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1、办公室安全程序 1. introduction概述1.1office accidents, like any other accidents result from the same basic causes - unsafe acts and conditions.办公室人员的安全事故与其他安全事故一样由相同的一些基本因素所导致,即不安全的行为及环境。1.2most office injuries occur as a consequence of:大多数办公室发生的人身伤害都由以下各项引起: slipping, tripping, falls跌倒、失足与滑倒 the lifting, ha

2、ndling of materials and equipment搬运、搬运材料和设备 stepping on and striking against objects行走时踩在物体上并与物体相撞 falling items掉落物品 fire火灾 electricity电气 repetitive motion重复动作1.3office safety requires the same practices of any work site, i.e. regular discussion at staff and/or safety meetings, reporting of incident

3、s including near incidents, investigation, inspection, training, etc. 办公室的安全要求有与任何其他工作场所相同的规程,如员工们的定期讨论和(或)安全会议、事故报告(其中包括新近发生的事故情况、调查、检验、培训等等)。1.4to achieve a positive awareness of health and safety in the office, the working conditions, comfort and the work environment should be optimized.为了使人们能积极认

4、知办公室内的健康和安全情况,应改善工作条件、舒适度以及工作环不境。 good lighting is important for improving safety as well as satisfactory working conditions for improving the efficiency of personnel.良好的照明对于改善安全条件,以及为提高员工的工作效率而营造令人满意的工作环境是很重要的。 excessive noise causes physical stress and if continuous, permanent impairment, that int

5、erfere with speech communication and mental concentration, both of which can increase the potential for an incident.过量的噪音会导致身体紧张。如果是长期、持久的损害以至于影响到人们的谈话交流和精神集中,这两者都会增加发生事故的潜在可能。 good heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems provide personal comfort and consequently assists employees to conc

6、entrate on performing jobs safely and efficiently.良好的供暖、通风和空调系统会使人们获得身体舒适感,并最终使雇员能够集中精力安全、高效地进行工作。2. fire prevention & emergency 火灾防范及紧急情况 electricity is a very common ignition source in fires.regular inspection and prompt maintenance of electrical cords and equipment can minimize the potential for

7、fire.also determine whether circuit overload may occur whenever adding strip multiple outlets to connect numerous electrical devices to one outlet.电气是一种很常见的火灾源头。对电线和用电设备进行定期检查和即时维护能够将发生火灾的可能性降到最低。为了在一个接板上连接大量电气设备而增加多孔电源接板时,应确认电路是否会因此超载。 electrical equipment and unnecessary lights should be turned of

8、f before leaving at the end of the day.在一天工作结束离开之前应把电气设备和不必要的电灯关闭。 do not store flammable materials in the office.不要在办公室存放易燃材料。 smoke only in designated areas.只在指定场所吸烟。 all trash should be placed in proper receptacles.所有的垃圾都应被放置在专门的容器内。 fire extinguisher locations should be adequate and unobstructed

9、.灭火器的位置应恰到好处并且在取用时没有障碍物阻挡 fire extinguishers should be placed on a monthly inspection program to be assured that they are ready for use.all extinguishers found to be inadequate are to be removed and replaced immediately.灭火器应被加入到月度检查计划当中以确保其随时可以使用。所有被发现存在问题的灭火器都应被立即撤换。 no one is required to fight a f

10、ire.individuals may choose to fight a fire only if:没有人被要求救火。只有在以下情况下个人才可以选择救火:- they are trapped and fighting the fire is the only means for survival.- 被困住而救火是能够生存下来的唯一方法。- they have received adequate extinguisher training.- 接受过充分的消防训练。- they have a ready means of egress behind them.- 在身后有可靠的出口。 all

11、 emergency exits and routes must be kept clear at all times.所有的紧急出口及线路在任何时间都必须保持通畅。2.1 emergency evacuation 火险紧急疏散 be familiar with the shortest escape route from your work station. identify alternate escape route.familiarise yourself with the general layout of your office building.知道离工作站最近的逃生路线。发现其

12、它的逃生路线。熟悉整个办公大楼的总体布置。 routine emergency procedure drills should be practiced with personnel and they should be post-appraised for improvements in procedures and actions.由全体员工参加的例行的紧急情况规程训练经定期进行。员工在相关规程和行动方面取得的进展应张榜评估。 all office premises must have equipment to activate fire alarms, which must be cle

13、arly identified, and simple instructions posted so that it can be activatedeasily.all equipment to combat fires should be identifiable and kept maintained.所有办公室都必须拥有启动火灾警报的装置。该装置都应能够被清楚地辨认并且在旁边张贴有简要的说明,以使它的启动变得简单。所有的灭火设备都应能被辨认并时刻保持状态良好。 emergency egress/exit route map with “you are here” sign must b

14、e posted at strategic location in office building.for example each office area or wing should have at least one map.在办公楼内每一个重要场所张贴好紧急逃生路线图,并在图中标明该场所的位置。例如,每一个办公区域都至少有一个紧急逃生路线图。 in case of fire, go to pre-determined muster point.never use an elevator during fire.follow fire wardens instruction.如果发生火灾

15、,迅速赶至预先规定的集合地点。在出现火灾时一定不要使用电梯。听从防火员的指示。 floor evacuations should be made by the stairwells.应通过楼梯井进行楼层疏散。 a prompt response to any type or size of fire is extremely important.对火灾的类别和规模做出迅速反应是非常重要的。 most fires will be confined to the room of origin if the door is closed.如果房门紧闭,大多数火势是可以被限制在其起始的房间内的。 cl

16、ose all office and conference room doors upon exiting to signify that the room is clear.在撤离时关闭所有已撤空的办公室和会议室的门以表示该房间内无人。 if you found someone is in trouble and not able to assist them without risking your own life do not attempt to help them.inform the hse personnel immediately or upon arriving at mu

17、ster point, notify fire brigade officer of the individuals condition and location.如果你发现其他人陷入危险之中,在不能够确保自身生命安全的前提下不要试图去帮助他们。立即通知hse人员或在到达集合地点后,立即通知消防队员受困人员的情况和地点。 follow the instructions of the fire brigade officer.照消防官的指示去做。2.2emergency phone number & information紧急电话号码及其信息caojing city emergency phon

18、e numbers漕泾市紧急电话fire火警:119police公安: 110ambulance急救电话:67250226(locate in the tianyuan chemical factory 位于天原化工厂内)or 1203. housekeeping 内务管理 furniture and equipment should be arranged so there is ample room to work without bumping into chairs, desks, file cabinets, and the like.办公用具和设备应摆放妥当,以留出足够的工作空间,

19、防止撞到桌椅、公文柜之类的东西。 electric cords and cable for all electric equipment should be routed to minimize exposure to personnel.所有用电设备的电线、电缆应被理顺以使其暴露在员工面前的部分减至最小。 waste baskets or any other items that set on the floor should be kept under a table or desk, in a corner or other out-of-the-way places to minimi

20、ze tripping hazards.放在地板上的废物篮或其他物品应被置于桌子下面、角落里或其他偏僻地方以将引其跌倒的危险降至最小。 any secondary aisle which will be used to access an exit (i.e.: passages within an office) should be kept clear.main corridors and exits should be free of obstructions and sufficiently sized for a safe evacuation.用来通往出口的任何二级走廊(如办公室里

21、的过道)应保持畅通。主走廊及出口应无任何障碍物并且有足够的空间进行安全疏散。 walking surfaces such as hallways, stairs, and floors should be maintained clean.all objects such as pencils, pens, paper and paper clips should be picked up promptly and any liquids spilled must be wiped up immediately from all surfaces or the area isolated.门厅

22、、楼梯、地板之类的行走地面应保持清洁。所有如铅笔、钢笔、废纸、纸夹一类的物品都应被即时拾起。任何倾溅的液体都应从整个地面或单独区域内立即擦拭干净。 loose tiles, raised carpet or any other irregularity in walking surfaces should be reported for corrective action.松动的砖块、卷褶的地毯或其他任何行走地面上的参差不平应即时报告以得到纠正。 shelving should be fastened to the wall and/or other shelving to improve i

23、ts stability.倾斜的物体应靠着墙壁固定和(或)与其他倾斜物体固定在一起以提高其稳定性。 safety signs for exits, escape routes, no smoking and fire fighting equipment, push-pull signs on doors etc., should be prominently and optimally displayed for awareness and to improve safety.用来表示出口、撤离路线、禁止吸烟、灭火设备、大门推拉标志等事项的安全标志应在最显著和最适宜的地方显示,以使更多的人察

24、觉到,从而提高安全系数。 4. trips and falls 失足与滑倒 maintain floor and walkways free from obstruction.确保地板和走道内没有任何障碍物。 proceed through solid doors and around corners with caution.通过固定门以及角落里时多加小心。 the use of handrails when going up or down steps should be encouraged.应鼓励人们在上下楼梯时使用扶手。 objects should be carried so as

25、 to not obstruct view of floor, stairs, or other persons or objects.在携带物品时,应以不阻碍你看到地面、楼梯、或其他人员或物体为前提。5. manual lifting 人工搬运重物 whenever possible obtain mechanical assistance to lift objects.无论何时,只要能够就借助机械来举起重物。o when mechanical assistance not possible, get someone to assist.当无法得到机械的帮助时找其他人来帮忙。 when l

26、ifting heavy objects在搬运重物时应:o face the object with feet comfortably separated; place one foot behind the object and one along its side.面对物体时双脚自然分开;一只脚置于物体之后,另一只紧挨其侧面。o bend at the knees.屈膝。o get a firm balanced grip on the object.牢固、平衡地抓紧物体。o keep the object as close to your body as possible.使物品尽可能靠

27、紧身体。o using your legs and keeping your spine in the vertical plane lift the object.搬运时,用双腿使劲,保持脊椎处于垂直方向。o if the object is too heavy or bulky to lift comfortably, seek help.如果物品过重或过大而无法顺利抬起时,寻求其他人的帮助。 items being carried should be held safely to avoid injury in the event of being struck.在携带物品时应保证其携带

28、方法的安全,以免在受到撞击时受伤。6 work station工作站6.1 general requirement 总体要求all office furniture should be used only for the purpose intended and in the manner intended.chairs are not step stools and chairs with wheels are not trolleys.所有的办公用具都应只被用来完成它预期完成的目的,并且也只能通过预期的使用方法来使用它。座椅并非垫脚用的凳子,转椅也不是手推车。file cabinet dr

29、awers should be closed when not in use.文件柜的抽屉在不使用时应当关好。the bottom file drawers shall be kept full so that they may serve as an anchor to stabilize the cabinets.if practicable, file cabinets should be fastened to the floor or wall or to each other to prevent tipping when the drawers are open.consider

30、ation should be given to floor loading when many file cabinets are centrally located.底层文件屉在装满的时候可以像锚一样起到使整个文件柜稳定的作用。如果可以的话,应当将文件柜固定与地面或墙壁,或多个文件柜互相固定,这样可以防止抽屉打开时产生的倾斜。当多个文件柜被一起放置于房间中央时,应考虑地板负荷问题。employees should be trained to open only one file drawer at a time to prevent the file cabinet from capsiz

31、ing forward.应培养雇员在同一时间之打开一个抽屉的习惯,这样可以防止文件柜倾覆。the drawers should be closed gently using the handle to avoid pinching any body part.应当用把手将抽屉轻轻关闭以免压痛身体的任何部位。ladders or step stools should be used to access high shelves.当需要够到高层的架子时,应使用梯子或脚凳。lower shelves should be loaded before upper shelves to improve s

32、tability. when unloading, the upper shelves should be cleared first.为增加稳定性,装载物品时应首先装满底层架子,然后再装载高层架。再卸载物品时,应先清理上层物品。6.2work station ergonomics工作站的人体工程学1) seated posture坐姿 the backrest angle should be adjusted so that the hip-torso angle is about 120 degrees.应当调整靠背的角度以便使臀部与躯干之间保持大约120度角。 both feet sho

33、uld be flat on the floor or on a footrest with knees bent so that the upper to lower leg angle is somewhat greater than 90 degrees. 双脚应平放地面或放于一搁脚板上,膝盖弯曲,大腿与小腿间的角度略大于90度。 seated posture should be slightly reclined with thighs parallel to each other.大腿保持平行,坐姿应略微向后倾。 a symmetrical or balanced posture s

34、hould be maintained.weight should be kept evenly distributed. 应保持对称和平衡的姿势,全身重量平均分配。 the height of the chairs backrest should be adjusted to support the natural inward curve in the lumbar area, or lower spine.应当调整座椅靠背的高度,使其能支承腰部,或者说下脊柱部位的天然内弯曲线。2) neck & shoulders颈部和肩部 shoulders and neck should be re

35、laxed.arms should hang naturally from the shoulders.肩部和颈部应得到放松。两臂从肩膀向下自然下垂。 the neck should be kept straight or slightly forward.颈部应保持挺直或略微前伸。 cradling a telephone handset on the shoulder should be avoided, especially while typing.应避免用肩部夹住电话听筒接电话,尤其是在打字的时候。 shoulders should not be hunched.不要耸肩。3) vi

36、sion 视觉 light sources should be either shielded or indirect to avoid glare.vdts should be positioned at an angle to, and not directly facing or backing onto windows or walls. they should be positioned between, rather than under rows of light.为避免强光,光源应加装光罩,或者进行间接照射。vdts的放置应当有个角度,而不是直接面对或背对窗户或墙壁。它们应当被

37、放置在光线之间,而不是在光线的照射之下。 an occasional shift of focus to distant objects is recommended in order to reduce eyestrain.建议时常将双眼移开,注视远处的物体,这样可以减轻眼睛疲劳。 glare can be detected by turning the monitor off while noting whether clothing is reflected on the screen.通过将显示器关闭并同时注意是否在屏幕上反射光罩的方法可以检测出显示器是否存在闪烁。 stark con

38、trasts between adjacent surfaces should be avoided.应避免相邻的两个工作平台之间形成强烈反差。 the monitor screen should be kept clean of dust and fingerprints.显示屏应保持清洁,没有尘土和指纹。 characters on the screen should be clear and stable without any flickering.屏幕上的字符应是清晰、稳定的,没有任何的跳动。 avoid light blue or red text.use dark text on

39、 a light background.避免不恰当的色彩搭配。在显示屏上尽量使用白底黑字。 the brightness and contract controls should be used to adjust the screen comfortably.运用亮度和对比度控制功能来调整屏幕,使其看起来更舒适。 lighting levels should be between 300 and 500 lux.照明亮度应介于300到500 lux之间。 vision should be checked annually.应每年检查一次视力。 bifocal users should con

40、sider single vision or progressive lenses.双光眼镜使用者应考虑使用单一视觉或更先进的眼镜。6.3visual display terminals (vdts)视频显示终端(vdts) the recent increase in computer-based systems has resulted in the widespread use of visual display terminals, vdts, in the office environment. this has raised health concerns amongst some

41、 users who have considerable exposure.近期计算机工作系统的增加导致了视频显示终端(vdts)在办公领域内的广泛应用。这引起了对那些长时间在电脑前工作的用户健康状况的担心。 extensive research has been carried out into the health aspects of vdts and it has been established that most of the symptoms described by users are the result of musculoskeletal strain.radiation

42、 emissions from vdts are negligible and do not represent a health hazard.目前已经有了对于vdts对人体健康影响的广泛研究,结论已经做出,即前述用户所描述的大多数症状是由肌肉骨骼疲劳引起的。vdts产生的辐射是微不足道的,不会对健康构成威胁。 bodily fatigue results from bad working posture.this may be related to ergonomic aspects of furniture design, equipment set-up, improper light

43、ing, work design, or work habits.不良的工作姿势会导致身体疲劳。这与办公用具的人体工学设计、设备的安装、不良的光线照明、工作安排或工作习惯都有关系。 in order to minimize injury or discomfort while working at a vdt it is recommended that users learn how to adjust their workstations, use appropriate postures, vary their tasks, and take frequent rest breaks.为

44、了将在vdt前工作而带来的伤害和不适减至最小,我们建议用户学习如何调整他们的工作台,如何运用适当的姿势,如何丰富他们的工作任务,以及如何经常进行休息。 general recommendations for vdt users 对vdt用户的一般建议 the height of the chair or work surfaces must be adjustable to allow adequate thigh clearance under the work surface.座椅或工作平台的高度必须是可调节的,以便在工作平台之下为大腿提供适当的空间。 the work surface s

45、hould be adjusted so that shoulders are relaxed and not hunched up when using the keyboard.arms should hang straight down from the shoulders maintaining the elbows at about a 90-degree angle.keyboard trays can be added to existing furniture to achieve this, if necessary. 应对工作平台进行调整以便在使用键盘时使肩膀放松而不必耸肩

46、。双臂自然下垂并在与肘部形成90度角。为做到这一点,如果有必要,可以在已有的办公用具上加装键盘托盘。 the height of the monitor (as well as source documents) should be set so that its top is about 7.5 - 13 centimeters below eye level.显示器(以及源文件)的高度应位于水平视线下方约7.5至13公分处。 in general, viewing distance should be between 46 - 60 centimeters.however, larger

47、monitor screens may require distances up to 90 centimeters.在通常情况下,视线距离应在46-60公分之间。不过,大一些的显示器会要求视线距离保持在90公分以上。 the monitor screen and source documents should be equidistant from the eye.a document holder can be used to maintain proper position and viewing distance of source documents.显示屏和源文件与眼睛的距离应当相

48、同。可以使用文件托架来固定源文件的合适位置及视线距离。 the monitor screen should be positioned and tilted to avoid glare.the line of sight from the eyes to the screen should be parallel to the light source.为避免闪烁现象,应对显示屏进行定位并保持一定倾斜度。由眼睛抵达屏幕的视线应与光源保持平行。 tasks should be varied throughout the day, especially those involving simil

49、ar and repetitive movements.应使贯穿一整天的工作多样化,特别是那些涉及相似或重复动作的工作。 short breaks (10 to 30 second) should be taken every 30 minutes with longer breaks every 2 hours.these should included movement and stretching.每工作30分钟应稍事休息(10至30秒钟)。每工作2小时,休息时间应当更长。这种休息应包括做简单的运动和伸展动作。 avoid fixed or static postures for len

50、gthy periods.避免长时间保持固定或静止的姿势。 avoid awkward postures or inconvenient reaches.避免不恰当的姿势或很费力地够取物品。 maintain good health.保持良好的健康状况。 get plenty of rest and exercise.得到充足的休息和锻炼。 take an ergonomic awareness class.参加讲解人体工学的课程。 be conscious of aches and pains, and their sources.对自己的疼痛及其根源保持清醒的头脑。 report pain

51、 or discomfort to your immediate supervisor.将疼痛或不适即时告知自己的主管。7.0office safety dos and donts办公室安全事项do report all injuries immediately to your supervisor no matter how trivial it seems.应该 无论看来多么轻微,也要将自己的伤病立即告知主管。do notlean out from the chair to pick up objects on the floor. this is one of the common ca

52、uses of falling accidents.不应 从座椅上倾身去捡拾地板上的物品。这是跌伤事故的一个常见原因。do not lean back in the chair and place your feet on the table.this is one of the common causes of falling accidents. 不应 背靠座椅,双脚放在办公桌上。这是跌伤事故的一个常见原因。do notstand on a chair to reach an overhead object. use a proper ladder or stool.不应 为够取一个高过头

53、顶的物品而站在椅子上。你应使用合适的梯子或凳子。do notattempt to make electrical repairs.不应 试图进行电气方面的修理。do notuse electric extension cords with switch socket outlets or plug tops with the wrong ratings or unapproved types.electric cords, telephone wires and floor-mounted outlets should be properly laid out, installed and i

54、nspected for defects.不应 在开关插座上使用外接分线,或使用额定值不符或未经认证的插头。电线、电话线和置于地面的插座应合理安排、正确安装和检测是否存在缺陷。do avoid littering; wipe up spilled liquids immediately, pick-up paper clips, rubber bands, pencils and other loose objects as soon they are spotted.应该 防止乱丢废弃物;即时清除倾溅的液体。一旦纸夹、橡皮圈、铅笔和其他零散的物品弄脏了地面,就把它们立刻捡拾起来。avoid

55、exchange of jokes while using the stairs and do not congregate on stairs or landings.避免 在上下楼梯时边走边说笑而没有将注意力放在楼梯平台上。do use the handrails when using the stairs.应该 上下楼梯时使用扶手do notthrow lighted matches and cigarette butts into wastebaskets. use the ashtrays.where smoking is permitted, use ashtrays. obey all“no smoking” signs.不应 将燃烧着的火柴和烟头丢进废纸篮。使用烟灰缸。只能在允许吸烟的地方使用它。遵守所有的“禁止吸烟”标志。do notblock the location of fire fighting equipment.determine the locat


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