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1、尖刀班中考针对性提升(九)姓名: 每周跟读,脱口而出Be the change you want to see in the world.欲变世界,先变自身。越狱 Never too late for a fresh start.重新开始从不太迟。吸血鬼日记 课内过关:每位同学必须全对!1.n.鞋跟;足跟21. n.冰箱2. n.电;电能22. v.翻译3. n.勺;铲子23. v.锁上;锁住4. n.样式;款式24.(短语)n.地震5. n.项目;工程25.adj.突然(的)6. n.高兴;愉快26.(短语)突然;猛地7.拉链;拉锁27n.饼干8.adj.每日的;日常的28. n.曲奇饼9.

2、 n.网站29 n.器械;仪器;工具10. n.先锋;先驱30. adj.脆的;酥脆的11. v.列表;列清单n.名单;清单31. adj.酸的;有酸味的12. v.提到;说到33.n.顾客;客户14.adv.几乎;差不多34. n/ adj.加拿大的;加拿大人的n.加拿大15. v.煮沸;烧开37.n.目的;目标16. n.气味v.发出?气味;闻到38. n.篮;筐17. n.圣人;圣徒39.(短语)奥林匹克运动会19.n.疑惑;疑问 v.怀疑41 .n.英雄;男主角20.毫无疑问;的确1.其他某人的主意11.偶然做什么2.实现某人的梦想12.不但而且3.某人的梦想实现了13.乐意为你效劳(

3、回答请求)4.鼓励某人做什么14.乐意为你效劳(回答感谢)5.仰慕某人15.发生(计划性)6.的数量是16.掉下去7. 阻止做什么17.被用来做什么8.把什么分成多少18.习惯于做什么9.梦想做什么19.过去常做什么10.错误/无意地做什么20.承担得起做什么基础练习()1. The two shirts are similar in, but differe nt in price.A. styleB. sig nC. heightD. i nterest()2. Liste n!is knocking at the door. Oh, no. It is wind.A. NobodyB.

4、An ybodyC. EverybodyD. Somebody()3. The soupsalty because Mom added much salt to it.A. lookedB. tastedC. was lookedD. was tasted()4. How long did Robert stay in San Fran cisco? Forthree weeks.A. hardlyB. usuallyC. nearlyD. mostly()5. Last night we didn t have suppermy father came back home.A. ifB. u

5、n tilC. thoughD. because()6. So far the nu mber of cars on our roadgreatly.A. have in creasedB. has in creased C. were in creas ingD. was in creas ing()7. Bill s mother encourages him s club. She thinks doing more sports is good for his health.A. to joinB. joi nC. joi nedD. joi ning()8. Why didn t y

6、ou stop those childrenin the lake? It wastdangerous.A. swimB. to swimC. from swimmi ngD. swum()9. Jane told me that her job was toEn glish no velsChin ese.A. tran slate; intoB. divide; intoC. turn; intoD. make; into()10. Most boys in my schoolgreat basketball players and want to be like them.A. take

7、 care ofB. look up toC. take hold ofD. look forward to()11. Our school library is very beautiful and itlast year.A. buildsB. builtC. is builtD. was built()12. I have to go out for a mome nt. Could you please look after my daughter? .A. Good ideaB. I think soC. That s for sureD. My pleasure()13. The

8、sentence will be easy to un dersta nd whe n youit into three parts.A. divideB. tran slateC. turnD. make()14. Susa n, why are you still here? They are all ready to start.I m sorry, but Iwhen to start.A. was toldB. toldC. tellD. wasn t told()15. The nu mber of teachers in our school60 and a nu mber of

9、 themmale teachers.A. is; areB. are; isC. are; areD. is; is()16. Mum added lots ofon the food but it still wasn t.A. salt; eno ugh salt B. salt; salty eno ughC. salty; eno ugh salt D. salty; salt eno ugh()17. Mo Yan s booksinto several foreign Ianguages.A. are tran slatedB. has tran slatedC. is tran

10、 slatedD. have tran slated()18. I think my gran dfather should be stoppedtoo much.A. drinkingB. from drinkingC. to drink D. to drinking()19. We arefour groups to play this game.A. divided intoB. divide intoC. dividi ng intoD. divided for()20. The police found the lost car.A. with mistakeB. by accide

11、 nt C. by mistakeD. i n accide nt填空变形1. The light bulb is one of Edison s发明).(2. Thank you very much. It s my愉快).(3. Basketball(enjoy) by many people all over the world.4. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water(产生)a pleasant smell.5. One of the most popular(英雄)is Yang Liwei.6. Last year a

12、lot of trees (cut) down .7. A good dict ionary is very(help) to us.书面表达:Mary在某英语学习网站就“ The MosUseful Invention of All Time?这一话题发帖,征集网友的看法。假如你叫李华,你认为最有用的发明是.要求:1.简要介绍,并阐述的用途(至少三个);RE: The Most Useful Invention of All Time?Li Hua Thursday, August 18, 2019I think the most useful in venti on of all time

13、 is the Intern et. Inter net was inven ted many years ago. It is said that it was inven ted for shari ng in formati on for a small union at first. Later, more and more people joined it so that the Internet was born.With the Intern et, I can do many thin gs. I can do some shopp ing without leav ing m

14、y home. I bought a pair of shoes and some books on li ne last week. I can enjoy music on the Internet and lear n some popular son gs. When I finish my homework, I can play games on the Intern et. I can keep in touch with my pen pal in Can ada by using e-mail. Its faster than writing letters, and its

15、 cheaper than making a phone call. The Internet makes my life more colorful and easier.备战中考基础篇:名词考点一:不可数名词用法考点二:可数名词变复数的特殊情况 单复数形式相同:Chinese, Japanese, deer, sheep 不规则变化:man t men, woman t women, goose 宀 geese, foot 宀 feet, tooth t teeth, child 宀childre n, mouset mice, ox t但是n Germa n t Germa ns 复合名

16、词的复数形式:editor- in -chief t editors n-chief, daughter- in-law t daughters- in-law, grow n-upt grow n- ups, woma n teacher t wome n teachers, man drivert men drivers以下几个名词单复数问题 物质名词一般不用复数形式,但有些物质名词要用复数形式来表示不同的类别,如: fishes各种鱼,fruits各种水果,steels各种钢材。 物质名词表示数量时,一般用表示数量的短语来表示。女口: a cup of tea, three bags o

17、fapples, four piecesof breado 有些抽象名词的复数形式表示不同的含义。女口: work (工作)t works (著作),arm (手臂)t arms(军火),glass (玻璃)t glasses (眼镜),cloth (布)t clothes (衣服)。 定冠词加上姓氏的复数形式,表示全家人或夫妇二人;姓氏的复数形式前不加冠词,则表示若干个姓的人。如:the Wangs王家,three Wangs三个姓王的。 只用作单数的复数形式的名词。如:physics, mathematics, news, the United States 有些名词形似单数,但实为复数。

18、如:police, people, cattle 有些名词如被看作整体时就作单数用,如被看作组成该集体的各个成员时就作复数用。如:class,family, couple, audie nee, gover nment, public 有些抽象名词在具体化时, 可以复数形式出现。表示特指时,可和定冠词连用;表示某种”或一次”意义时,可和不定冠词连用。如:How did you smooth away the difficulties?(指各种具体困难);It is a greatpleasureto talk with you. ; What a surprise!考点三:修饰可数与不可数名词

19、的词语these, those, few, a few, many, a good great many, a great good nu mber of+可名复little, a little, a bit of, much, a great deal of, a large amount of+ 不、可数all, some, eno ugh, a lot of, lots of, ple nty of, a (large) qua ntity of + 二者皆可考点四:名词所有格(-s)、(a of b)、(双重所有格) 考点五:普通格作定语(名词修饰名词)特殊记忆: sports mee

20、t (运动会);the United States government (美国政府);students reading-room (学 生阅览室);goods train (货车);two men doctors (两个男医生)。练习:1.There are threein our factory.A. woma n doctorsB. wome n doctorsC. woma n doctorD.wome n doctor2. Which do you preferor?A. potatos, tomatosB. potatos, tomatoesC. potatoes, tomatos

21、D. potatoes, tomatoes3.He doesn t likefor supper. A. chickB. chicke nC.chicke nsD. chicks4.It washot weather that many of us went swim ming.A. soB. suchC. so asD.such a5.won derful space they saw on the room!A. HowB. How aC. WhatD.What a6.My family raise a lot of, in cludi ng two.A. cattle, cowsB. c

22、ows, cattleC. cattles, cowsD.cow, cattles7.The Brow ns have spe nt a largeof money on their new car.A. dealB. amountC. nu mberD.size8.work has bee n done to improve the people)s living standard.A. Ma nyB. A great manyC. A great deal ofD.A nu mber of9.Two, please.A. coffeeB. coffeesC. cup of coffeeD.

23、 cups coffee第10页10. Sister Carrie works in afactory. A. shoes B. shoses C. shoe D. shoe s11. Twowalk didn t made me tirAdhour B. hours C. hour s D. hours 12. The mother over there ismother.A. Julia and MaryB. Julia and Mary13. Li Ming s handwriting is better thanA. anyone sB. anyone else14. My frie

24、nd will return in.A. one day or twoB. a day or two15. No n ewsgood n ews.A. is16. The policelook ing into the matter now. A. be17. Father went to his doctor forA. an adviceB. adviceC. Julia s and Mary D.Julia_ in the class.C. anyone s else D. anyone else ss and MaryC. one day or twoB. are! B. isabou

25、t his heart trouble.C. advicesD. a or two daysC. have D. hasC. are D. are going toD. the advices18. This letter was sent by.A. my father friend B. my father friend C.a friend of my fatherD. friend of my father冠词1、定冠词的基本用法: 表示上文提到过的人或事物。如:I have bought a book. The book is very useful. 用于说话人与听话人心中都有数的

26、人或事物。如:Close the window, please. 用于表示世界上独一无二的事物前。如:the sun, the moon, the earth, the world等。 用于表示方位的名词之前。如:the east, the right. 用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前。如:the first, the tallest. 用于形容词之前,使其名词化。如:the sick, the wounded. 用于由普通名词构成的专有名词之前。如:the Uni ted States, the Un ited Natio n. 用于江河、海洋、海峡、山脉、群岛、建筑物等的名词之前。如:th

27、e Changjiang River, the East Lake. 用于复数姓氏之前,表示夫妇或全家”女口: The Smiths 用于乐器的名词前。如:play the piano; play the violin.(11) 发明物。如: The compass was inven ted in China.(12) 年代名词前。如:He lived in the cou ntryside in the 1970s.(13) 固定词组中。如:in the morni ng(afternoo n, evenin g), on the other hand , at the same time

28、2、不定冠词的基本用法: 泛指一个。如: There is a book on the table. 指人或事物的某一种类。如:His father is a driver. Longjing is a wonderful tea. 指某一个人或事物,但不具体说明。如:My sister was saved by a PLA man in the fire. 用于某一些表示重量、长度、时间等单位前,表示每一”女口: We have meals three times a day.(我们一天吃三餐。) 表示同样的。如: They are of an age.(他们是同岁。) 表数量,相当于 on

29、e,但语意较弱。如:There is a pen and two books on the desk. 使抽象名词具体化。如:The little girl is a help to her mother. ( a hand译帮手) 固定搭配。如: as a matter of fact , in a hurry, in a word3、不用冠词的情况: 表示总称的复数名词之前。如:Children love cartoons (儿童喜欢卡通影片。) 不含普通名词的专有名词前。如:We are studying English. 名词前有指示代词、 物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格修饰时。如:I

30、 like this picture; I do not have anymoney; As time went on, Einstein s theoryved to be correct. 季节、月份、星期等名词前,一般不用冠词。如:She likes spring most. 呼语前不用冠词。如:What shall I do next, Mother? 三餐饭前不用冠词。如:What did you have for lunch? 节假日前不用冠词。如:People give gifts to each other on Christmas Day. 球类和棋类运动的名称前不用冠词。如

31、:She is fond of playing basketball. 在一些成对出现的短语中不用冠词。如:arm in arm (手挽手);hand in hand (手牵手);side by side(肩对肩);day and day(日日夜夜);you ng and old (老老少少);from door to door (挨门挨户);from beginning to end (从头至U尾) ;from morning till night (从早至U晚)等。练习:1. In America,car ispopular means of tran sportatio n (交通设施)

32、A. the, theB. a, theC. the, /D. the, a2. - What happe ned?- They left in suchhurry that they forgot to lockdoor.A. a, aB. a, theC. /, theD. /, aA.a, theB.the, aC. the, theD.a, a4.I orderedbook some time ago.book has arrived.A.a, TheB.the, AC. a, AD./, The5.I likehistory.I am study inghistory of Chin

33、a.A. the, /B./, theC. a, /D./, a6.childre n here livemost happy life. A. The, theB.The, a7.Bothwoun ded andsick were sent to safety.A./, /B.the, theC. /, theD. the, /8.doctors andnu rses should care for their patie nts.A.The, theB./, /C. The, /D./, the3. There were two small rooms in the house,small

34、er of which served askitche n.C. The, /单选:词法: 时态+语态+非谓语动词+代词+介词+形副 +名词+冠词句法:简单句4种类+宾从+状从+并列句D. /, the()1. - Mary, who swoman over the-e-?She s my aunt,English teacher.A. the; theB. a;theC.the; anD. a; an()2. For your homework, I want you to remember the n ames of all the pla nets incorrect order.A.

35、ourB. yourC. itsD. their()3. Mo Yan is one ofwriters in the world.A. famousB.more famous C. most famousD. the most famous()4. We don t want to speak badly orin front of the class.A. clearlyB. carefullyC.carelesslyD. properly()5.Robotsmore heavy work for us in the future.A. will doB. didC. have doneD

36、. were doing( )6.Sichua n food is hotter tha n Shan gha in ese food. ThatsA. what I like itB.what do I like itC. why I like itD.why do I like it()7. He was weari ng a pair of sun glasses and I did n thim at first.A. adviseB. promiseC. recog niseD. hear()8.you use your dict ionary ofte n, your spelli

37、 ng will improve.A. WhetherB. IfC. ThoughD. While()9.Cambridge is a small citythe east of En gla nd.A. betwee nB. withC. inD. un der()10 .It was rai ning heavily,we decided to stay at home and watch TV.A. butB. orC. becauseD. so()11. The programme is very popular. -. We all like it.A. That s right.

38、B.Not at all. C. It doesn t matter D. You re welcome()12.he was very tired, he con ti nued work ing in his office.A. Since B.Although C. As soon as D. Because()13. - Can I havea look at your photos, please? -.A. Sure, here you are B.Don t mention it C. I can t agree with you D. I m sorry to hear tha

39、t()14. Its hot today. Why not go for a swim? . Lets go.A. Good ideaB. Thats rightC. Not at allD. Well done()15.Joh n is gett ing very thin. He does nt eatfood.A. ma nyB. en oughC. fewD. little()16. Damin sat on the side of the river cooking a meal,a bird on his head.A. fromB. i ntoC. aboutD. with()1

40、7. Newcastle upon Tyne is inno rth-east of En gla ndA. aB. anC. theD.(不填)()18. I am just going to the. Do you want anything? Yes, a bag of rice.A.marketB. classroomC. libraryD.park()19.Th ink of a nu mber,dont tell me what it is.A.norB. soC. orD.but()20.The Great Wall of China iswall in the world.A.

41、 lo ngB. l ongerC. Ion gestD.the Ion gest()21. . Where is the ban k?Its over there by the post office.A.Excuse meB. SorryC. Come onD.Hello()22. Im not hungry because I havehad lun ch.A.everB. neverC. justD.still()23.The office phones are dirty and theynext weekA.will clea nB. will be clea nedC. are

42、clea ningD.are clea ned()24. Its hot today. Why not go for a swim?.Lets go.A.Good ideaB. Thats rightC. Not at allD.Well done中考能力篇(绍兴保持原题号不变)完型: When I was a child, my father had to do three jobs for a family of seven. Every time I saw him come back late, looki ng tired, I promised myself that someda

43、y I would show my16 to my father for what he haddone.Over the n ext twenty years, my father worked hard to 17 our big family and suffered a lot from a heart problem. One morning, my fathers old car 18 and he asked me to pick him up after his medical exam in ati on. He had 19 refused whe n I offered

44、to replace his old car. He said that he did not want someth ing that he was un able to pay himself.As he stepped out of the doctors office, he looked unu sually20 . We drove in sile nee and he made mepromise to keep the medical report as a 21. I did this with a heavy heart.At that time, I was 22 a n

45、ew car. I asked my father to go with me to pick one out. 23 I started talk ing with the salesma n, I no ticed my father admiri ng a brow n car. I24 chose a white car-. My father took onefin al look at the brow n car and seemed kind of 25 before leav ing I heard him mutteri ng (卩商卩古)to himself,Really

46、 like that car. Wish I could 26_ itSeveral days later, I asked my father if he could go with me to pick up27 new car. As we arrived, thesalesma n28 him a key to his new car - the brow n one - and expla ined that it was for him,29 me. Myfather looked at me in great 30. I expla ined it was my childhoo

47、d promise and smiled at this man, who hadgive n up everyth ing for his family.16. A. tha nksB. dreamsC. tale ntsD. regrets17. A. buildB. saveC. protectD. support18. A. set offB. came backC. broke dow nD. went by19. A. stro nglyB. rudelyC. shylyD. happily20. A. angryB. movedC. seriousD. frie ndly21.

48、A. factB. secretC. decisi onD. suggesti on22. A. test ingB. desig ningC. check ingD. expect ing23. A. Unl essB. WhenC. Si neeD. Because24. A. fin allyB. sudde nlyC. simplyD. immediately25. A. worriedB. pleasedC. sorryD. proud26. A. borrowB. affordC. collectD. choose27. A. myB. yourC. hisD. her28. A.

49、 returnedB. showedC.handedD. posted29. A. toB. fromC. withD. for30. A. funB. pai nC. troubleD. surprise阅读: Spring fin ally arrived. This past win ter was a long, cold, and snowy one. Gon zalo was ready to get outdoors and play some sports. However, because Gon zalo was new in tow n, he did n have ma

50、ny frien ds.He decided to try and get some of his classmates together. He put up a card in the classroom. The card in vited boys to meet Gon zalo at a nearby park on Saturday for a football game. Football was Gonzalo s favorite siport.hHe played it evwas a kid.On Saturday morning, Gon zalo walked to

51、 the park early. He wan ted to be the first one there to meet every one.But he was a little worried that his classmates wouldnshow up. Slowly butsurely, Gonzalo s classmates begancoming to the park. Gon zalo was certa in they would have a great game.I brought a ball,” Gon zalo told one of his classm

52、ates Leo, who said he also brought a ball. Leo said he was ahuge football fan. Both Leo and Gonzalo went to their schoolbags to get their balls. Th at s when they realized their balls were differe nt.Leo s ball was oblong椭圆形的)and brown, while Gonzalo s ball was a round soccer ball. Gonzalo hadforgot

53、te n that in the Un ited States football and soccer were differe nt sports. Leo had forgotte n that, too. They compromised (妥协)and played one game of soccer and one game of American football.()1. Where did Go nzalo put up the card?A. In the school dining hall.B. On the playgro und.C. In his classroo

54、m.D. In the park.)2. What do the underlined words“ show up ”A. Appear.B. Un dersta nd.C. Help.)3. What can we lear n from Paragraph 2?A. Gon zalo worried about play ing with his classmates.C. Gon zalo was the first one to get to the park.in Paragraph 2 mean?D. Agree.B. Few of Gonzalo s classmates came to the park.D. Gon zalo went to the park by bike.)4. Which of the following is TRUE about Gonzalo and Leo?A. They forgot to br


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