高中英语 Unit4Exploring plantsLanguage points课件 新人教选修9_第1页
高中英语 Unit4Exploring plantsLanguage points课件 新人教选修9_第2页
高中英语 Unit4Exploring plantsLanguage points课件 新人教选修9_第3页
高中英语 Unit4Exploring plantsLanguage points课件 新人教选修9_第4页
高中英语 Unit4Exploring plantsLanguage points课件 新人教选修9_第5页
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1、 language points 1. date back to 追溯到追溯到; 始于始于 this town dates back to roman times. the castle dates back to the 14th century. these societies dated as far back as a century. date from 追溯到追溯到; 始于始于 the dress dates from the 19th century. this custom dates from the 17th century. my interest in stamp co

2、llecting dates from my schooldays. insurance dating from the 17th century now profits a lot. the present harmony in the factory dates from a sensible agreement on wages and productivity. dated adj. 过时的,陈旧的过时的,陈旧的 those words all seem rather dated. clothing styles became dated very quickly. 2. bring

3、back if you borrow my electric drill dont forget to bring it back. all library books must be brought back before june 20. if youre going to the market please bring me back ten eggs. 1) 归还归还,带回来带回来 2) 使回想起使回想起 seeing you brought back many memories. his story brought back our happy childhood together.

4、 the river smell brought back a night some years before. bring about bring down bring forward bring in bring on bring out 引起,实现引起,实现 减少,打倒;击落减少,打倒;击落 提出,提前,提早提出,提前,提早 收获,收入,请来,收获,收入,请来, 引起;使提高引起;使提高 表现出来,出版,生产表现出来,出版,生产 scientists say that many factors bring about changes in the weather. the scene i

5、n the room brought the poor man back to reality. it will take more than speeches to bring down the prices these day. at our next council meeting, he is proposing to bring forward the question of developing the city centre. how much does garage business bring in each month? i wanted to bring out clea

6、rly the issue that is involved. he still insisted that he would bring out a book in the spring. new questions are constantly being brought up at the weekly meeting. the child is very badly brought up. 3. on a large scale 大面积的大面积的 they are preparing for war on large scale. the project was undertaken

7、on a large scale. scale n. 规模规模 (可数可数, 不可数不可数) 1. the business had to be reduced in scale. 2. private undertakings were small in scale in the red areas. 3. the statue was made to scale, one inch to one foot.按规定比例按规定比例 4. take opportunity of doing /to do sth. he took the opportunity to question his w

8、ife. i shall take the first opportunity of seeing you. im glad to have the opportunity of talking to you. he sought opportunities of doing her little services. dont let slip any opportunity of practising your english. somehow they didnt seem to get an opportunity to object. there may be an opportuni

9、ty for you to see the manager this afternoon. 5. conflict n.矛盾矛盾,分歧分歧;冲突冲突,斗争斗争 it faces conflicts with the american people. nations mustnt settle their difference by armed conflict. at times personality conflicts develop between teachers and students. a conflict of opinions/wills/interests in confl

10、ict (with) these two lines are in conflict with each other. every one was aware that husband and wife were in conflict. the twins are in conflict. 6. introduce 介绍介绍, 使得认识使得认识 i must certainly introduce him to you. allow me to introduce my friend mr. x to you. 传入传入, 引入引入 the romans introduced roads t

11、o britain. tobacco was introduced into europe from america. introduction n. an introduction to sb./sth. self introduction 7. ruin vt.毁灭毁灭, 毁掉毁掉, 破坏破坏 the rain has ruined the childrens trip. we took a picture of the ruined cottage. the fire ruined the house. be in ruins 一片废墟一片废墟, 落空落空 the town lay in

12、 ruins. bring/come to ruin 使毁灭使毁灭/破产破产 all his plans came to ruin. fall into ruin 已成废墟已成废墟 the castle has fallen into ruin. 8. tightly 紧紧地紧紧地, 满满地满满地 tie it as tightly as you can. his arms were folded tightly. he held me by the arm so tightly that it hurt. tight adj. 紧紧,绷紧绷紧,拉紧拉紧 the coat looks tigh

13、t. we hope to finish the task next week, but the schedule is a bit tight. adv. 紧地紧地 满地满地 hold tight to the railing or you may slip and fall. the passengers were tightly packed in the train. “look! chris, look!” andrew whispered, pressing my arm tightly. shut the door tight. make sure that the bags w

14、ere packed tight. 9. seal vt. 盖章盖章, 封口封口 the treaty was signed and sealed by both governments. food such as corned beef and condensed milk are sold in sealed tins. his eyes were sealed with sleep. 10. restriction u. 限制限制 the park is open to the public without restriction. he dislikes their restricti

15、on of his freedom of choice. c. 限制性规定限制性规定 the restrictions on the use of the play-ground: no fighting. no damaging property. the government placed restrictions on the numbers of foreign cars that could be imported. restrict vt. 限制限制, 控制控制 he feels this new law restrict his freedom. the trees restri

16、cted our vision. restricted adj. 有严格控制的有严格控制的, 局限的局限的 restrictive adj. 限制性的限制性的 she is now on a very restricted diet, and can have no sweets. the space provided is too restricted. he finds life in the small town too restrictive. 11. in style 以以 方式方式 ,用,用风格风格 he wrote the sentence in a childish style

17、. the little boy bowed in a gentleman style. in style 讲究地,有气派地讲究地,有气派地; 时行时行, 不过时不过时 out of style 不时行不时行, 过时过时 with style (处理得处理得) 漂亮漂亮, 得当得当 12. establish 成立成立, 建立建立 father established his business forty years ago. even public schools for girls were established in some places. establishment n. 建立,成

18、立建立,成立 the establishment of a new state 13. appeal vt. 吸引吸引, 投合兴趣或爱好投合兴趣或爱好 how did the course appeal to you? these pictures dont appeal to the children. 呼吁呼吁, 请求请求 appeal to sb. for help he appealed to his friends for support. the murderer appealed to the court for mercy. 从从a-d中找出与每句话中中找出与每句话中appea

19、l 相符合的相符合的 意思。意思。 1. the government is appealing to everyone to save water. 2. when mother said “no,” my little sister would appeal to father. 3. does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you? 4. he appealed against the judges decision. d. 向向呼吁呼吁 c. 上诉上诉 a. 对对有吸引力有吸引力b. 求助于求助于 翻译下列句子。

20、翻译下列句子。 1.警方向公众呼吁不要轻易相信陌生人。警方向公众呼吁不要轻易相信陌生人。 2. 你对这些画感兴趣吗?你对这些画感兴趣吗? 3. 她的幽默感吸引了他。她的幽默感吸引了他。 4. 船长对这个方案提出了异议。船长对这个方案提出了异议。 the police appeal to the public not to trust strangers easily. do these paintings appeal to you? her sense of humour appealed to him. the captain appealed against the proposal.

21、14. value vt. 估价估价; 珍视珍视, 珍惜珍惜 how much do you value it at? i value my friendship with him. value n. 价值价值, 价值观念价值观念 every experience is of great value. (作表语作表语) 有价值有价值 nothing of value was stolen. put value on 定价,重视定价,重视 he puts little value on qualifications. set (a) value on 重视,估计重视,估计 she sets li

22、ttle value on wealth. (作定语作定语) 值钱的值钱的 1. however it was not until that the exploration began. it is/was not untilthat 直到直到才才 it was not until the 1880s that there were consistent experimental findings to support his theory. 句子结构:句子结构: not until i began to study did i realize how much time i had wast

23、ed. 2. brave young men took the opportunity of going,often facing many dangers including facing 在句中作状语在句中作状语, 表表 示示“从事植物考察从事植物考察”过程中的伴随情况过程中的伴随情况 he rushed out of the room, crying. the secretary worked deep into night, preparing an important speech for the president. 3. at that time, there were rest

24、rictions on in order to travel unnoticed, he in order to travel 不定式作目的状不定式作目的状 语语, unnoticed作作to travel的伴随状语的伴随状语 the teacher came in, followed by his students. she sat by the window, lost in thought. 4. not only did fortune. but he also shipped not only 放在句首要倒装放在句首要倒装, 表示强调表示强调 not only did he comp

25、lained the food, he also refused to pay for it. not only did they bring snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. 只有当只有当not onlybut also连接两句连接两句 子时子时, 才倒装才倒装, 若连接的不是句子若连接的不是句子,则则 不用倒装。不用倒装。 not only john but also ben should have got a full mark in the exam. what he is worrying is not only his food but also his bed. 根据下列各句句意及所给单


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