新目标初中英语八年级下册教案Unit 9《Have you ever been to an amusement park》_第1页
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1、新目标初中英语八年级下册教案unit 9have you ever been to an amusement park?plan for the whole unitteaching objectives 学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 谈论过去的经历;2 谈论自己曾去过某地(places been to)和询问别人是否曾去过某地(have you been to?);3 谈论有关英语学习(why/how/when/where/how long);4 使用有关地名、旅行、职业等词汇谈论自己和别人经历和理想;5 正确使用一般现在时,一般过去时和现在完成时;6 写短文,介绍自己和周围同学的英语学习经

2、历;7 写短文介绍自己的理想工作;8 写简短的游记;9 通过学习课文,加强对其他国家和地区及英语文化的了解;10乐于分享自己的经历和经验并虚心向他人学习;period arrangementperiodcontents & pages or sources to satextbookexercisessupplementarysectionpage1a 1a, 1b, 1c681522a, 2b, 2c69ps. 50-51 i, ii湘教版省教科院组编 课程基础训练八年级下册2、6533a, 3b, 470p.51 ii244b 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c71ps 51-52 i,

3、 ii8453a, 3b, 3c, 472p.52 ii7、556self check 1, 2, 373ps. 52-53 学习自检,学习拓展3、947total73feedback本单元教学自评93分,表明教学目标达成度较高。整个单元教学回归教材,紧紧围绕“谈论过去的经历”这一主题,由浅入深、由简单到复杂,从谈论别人到最终介绍自己展开,教学活动形式多样,教学步骤步步递进、环环相扣,形成合力,从听、说、读、写诸方面培养学生这一话题的表达能力。由于教学内容紧扣学生实际,学生积极投入各项学习活动,勇于表达自己的真情实感。同时,在听取别人的学习经验的过程中,体会到学习方法的重要性和勤奋努力的效果,

4、从而优化自己的学习方法、形成积极竞争、相互促进的学习氛围。为了减轻学生课余学业负担,提高教学效率,教材所涉及的所有练习,包括增加的多个写作练习都安排在课堂完成。就其成功原因主要在于,课前我们认真研读了教材,尽可能吸取了与教材配套的教师教学用书提供的中英文教学建议,并结合学生的实际,从单元整体备课,细化单元及课时教学目的,合理安排课时教学内容,并在尽可能多的预设教学活动的前提下,关注课堂生成,随时根据学情调整教学活动,因而教学收到了良好的效果。但课后在不增加学生过重课业负担的前提下,如何指导学生开展预习、复习、落实知识点的理解与应用,坚持课外阅读、培养能力等方面还有待进一步探讨研究。plan f

5、or every periodperiod 1 section a (1a, 1b, 1c)teaching aims1 是否去过某游乐场所2 识记游乐地点3 ever4 现在完成时的意义及构成、肯定和否定回答teaching procedureschart看图复习已学词汇,学习新词汇看图说话 听录音完成表格 就图中地点进行话题操练 布置作业step 1 checking up t: how many amusement places do you know?section a 1astep 2 talking about the words 1 学生根据图片学单词t: pointing to

6、 each of the pictures look at the pictures at the top. what place is it?s: a zoo.t: how do you know?s: because i can see an eagle.t: how about the others?2 带读单词3 根据描述猜单词t: for example: its a place where we can enjoy ourselves in the water. tell me, what place will it probably be?4 根据你的喜好排列这些游乐场所t: d

7、ifferent people have different opinions. put 1 after the place you would most like to visit. put 2 after the next place you would like to visit, and so on.5 统计班上同学最愿去的地方asking a student to write the five places on the blackboard.t: how many students want to visit the space museum the most? how many

8、students want to visit the zoo the most? writing the results after each phrase on the board.step 3 leading-in t: i didnt want to go to the amusement places. so i went to beijing this summer. writing the sentence on the board. i went to beijing this summer.that is to say, ive been to beijing. (writin

9、g down the sentence.)t: tina, have you ever been to beijing?s1: yes.t: yes, i have.t: class, repeat the short conversation.t: ruth, have you ever been to beijing?s2: no, i havent.t: class, repeat.t: have you ever been to a zoo an amusement park? pointing to the sentences and reminding them of the ar

10、ticle “a” “an”.practice with several different students and have the class repeat several “have you ever”questions as well as the answers “yes, i have” and “no, i havent.”t: just now, we were talking about the past experiences. actually, we have two ways.pointing the sentence: i went to beijing yest

11、erday we can use the past simple tense and also we can use the present perfect tense. pointing the sentence: i have been to beijing. when we want to know whether anyone has been to some certain place., we always ask in this way: “have you ever been to?” “ever” means at some indefinite time in the pa

12、st, possibly a year ago, possibly several years ago. contrast that sentence with this sentence without the word “ever”: did you go to beijing yesterday? this sentence is asking about one specific time in the past.step 4 practicing dialogues 1 师生示范2 同桌操练3 小组操练1bstep 5 listening 1 提示语t: you will hear

13、a conversation between sarah and claudia. after the conversation, check the places the two girls have been to.2 静听录音,完成表格 answersclaudia: space museum, aquarium, zoosarah: aquarium, zoo. amusement park tapescriptsarah: im bored, claudia. lets do something different.claudia: have you ever been to an

14、amusement park?sarah: yes, i have. i went to fun times amusement park last year. have you ever been to a water park?claudia: no, i havent, sarah.sarah: me neither. lets go to water city tomorrow!claudia: well, that sounds fun, but i cant swim.sarah: really? i didnt know that. well, how about the zoo

15、? have you been to the zoo?claudia: ive been to the zoo a lot of times.sarah: me, too. and ive been to the aqurium also.claudia: so have i, sarah. i went there on our last school trip.sarah: i know, claudia. lets go to the space museum. ive never been there.claudia: thats a great idea. i went there

16、last year, but id like to go there again.1c step 6 practice step 7 homework 1 recite the dialogues2 read a story about travel3 design the situational conversations, using the present perfect tensefeedback:我认为本堂课教学目标基本达成,层次清晰,学生能听懂。巧妙设计了“have you ever been to?”后面所接不同地点的表达法,通过自主探究,学生能明白其中的不同。但现在完成时这个重

17、要的知识点是“老师讲解学生知道”的模式展开的,学生没有进行太多的自主体验。课堂还不够紧凑,单词教授时设计的活动比较难,所以费时比较多。思考:针对课本安排,什么时候将现在完成时的语法知识教授给学生?period 2 section a (2a,2b,2c)teaching aims1 谈论去(过)某地2 两种时态的比较3 现在完成时的句式变化teaching procedurechart检查预习情况语音训练听力理解-交际对话-语法拓展2astep 1 checking up学生利用“现在完成时”的意义表演情景对话step 2 认读城镇交通图中的地名,为听力做准备t: whos willing t

18、o write on the board the names of the all places listed on the map?t: (point to the map) you will hear three conversations. each conversation is about a different place on the map. circle the places you hear.(play the recording twice) answers space museum, aquarium, zoo, water world, river park 录音原文

19、 conversation 1 tina: its raining again, john! i really wanted to go skating today!john: oh, well. hey, have you ever been to the space museum?tina: yes, i went there last year. have you ever been there?john: no, i havent.tina: well, id really like to go there again.john: great. what bus do we take

20、to get to the museum?tina: we can take the subway. the station is near the museum.conversation 2kim: have you ever been to the aquarium, linda?linda: no, i havent. but im going there next week. would you like to come?kim: sure. how will we get there?linda: we can ride our bikes.kim: where is the aqu

21、arium?linda: its on green street, behind the zoo.kim: have you been to the zoo?linda: yes, i have! i love the zoo. i went there three times last year.conversation 3tom: have you ever been to water world, harvey?harvey: no, ive never been there.tom: neither have i. lets go!harvey: id really love to g

22、o, but i dont have any money. tom: well, lets go skating instead. theres a great new place for skating on center street in river park.harvey: thats a great idea. could i borrow your bike? i want to go home to get my skates. 2bstep 3 listening (ask 3 students to read the statements)(ask students to c

23、ircle the word “true”or “false” after each statement. answersconversation 1: t,t, tconversation 2: f, t, fconversation 3: f, t, t2c step 4 group-work(point to the map and tell students they can talk about any of the places on the map)t: who can give us an example? now, follow the examples, and youre

24、 encouraged to use some new ways. talk about places you have been and places you want to go. talk about how you will get to these places. a: have you ever been to an amusement park? b: yes, i have. a: how about you, c? c: me, too. i went to an amusement park 2 years ago. b: who did you go with?c: i

25、went there with my parents. a: have they ever been to an amusement park? c: no, never. 1 has been to与have been tot: answer my questions according to 2a, and i can see who has really understood. (t of f) linda has been to the aquarium. john has never been to the space museum. harveys friend has never

26、 been to water world.t: (cai) lets look at the three sentences. can you find anything special?s: “have been to” has been changed into “has been to”t: why is the change?s: because the subject is different.t: and did you notice “ever” and “never”? s: yes, the negative answer uses the word “never”.t: c

27、ompare: he has never been to the space museum. he hasnt been to the space museum.2 一般过去时与现在完成时t: (pair work)lets do some exercises about the sentences patterns please work in pairs, changing the affirmative sentences in 2b into other forms. for example: has linda been to the aquarium? yes, she has.

28、she hasnt been to the aquarium.3 practice: (group-work)t: two students ask and answer according to one set of the statements, and the third student make a report. try not to make any mistake.step 6 homework:1. exercise book2. read a humorous story that interests you.3. an oral composition about your

29、 travel experience.feedback我认为这节课自我感觉不错,学生将功能与语法、听力想结合,开展了组内活动。为了让学生集中精力,我随意让一个学生将前两人的对话变成报告,这样既锻炼了口头表达能力,又能让所有同学体会到句式的变化,避免枯燥无味低效。但这样的课堂活动,除了将地图中的地点找出来这个环节照顾了后进生外,其余环节都有点难度。而且,让学生这样学语法到底是思路不清楚,还是并非单纯学语法。period 3 section a (3a, 3b, 4)teaching aims1 阅读策略2 介绍你的游玩经历3 过去分词的规则变化与不规则变化teaching proceduresc

30、hart预习检查导入对迪斯尼的了解阅读策略语言点复述-对话练习-由你的不同经历引出对过去分词变化形式的分析step 1 checking up检查学生就游玩经历的口头表达能力,能否将时态变换运用自如。section a 3a step 2 reading comprehension1 lead-inhow many students have been to disneyland?what were you interested in? how much do you know about disneyland?2 read through the text, and circle the i

31、nteresting things and underline the boring things.3 listen to the tape, and ask them if they have any questions about words or phrases in the article.t: what does “theme” mean?(an idea running throughout something)4 reading strategy:read again, and try to get the main meaning of each paragraph. we w

32、ill see that the first sentence or the last one always suggests the main idea of each paragraph.5 language points:6 check up: (group-worklets see how much we know about disneyland now.也可以小导游的身份介绍迪斯尼。3bstep 3 pair-work1 lead-int: maybe it is difficult for you to say something about disneyland. so we

33、can make it easier by making conversations about it. you can say why you would like to visit this park or why you would not like to visit it. you can tell what you have done in the past, and so on.2 samplet: now id like a pair of students to read the sample dialogue to the class.4 pair-workt: now it

34、s your turn to make your own dialogues. i think many students want to present their special conversation. lets welcome.step 4 answer the survey and then interview your partner1 对话练习:t: besides going to disneyland, we still have a lot of experiences to share. so make dialogues according to the questi

35、ons in the chart. (display on the blackboard at the same time, “studystudied”)2 向全班汇报调查结果3 游戏:尴尬问题幽默答学生随心所欲地提问思想健康的问题,对方马上作出回答。4 总结过去分词的规则变化与不规则变化。step 5 homework:1 read the article twice.2 make sentences, using some of the important language points.3 作文:不平凡的我feedback这节课目标基本达成,学生兴趣比较高,从观看有关乐园的一些照片到“

36、尴尬问题幽默答”环节,学生一直都比较配合。文章比较枯燥难懂,后进生有一定困难。对于阅读文章的教学,我基本遵循“略读理解框架语言点”的模式,感觉还是少了学生的主动配合,他们似乎只要听就可以了。但到底应该怎样让他们参与到这种文章的学习当中,我还在摸索当中。period 4 (section b 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c)teaching aims1 口头表达:为什么学习英语?2 how long 与when引导的问句3 听力:笔录要点teaching procedureschart预习检测口头表达(英语学习)-老师采访学生(个人经历)-笔录要点(听力)-角色表演step 1 check

37、ing up学生流畅表达他与众不同的经历或爱好,突出“不一样的我”,让学生从一开始就对自己充满信心。section b 1astep 2 talk about english study1 导入some students are good at english, but some hate it. no matter we love it or hate it, we are still studying it? why do we study english? your answers will be very helpful to me.2. share others answerst:

38、i need some students to say sentences in their own words. for example: i have to means that i must do something. its necessary.t: we have different reasons. put 1 after the most important reason that you learn english. put 2 after the second most important reason, and continue the same way.3. do a q

39、uick check.t: how many students are studying english because they have to?1bstep 3 pair-work2astep 4 listen1 read the statementt: actually, the teacher is interested in the students too. so lets listen to a teacher interviewing a student. first, i need a student to read these questions.2 play the re

40、cording and check the answers. answersthese questions should be circled: a c d f tapescripta: what was your name again?b: thomas. thomas ruzic.a: how do you spell your last name?b: r-u-z-i-c.a: you speak english very well, thomas. how long have you been studying english?b: for three years.a: oh. hav

41、e you ever been to an english-speaking country?b: yes, i have. i was an exchange student in the united states for three months.a: really? when was that?b: when i was thirteen.a: why do you want to improve your english?b: i want to travel the world, and you need english to do that.2bstep 5 listen aga

42、in answerthomas ruzic, three years, the united stateswhen he was thirteen, to travel the worldt: would you say something about thomas ruzic?2cstep 6 pair-work1 read the instructions to the class.2 ask 2 students to read the dialogues3 ask the students to work in small groupsstep 7 grammar1 have stud

43、ied english have been studying english for example: lisa is still writing letters. shes been writing letters all day. lisa has written ten letters today. my hands are very dirty. ive been repairing the car. the car is ok again now. ive repaired it.2 when how long for example: a: when did it start ra

44、ining? b: it started raining an hour ago at 1 oclock. a: how long has it been raining? b: its been raining for an hour since 1 oclock.step 8 homework1 memorize the new words.2 read short articles about the way of learning english.3 介绍自己的英语学习经历。feedback这节课注重听说,尤其是比较熟悉的英语话题。学生有话可说,但没什么新意。个人认为教学目标达成,材料

45、较简单。但我增加了两个相关的语法知识点,将难点进行了分层分区,学生教易掌握。period 5 (section b 3a, 3b, 3c, 4)teaching aims1 阅读与写作相结合2 进一步充实自我介绍材料3 小组调查4 语法拓展teaching procedureschart预习检测导入阅读与理解写作介绍自己的英语学习经历-了解别人的英语学习经历step 1 checking-up外国语学校的英语教学给你带来的知识和思想变化section b 3astep 2 reading comprehension1 hilltop language school是怎样改变了学生的生活。2 a

46、sk different students to read each of the paragraphs to the class.3 try to answer these questions as soon as possible.4 check the answers.5 language points: the students try to find the difficulties by themselves, and then study together answers1 she is a flight attendant.2 she has had the job for t

47、wo years.3 because she wanted to travel.4 she studied english for five years.5 david wants to be a tour guide.6 no.7 hes been studying at the school for one year.8 hes thinking about becoming an english teacher instead. 3bstep 3 write for the school magazine1 discuss what to introduce ourselves2 rev

48、iew the information in activity 3a.3 students write articles about themselves.as they work, the teacher move around the room and offer language assistance as needed.3cstep 4 present our workeveryone would love to read what he or she wrote to the whole class.t: time is limited, but i still believe yo

49、u will try to read your article to the class. it doesnt matter whether we wrote well or not. you just take the chance and read it. other students are encouraged to ask questions according to the articles written by classmates.4step 5 make a survey1 this activity provides listening, speaking, and wri

50、ting practice using the target language.t: youre given 5 minutes to move around the room asking and answering questions.2 ask about the list of items one by one and have students raise their hand if they have done the thing you just read.3 a game: all the students are divided into 2 groups. the 2 gr

51、oups ask questions by turns “have you ever ”if one of them cant continue, so the other group is the winner of this round. in this way the students should be quick in mind, and also it shows that they have some topics in their mind.step 6 grammar “for” and “since”for example: ive been a flight attend

52、ant for two years now. ive been waiting for two hours. ive been waiting since 8 oclock. sally has been working here for six. sally has been working here since april. i havent seen tom for three days. i havent seen tom since monday.step 7 homework:1 recite the articles2 read an article about intervie

53、wing3 the regular and irregular past participle of some certain verbsfeedback我认为本堂课的思路清晰,学生的全方位能力都得到培养。注重情感教育,同时尽可能激发学生的学习兴趣,不怕出错,不怕出丑,热爱丢脸。最后的竞赛游戏让学生调动思维,全力以赴。但这种面面俱到的教学总是有些凌乱,喜欢从一个小知识点无限扩展。就像本节课呈现的语法教学, “for” “since”,是不是有些牵强呢?课堂实效性有待提高。period 6 self check (1,2,3)teaching aims1 重点词汇检测2 采访活动3 加强写作te

54、aching procedureschart将所有单词穿插于一个片段情景中填词技巧采访活动(能力提高)-写作练习step 1 checking up复述你所阅读的关于“采访”话题的文章step 2 vocabulary1 (show some relative pictures) t: when i was a student, i always wanted to improve my english, so that i can control my teaching freely. i thought hard but i couldnt find the best and effective way until one night i had a dream. i dreamt that i could talk with the foreigners freely and they were all surprised at it. the next day, i said to my parents, “ive d


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