 id love to c. never mind d. wel

3、l done( a)29. - help yourself to some more fish. a. im full, thanks b。 its my pleasure c。 it doesn t matter d. very well, thank you( c)30。 - what s your brother? - hes a teacher。 he _art at a school。 a. taught b。 has taught c。 teaches d. will teach( d )31. i don t remember when and where i_this umbr

4、ella. a. buy b。 have bought c。 will buy d。 bought( d)32. wheres mary? she_to the teachers office. a。goes b。 had gone c. has gone d. would go( a)33. if by any chance someone comes to me, ask them to leave a a。 letter b. message c. sentence d. notice( d )34. - does bob work hard? not at all. _else cou

5、ld be lazier. a。 somebody b. everybody c。 anybody d. nobody( d ) 35。 - when shall we leave for the party lets_it at 6 : 30. a。 make b。 take c. follow d。 meet( b )36。 - why doesn t mary get her mobile phone repaired? - i know_. perhaps she want to buy a new one。 a。 why doesnt she b。 why she doesnt c.

6、 why does she d. why she does( d)37。 its so hot outside in the sun. why not_your coat and leave it home? a. put away b. put on c。 take away d。 take off( a )38。 - virus flu is such a terrible disease these days. yes, it is。 we_be more careful. a。 must b。 may c. can d。 need( b )b39. - have you finishe

7、d the report? no。 i havent been_to read it all yet. a。 busy b. able c. willing d。 ready( c )40. i would_it if you would turn the music down。 a。 welcome b. thank c。 appreciate d。 prefer完形填空 when i was a teenager growing up in russia, i wanted to leave school and have my own life.the (41) way i could

8、do this was to work in the local brick factory in my town, or to get married。i was very (42) when i told my father i wanted to leave school. i thought he would (43) ,because he had always expected me to go to college。 but he just said, ok。 lets go to the brickfactory。 two days later, he took me to t

9、he factory. 1 had a very romantic (44) of working in afactory。 i had imagined everyone to be friends working together and (45) ourselves. i evenimagined there would be music and singing. 1 guess i had watched too many (46) as a teenager。when we arrived at the factory gate, my father (47) something t

10、o the guard and one minutelater we were (48) in。 my father said, m (49) your time. look around。 i walked around thefactory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise。 it was (50)。 i ran back tomy father and said. i (51) to go home. ” he asked me, ”what do you think of the facto

11、ry?” its too bad”. implied。 ”and marriage is even (52) !he said. i went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard so i could get into a goodcollege。 i enjoyed studying english so 1 (53) to study languages at college. thanks to my father,end our (54) to the brick factory, i now work at

12、 the united nation and my father feels very(55). i married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working inthe factory! ( )41.a.good b。 only c。longd. had( )42。a。excitedb. sorry c。proudd. nervous( )43。a.refuseb. agree c.thinkd。 understand( )44。 a.plan b. program c。hobbyd。

13、 idea( )45。a。mindingb。 teaching c。enjoyingd。 protecting( )46.a.moviesb. games cclassesd. exhibitions( )47。a.offeredb。 changed c。reportedd。 explained( )48。a。invitedb。 allowedc。pushedd. called( )49.a。spendb。 wastec。taked。 forget( )50.a.comfortableb. terriblec.crowdedd. silent( )51.a。 hated b. agreedc。

14、 wantedd。 wished( )52. a. worse b。 betterc。 easierd。 happier( )53。 a. disagreed b。 continuedc. triedd. decided( )54. a. help b. dreamc. tripd. business( )55。 a。 surprised b。 lonely。 c。 lucky d. proud a san russell is not your average (一般的) baseball fan。 he is a die-hard boston red soxfan. he has a s

15、eason ticket and he arranges his work schedule so he does not miss a game. sanalso attends game dressed in their uniform, and his car is red. he has even lost some friends bychoosing to watch the red sox instead of going to their weddings. is this healthy behavior?although russell* a case is extreme

16、, being a sports fan can be healthy for you。 according toa study at the university of kansas in the usa, sports fans suffer from depression less than peoplewho are not interested in sports. sports fans also experience other effects from watching their teamplay. when their team wins a game, their own

17、 confidence and happiness increase, just like theathletes。 losing, on the other hand, always leads to some sense of disappointment。 what about diehard fans whose team always loses? the team spirit keeps those fans fromlosing hope。 knowing that other fans are probably feeling the same way also helps

18、them。 inaddition, there is always the hope that their team will win the next game。 russell has lost somefriends because of his love for baseball and although you may think that would make him unhappy,he has made many more new friends because of his team spirit. for sam russell, supporting the red so

19、x is not just a hobby; it is a way of life and the secretof his happiness。( )56. from the reading we can infer that a diehard fan_ a。 goes to a game without caring for work b。 prefers going to a game to a friends wedding c。 suffers from more depression than ordinary people d。 is not willing to help

20、other fans( )57. in order not to miss a game, russell_. a. bought a red car b. keeps a season ticket c. arranges his work time carefully d. tries to make new friends( )58. russell feels disappointed and sad when _ a。 his team loses the game b. he has less friends c。 he cant go to friends weddings d。

21、 he has no hope for his team( )59. it s clear the writer of the reading_。 a. is against the die-hard fans b. understands the die-hard fans behavior c。 is a diehad fan himself d。 supports average fans( )60。 hie best title for the reading is_. a。 enjoy baseball games! b. be a die-hard fan! c。 average

22、fans better? d。 just a game?c there was a time when whitney didnt have a lot of friends. she was a bit shy and didnttalk much。 she never really wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to sharesecrets and laughs with. all through high school, though, she didnt find a lot of friendship.

23、when it came time to go to college, whitney was quite nervous。 she was going to room withsomeone she didnt know and live in a town 300 miles away from home. there wouldn t be asingle person she knew in town。 she had no idea how she was going to make friends in this newenvironment。 the first week of

24、classes, something happened and it changed whitneys life forever. in herenglish composition class, every student was asked to share a little about herself。 whitney toldeveryone where she called home and all of the other things that students share in such situations.the final question for each studen

25、t was always the same: m what is your goal ( 目标) for thisclass?” now, most of the students said it was to get a good grade, pass the exam or something likethat, but for some reason, whitney said something very different。 she said that her goal was tomake just one good friend. while most of the stude

26、nts sat in silence, one student came to whitney and held out her handand introduced herself. hie girl asked if she would be her friend. the whole room was silent all eyes looked at whitney and the hand extended just in front of her。 she smiled and reachedher hand out to take the girl1 s and a friend

27、ship was formed。 it was a friendship that lasted allthrough college and many years after that. it was a friendship that brought two people together。whitney learned the power of asking for what she wanted, being honest and taking action.66。 the reading is mainly about_.a. whitney9 s class b。 whitney

28、s goalc. classes in the first week d。 whitneys classmates67。 we learn from the reading whitney_.a. didnt want to share secrets with others b. didnt want to be popular in the classc. only found some friendship in high school d. is not shy but talked less68。 which of the following is closest to the wo

29、rds extended just in front of her?a. pointed at her b。 reached for her c。 held on her d。 waved to her69. the reason whitney felt quite nervous isa. she could not find friendship b。 she could not go home easilyc. she had no goal for herself d. she was going to live with someone70. what lesson did whi

30、tney learn?a. studying hard to get a good grade. b. passing all the exams is important。c. being honest and taking action。 d。 being brave and talking much。keep out /expensive / lead / compare / take out / cheap71。 my aunt took us out to dinner at an_restaurant, but the food was not good at all。72. i

31、need a new jacket。 this one doesnt the cold.73。 working hard at english can_to a good job。74。 wait before you buy that watch. lets_prices at another store.75. my shoes were really_。 they only cost five dollars peter is 12 years old。 he has been longing (渴望) to visit the newly-built disneyland in hiscity for a long time. his wish to visit it g (76) each day, because all his friends say it is anice place to visit and that it has a lot of f (77) . but, sadly, his parents are always busy withthe


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