1、大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语分类模拟97大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语分类模拟97专升本英语分类模拟97Translation问题:1. 时间是世上最容易浪费,也是最难以把握的东西。答案: Time is the easiest thing in the world to waste and the most difficult thing to control.问题:2. 如果他被迫去做他不乐意做的事,他不可能高兴。答案: If he is compelled to do what he does not enjoy doing, he cannot be happy.问题:3. 学生应该
2、正视学习中的困难,而不要逃避它们。答案: Students should confront/face difficulties in their studies instead of escaping from them.问题:4. 今天他起得很早,以免开会迟到。答案: He rose early this morning so as not to (in order that he would not) be late for the conference.问题:5. 这次考试比我们预想的要难得多。答案: The test was much more difficult than we ha
3、d expected.问题:6. The condition of our traffic now leaves much to be desired.答案: 我们现在的交通状况令人不满意。问题:7. He was pitied rather than disliked.答案: 他让人可怜,而不是令人讨厌。问题:8. Had you come yesterday, you could have seen him here.答案: 要是你昨天来了,你就会在这里看到他的。问题:9. Fine feathers make fine birds.答案: 人靠衣装,佛靠金装。问题:10. After t
4、he investigation, it was concluded that the old man was responsible for the accident.答案: 在这次调查之后,得出的结论是这位老人对这起事故负有责任。问题:11. 不管多么困难,他们绝不会后退半步。答案: No matter how difficult it might be, they should never retreat even for an inch.问题:12. 一个具有文学艺术欣赏力的人能胜任这项工作。答案: A person having appreciation of art and lit
5、erature is qualified for the job.问题:13. 那位生物学家相信某些动物物种正受到灭绝威胁。答案: The biologist believes that some animal species are faced with the danger of extinction.问题:14. 由于你我差价过大,成交希望很小。答案: There is little chance of our coming to business on account of the big difference between our prices.问题:15. 我们已经是其他几家厂商
6、的代理。答案: We have already represented several other manufacturers.问题:16. Reading makes people comprehensive while writing makes people precise.答案: 阅读使人全面,写作使人精确。问题:17. His achievements earned him respect and admiration.答案: 他的成就赢得了人们的尊敬和仰慕。问题:18. No sooner had he arrived there than he fell ill.答案: 他刚刚到
7、达那里就生起病来。问题:19. The more you explain, the more confused I am.答案: 你越解释,我越糊涂。问题:20. We should think and worry about what the country thinks and worries about.答案: 我们应想国家之所想,急国家之所急。问题:21. 人们更愿意谈论足球或天气,而不是人寿险。答案: People prefer talking about football or weather rather than life insurance.问题:22. 该系统的设计使得用户
8、能够快速简便地获得所需的信息。答案: The system has been designed to give the users quick and easy access to the required information.问题:23. 他已不再是五年前那个头脑简单的他了。答案: He is no longer the simple-minded man that he was five years ago.问题:24. 如果方便的话,我将于下周一同你见面。答案: If convenient, I will be with you next Monday.问题:25. 一旦你学了西班牙
9、语,你会发现意大利语是容易的。答案: Once you have learned Spanish, you will find Italian easy.问题:26. They have promised to look into the matter.答案: 他们已经答应对这个问题进行调查。问题:27. Our future depends on what we ourselves should do or not do.答案: 是我们自己的所为和所不为决定着我们的未来。问题:28. She has been absent again, as is expected.答案: 她又缺席了,这在
10、预料之中。问题:29. Your assumption isnt based on adequate facts.答案: 你的假设不是建立在充分的事实基础上的。问题:30. No matter what difficulties they encounter, they will try to overcome them.答案: 不管他们遇到什么困难,他们将努力克服。问题:31. 我们不能喝被污染了的水。答案: We cant drink the polluted water.问题:32. 他使劲关窗户,把玻璃都震碎了。答案: He shut the window with such forc
11、e that the glass broke.问题:33. 这种汽车的畅销表明精良的设计对于打开销路的重要性。答案: The success of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the product.问题:34. 整件事情我都记得,就像发生在昨天似的。答案: I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.问题:35. 她很调皮,但对她的恶作剧我们还是会发笑。答案: She is naughty, all the same we ha
12、ve to laugh at her joke.问题:36. He got up early so as to catch the first bus.答案: 他起得很早,为的是赶上第一班公共汽车。问题:37. It was not until yesterday evening that he changed his mind.答案: 直到昨天晚上他才改变了他的主意。问题:38. He was late again this morning. He must have gone to bed very late last night.答案: 他今早又迟到了。昨晚他肯定是睡得太晚了。问题:39. No matter how busy you are,
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