1、中国在加入 wto 之后,国有企业面临着更加激烈及复杂的竞争环境,传统的资源优势 正在逐步受到挑战。当代中国国有企业的管理者更加需要一个互相配合、随时应对变化的领 导班子及管理梯队。组织气氛是影响组织绩效的重要因素。传统的国有企业的领导风格在新 的竞争环境下仍旧存在并且扮演者重要的角色。如何认识国有企业领导的领导风格与组织气 氛的关系,什么样的领导风格更加有利于塑造组织气氛,是中国国有企业领导需要考虑的问 题。一、国有企业中领导风格及组织气氛现状中国改革开发以来,持续高速的经济增长使得中国国有企业的一些内部管理问题被轻视, 特别是中国国有企业的领导较少在意领导力方面的问题。很多国有企业坚持“家
2、长式领导风 格”,根据 hey 集团的研究,“家长式领导风格”最典型的特征就是较多指令,上级往往比 较强势,因为“我比你的人生阅历丰富”,所以“我说你做肯定错不了”,领导一般会采用“教 导员工”的思维与员工沟通;但是同时,国有企业的领导一般也会惯用“爱兵如子”,只要下 属服从指挥,领导绝对会爱护和关照下属。但是这样的领导风格较难调动下属的积极性,下 属会认为上级会为自己的行为负责,因此在开展工作的过程中非常依赖上级所做的决定。长 期下去,组织都是依靠“火车头”带动,整个组织无法具有强大的组织能力,所以“家长式 领导风格”将成为企业决胜于未来更加充分的市场竞争中的能力瓶颈。二、领导风格及组织气氛
3、的定义1、领导风格的定义国外对于领导行为的研究由来已久,从最早的古希腊雅典的苏格拉底开始,到近代美国 著名管理学家孔茨,纵观研究的历史,比较知名的理论包括:领导力特质理论、领导力行为 理论及权变理论,都是西方的学者从多年的研究实践中总结得出。goleman 及 hay、mcber 咨询公司在 1998 年开展了一次在业界较有影响力的联合调查,从全世界两万余名高层管理 者的档案中随机抽取 3871 名进行研究,总结出六种领导力的类型:威逼型、权威性、和谐 型、民主型、以身作则型及教练型。总的说来,领导力理论和实践发展到现在,已拓展到包括六种领导风格:指令型、愿景 型、亲和型、民主型、领跑型和辅导
4、型(hay group 领导力开发工具)。本研究在问卷设计 时,参照 hay(合益)集团的领导风格测量工具。2、组织气氛的定义lewin(1935)第一次提出了在组织气氛领域的第一个概念“心理气氛(psychologicial atmosphere),提出人的行为的发生需要考虑发生的情景,是个人与所在环境的函数。litwin 与 stringer 合作,在 1968 年提出气氛或氛围的概念是人员(p)和环境(e)的关键功能链 接。james 和 jones(1976)对组织气氛的定义进行了总结,分成三类:一类是是组织属性, 一类是个体任职,一类是群体认知。stringer 于 2002 年提出
5、了六个维度对组织气氛进行描述, 分别是结构、标准、责任、认知、支持及承诺。本研究认为,组织气氛即员工认为会直接影响其工作表现的各种环境因素,包括六个纬度:灵活性,即没有不必要的规定、程序、政策或惯例,新设想很容易被接受 ;责任性,即 员工被授权完成任务无需事事申请、等待审批 ; 工作标准,即为组织及其员工制定了富于挑 战但可以达到的目标;激励,即员工因出色的工作表现而受到认可和奖励;明确性,即组织中 的每个人都了解组织对自己的期望;团队承诺,员工对属于这个团队十分自豪。三、管理者领导风格与组织气氛的关系1、样本情况本研究的样本来自广州的一家大型国有企业,该企业是一家多元化的产业集团,包括房 地
6、产、金融、交通基建、造纸等七个非相关产业板块。该企业从 2008 年开始更换了领导班 子,并进行了大刀阔斧的改革,由一家产业布局不清、主业不突出、上市平台不健康的企业, 逐步面向市场化进行了改革。在此过程中,集团逐步形成了“集团板块子公司”三级管 控模式,并相应的配备了分层分级的职业经理人团队。企业逐步推广职业经理人队伍建设, 倡导契约化、市场化的用人方式,不仅大力培养内部的管理团队,更加注重从外部引入行业 领军人才。管理人才队伍呈现多样化、高层次化、高影响力等特点。本研究的样本量是该企 业集团的 93 个中高层管理者,其中,12 人是集团公司高层领导,19 人是板块公司高层领导, 即高层管理
7、者共 31 人;20 人是集团公司中层领导,42 人是板块公司高层领导,即中层领导 共 62 人。这 93 个管理者基本情况的介绍:年龄在 30-40 岁的个体占比 51%;个体学历以本 科为主,占比 52%;有 2 年以上管理经验的个体占 72%。与被测评人的工作接触时间长于 6 个月的占 100%,这说明被试主要是与被测评者熟悉度高的偏中年的知识型的管理者。2、调研问卷情况在变量测量上,研究者主要参照著名咨询公司 hay(合益)集团开发的领导力、组织气 氛测量问卷,保证了问卷的信度和效度。领导行为、组织气氛问卷举例见表1。此次问卷调 查一共发放了 105 份问卷,回收 96 份,回收率达
8、91%;剔除 3 份无效问卷,共获得 93 份问 卷数据。问卷情况:领导风格指令型风格, 题目数 3, 问题举例: 当遇到挑战时,领导直接给出解 决思路,请下属遵照执行领导风格愿景型风格, 题目数 3, 问题举例: 领导强调团队共同的力量来实现 富有意义的目标领导风格亲和型风格, 题目数 3, 问题举例: 领导擅于协调组织内部的各种矛 盾 领导风格民主型风格, 题目数 3, 问题举例: 领导擅于倾听下属的声音,倡 导员工在决策时发挥的积极作用领导风格领跑型风格, 题目数 3, 问题举例: 领导者认为个人的价值较大,团 队的能力不足领导风格辅导型风格, 题目数 3, 问题举例: 领导者循循善诱,
9、帮助员工共同 完成任务组织气氛, 题目数 18, 问题举例: 您是否有机会体验通过自己的努力而经历的成功 或失败3、过程分析本文采用概率统计方法,选取 spss 软件分析收集到的数据,该软件在进行 t 检验、方 差分析、回归分析等方面简便易行,帮助研究者获得可靠的数据分析结果。为探索六种领导风格与组织气氛的关系,本研究对数据进行了相关分析,研究发现,指 令型领导风格与组织气氛无显著相关性。愿景型、亲和型、民主型、辅导型领导风格与组织 气氛显著负相关。领跑型领导风格与组织气氛显著正相关。四、结论指令型领导风格与组织气氛无显著相关性。愿景型、亲和型、民主型、辅导型领导风格 与组织气氛显著负相关,也
10、就是说,以愿景型、亲和型、民主型、辅导型领导风格之一为主 领导风格的管理者,其下属感受到的组织气氛与下属期望的组织气氛之间的差异较小。领跑 型领导风格与组织气氛显著正相关,这表明以领跑型领导风格为主领导风格的管理者,其下 属感受到的组织气氛与下属期望的组织气氛之间的差异较大。在管理实践中,团队成员更加希望管理者为自己的未来勾画美好的图画,并激励自己不 断朝目标努力,因此采用愿景型领导风格的管理者更加受到团队成员的接纳 ; 团队成员也希 望领导是亲和的、友善的、可以沟通的、平易近人的,因此在企业中,具有亲和型领导行为 的管理者更加受到欢迎 ;在实现团队目标的过程中,团队成员愿意站在专业的角度发表
11、自己 对问题的观点和看法,希望在领导决策过程中自己可以发表意见并对结果产生影响,因此在 管理实践中,采用民主型领导风格的管理者更加容易被团队成员接受 ;团队成员希望管理者 可以帮组自己的实现绩效目标,同时希望管理者可以不断帮助自己拓展知识、提升能力,因 此在管理实践中,采用辅导型领导风格的管理者一般会被员工当成师傅,获得更多的尊重和 支持。管理者的领导风格不应是一成不变的,而应根据情境调整领导行为,这些情境包括团队 经验、下属的特点、任务的复杂程度、任务的时间压力、风向因素、可用的资源等情境。例 如,指令型领导风格适用用于相对简单的工作时;危机时刻;当不服从会导致严重问题发生时; 面对问题员工
12、,当其它方法都失效时。指令型领导风格不适用的情形:复杂的工作时,指令 型领导风格效率就越低,甚至可能激起不满情绪;长期使用:员工能够自我激励,能力较强 时。after chinas accession to wto, state-owned enterprises is faced with more intense and complicated competition environment, the traditional resource advantage is gradually being challenged. contemporary chinas state-owned e
13、nterprise managers more need a cooperate with each other, ready to deal with changes in the leadership and management echelon. organizational climate is one of the important factors affect organizational performance. the traditional state-owned enterprise leadership style in the new competitive envi
14、ronment stillexists and plays an important role. how to realize the state-owned enterprise the relations between the leadership style and organization atmosphere, what kind of leadership style is more conducive to shape the organization atmosphere, is chinas state-owned enterprise leadership issue t
15、o consider.leadership style in one, state-owned enterprises and the present situation of organizational climatechina since the reform and development, continuous rapid economic growth makes chinas state-owned enterprises internal management problems be despised, especially the leaders of chinas stat
16、e-owned enterprises are less care about leadership issues. many state-owned enterprises adhere to the paternalistic leadership style, and, according to research on hey group paternalistic leadership style is the most typical characteristics more instructions, superior tend to be more strong, because
17、 i than you experience in life, so sure, i said you do not wrong, generally uses the guidance the leadership of the thinking and employee communication; but at the same time, the leadership of the general state-owned enterprises will be idiomatic love soldier as child, as long as the subordinate obe
18、y the command, leadership will love and take care of the subordinate. but such leadership style is more difficult to arouse the enthusiasm of staff, staff will think that person will take responsibility for their actions, therefore in the process of working is very depend on the decisions made by th
19、e superior. go down for a long time, organizations are relying on the engine, the entire organization cant has strong ability of organization, so paternalistic leadership style will become the enterprise runoff in the future more sufficient capacity bottlenecks in the market competition.second, the
20、leadership style and the definition of organizational climate1, the definition of leadership styleabroad for the study of leadership behavior has a long history, from the earliest of athens in ancient greece, socrates to the modern famous american management scientist coontz, throughout the history
21、of the research, compare well-known theories include: leadership trait theory, theory and contingency theory of leadership behavior, are all western scholars concluded from years of research practice. goleman and hay, mcber consulting company in 1998 launched a joint investigation are influential in
22、 the industry, from all over the world more than twenty thousand senior managers of a random sample of 3871 in the archives research, summed up the six types of leadership: bullying, authoritative, harmonious, democratic, lead by example and coaches.generally speaking, leadership theory and practice
23、 development up to now, have been expanded to include six kinds of leadership style: instruction, vision, affinity, democratic, lead and coach (hay group leadership development tools). in questionnaire design, this study refer to hay (hay) group leadership style measuring tool.2, the definition of o
24、rganizational climatelewin (1935) first proposed the concept of the first in the field of organizational climate - psychological atmosphere (psychologicial atmosphere), put forward the human behavior needs to consider the situation, is a human and environmental function. litwin cooperate with string
25、er, in 1968, the author puts forward the concept of mood or atmosphere is (p) and environment (e) the key function of link. james and jones (1976), summarizes the definition of organizational climate, divided into three categories: category is an organization attributes, one kind is individual, one
26、kind is perception. the stringer in 2002 proposed the six dimensions oforganizational climate, respectively is, standards, responsibilities, cognitive structure, support and commitment.this study argues that organizational climate that employees think will directly affect the operating performance o
27、f the various environmental factors, including six latitude: flexibility, namely no unnecessary rules, procedures, policies or practices, new ideas are easy to be accepted; accountability, that is, employees are authorized to complete the task without having to apply for everything, waiting for the
28、examination and approval; work standards, that is, set challenging but for organizations and their employees can achieve the goal; incentives, namely the employees recognised and rewarded for good work performance; clarity, everyone in the organization to understand organizational expectations of yo
29、urself; team commitment, the staff very proud to belong to the team.three, the relationship between management leadership style and organizational climate 1, the sample situationthis study samples from a large state-owned enterprises in guangzhou, the company is a diversified industrial group, inclu
30、ding real estate, finance, transportation, construction, paper and other seven related industry sectors. the company since 2008 to replace the leadership team, and has carried on the bold reform, by a industry layout is not clear, the main business is not outstanding, the public platform of unhealth
31、y enterprise, facing the marketization reform step by step. in the process, the group gradually formed a group subsidiary - plate - three-level control mode, and the corresponding equipped with hierarchical classification of professional managers team. enterprise gradually promote professional manag
32、er team construction, advocate the way leasing, marketization, vigorously develop internal management team, not only pay more attention to the introduction of industry leaders from outside talent. management personnel diversified, high hierarchical and influence, etc. the sample size of this study i
33、s the enterprise group of 93 top managers, among them, 12 people is senior leadership group company, 19 people is top plate company, top managers, a total of 31 people namely; 20 people is a group company middle managers, 42 people is top plate company, namely the middle managers, a total of 62 peop
34、le. the basic condition of 93 managers: individuals aged 30 to 40 years old accounted for 51%; individual education is given priority to with undergraduate, accounted for 52%; have 2 years experience in management of individual accounts for 72%. work and the measurement of the contact time is longer
35、 than six months to 100%, suggesting that the subjects mainly with the reviewers familiar with high degrees of partial middle age, the knowledge manager.2, survey questionnaireon variable measurement, researchers mainly refer to the famous consulting firm hay group (hay), organizational climate surv
36、ey questionnaire of leadership development, guarantee the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. leadership behavior, organizational climate questionnaire, for example, see table 1. the questionnaires handed out 105 questionnaires altogether, recycling, 96, recovery rate was 91%; remove thre
37、e invalid questionnaire, a total of 93 questionnaires data obtained. questionnaire:a style, leadership style, instruction title number 3, question, for example: when faced with the challenge, leading directly to give a solution, please comply with themleadership style, vision style, title number 3,
38、question, for example: leadership emphasized the power of the team to achieve meaningful goalsleadership style - and type style, title number 3, question, for example: leadership is good at coordination organization internal contradictions leadership style, democratic style, title number 3, problems
39、, for example: leadership is good at listening to the sound of subordinates, advocate employees play a positive role in decision-makingleadership style, leading style, title number 3, question, for example: leaders think personal value is bigger, the ability of teamleadership style - coaching style,
40、 title number 3, question, for example: leader coaxing, help staff to complete the task togetherorganization atmosphere, subject number 18, problems, for example: if you have chance to experience through his own efforts and experience of success or failure3, process analysis,by probability statistic
41、s method, the selection of spss software analysis the collected data, the software in the t test, analysis of variance, regression analysis and so on is simple, easy to help researchers to obtain reliable results of data analysis.to explore the six kinds of leadership style and the relationship betw
42、een organizational climate, this research has carried on the correlation analysis to the data, the study found that there was no significant correlation directive leadership style and organizational climate. vision, affinity, democratic, coaching leadership style and organizational climate significa
43、ntly negative correlation. leading type leadership style and organizational climate significantly positive correlation.four, conclusiondirective leadership style and organizational climate had no significant correlation. vision, affinity, democratic, coaching leadership style and organizational clim
44、ate significantly negative correlation, that is to say, in a vision, affinity, democratic, coaching leadership style is one of the main leadership styles of managers and their subordinates feel the atmosphere to the expectations of subordinate organization atmosphere of the differences between the s
45、mall. leading type leadership style and organizational climate significantly positive correlation, indicating that to lead type leadership style is given priority to leadership styles of managers, their subordinates feel organization atmosphere and differences between the subordinate organization at
46、mosphere expectations.more hope managers in management practice, team members for their future similarly rosy picture, and inspire their own continued efforts to the goal, so the vision leadership styles of managers more were accepted by members of the team; team members also hope that the leadership is warm, friendly, c
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