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1、新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 人教九年级英语上册人教九年级英语上册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B (2a-2e) 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 1.Whose notebook is this? It _be Mings. It has his name on it. 2.Whose French book is this? It _be Toms. He studies French. must could Re

2、vision 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 3. Whose guitar is this? It _belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. 4. Whose T-shirt is this? It _be Johns. Its much too small for him. might cant 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e New words 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2

3、a-2e at the same time表示在同一时刻 或时间 Xiao Ming does his homework, at the same time he watches TV . 小明一边写作业,一边看电视。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e express kspres v.表达; 表示; Really, I hardly know how to express my gratitude. 我真不知道如何表达我的感激之情。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e Bri

4、tain大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 Britain is a brief name of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 不列颠是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的简不列颠是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的简 称。称。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e circles:kls:r kl n.圆圆; 圆状物圆状物; 一圈一圈; 圈子圈子; vt. 圈出,包围圈出,包围; 绕绕运转运转; vi.环环 绕,盘绕,盘 The flag was red, with a l

5、arge white circle in the center.旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。 He has a small circle of friends.他的朋他的朋 友圈子很小。友圈子很小。 I wrote down the number 46 and drew a circle around it.我写下我写下46这个数字,这个数字, 又画了个圆将它圈起来又画了个圆将它圈起来 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e The source of the gunshots still remai

6、ns mystery. 枪炮声来自何处仍是个枪炮声来自何处仍是个谜谜。 mysterymistri 神秘的事物神秘的事物;难以理解难以理解 的事物的事物;谜谜 2. 神秘神秘, 秘密秘密 . 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e receive收到收到,接到接到 receive 通常指被动地“收到”或“接到”, 而 accept 则指主动地“接受”。比较并体会: The girl received a rose, and she accept it happily.这个女孩收到了一朵玫瑰,她很高兴地接受了 它。 She received

7、his present, butshe didnt accept it. 她收到了他的礼物,但是没有接受。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 【图解助记图解助记】 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 【学以致用学以致用】 (2013河北中考河北中考)He_his invitation to his birthday party. But he is going to_it. A. received; acceptB. accepted; refuse C. received;

8、refuse D. accepted; accept 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e The Stonehenge has a long history.巨车阵历史悠久。巨车阵历史悠久。 It is one of Britains most famous historical places.它它是英国最有名的历史名胜之一是英国最有名的历史名胜之一, Many historians try to find out its secret.许多历许多历 史学家试图找出它的秘密。史学家试图找出它的秘密。 Maybe the Stonehen

9、ge was used for celebrating a historic event.也许巨车阵被用来庆祝一个历史性的事件。也许巨车阵被用来庆祝一个历史性的事件。 historian历史学家,史学工作者历史学家,史学工作者 history历史 historical历史的 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e Obama is the leader of the USA. 奥巴马是奥巴马是美国美国的领袖的领袖. leaderlid 领袖、领导者领袖、领导者 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti on

10、B2a-2e Midsummer. mdsm(r) 仲夏; 盛夏; 夏至; A Midsummer Nights Dream is the works of Shakespeare.“仲夏夜之梦”是莎士比亚的 作品。 In midsummer every town is impossibly crowded. 仲夏时节仲夏时节,每个城市都出奇地拥挤。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e The teacher pointed out a mistake in the textbook. This sign points to the r

11、ight. These colorful medicine are designed for medical purpose.这些彩色医学是为医学这些彩色医学是为医学 目的而设计的。目的而设计的。 medical medkl医学的; 医疗的; 医药的; 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e He is full of energy.他精力充沛他精力充沛 。 energyend . n.物物能量能量; 活力活力; 精力精力; 精神精神 energetic 【endetkadj.精力充沛的, 充满活力的; 精力旺盛的,精神饱 满的; He i

12、s an energetic boy; he enjoys sports.他是一个精力充沛的孩子他是一个精力充沛的孩子.他喜欢他喜欢 运动运动. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e positionpzn n.位置,方 位; 地位, The position of older people in society is very importent . 老年人在社会中的地位是非常重要的老年人在社会中的地位是非常重要的. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e burialberl n.

13、 葬,掩埋; 葬礼 The sailor was given a burial at sea.对那水对那水 手进行了海葬。手进行了海葬。 Buriall mound(土葬土葬)is more common than cremation(火葬火葬) in the countryside of China. 在中国乡村在中国乡村,火葬火葬比比土葬土葬普遍普遍. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e We should keep clean and tidy to prevent illness. The mother is preventin

14、g the father from smacking打打 the child. 母亲阻止父亲从体罚孩子。母亲阻止父亲从体罚孩子。 prevent阻止,禁止做某事阻止,禁止做某事 prevent from doing something.阻止某人做某事 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e ancestor /nsest(r)/ 祖先; 祖宗 Apes are humans ancestors 猿是人类的祖先 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e He feels it quite a

15、nhonorto have two men fighting over him.有两个人争着要我有两个人争着要我,我感到很荣幸。我感到很荣幸。 People sweep the tomb during the Qingming Festival in honor of their ancestors. :在清明节期间在清明节期间人们人们 扫墓为了对祖先表示敬意扫墓为了对祖先表示敬意 honor/n(r)/ n.尊敬;敬意;荣誉;光荣 vt.尊敬,给 以荣誉 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e -What does the gesture

16、 mean?这个手势是什么意思?这个手势是什么意思? -It means “victory”它的意思是它的意思是 “胜利胜利” Victory wont come to me, I must own to victory.胜利是不会向我走来的胜利是不会向我走来的,我必我必 须自己须自己 走向胜利。走向胜利。 Victoryviktri n. 胜利;成功胜利;成功 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e enemy enmi n. 敌人,仇敌;敌人,仇敌; 敌军敌军 The enemy were pursued for two miles.

17、敌军被追击了两英里。敌军被追击了两英里。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e however haev adv. 无论如何;不管怎样无论如何;不管怎样 conj. 然而;可是然而;可是(1) 表示让步:意为表示让步:意为“无论如无论如 何何”“”“不管怎样不管怎样”,用来修饰形容词或副词用来修饰形容词或副词,与与 no matter how 大致同大致同 People always want more,however no matter how rich they are.人总人总 是富了还想再富是富了还想再富. However No

18、matter how hard I worked,she was never satisfied.无论无论 我多么努力地工作我多么努力地工作,她从来没满意过她从来没满意过. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 表示转折:尤其用于谈及一个既成事实时, 表示转折,其意为“可是”“仍然”等.可 放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句 子其他成分隔开.如: My father,however,did not agree.但是,我 父亲不同意. My room is small; however,its comfortable.我的房间很小,但却很

19、舒服. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e purpose pps n. 目的;打算目的;打算 The purpose of charity is to help people in need. 慈善活动的目的就是帮助那些有需要慈善活动的目的就是帮助那些有需要 的人的人. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e IDENTIFYING LINKING LANGUAGE Identifying conjunctions (连词连词) or phrases that link ideas

20、 together will help you understand what you read. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 2a Match each linking word or phrase with its purpose. Linking word or phrase Purpose of linking word or phrase soexpressing a difference as, because, sincegiving a choice but, however, thoughexpressing

21、a result not only. but also . expressing two things happening at the same time orgiving reasons when, whileadding information express v. 表示,表达表示,表达 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e Do you know the Stonehenge(巨石阵)(巨石阵)? How much do you know about it ? 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSec

22、ti onB2a-2e 2b Read the article below and underline the linking words and phrases. Do you think you have made correct matches in 2a? 1.not only. but also.as,because 2.howere,because, 3.as,but,or 4.because, but, and, but,and 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e Para1 (段落1) 2 3 brief introdu

23、ction to Stonehenge Ideas about what Stonehenge have been used for 4 Mysteries about how Stonehenge was built Ideas about what Stonehenge have been used for Read the text again and find out the main ideas of each paragraph. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e Brain storming Read the passa

24、ge a third time and fill the following chart about the Stonehenge. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e Who built it? _ _ _ When was it built? How it was built? Why was it built? Mysteries about Stonehenge 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 1. a temple: communicating with the g

25、ods 3. have a medical purpose: can prevent illness and keep people healthy 2. a kind of calendar What Stonehenge might have been used for 4. A burial place or a place to honor ancestors 5. to celebrate a victory over an enemy 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e Mysteries about Stonehenge

26、What Stonehenge might have been used for. Who built it? 2c Read the article carefully and complete the chart. How was it built? Why was it built? When was it built? communicating with the Gods preventing illness and keeping people healthy honoring ancestors celebrating a victory over an enemy 新人教版九年

27、级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 1. Midsummer day is in June _ a lot of people go to Stonehenge during this month. 2. The sun shines straight into the center of Stonehenge _ the stones were put in a special position. 2d Complete the sentences using the words from the chart in 2a on page 62.

28、so as 以一种特别的位置以一种特别的位置 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 3. Some people think the rocks can _ stop people from becoming ill _ keep them healthy. 4. We dont know who built Stonehenge _ how it was built. 5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago; _, they are not sure.

29、 not only but also or however 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 2e Can you think of any other mysteries, either in China or another part of the world, that are similar to Stonehenge? What do you know about these mysteries? What is mysterious about them? Discuss them with your group. 新人教

30、版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e The Great Pyramids The Great Wall 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e Pyramids The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs 法老and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before

31、 the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt. The three largest and best- preserved of these were built at Giza at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. The most well- known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh K

32、hufu. It is known as the Great Pyramid. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 语法重点一语法重点一 1. Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries.巨石阵巨石阵、岩石圈岩石圈,不仅是英国不仅是英国 最著名的历史古迹之一也是它的一个最大的奇迹之一最著名的历史古迹之一也是它的一个最大的奇迹之一 not

33、 only but also 用于连接两用于连接两 个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者, 其意为其意为“不但不但 而且而且”;其中的;其中的also 有时可以省略。有时可以省略。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 如:如:She not only plays well, but also writes music. Not only men but also women were chosen. He works not only on weekdays but on Sundays as well

34、. 注意:若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠注意:若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠 近的主语保持一致。近的主语保持一致。 如:如:Not only you but also he has to leave. 若连接两个句子,若连接两个句子,not only后面的句子要用后面的句子要用 倒装倒装 如:如:Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 2.For many years,historians believ

35、ed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leader tried to communicate with the gods.多年来,历史 学家以为巨石阵是一座寺庙,是古代领袖试图与 神沟通的地方. 这是where引导的定语从句。先行词表示地点 时 则用 where引导的从句。 This is the house where I lived two years ago. The bookshop where I bought this book is not far from here. 语法重点二语法重点二 新人教版九年级 Unit8Itmustbel

36、ongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 3. They think the stones can prevent illness and keep people healthy.他们认为这些石头可以预防疾病他们认为这些石头可以预防疾病, 使人保持健康。使人保持健康。 语法重点三语法重点三 prevent作及物动词,可是直接带宾语,表示作及物动词,可是直接带宾语,表示 “阻止,阻挠阻止,阻挠”的意思;常构成:的意思;常构成:protect.from. 表示表示“保护保护不受不受侵袭侵袭”;prevent sb. from doing something. 阻止某人做某事,在主动语态中阻

37、止某人做某事,在主动语态中 from可以省略,被动语态中不行。可以省略,被动语态中不行。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 如:如:What can we do to prevent the disease spreading? These regulations are intended to prevent accidents. He prevented the boy from climbing the tree. The government is taking measures to prevent the wildlife

38、 from being killed. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 4. “And perhaps we might never know , but we do know they must have been hardworking - and great planners!”保罗保罗斯科特说斯科特说“也许我们可能永远不会也许我们可能永远不会 知道知道,但我们知道他们一定是勤奋但我们知道他们一定是勤奋伟大的计划伟大的计划!” 语法重点四语法重点四 must have been doing: 表示肯定的猜测,肯定表示肯定的猜测

39、,肯定 某人一直在做的事,并且猜测这种动作某人一直在做的事,并且猜测这种动作,或者行为或者行为 一直持续到现在。一直持续到现在。 如:如:He must have been trying his best to study. She is so tired .She must have been working all the morning. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 如:如:Since the road is wet,it must have rained last night. They must have learnt

40、 5000 English words by the end of last term,hadnt they? The room must have been cleaned yesterday, wasnt it? must have been done是是must have done的被动的被动 形式,是对过去发生的动作最有把握的猜测,意形式,是对过去发生的动作最有把握的猜测,意 思是思是“一定一定”。 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e because, as, for, since这几个词 都是表示“原因”的连词,语气 由强至弱

41、依次为: becausesinceasfor;其中 because, since, as均为从属连 词,引导原因状语从句;而for 是 并列连词,引导并列句. 语法重点五语法重点五 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 1. because表示直接原因,它所指的原因通 常是听话人所不知道的,其语气最强.常用 来回答why的提问,一般放于主句之后,也可 以单独存在.例如: (1)I stayed at home because it rained. 因 为下雨我呆在家里. (2)Because Lingling was ill, she d

42、idn”t come to school. 玲玲因病,没有上学. (3) Why is she absent? 她为什么缺席? Because she is sick. 因为她病了. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 2. since侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人 所知的理由,常译为“因为”、“既然”,语 气比because稍弱,通常置于句首,表示一种 含有勉强语气的原因.例如: (1)Since he asks you, you”ll tell him why. 他 既然问你,那就告诉他为什么吧. (2)Since everyon

43、e is here, let”s start. 既然 大家都到齐了,我们就出发吧! (3)Since I understood very little Japanese, I couldn”t follow the conversation. 我日语懂 得不多,因而听不懂对话. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 3. as是常用词,它表示的“原因”是双方 已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理由 不是很重要,含义与since相同,但语气更弱, 没有since正式,常译为“由于,鉴于”.从 句说明原因,主句说明结果,主从并重.例如: (1)

44、We all like her as she is kind. 我们都 喜欢她,因为她善良. (2)As I had a cold, I was absent from school. 因为我感冒了,所以没去上课. 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e 4. for用作连词时,与because相似,但它所表 示的原因往往提供上文未交待过的情 况.for不表示直接原因,表明附加或推断的 理由,因此for被看作 等立连词,它所引导的分句只能放在句子后 部(或单独成为一个句子),并且前后两个分 句间的逻辑关系不一定是因果关系,其间用 逗号隔开,

45、且for不可置于句 首,for的这一用法常用在书面语中,较正式. 例如: 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e (1)The days are short, for it is now December. 白天短了,因为现在已是十二月份. (2)It must have rained, for the ground is wet. (从“地面潮湿”作出“下过雨”的推测,但地湿 并不一定是下雨所致, for不可以换为because.) (3)The ground is wet because it has rained. (“下 雨”是“地

46、上潮湿”的直接原因.) 前后两个分句间有一定的因果关系时(有时很难 区分是直接原因,还是推测性原因),for与because 可以互换使用.例如: (4)I could not go, for / because I was ill. 我没能 去,是因为我病了. (5)He felt no fear, for / because he was a brave boy. 他没有害怕,因为他是个勇敢的男孩 . 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e The key phrases historical places communicate with point out medical purpose prevent illness be used for honor ancestors celebrate a victory a long period of time 历史遗迹历史遗迹 和和交流交流 指出;提出指出;提出 医学目的医学目的 防止疾病防止疾病 被用来做被用来做 纪念祖先纪念祖先 庆祝胜利庆祝胜利 一段长时间一段长时间 新人教版九年级 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSecti onB2a-2e


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