1、代词三四、other 的用法:other, another, others, the other, the other的用法区别基本用法other: other+ 复数名词(other stude nS )another: . another +单数名词,“另一个”(数目不清楚)the other: The other +复数名词=the others “其他的人或物”(指确定范围内剩下的全部)others别人):其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,泛指)the others代词,其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,定指);考点要求注意两个句式、一个搭配和两个区别1两个
2、句式的用法(1)One the other 一个 另一个注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明具体数量的数词 two;如出现的数词大于two,one 可以根据实际情况调整成其它数词; 如出现的数词减去one或调整后的数词后仍大于“ 1”时, the other应变为the others或“the other +数词”(两个数词相加应等于所给数词)。e.g There aretwo apples here.O ne is for you, the other is for your sister.There arefive apples here .Two are for you, the othe
3、rs are for your sister.There arefive apples here .Two are for you, the other three are for your sister.(2)Someothers 一些另一些注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明不定数量的词语:如出现说明具体数量的数词,others 前应加上the。e.g There arema ny people on the beachSomeare swim ming, others are enjoying the sun.Mrs. Smith bought 25 books. Somewere for
4、 her daughter,the others were for her son.2、一个搭配:any同other连用时应注意之点:Any others: any 同单一的 other 连用,other应使用 others;Any other +单数名词:any后如还带有名词,用other,名词用单数;Any of结构:any of后的other前应加the,如含名词用other,名词用复数;如不含名词, 用 othersoe.g Of all the cities in China, Sha nghai is bigger tha nany othersOf all the cities
5、in China, Shanghai is bigger thanany other city.Of all the cities in China, Shan ghai is bigger tha nany of the othersOf all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger thanany of the other cities3、两个区别:(1)同数词连用时an other和more的区别 ano ther用于数词前,more用于数词后。(鞍前马后)e.g To fin ish the work in time, we n eed ano
6、 ther two men.To finish the work in time, we need two more men.(2) other和else的区别Other用于名词前;else用于wh-词或复合不定代词后,其后不能带名词。e.g What other ani mals do you like? Do you have anything elseto tell us? What elsedid you buy last week?4、初中英语中除上述情况外,一般都用an othe。e.g This pair of shoes doesn t fit me. Please show
7、manother pair. 练习:1dont want this shirt. Please show me.A .others B .the others C .another D .the other2. We study Chin ese, En glish , maths and somesubjects.A .the other B. One C .other D .an other3asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner , butof them came .A .ano therB. other C .the other
8、s D .others4. Betty and Joh n have come back , butstude nts in the class arent here yet.A. the other B others C. ano ther D. the others5. The smiths have visited two famous cities. One is in Japa n andis in Chi-na.A.a no therB.other C.others D.The other6. He may fall behindstude nts whe n he comes b
9、ack.A.other B.others C.the other D.the others7. Jim is more careful thanstude nt.A.a ny otherB.others C.the others D.other8. -How many more oran ges can I have?-You can have one more.are for Tom.A.The others B.A nother C.Others D.The other9. They have twen ty-six desks in the classroom. One is for t
10、he teacher,are for thestude nts.A. the other B. other C. the others D. others10. The old man has two sons. One is a worker ;is a teacher.A. ano ther B. other C. others D. the other代词练习1. This dictionary is not hers. It s.A. IB. me C. mineD. my2. Is thismagaz ine? - No, it isn t. It s.A. your, her B
11、hers, mine C.yours, hers D your, hers3. There are two books on the desk. One is a maths book,is an En glish book.A. others B. otherC. the other D. ano ther4. of the girls plays tennis well.A. Neither B. BothC. All D. Some5. Mary speaks very quickly.is difficult to un dersta nd what she is say ing.A.
12、 That B. sheC. ItD. There6. The school was built by the villagers.A. us B. ourselves C. them D. themselves7. Letdo this exercise myself.A. him B. her C. us D. Me8. Have youto tell us?A. importa nt somethi ng B. someth ing importa ntC. importa nt anything D. any thi ng importa nt9. I met an old frie
13、nd ofonway home.A. mine, my B. my, the C. mi ne, a D. mine, the10. of the stude nts in our class has a ticket.A. Every B. Both C. Each D. All11. There are several books on the desk.of them is En glish.A. All B. Both C. No ne D. Neither作业:1. Which jacket is MaryT?e red one isA she B. her C. hers D. h
14、is2. There are many trees onside of the street.A. all B. both C. every D. each3. There isin today s newspaper.A. new anything B. new somethi ng C. any thi ng new D. someth ing new4. Lei Feng askedfor retur n whe n he helped others.A. everyth ingB. nothing C. Anything D. somethi ng5. Hurry up! There
15、stime leftA few B. a few C. little D. a little6. - Could I have some milk? - Certainly. There sin the bottle.A. little B. a little C. a few D. few7. Their En glish teacher is from America, butis from En gla nd.A. ours B. my C. your D. her8. - May I use your pen?-Yes, here are two and you can useof them.A. both B. every C. any D. eit
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