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1、关于xpe ixpe化学交联,物理交联聚乙烯发泡片材 xpe,ixpe的生产及应用 xpe(ixpe)的中文全称是:化学(物理) 交联聚乙烯发泡片材.是一种应用广泛,性能优越的泡沫塑料.产品是以ldpe(低密度聚乙烯)为主料,通过dcp(交联剂)架桥,采用ac(偶氮型发泡剂)发泡的新型材料.在生产过程中可以通添加其它材料达到改性效果. xpe(ixpe)为一种自由式连续发泡的材料.表面光洁,泡孔密闭,独立,均匀,不吸水,无限长度的软质材料.xpe(ixpe)和其它类似产品相比较,其性能更加优良.xpe(ixpe)特别是在环保,阻燃,绝缘,防水,防潮,减震,缓冲,回弹,保温,隔热,耐侯性,耐老化

2、性,耐药品性,质轻,易加工成型等方面是其它材无法同时兼备的 (如:epe,pes,pvc,pef,pu,npe.) .所以xpe(ixpe)做为内衬芯材,外包装,被广泛应用到汽车内饰,体育休闲,旅游用品,包装,冷冻,建筑,家庭装饰,公共场所装饰,以及鞋材,箱包,摩擦,农林水产,海洋航海工业,儿童玩具,医疗保健及各种日用百货行业中去.市场潜力巨大,前景广阔. xpe(ixpe)生产及设备 普通的xpe一般采用水平炉发泡而ixpe可以采用水平炉发泡也可以通过垂直炉发泡.但是无论是xpe或者ixpe前道和后道工艺基本相同.现在最常见的生产方式主要有:造粒一一挤出一一压片一一发泡一一卷取.常用的造粒方

3、式有:1.密炼一一开炼一一拉片一一冷却一一切粒2.密炼一一单螺杆挤出一一水环(风冷)切粒3.高速搅拌机一一平行双螺杆混料型挤出机一一单螺杆挤出机一一水环(风冷)切粒等三种方式. 挤出机 为混炼挤出型结构,由于原材料的原因,对挤出机的温控,水环套,加热圈,螺杆控油却有着及高精度的要求.现在使用的挤出机的机筒和螺杆的材料通常为38cnmoaca(铬钼铝)优质合金钢材,采用xpe物料专用结构螺杆芯部通水或油,配备高精度的恒温装置. 压片 采用直立式三辊压光机成型,三辊为镜面平行辊,内部通作配备高精度恒温系统.后面有六米冷却托架,装置有切边刀,以及有去应力装置. 发泡炉 采用最新加强型炉体,炉体全长工

4、17.98米,平顶高2.4米,宽2米炉体共分为交联段和发泡段两大部分,配备进口高精度点火器,通过液化气(l p.g.)加热.本炉的特点是能耗低,生产工艺宽,操作灵活,简便,可生产xpe和ixpe,产品宽度60cm170cm.厚度为3mm15mm,ixpe最薄可生2.5mm 最厚可生产7mm 密度以25kgm3300kg/m3,发泡炉的尾部装有监视系统,可观察网带和供片运行状况.本发泡炉采用网带传送母板,保证了发泡的连续性和稳定性. 收卷段 全长20m.依次通过五辊定型机,表面平滑处理器,自动纠偏切边装置.(可以根据需要添加其它辅助设备,)牵引机,双工位收卷机.本套机组宽2m,所有冷却成型辊均为

5、镜面镀铬,或不锈钢辊,经久耐用. 全套生产线中心高度1.2m全长55m,挤出发泡卷取三个位,所有设备占地面积约120平方米 xpe,ixper 的综合性能化学交联聚乙烯(xpe) 项目单位型号倍数times10000200003000040000表观密度kg/m3905033.3325硬度c40+-525+-420+-214+-2拉伸强度mpa(横向)0.600.400.240.10mpa(纵向)0.900.480.300.20 伸长率% ( 横向 (纵向)裂强度kn/m2(横向)纵向)

6、.0压缩强度25%.kpa130504025热导率wm/k0.0460.0400.0340.032吸水率%0.0010.0010.0010.001热收缩率%(横向)-0.7-1.3-2.0-3.5% (纵向)-0.2-0.3-0.5-1.5 电子交联聚乙烯 (ixpe)项目单位型号倍数times10000200003000040000表观密度kg/m2905033.3325硬度c40+-525+-520+-214+-2项次xpe40倍软质pvc泡沫ps泡沫pu泡沫玻璃绵橡胶泡沫导热系数 (w?m.k)0.0380.0300.0480.0410.0420.034吸水率(mg/cm2)0.31.9

7、-2.72.0-2.52.25-3.0-1.7p(g/cm2)0.0300.4000.0350.0300.0640.064使有温度范围-120-80-35-80-70-75-90-135200-40-105耐候性户外暴晒20小时几乎无变化严重变形,收缩严重侵蚀,一触即毁严重收缩及风化飞散无变化严重变形,收缩msoi831967257396/3000毒性指数0. 待测燃烧性能从v100mm/min到自息级v100mm/minv100mm/minv100mm/min从v100mm/min 到v100mm/min耐腐蚀性好较好差不耐浓酸不耐碱差 经济性使用寿命长达15-

8、30年,所以单位时间投资少因隔汽差,必须加金属保护层,使综合造价增加.因防火性能差,须外加防火层,致使整体造价增加.因防火隔汽差,必须加金属保护层,使综合造价增加初期投资少,一般为三年开始作部分更换,造成重复投资,因而实际投资反而较大.初期投资最大.防结露性差好好好好很好 施工性能根据不同材料,可采用专用粘胶剂,也可采用专用热风焊枪焊接,热层合或热成型,加工非常方便难以加工成型硬质管壳易碎,不适宜复杂形状不适宜复杂形状致使施工繁杂不适宜复杂的形状,且玻纤对人体有害施工方便,在体温管道方面,高温下产生的硫化物易使铜管腐蚀xpe.ixpe与其它泡沫塑料技术性能的综合比较 从以上列表中不难看出,无论

9、是xpe还是ixpe,无论其保温耐热,还是拉伸撕裂特别是环保方面,都是类似产品无法比拟, 随着工业的发展,人们对环保的意识越来越强,要求越来越高,xpe和ixpe必将大行其定,一统天下.xpe,ixpe的加工利用 由于xpe,ixpe的性能和特点,xpe,ixpe的应用范围比较广泛,其加工方法比较简单主要通过复合,背胶,直切,冲切,吸塑,压塑等几种方式. 现在xpe,ixpe应用主要几个领域有:汽车,空调,箱包,建筑,体育休闲,浮材,包装,保温,儿童玩具和其它民用行业. 现就几个最常见的应用领域作一下简单的说明:汽车内饰件行业:当前xpe,ixpe作为一种新型材已被国内各大汽车制造商所接受,如

10、东风各系列的货车,富康,风神蓝鸟,东风毕加索,马自达,丰田,广州本田,长安福特,东南汽车,长春一汽,宝龙,北京现代,北汽福田,奇瑞,金龙客车,上汽等在汽车内的使用及几种加工方法:汽车内装门护板材. 汽车内装门护板材,以前使用的是pp发泡沫塑料板.由于其耐老化性能超群和减震隔热,环保等性能不足,已被ixpe 取代. 一般汽车内装门护板使用材料为ixpe和无纺布pu泡棉通过不干胶粘合,然后裁切,加热,使其达到软化点,然后放到模合里压缩成型.遮阳板: 遮阳板是一种经常活动的件,由于以前使用的材料(pu,epe,eva,等发泡材)容易变形或经长久日晒而,风化成粉沫状,xpe已经成为最佳的替代品. 使用

11、xpe加工遮阳板,主要是通过复合,布类,或膜类作为表面,然后通过热冲成型,或者冷冲热压成型,其成型效果更佳,外观美观大方.隔热垫: 汽车的发动机产生的热量已经严重影响了汽车的舒适度.由于xpe卓越的隔热和耐热性能.xpe一出现就被东风大货153系列车,145系列车指定为隔热垫唯一加工材.通常是xpe热复合铝膜,然后压塑成型.地垫,行李箱垫: 地垫和行李垫般一般采用低倍率的xpe通过火焰复合ldpe模压塑成型.密封摩擦件: 由于xpe的回弹性和隔热吸音性能优越,是优质密封同时兼备摩擦的首选材料.其它的吸塑成型件: xpe加工方便,易成型,热收缩系数小,并且不变形,是汽车其它复杂部件防护的理想产品

12、.在空调行业的应用:中央空调通风管道的保温,减震,吸音空调保温管,滴水管压缩机的减震,吸音,保温建筑行业: xpe,ixpe在建筑行业中的应用,主要是由于xpe,ixpe的防水,防潮性,隔音绝热,质轻难燃,美观,施工方便等原因. xpe,ixpe做为替代epe和油毡,作为房顶防水,防渗漏,可以比epe加油毡在使用寿命方面延长1.5倍. xpe,ixpe还可以用在地基防水,墙体隔音,既起到墙美化,也可以隔音绝热.特别是在育婴房和洗手间,xpe,ixpe的卓越性能更是体现无遗. 由于建筑行业一直使用epe油毡来防水,已经成为一个惯例,但是由于其性能的不足,在建筑行业经常短期使用就出现泄漏等问题,并

13、且施工复杂,更换频繁.使使用和生产成本都成倍上升.xpe是其最佳的替代品,然而其它原因造成的一座壁垒,使xpe不能顺利进入建筑行业.但是在一些国家级重点工程中还是采用了xpe做为防水材.如;三峡工程,南水北调工程,北京地铁,南开中学游泳池,朔黄铁路遂道工程,深圳市委党校,北京东城民委小区,天津金耀广场地下车库,郑州电力隧道工程等等. 运动行业的应用: xpe和ixpe在运动行业的运用比较早,也比较普遍,工艺比较成熟.如:运动踏垫,手柄,卧垫,夹条及各种成型件.鞋材和箱包行业的应用: 在鞋材和箱包材料的行业中,国内最早使用epe和npe.但是由由于epe撕裂强度不够.和回弹差.npe的气味和不耐

14、老化等原因.,使产品的质量无法提高,随着中国作为世界工厂的进 步发展,出口已成为很多企业的业务重点.然而使用epe,n pe 作为内衬芯材的产品却被拒之门外,寻求新型的替代品,已是当务之急.xpe和ixpe的应运而生,所有问题都不在是问题.xpe,ixpe作为浮材,玩具,休闲行业的应用: xpe,ixpe作为浮材,是充分利用了其质质和不吸水以及环保,美观不变形的特性,可以使用xpe,ixpe加工成美观的救生衣,游泳圈休闲划艇等. xpe,ixpe做为玩具基材,是充分利用了xpe,ixpe环保易成型,色彩花样多,不变形,特别是无毒无害这一块尤其重要.xpe,ixpe在体育休闲行业的应用,是利用了

15、xpe,ixpe的外观美观,色彩多样,质轻,便于携带,环保,同时可以起到保健作用.xpe,ixpe在其它行业中的应用 xpe,ixpe逐渐成熟的市场和日趋稳定的技术.使生产厂商在技术方面的投资也加大了力度.国外的先进技术也不断的流进来,使国内的技术和国外的技术的差距越来越小.xpe,ixpe的性能更加卓越,应用领域也会越来越大.xpe,ixpe可以用作电子托盘,精密电子原件(特别是易损件,电极微小等原件)的包装,周转,保护,运输贮藏等.光纤盘,广告牌等等方面.xpe,ixpe也有不可替代的功效.同时xpe,ixpe在服饰行业中也自己的作用,如服饰的垫肩,女人用品等.xpe,ixpe在加工制造以

16、及民用等行业中逐渐成为不可替代的产品.xpe,ixpe最终要普及到人们生活中的每一个环节,每一个角落. xpe ixpe的未来发展趋势 xpe,ixpe虽然有着优良的性能,但是仍有许多不足的地方.譬如说xpe,ixpe的绝缘,易燃是优点的同时也是不足.要某些特殊行业中成为致命的缺点.为了满足生产需要xpe,ixpe的导电,阻燃等问题也迫在眉捷. 但是导电材料的难燃在其它材料里已有很好的成绩.在xpe,ixpe的改性中也能达到同样的效果.但是导电及难燃,耐热高弹等非常规产品的核心技术仍然撑握在少数人或厂家手中.不能够广泛推广,也是一部分人牟取暴利和挣夺市场比拼实力的武器.致使很多生产厂商不得不暂

17、时放弃高端市场,而大量投入新产品开发. 但是不管出现什么样的情况.致力于xpe,ixpe以及其它泡沫塑料的技术人员都会全以赴的解决问题.做为最为优质,最为前沿的产品,满足市场须求,服务大众.所以我们有理由相信xpe,ixpe以及其它相关的行业都有光明的前景,美好的未来.这一切让我共同努力.创造美好未来.on xpe ixpe to the chemical, physical delivery of polyethylene foam thin films xpe,ixpe production and application xpe (ixpe) chinese full names are

18、 : chemical (physical) to build the polyethylene foam films. is a broad application, the foam superior performance. products are known (low density polyethylene) as expected, through dcp (jiaolianji) bridging. using ac (oudan-foaming agent) foam new material. in the production process can be modifie

19、d with the addition of other materials to achieve the effect. xpe (ixpe) as a form of a foam material. surface bright and clean, dwell kong confined, independent, balanced, non-absorbent, unlimited length of the soft quality materials. xpe (ixpe) and other similar products compared with the more exc

20、ellent performance. xpe (ixpe) particularly in the environmental, fire, insulation, waterproofing, moisture-proof, shock absorption and cushioning, rebound, heat preservation, insulation, naihou sexual, chief of ageing, drug purity, light crude, and is easily processed shaped at the same time both t

21、o the other sections (such as : epe,pes,pvc,pef,pu,npe. ). so xpe (ixpe) as lining core material, overpack, widely applied to vehicles neishi, sports recreation, tourism supplies, packaging, refrigeration, building family decoration, decoration in public places, as well as material, equipment, frict

22、ion, forestry products, marine navigation industry, childrens toys, medical care and daily provisions various industries. tremendous market potential and bright future. xpe (ixpe) production and equipment the general level of stoves using ordinary xpe foam can be used and the level of furnace ixpe f

23、oam may adopt vertical furnace foam. but whether or ixpe xpe road after former road and the same basic techniques. is the most common mode of production mainly : zaoli out 11 11 11 foam 11 juanqu pressure films. zaoli commonly used methods are : 1. federated chain chain opened 11 11 11 latin america

24、n films all tablets of a cooling 2. federated chain variable 11-11 water squeeze central (air) qieli 3. high-speed blenders double-11 parallel variable mixer type out single screw extrusion machines 11 machines 11 central water (cooled) qieli and three ways. squeeze out the type of structure for mix

25、ed iron-smelting, as raw materials because of the squeeze machine temperature, water link sets, heating loop, and high-precision screw phone is a requirement. now use out of the plane of the cylinder and variable material usually 38cnmoaca (chromium molybdenum sulphate) quality alloy steel, lead cor

26、e structural materials for use xpe department water or oil, which is equipped with high-precision thermostatic device. pressure films using vertical three roller pressure-ray machines shaped, and three roller roller parallel to the mirror, equipped with high-precision constant temperature for the in

27、ternal communications system. six metres behind cooling ducts installed with finishing knife, and to stress devices. foam using the latest enhanced blast furnace, steel stands for 17.98 meters, topping out high 2.4 metres wide and 2 metres to the steel and foam consists of two main parts, with impor

28、ts of high-precision igniter through liquefied petroleum gas (l p.g. ) heating. the furnace is characterized by low consumption, production processes broad, flexible operation, simple, xpe and ixpe can produce products width 60cm170cm. 3mm15mm,ixpe layer thickness to be the most 2.5mm thick density

29、can produce 7mm to 25kgm3300kg/m3, foam stoves tail with surveillance systems observable for the film and video network operating conditions. the foam core network with a transmission motherboard, ensuring continuity and stability of foam. received volumes of span 20m. followed by five roller stereo

30、typed plane, the surface smooth processors, automatic corrective finishing devices. (according to the need to add other ancillary equipment) lead plane, double spaces - volume machines. the sets were wide 2m, all cooling shaped roller are mirror-plated chromium, or stainless steel roller, reliable.

31、complete production line center highly 1.2m span 55m, excluding foam juanqu three spaces, all equipment covers about 120 square metres xpe,ixper integrated performance chemical to the polyethylene (xpe) project units models multiple printed 10000 20000 30000 40000 apparent density kg/m3 33.33 25 90

32、50 hardness c 40+-5 25+-4 20+-2 14+-2 tensile yield strength mpa (horizontal) 0.60 0.40 0.24 0.10 mpa (vertical) 0.90 0.48 0.30 0.20 elongation rate% (horizontal) 170 130 100 60 % (vertical) 180 140 110 80 tear strength kn/m2 (horizontal) 6.0 2.5 1.8 0.9 kn/m2 (vertical) 6.5 3.0 2.0 1.0 compression

33、strength 25%.kpa 130 50 40 25 thermal conductivity wm/k 0.046 0.040 0.034 0.032 xishuishuai% 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 reshousu rate% (horizontal) -0.7 -1.3 -2.0 -3.5 % (vertical) -0.2 -0.3 -0.5 -1.5 electronic delivery of polyethylene (ixpe) project units models multiple printed 10000 20000 30000 400

34、00 apparent density kg/m2 33.33 25 90 50 hardness c 40+-5 25+-5 20+-2 14+-2 xpe40 times of the soft quality pvc foam ps p u bubble bubble bubble glass cotton rubber heat conduction coefficient (w?m.k) 0.038 0.030 0.048 0.041 0.042 0.034 xishuishuai (mg/cm2) 0.3 1.9-2.7 1.7 2.0-2.5 2.25-3.0 - p (g/cm

35、2) 0.030 0.400 0.035 0.030 0.064 0.064 there are degrees of temperature range -120-80 -35-80 -70-75 -90-135 200 -40-105 naihou almost 20 hours of outdoor exposure without serious deformation changes, contraction serious erosion, the destruction of serious contraction feasible no serious deformation

36、hearing the explosion, police and morals, contraction msoi 83 1967 2573 96 / 3000 poisonous index 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.10 / daice since income from the performance of combustion v100mm/min level v100mm/min v100mm/min to v100mm/min li corrosive well better not alkali - resistant poor poor impatience conc

37、entrated acid economic useful life as long as 15-30 years, the time investment because it steam unit poor must be protected metal layer for integrated cost increase. as a result of poor performance to fire to fire-fighting, leaving the overall cost increase. as a result of poor air fire it must be m

38、etal shields, the initial investment to increase overall cost less, generally for three years beginning partial replacement, duplicated investment, and thus greater than the actual investment. largest initial investment. - jielu sexual deviation good good good good good performance under different c

39、onstruction materials used for glue agents can be used for hot air welding tools, heat or hot-hop shaped, and very convenient for processing processing quality control shaped hard shell fragile, complex shapes for complex shapes is a complicated construction for complex shapes and boxian harmful to

40、the human body works convenience in temperature pipelines, high temperature corrosion from sulphide easy to brass xpe.ixpe integrated with other foam technical performance comparison from the above table, it is not difficult to see that, whether xpe or ixpe, regardless of their food warming heat, or

41、 stretch tear particularly central bulgaria, similar products are incomparable with industrial development, environmental awareness is growing, becoming more demanding, and xpe and ixpe will merge its fixed, unified world. xpe,ixpe processing use as xpe,ixpe performance and characteristics xpe,ixpe

42、broader scope of application, the processing methods mainly through relatively simple compound, colour, hair cutting, chongqie, xisu, pressure, several model. now xpe,ixpe main applications in several areas : motor vehicles, air conditioning, equipment, construction, sports recreation, floating wood

43、, packaging, food warming, childrens toys and other civilian industry. it is the most common areas of application for several simple statement that : neishi pieces car industry : current xpe,ixpe as a new reach have been major domestic car manufacturers are accepted, such as the series of dongfeng t

44、ruck, beverly, worked bluebird, dongfeng picasso, mazda, toyota, guangzhou honda, changan ford, southeast car changchun faw, baolong, beijing modern, beiqi futian, motors, jinlong buses, the shanghai automobile group, the use in motor vehicles and several processing methods : guarding plate inside t

45、he door vehicle. . guarding plate inside the door vehicle, previously made use of the pp foam panels. because of its outstanding performance and shock absorption insulation resistance aging, environmental performance such as inadequate ixpe has been replaced. guarding car door panels contain general

46、 information for the use of pu foam ixpe and weight through spots together, and then declining, heating to achieve soften point, and then to mo-li compressed form. shaded panels : shaded panels is a regular activity of, the previously used materials (pu,epe,eva, foam material, etc.) or through easy

47、deformation and long run, the wind into fenmo warrants, xpe has become the best substitutes. processing using xpe shaded panels, mainly through the complex, such as cloth, such as surface or membrane, and then through the heat salt shaped, or cold salt hot pressing shaped, and its effects better sha

48、pe, the exterior appearance generous. insulated pad : the heat generated by motor vehicle has a serious impact on the comfort of motor vehicles. the xpe excellent thermal insulation and performance. xpe appeared to be a large cargo dongfeng 153 series car 145 series cars designated as the only insul

49、ation pad processing materials. usually xpe hot composite lu:mo and then pressed clay shaped. matting, suitcases pad : matting and baggage pad as a low-general of the xpe beilu: through complex known mould pressing clay shaped flame. sealed friction disc : the xpe back to the flexibility and superio

50、r performance sound-absorbing insulation is sealed at the same time both friction top quality materials. other xisu shaped pieces : xpe processed convenience yi shaped, and small reshousu factor, and not deformation is the vehicle other complex components of the ideal protection products. air-condit

51、ioning industry in the application : central air-conditioning ventilation pipes heat preservation, shock absorption, sound-absorbing food warming and air conditioning, water dripping pipes compressors of shock absorption, sound-absorbing, heat preservation the construction industry : xpe,ixpe applic

52、ations in the construction industry, mainly due to the waterproofing xpe,ixpe, curing nature, noise insulation, light crude nanran, aesthetic, construction convenience reasons. xpe,ixpe as alternative epe and asphalt felt as a roof waterproofing, preventing leakage, than epe plus asphalt felt in the

53、 area of extension of life 1.5 times. xpe,ixpe also can be used in the foundation waterproofing, and masonry noise, both beautify a wall, the noise insulation can. particularly in the feeding room and toilets, xpe,ixpe outstanding performance is reflected fully exposed. as the construction industry

54、has been using epe asphalt felt for waterproofing, has become a practice, but because of its inadequate performance, often short-term use in the construction industry on issues such as a leak, and the construction of the complex, have been frequently replaced. for the use and production costs have r

55、isen exponentially. xpe is the best alternative, but other causes of a barrier, xpe can not enter the construction industry to smooth. however, in some national key projects or used as a waterproofing material xpe. if; the three gorges project, construction, subway, nankai middle school swimming pool, beginning huang r


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