




2、EET, JINTAN CITY, JIANGSU PROVINCE, CHINA 2132002 COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSINGREDIENT NAME:1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroetha ne (HFC-134a)CAS NUMBER:811-97-2TYPICAL WT. %:100%3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEWClear, colorless liquefied gas with faint ethereal odor. Non-flammable materia

3、l. Overexposuremay cause dizz in ess, loss of concen trati on,Cen tral Nervous System depressi on and cardiacarrhythmia. Asphyxiation in confined space if air is displaced by vapors.SKIN CONTACTLiquid or escap ingvapor con tactmay cause frostbite. But this products will probably not beabsorbed throu

4、gh huma n skin.EYES CONTACTLiquid splashes or vapor spray con tact may cause severe irritati on and frostbite-like lesi ons.INHALATIONExposure to an oxygen-deficientatmosphere by displacementof this material, symptoms ofasphyxiati on, l oss of coord in ati on, in creased pulse rate and deeper respir

5、ati on will occur. Higher levels can cause cardiac arrhythmia.INGESTIONExtremely unlike to ingest. If occurred, some effects of inhalation and skin exposure would be expected.ADDITIONAL EFFECTSIn creasedsusceptibility to the effects of this material may be observed in pers onswithpre-exist ing disea

6、se of Cen tral Nervous System and Cardiovascular System.4 FIRST AID MEASURESSKINFlush exposed skin with lukewarm water (not hot). Or cover with a clean, soft cloth or similar covering if water were not available. Get medical attention if frostbitten or irritation symptoms occurs.EYESImmediately flus

7、h with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation symptoms occurs.INHALATIONImmediately remove to fresh air. If not breathing,give artificial respiration. If breathing islabored, give oxygen. Get medical attention. Do not give adrenaline, epinephrine or similar drug

8、s.INGESTIONIn gesti on is not con sidered a pote ntial route of exposure.NOTES TO PHYSICIANSBecause of the possible disturba nces of cardiac rhythm,catecholam inedrugs, such asepinephrine, should be used with special caution and only in situations of emergency life support.5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESFL

9、AMMABLE PROPERTIESFLASH POINT: No flash poi ntFLASH POINT METHOD: NAUPPER FLAME LIMIT (volume % in air): NALOWER FLAME LIMIT (volume % in air): NAAUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: 743 CEXTINGUISHING MEDIAUse media appropriate for surrounding materials.FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONSUse water spray to cool contai

10、n ers.FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDSHFC 134a is not flammable in air un der ambie nt con diti ons of temperature and pressure. Un der conditions of high temperature and pressure, certain HFC 134a/air mixtures were shown to be flammable. Mixturesof HFC 134a and airor oxygen should not be usedfor pressure

11、 or leaktesting. Certain mixtures of HFC134a and chlorine may be flammable under some conditions.Thermal decomposition will evolve toxic and irritant vapors.6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESIN CASE OF SPILL OR OTHER RELEASEUse recomme ndedpers onalprotecti on and evacuateun protectedpers onnelimmediatel

12、y.Remove ignition sources and shut off leak if without risk. Ventilate the spill area.7 HANDLING AND STORAGEHANDLINGAvoid breath ing vapors and liquid con tact with eyes, skin or clothi ng. Do not pun cture or drop cyli nders, expose them to ope n flame or excessive heat. Use approved cyli nders onl

13、y. Follow standardsafetyprecautionsfor handlingand use of compressed gas cylinders. Do not mixHFC134a with air or oxyge n above atmospheric pressure for leak test ing or any other purpose.STORAGEKeep in a cool, well ven tilated place. Keep away from direct sun light, heat above 49C (120 T ) andany s

14、ources of ig niti on.8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONENGINEERING CONTROLSProvide local ventilation at filling zones and areas where leakage is probable. Mechanical exhaust ven tilati on may be adequate for other operati ng and storage areas. Provide eyewash stati on in work area.EYE / FACE

15、PROTECTIONWhere there is reas on able probability of liquid con tact, wear chemical safety goggles and have eye flush ing equipme nt available.SKIN PROTECTIONWear appropriate chemical resista nt protective cloth ing and chemical resista nt gloves to preve ntskincon tact.Rinsecon tam in atedskin prom

16、ptly. Clea n protective equipme nt and washcontaminated clothing before reuse.RESPIRATORY PROTECTIONNone gen erallyrequired if con trolsare adequate. For accide ntalrelease or non-ven tilatedsituations, or release into confined space, use approved respirator for organic vapors. For high concen trati

17、 ons and oxyge n-deficie nt atmospheres, use positive pressure air-supplied respirator.EXPOSURE GUIDELINESMini mizeexposurein accordaneewith good hygienepractice.KANGTAI has establishedanoccupati onal exposure limit of 1000 ppm (8hr TWA) for this material.9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppeara ne

18、e / Odor Boili ng point Vapor pressure Vapor den sity Specific gravity Solubility in water % VolatilesClear, colorless liquified gas with faint ethereal odor. -26.4 C / -15.5 T96 psia at 25C3.5 (Air=1.0)1.21 at 25C0.15100Evaporati on Rate110 STABILITY AND REACTIVITYSTABILITYChemically stable un der

19、specified con diti ons or storage, shipme nt an d/or use.INCOMPATIBILITYAvoid con tact with stro ngalkalis or alkali neearth metals, fin ely powered metals such asalum in um, magn esium, alloys containing more tha n 2% magn esium and zinc & stro ng oxidizers, since they may react or accelerate decom

20、positi on.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSTION PRODUCTSHydroge n fluoride, hydroge n chloride, carb on mono xide, carb on dioxide and chlori ne by thermal decompositi on and hydrolysis.HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATIONWill n ot occur.11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONANIMAL DATANo skinallergy was observedin guineapigsfollowing

21、repeated exposure. Acuteinhalationexposure produced an estheticeffects inmice,dogs, cats and mon keys. Repeatedin halati onexposure produced no adverse effects in rats. Inhalation of this material, followed by intravenous injection of epinephrine to simulate stress reactions, resulted in cardiac sen

22、sitization in dogs.Follow ing lon g-term in halati on studies in rats, an in creased in cide nee of benign tumors (at high concen trati ons) in the testes were the only tumors observed. No birth defects were no ted in the offspring of rats exposed to this material by inhalation during pregnancy, eve

23、n at dosages which produced significant adverse effects in the mother. This material produced no genetic changes in sta ndard tests using bacterial or ani mal cells and whole ani mals. Sin gle exposure (acute) studies in dicate:EYE IRRITATIONSlightly Irritating to RabbitsSKIN IRRITATIONSlightly Irri

24、tating to Rabbits(24-hr exposure)INHALATIONPractically Non-toxic to Rats(4-hr LC50 500,000 ppm; 30-min LC50 750,000 ppm)12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONBased on its low n-octa no l/water partiti on coefficie nt (log pow of 1.06), bioaccumulati on of this material is con sidered

25、un likely.CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATIONBased on its low n-octa no l/water partiti on coefficie nt (log pow 1.06), bioaccumulati on of this material is consideredunlikely. When evaluated in a 28 day activated sludge test, 3%degradati on of this material was observed.13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWASTE DISPOS

26、ALContaminatedHFC-134a can be recovered by distillationor removed to a permitted wastedisposal facility. Comply with n ati onal and local regulati ons.14 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATIONPROPER SHIPPING NAME: 1,1,1,2-TETRAFLUOROETHANE (Rl34A)HAZARD CLASS: 2.2 UN NUMBER: UN 3159 PACKING GROUP: NA DOT/IMO LABEL: NON-FLAMMABLE GAS15 REGULATORY INFORMATIONRegulations on the Safety Administration of Dangerous Chemicals: Articles 1-4, 7-27 , 15-27 ,29 , 31 , 3


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