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1、 浙江工业大学外国语学院毕业论文开题报告学生姓名: 班级学号: 200309300207 专 业: 英语二专 论文题目: teaching spoken english by films 英文电影与英语口语教学 指导教师: 2010 年 2 月 28 日开题报告(含文献综述)填写要求1. 开题报告(含“文献综述”)作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。此报告应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业论文工作前期完成,经指导教师签署意见及所在专业审查后生效。2. 开题报告必须按学校或者学院统一设计的电子文档打印,具体内容用times new roman或宋体五号字打印。3. 日期

2、填写应当按照国标gb/t 740894数据元和交换格式、信息交换、日期和时间表示法规定的要求,一律用阿拉伯数字书写,如“2006年1月18日”或“2006-01-18”。4.“指导教师意见”是指辅导教师对文献综述的评价(如所收集的资料与论文内容有无关联性和对应性;资料是否新颖和代表前沿性;学生对资料的消化、归纳、评价、驾驭和运用能力等)以及根据学生掌握资料的深度和广度、工作量和研究方法预测论文能否完成的意见。5. 开题报告的长度视个人情况而定,但文献综述要求不能少于1500单词。毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告1. research objectives and significance/ is

3、sues to be discussed and relevant means to be employed, etc.more and more efforts have been made to enhance language abilities of college students than ever before since china joined the wto. language is the means for exchanging ideas between people. and language abilities, especially spoken english

4、, play important roles in various aspects, largely deciding whether or not a job-hunter can be regarded as a potential qualified worker and therefore can be hired. but, in such circumstances, so many college graduates cannot express their ideas freely in oral english and thus lose their opportunitie

5、s. one of the important reasons is that the traditional methods of teaching oral english are out of date. to improve spoken english of college students and find the new methods to teach are urgent tasks right now. the development of technology brings us a lot of effective ways of teaching oral engli

6、sh. the original english films are very nice resources for english learners. teaching oral english by films is a practical way that actually widens studentscommunicative abilities.this paper will not only offer a general idea of the relationship between oral english learning and films, but also do a

7、 survey on the developing situation of teaching oral english by films. it will also discuss the necessary processes of teaching spoken english, such as preparing films, appreciating and understanding, analyzing different characters, acquainting language, imitating sentences and developing social ski

8、lls, etc. in all these parts, examples from films are cited and analyzed to support the authors points. the difficulties teachers have in dealing with in teaching oral english are analyzed. these difficulties include language-related difficulties and cultural-related ones. finally some popular films

9、 are provided.2. research schedule起 止 时 间阶 段 任 务 要 点09年11月确定论文题目09年12月填写论文申报表,任务书09年12月-1月31日撰写并上交开题报告和文献综述10年2月- 3月15日撰写并上交初稿10年3月16日- 31日修改初稿和二稿10年4月1日-10日修改三稿并定稿 10年4月中旬答辩3. outlineteaching spoken english by filmsabstract内容摘要introduction 1. general survey of oral english teaching1.1 traditional w

10、ays of oral english teaching 1.11 general features1.12 weaknesses1.2 theories and researches on oral english teaching 2. new methods of learning english-films2.1 reasons of teaching spoken english by films 2.1.1 improvement of communicative abilities 2.1.2 awareness of different cultures2.2 processe

11、s of teaching spoken english by films 2.2.1chioce of films 2.2.2 appreciation and understanding2.2.3 analysis of different characters2.2.4 language acquisition2.2.5 imitation of sentences 2.2.6 social skillsconclusion bibliography4. literature reviewmore and more efforts have been made to enhance la

12、nguage abilities of college students than ever before since china joined the wto. language is the means for exchanging ideas between people. to improve spoken english of college students and find the new methods to teach are urgent tasks right now.this article discusses the strategies about teaching

13、 chinese college students to learn spoken english by english films and suggests a practical way that actually widens studentscommunicative abilities. 1. 英美影视欣赏viewing western moviesstarting with providing some excerpts from the classical movies, this book gives us a detailed description of the proce

14、ss of teaching spoken english by films: 1.culural notes: providing the background and the music in the film. 2. before viewing: asking some questions, to make students have an idea about this film. before the class, students must find some information about this film by themselves. 3. viewing: after

15、 the watching, to ask students to analyze some classical sentences or parts of the film. 4. role-play: choosing the most wonderful part of the film, to ask students to imitate. 5. post-viewing: to ask students to think the topic and make a contract with the reality. specifically, this book links the

16、 relationship among the various skills of learning, such as reading, listening, and writing. each film in this book has its own features, emotions, and meanings.2. the positive impact of original english movies on oral english浅谈英文原版电影对英语口语的提高in this article, the author first analyzes the english sta

17、tus of chinese students and emphasize that the lack of english environment is one of the difficulties in oral english for the chinese english learners. then the author presents that watching original english movies will have compensation to the learners for the lack of the environment. in the follow

18、ing, the author takes the american popular situational comedy friends as an example, to expound how the films to help people learn oral english. this article interprets the positive parts: the first one is the pronunciation of the film, the second is the sentences and the vocabulary of the film, the

19、 third is the content and the theme of the film and the last one is the culture and the thought of the film. 3. imitating english speaking through english movies高校英语电影口语模仿教学之探析it is widely accepted that imitating english speaking as an f/s language through movies achieves a better effect than throug

20、h tapes. the author considers that the imitation is the basic way of learning oral english. this article shows that imitating movies achieve the same acoustic quality as through tapes. this proves that psychological factors play roles in achieving good imitating quality though english movies, proved

21、 by many experts such as wilder penfield, eric lennebeng and etc. then the author makes a research of the situation: when foreigners communicating with chinese people, who speak english, usually they cannot understand what their partners say. in the article, the author also distinguishes the imitati

22、on between movies and tapes.4. several key problems in college oral english teaching 大学英语口语教学中的几个关键问题the author considers that in the college english teaching, the part of oral english teaching has not been paid much attention. this situation must change. we should realize the contacts among the ora

23、l english courses and other interrelated classes and they cannot be taken the place of each other. the teaching mode should have its core of the students. teachers should try their best to arouse the interest and desire of students. to improve oral english, the precondition is the contacts between t

24、he train of english thought and oral english, and the basic way is to emphasize the connections between listening and speaking.5. original english movies and english teaching原版英文电影与英语教学in this article, the author emphasizes and introduces the features, and the advantages of movies: firstly, the movi

25、es are more interesting than the books, tapes, and other materials, because a movie has a full scenario, and at the same time it contains the social activities. secondly, proved by the film when harry met sally, the language in movies is more true, vivid and brief. the language in the movies is the

26、real and the essence word in the life. lastly, there are vivid menus in the movies, which can supply the real language environment for the learners. then the author states the principle of choosing the films-from easy to hard, and mentions how we should do in oral english courses by watching films a

27、nd what we can gain from them.6. on oral english classroom instruction for english majors论英语专业口语课堂教学in the light of years of spoken english teaching and tests, english-major students english speaking competence fails to meet the requirements of the university teaching guidelines for english majors.

28、this paper has made an attempt to explore how to enhance english majors english speaking competence. teachers should meet the students needs and create a positive classroom atmosphere. emphasis must be placed on teachers role, students self access learning, communicative training, as well as cultura

29、l teaching. the author divides the teaching into four links: teachers in the oral english courses, the students, the materials and the way of teaching. and the author also makes a lot of suggestions to improve the affections of the courses.7. oral english teaching and training students communicative

30、 competence口语教学与学生交际能力的培养the author states the relationships between oral english teaching and training students communicative competence. at the beginning, the author introduces the definition of the communicative competence. he also points out the aim of oral english teaching to develop students a

31、bility to communicate with foreigners, including the ability to speak and listen, the ability to master and use the language, the ability to think in an english cultural way. the author emphasizes that the oral english courses should serve as the students communicative competence. teachers should ma

32、ke full use of every link to improve students communicative competence. they should not only choose the teaching context and the teaching way, but also consider the different roles the teachers and students play.8. the situation and think of teaching by english movies 英文电影的教学现状及思考from three points o

33、f view, the author analyzes the situation and think of teaching by english movies: first, the view from teacher: many teachers do not pay enough attention to this kind of teaching. secondly, the view from student: when watching films, students just consider it as a relax ion. they may give up, or ju

34、st look the screen. thirdly, the view from film itself: the speed of peoples talking may be too fast. and the slang and idioms used in the films are not easy for students to understand, even for the teachers. so in the following, the author suggests three ways: the first, this part contains the prep

35、aration of choosing the films, the principles -from easy to hard; the artistry and civilization; students interest and hobby, the explanation of the films. the second, the way of watching: full watching, just watching a part, watching repeatedly and speculating with a pause. 9. the features of the c

36、lassical actor lines and the cultural meanings 经典英文电影台词的语言特征和文化内涵the actor lines are one of the most important parts of movies. at the beginning, the author mentions that the classical english lines have topical features, such as brief, easy to understand, vivid, and humor etc., taking the film the

37、wizard of oz, the adventures of robin hood, the lion in winter etc. as examples. in the second part, the author shifts his core to the cultural meanings in the films. he also uses different films to explain his opinion, the meanings of brave heart is protecting freedom, of forrest gump is living in

38、happy life, of saving private ryan is treasuring ones life. 10. most effective way to learn oral english 这样学英语口语最有效this book is very classical among the books, which students use as the material for oral english. first, the book has a lot of dialogues, which may have something in common with our dai

39、ly life. secondly, the book has translated the context from english to chinese, so that the editors think it is easy for the learners to understand. thirdly, after the class, there is a lot of work for the learners, so they can go over what they have learned. the theme of this context is concerned a

40、bout the common in the life, such as openings and closings, making a phone call, introductions and invitations, apologizing, getting information and so on.待添加的隐藏文字内容1 references1 harmer. teaching oral communication m. oxford: the oxford university press, 19922rivers, w.m. teaching foreign-language s

41、kills m. chicago: the university of chicago press, 19683蔡云艳. 论英语专业口语课堂教学j. 湖南人文科技学院学报, 2006(4): 1454陈俏淳. 电影作为现场文本用于英语教学的探索j. 韩山师范学院学报, 2005(4): 95-975董亚芬主编. 大学英语m. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1992.6黄际英. 英美影视欣赏m. 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2006.7李奇. 这样学英语口语最有效m. 北京: 中国广播电视出版社, 2006.8刘花,张娟. 浅谈英文原版电影对英语口语的提高作用j. 河北北方学院学报, 2006(5): 6


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