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1、大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语分类模拟题43大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语分类模拟题43专升本英语分类模拟题43专项练习问题:1. He regretted _ so much time playing the computer games.A.to wasteB.wastedC.wastingD.to be wasted答案:C问题:2. You must have seen a lot of interesting movies, _?A.dont youB.did youC.must youD.havent you答案:D问题:3. That is the reason _ Mary f

2、ailed to come to the meeting.A.whatB.whichC.for thatD.why答案:D问题:4. _ you, I wouldnt accept this unfair deal.A.Have I beenB.Were IC.Would I beD.If I had been答案:B问题:5. There are only _ days left before summer holidays.A.a littleB.littleC.a fewD.many答案:C问题:6. He was _ willing to accept the terms of sel

3、ling his company at a high price.A.tooB.onlyC.only tooD.too only答案:C问题:7. I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but _ of them came.A.neitherB.bothC.eitherD.none答案:A问题:8. Id like to buy a house-modern, comfortable, and _ in a quiet neighborhood.A.in allB.above allC.after allD.at all答案:B问题:9. Having been i

4、ll in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time _ the exam.A.passB.to passC.passedD.passing答案:D问题:10. My advisor encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skills.A.for me takingB.me takingC.for me to takeD.me to take答案:D问题:11. The factory is said _ in a fire two years ago.A.to be destroyed

5、B.to destroyC.to have been destroyedD.to have destroyed答案:C问题:12. The population had _ from about 8,300,000 in 1845 to less than 6,600,000.A.increasedB.inventedC.deceasedD.degreed答案:C问题:13. This will only _ a further worsening of the situation in their country.A.result outB.result fromC.result ofD.r

6、esult in答案:D问题:14. _ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all.A.When comparedB.CompareC.While comparingD.Comparing答案:A问题:15. We believe that the youngest generation will prove _ of our trust.A.worthB.worthlessC.worthyD.worthwhile答案:C问题:16. He could do nothing bu

7、t _.A.to laughB.laughedC.laughingD.laugh答案:D问题:17. _ the whole story, Joyce decided not to see the film.A.Being toldB.Having toldC.Been toldD.Having been told答案:D问题:18. Many a student _ that mistake before.A.has madeB.madeC.have madeD.had made答案:A问题:19. Although John was the eldest in the family, he

8、 always let his sister _ charge of the house.A.useB.holdC.makeD.take答案:D问题:20. They found the lecture hard _.A.to be understoodB.to understandC.for understandingD.to have been understood答案:B问题:21. No one can behave _, completely regardless of social conventions.A.at willB.at randomC.on purposeD.on e

9、asy答案:A问题:22. _ she finds out that youve lost her dog?A.What thoughB.What ifC.What aboutD.What ever答案:B问题:23. _ had we arrived than it began raining.A.ScarcelyB.HardlyC.QuicklyD.No sooner答案:D问题:24. It was not long _ the news spreaded and people from all over the world came to visit this city.A.after

10、B.untilC.beforeD.when答案:C问题:25. They dont _ students run in the corridors.A.allowB.permitC.acceptD.let答案:D问题:26. I can hardly stand _ a piano _ so badly.A.hearing; being playedB.hearing; playingC.to hear; playingD.to hear; play答案:A问题:27. All that can be done _.A.have been doneB.have doneC.has been d

11、oneD.has done答案:C问题:28. Why did they refuse to take your suggestion _ account?A.inB.intoC.forD.under答案:B问题:29. I _ a taxi to school when it was raining.A.am used to takeB.used to takeC.was used to takingD.am used to taking答案:B问题:30. Indiana University _ an eight-campus network.A.is composed ofB.make

12、s upC.constitutesD.consists答案:A问题:31. Thoroughly confused, the investigator hesitated to report _.A.what did he seeB.what he had seenC.what had he seenD.what he was seen答案:B问题:32. Neither he nor _ ever been to the United States.A.have IB.I haveC.am ID.I am答案:B问题:33. I was amazed at _ he behaved.A.wh

13、atB.thatC.the wayD.way that答案:C问题:34. The old tradition will undoubtedly die out, _ is a law of nature.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.so答案:B问题:35. The farmer has many _ on his farm.A.geeseB.gooseC.goosesD.geeses答案:A问题:36. He _ two sentences from the National Constitution to support his idea.A.indexedB.quotedC

14、.inferredD.loaned答案:B问题:37. The missing bird _ from the hole in the cage.A.would be escapingB.must have escapedC.might as well escapeD.was to have escaped答案:B问题:38. _ could animals be hunted in this area.A.Only in very special casesB.In very special cases onlyC.Only very in special casesD.In only very special cases答案:A问题:39. Those players are selected from all the local teams, _ shoulders re


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