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1、一、填空题1.-what is three and twenty-seven? -Its _. P592.He is a famous _(act). P613.You say your house is very small.I think it is large.(合并成一句) p61You say your house is very small_I think it is large.4.This is Daniels key ring.(改为同义句) p65 This key ring _ _ _ Daniel.5.There are three boxes of milk in t

2、he fridge.(对划线部分提问) p65 _ _ milk _ there in the fridge?6.-Exercise me,is there a bookshop _(near)? -No,there isnt.The _ (near) bookshop is 3 kilometers away. P677.Please write to me and tell me about _(you).8.He had breakfast and _his office in the morning. A. left B.left for C.went D.went for9.Fire

3、 can be very dangerous.(改为反义疑问句) p83Fire can be very dangerous,_ _?10.She should ride a bike when she was only five years old.(对划线部分提问) p83 _ _she _ when she was only five years old?11.The classroom is _(big)than that one.12.Tom is seven.Jim is eight.(用比较级改写句子) Tom is _ _ Jim.13.Please tell us some

4、opinions(观点)on _(社会的)questions.14.The food safety is a serious _ in our country.We should try to solve it.15.What _you _(do)this afternoon? Im going to help Grandpa Li do some shopping.16.I live in a flat in the City Garden in _(nine)Street.17.这周末他打算做什么?What _ _ _ _ _ this weekend?18.这里的人们像一个大家庭。Peo

5、ple here_ _a _ _.19.你有困难时通常向谁求助?Who do you usually _?20.There are so many desks and chairs in the room.You should make enough people _(carry)them out of it.21.我喜欢有淋浴和浴缸的卫生间. _22.I will take _(一把雨伞)with me.23._he _(play)basketball in two days? Yes,he is.24.what do you want to buy? I_(buy) a coat.25.L

6、ook at the dark clouds.It _(rain).26.Its _(help)to discuss your problems with your friends.27.The mother _(worry) about her sons health at present.28.以下的这些信息可能对你有帮助。_may_.29.他们将会很高兴地给你一些主意They will _.30._ you _(bring)me any water? Im _(口渴)31.I _(play)football if it _(not rain)tomorrow.32.We are here

7、_(help)you with your math problems.33.My classmate is going _(visit)me next weekend.34.Its only half an hours walk from my home to the center of Beijing?(对划线部分提问) _ _ is it from your home to the center of Beijing on feet?35.Id like t olive in a modern town.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ town would you like to live

8、 in?36.We like Sunshine Town because the air is nice and clean.(对划线部分提问)_ _you _Sunshine Town?37.Lets go there _(enjoy)Beijing Opera.38.-Where is Mike?-He is in our _(teacher)office.39.Excuse me,but I cant find _(man) room.40.I will tell _ as soon as _(he)comes back.41.故宫博物馆里有很多奇妙的东西可以看。 Therere man

9、y _things _ _ _ _ _42.Its 18_(minute)walk from my home to school.43.We can see the _(gold)throne in Taihe Palace.44.-Whose key is it? -Its one of the _(visit).45.We like hearing her _(say)something interesting.46.-What are you going to d othis weekend? -Were going on a trip_ the museum.47.In the_(ea

10、st)part of our country,there is a park.48.Andy的朋友之一每周六下午教他中文。49.Tom is tall and I am short,so I sit _(前面)him in the classroom.50.There are fallen _(树叶)on the ground。51.Is it difficult _(finish)_(work)out the problem in five minutes?52.沿着这条路走到尽头,你会发现他在你的左边。53.现在城里有大量的房子。There are _ _ _ in town now.54

11、.The bus is broken.Im afraid we have _(take)another one.55.Our classroom is _(在下面)the teachers office.56.Look!the students are making cards _(show)love for their mother.57.Anna said to_ (she),”I can take care of _ (I)”.58.昨天我们花了三小时完成作业。It_.59.I_(many)homes,people cook in the kitchen.60.May with her

12、family_(watch)a football match in a small town now.61.这个泳池40米长。62.He went to office without _(say)anything to me.63.Three years _(随后),they met in Suzhou.64.Kitty ran to the door_(see)what happened.65.There are some_(UFO)in the sky.66.你知道一年有多少个月吗?-67.他足够高可以摘到树上的苹果。-68.Kitty是一名办公室职员,她为一家大公司工作。69.这个汤闻起

13、来很好。70.我喜欢听好笑的故事。-71.镇江在常州北边。(接壤)-72.一天中的这个时候交通最繁忙。-73.Toms shoes are the same as these _(visit).74.-Look at the sign,it says”No parking”. -Sorry,I _(not see)it.75.我仍然很饿,你能再给我一些面包吗?-76.The film is boring.There is _ (something) interesting in it.77.前天我在中山公园呆了两小时。-in the Zhongshan Park-78.She often ma

14、kes a lot of mistakes.She is not _(care)at all.79.2011年一场地震袭击了日本。Earthquake-80.他感到很难过,因为他考试没及格。He felt sad because he _81.He noticed two policemen coming t_ him.82.Please knock on the door before _(enter)the room.83.Most of us were born in the _(20) _(世纪)。84.Tom failed _(swim)across the river.85.The

15、 _girl is afraid to go out _at night.(lone)86.The woman cant make any money in a long p_.87.You can book _(座位)online.88.Are you a_ _(come)here tomorrow?89.How time _(fly).90.March 12th is Tree _(plant)Day.91.在湖周围种树很重要。-is necessary.92.布朗先生设法灭火,但失败了。Mr Brown_ _ _ _the fire,but he _.93.Excuse me,_you

16、lend me a dictionary?(can )94.Mr Wu _ in the office.I saw him in the reading room a moment ago.(can)95._sunny it is today!(how/what)96._ hard-working students!(what/how)97._big fish they are!(what/how)98.我的飞机模型非得跟小鸟一样快。-99.那时她什么事也没发生。- - -her at that moment.100.她五岁会骑车吗?不会,但现在会了。_she _ _ ride a bike

17、at age five?No,she _,but now she _.101.本学期他没有尽力学语文。He _ _ _ _ to learn Chinese this term.102.Suzy努力学习所有功课,尤其作文写的好。Suzy _ _ _ all the_,especially she _ _ _.103.为了进入校队,Sandy每天刻苦练习打排球。-104.这个孩子太年幼而不能照顾自己。-105.他对这个新闻太惊讶了,并且嘴巴张的大大的看着我。-106匆忙中,她穿上了别人的衣服。-107.如果人们继续砍树,他们将没有任何地方居住。If people _,they will not

18、have _108.小宝宝张大嘴巴示意妈妈他饿了。-,the little told his mother he was hungry109.狗喜欢运动,最好每天去公园留一次狗。-110.在顶楼养宠物有问题吗?-111.The goldfish w_ about 400grams.112.Can you build me a camp out of _(树枝)113.Who taught you _(search)for information on the Internet?114.I have great trouble _(begin)the talk.115.He often _(fi

19、ght)with others when he was young.116.当你过马路时要当心。-117.As a student,you should learn _(not spend)too much time on games.118.The scarf is _(make)of wool.119.Toms shoes are the same as those football _(play)120.There is a discount in the shop today.So there are lats of _(shop).121.I dont know what _(hap

20、pen)in a hundred years.122.The students are talking _(noise)after the exam. 123.She often put her dog on her lap and _(feed)her.124.The dog in the neighbourhood become_(noise)when it meets strangers.125.Cao chong _(weigh)the elephant in a clever way.126.How many _(月份)are there in a year?127.The litt

21、le boy kept _(nod)when his mother spoke.二、单项选择 ( )1.-Whos that? -_Tom. P73A.That B.It C.Shes D.This is ( )2.I find English to be _ interesting of all subjects. A.very B.the more C.too D.the most( )3.I dont know how to _ the restaurant. A.get to B.get C. gets D.getting( )4. The building there _fourte

22、en floors or more. A.is B. are C. has D.have ( )5. In my community center,the engineers help us fix washing machines and fridges. A.Thats really nice. B.Thats all right. C.Thats right. D.Its very bad.( )6.They are _ that the policeman will catch them. A.afraid B.are afraid C.are going to afraid D.wi

23、ll afraid( )7. The boy doesnt _his father,but he _his mother very much. A.like;likes B.like;like C.look like;likes D. look like;like( )8. His father works in an office _his home. A.far from B.away from C.is far away from D.far away( )9. -Which computer do you like best? -Sorry,I cant decide _now. A.

24、to buy which one B.buy which one C.which one to buy D.which I should buy it ( )10. Be sure _the windows and door when you leave. A.to close B.closing C.closed D.close( )11.-What _ your daughter_? -Shes very pretty_a film star. A.does;like;likes B.is;like;like C.does;like;like D.is;like;likes( )13.-W

25、ho _ buy some flowers for our English teacher? -Mary is.A.is B.is going to C.will D.shall( )14.We can make a fire _the room warm. A.to keep B.keeping C.keep D.keeps ( )15. He will have a holiday as soon as he _ the work next week. A.finishes B.doesnt finish C.will finish D.wont finish( )16.-Where s

26、Jim? -Im not sure,he _in the school library. A.maybe B.must be C.may be D.will be( )17.We should help each other because _needs help. A.something B.anything C.someone D.anyone( )18.-Dad,Jacks father _ going to buy some bread._we buy some? -OK,Dear! A.will;Will B.will;Shall C.is;Shall D.are;Shall( )1

27、9. Some shops _8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in my hometown. A.are open from B.are open at C.open from D.open between( )20. Your grandma is _. Dont _ about her. A.good;worry B.well;worried C.well;worry D.good;worried( )21. -_is it from your home to the bus station? -Its about 5kilometres. A.How often B.How long

28、C.How far D.How much( )22.How many pens can you buy _these money? A.for B.with C.on D.about( )23.Its not far. You can go ther _foot. You dont need to go there_a car. A.on;by B.on;on C.on;drive D.on;in( )24.Max like cooking.He will cook _for for his family tonight. A.nice something B. nice anything C

29、.something nice D.anything nice( )25. _he isnt at home.He _ go to school. A.May;maybe B.Maybe;may C.Maybe;may be D.May;may( )26.It will _them a new years to learn English well. A.cost B.take C.spend D.pay( )27. You can choose _ food you like in our hotel. A.some B.many C.a D.any( )28. He doesnt have

30、 _ books.But he can choose _ book he likes in the libeary. A.any;any B.some;some C.some;any D.any;some( )29.How long does it take you _to work_everyday? A.for going;take an underground B.go;by underground C.goes;to walk D.to go;on foot( )30. He is _. A.one of my brothers friend B.a friend of my brot

31、her C.a friend of my brithers D.one of my brother friend( )31.The dishes smells _ and youd better throw it away. A.good B.well C.bad D.badly( )32. Jack isnt here now.He _later. A.comes B.is coming C.coming D.come( )33.The old man finds a room_at last. A.to live B.live C.to live in D.live in( )34.We

32、can ask our English teacherif we need help_our homework. A.do B.with C.about D.doing( )35. Gansu is _ of China. A.western B.west C.to the west D.in the west( )36.Where are you going_your school trip? A.to B.for C.in D.by( )37. Tom,_Jack,_to school by bus. A.likes;go B.likes;goes C.like;goes D.like;g

33、o( )38.There is nothing interesting in todays newspaper,_? A.isnt there B.isnt it C.is there D.is it( )39. -John, may I use your car?i want to go to the library?-Sure,Here is _ key. A.a B.an C.the D./( )40. China lies _the east of Asia and _the north of Auatralia. A.to;to B.in;to C.to;in D.in;on( )4

34、1.Taiwan is a beautiful island and its _east of Fujian. A.in B.on C.to D./( )42.-Jim usually gets upearly,_? -_.He is often late for school. A.does he;No,he doesnt B.doesnt he;No,he doesnt C. does he;Yes,he does D. doesnt he;Yes,he does ( )43.My home is near _sea and far from_London. A.a;the B.the;t

35、he C.*/* D.the;*( )44.If he _harder,he will catch up with us soon. A.study B.studies C.will study D.studied( )45. Ask the boy not to make any _.The baby is sleeping. A.voice B.sound C.noise D.singing( )46. Please answer the _questions. A.followed B.following C.to follow D.follow( )47. The students o

36、f Class 4 will hold a party_ next Sunday night. A.at B.in C.on D./( )48. _ to the cinema,turn left at the 3rd turning. A.For get B.Get C.Getting D.To get( )49. -Where is the bus stop? -_ the park and turn right. A.Go into B.Jump out of C.Turn into D.Come out of( )50. There is _”o”in the word “john”.

37、 A.a B.an C.the D./( )51.The woman asked her son _run _ the building. A.not to;around B.dont;to C.not;to D.dont;around( )52._car in frontof our school gate is _. A.The;the Greens B.A;Greens C./; the Greens D.The; the Greens( )53. -Isnt that a funny thing? -_.I like it very much. A.Yes,it is B.Yes,it

38、 isnt C.No,it isnt D.No,it is( )54. His aunt went to Ascia_May,1960. A.from B.in C.on D.at( )55. The room isnt big enough for us _ A.to live B. to live in C. live in D. living in( )56.He _his parents_in a flat in Shanghai. A.and;lives B.with;living C.with;live D.and;live( )57. Look !The children are

39、 having_in the park. A.good time B.great time C.a great time D.great fun( )58.She could hear _,but he couldnt see_. A.nothing;anything B.something;something C.anything;nothing D.something;anything( )59._knows_about the young man,because he never tells us_about himself. A.Somebody;something;nothing B

40、. C. D.( )60.-Do you get _readyfor the sports meeting?-No.We still have _ to do. A.anything;nothing B.something;everything C.everything;something D.anything;everything( )61.The story happened_an evening of June.A.on B.to C. in D.at( )62.There wew _people in the street midnight. So they drove fast.A.

41、a few B.few C.little D.a little( )63.-”What do you do?”-“_.”A. Im a cook B.Im cooking C.Im fine D.Im going shopping( )64.-“Is it going to rain?” -“_,look at the black cloud.”A.Im afraid so B.Im afraid notC.I hope so D.I have no idea( )65.Can you imagine what life will be like in _time?A.20 years B.2

42、0 years C.20-years D.20-year( )66.We have a warm spring this year.All the wheat _very well.A.grows B.grow C.raise D.raises( )67.There is _”H”on the bag,so it must be Henrys.He is _old friend of mine.A. a;an B.a;the C.an;an D.an;the( )68.I dont think_can answer this difficult question.Some may find i

43、t difficult.A.anybody B. everybody C. somebody D.no one( )69.-Must I wash my clothes today? -Im afraid you _. You should learn to do something by yourself.A.need B.have to C.cant D.can( )70.Without _a word,he left the house.A.speaking B.saying C.say D.talking( )71.-Look !The girl is swimming so fast

44、. -I _she _ swim.A.know;cant B.knew;cant C.dont know;can D.didnt know;could( )72.We all know that Andy Lau _his film.A.famous for B.different from C.good for D.well in( )73.I dont know _. Can you help me?A.how to do B.what to do C. how to do withit D.what to do it( )74.You can improve your English _

45、practising more.A.by B.with C.of D.in( )75.Will you please _so much noise.A.to make B.not to make C.not making D.not make( )76.Seeing their teacher_into the classroom,they stopped_at once.A.walk;telling B.walking;to speak C.walk ;to talk D.walking;talking( )77.-Do you get _ready for the sports meeting? -N


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