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1、自考商务英语复习资料资料仅供参考Lesson l International Business1. certificate of deposit大额存单2. management contract管理合同 3.turnkey project “交钥匙”工程4.copyright 版权5maturity到期日valuechain7 承 包 生 产contract8特许经营者 franchisee9国内生产总值6.价值链manufacturinggross domesticproduct10.商标trademarkLesson 2IncomeLevelandtheWorldMarket1 GNP

2、国民生产总值2Consumerism 消费主义3 .factors of production 生产要素4. purchasing power购买力5PPP 购买力平价6.个市场的收人分布状况6.income distribution of a market7人均国内生产总值percapita GDP8经济合作与发展组织OrganizationforEconomic Cooperationand Development9四方组合Quad10.大路货 staple goodsLesson 3 Regional Economic Integration1. politicalentity政治实体2

3、.OPEC 石油输出国组织3.settlement结算4.council of ministers 部 长理 事会5 territory economies区域性经济体6.行政(执行)机构executive body7欧元euro8欧盟委员会European Commission9签字国, 签字人signatory10.关税税率tariff ratesLesson 4 Economic Globalization1. economicglobalization经 济 全 球 化2.technical资料仅供参考improvements 技术进步3Inputs 投入 4.headquarters

4、 总部 5.parent company 母公司 6子公司 affiliate7日常管理 day-to-day running8国际经济环境 internationaleconomic environment9跨国公司(企业) multinationalcorporation ( enterprise )10.职权 jurisdictionLesson 5 International Trade (I)1. international trade 国际贸易2. the theory of absoluteadvantage 绝对利益理论3. capital.land and labor资本、土

5、地和劳动力 4. with respect to 关于5 appeal 吸引力 6国际 生 产 专 门 化 internationalspecialization7 劳 务services 9比较利益 comparative advantageLesson 6 International Trade (II)1. reasonable costs 合理的成本2. inland water vessels船 只3.cargocompartment货 仓4.tariffs内河关 税5 customs union关税同盟6数量限制quantitativerestrictions7外汇收入foreig

6、n exchange earnings8.配额 quota9关税减让 tariff concessions 10.移民汇款immigrant remittanceLesson 7 Incoterms1 EDI 电子数据交换2.Ex Work 工厂交货Carrier 货 交 承 运 人4 CIF成 本 、 保 险 费3 Free 加 运 费5 negotiable 可转让的,可流通的6贸易术语 trade terms7装运港船上交货 FOB( Free on Board) 8目的地,终点 destination 9无关税区 customs-free zones 10.商业发票资料仅供参考comm

7、ercial invoicesLesson 8 The Business Contract1. offeree 收盘人2. sales confirmation 销售确认书3.binding obligations 约束性责任4. cotton piece goods 棉布5 trunkarbitrationcall 长途电话6 报价8寄售合同consignmentquotation 7. 仲裁 contract 9.购货合同9 purchase contract 10.书面谈判 10. written negotiationLesson 9 Modes of Trade1. buyback

8、回购交易 2. foreign exchange 外汇 3. auction 拍卖 4Creditor 债权人 5. Volkswagen 众汽车公司 6.贸易方式 modes of trade 7. 反向购买,互购 counter purchase 8.跨国界合同 cross-border contract 9代理 agency 10.补偿贸易compensation tradeLesson 10 International Payment1. open account 记账交易2. drawer 出票人3. D/P atsight 即期付款交单4.documentary draft 跟单汇

9、票5. consigmenttransaction 寄售交易6外汇管制foreignexchange control7 远 期付 款交单D/P aft.ersight8受款人payee9.汇率波动exchange rate fluctuations10.光票 clean draftLesson 11The Letter of Credit(ll)1 amendment 修改 2 negotiating bank 议付行3. creditworthiness资信4.carrying vessel运载船只5. legal action 法律行动 6单价 unit price7转船transship

10、ment 8 信资料仅供参考用证 letter of credit 9申请人 applicant 10.保兑行 confirming bankLesson 12 The Letter of Credit (lI)1. double assurance双重保障2. deferred payment 推迟付款3.mechanism 机制4. the maturityof the draft 汇票到期5clean credit光票信用证6无汇票信用证non-draftcredit7不可链讣信用证non-transferablecredit8远期信用证 usance credit 9贴现 discou

11、nt 10. 资金周转 capital turnoverLesson 13 Major Documents Required in World Trade1. take delivery of 提货2. port of shipment 起运港,发货港3 notify party 被通知人4 packing list 装箱单 5 weightlist 重量单 6货运收据 cargo receipt7.收货人 consignee8承运人 carrier 9单据 documents10.合法持有人 legalholderLesson 14 International Transportation1

12、. in a broad sense 从广义上讲2. per-unit 每一单位3.private carrier 自有承运人4.logistics物流5.costeconomies 节约成本(成本节约)6.契约承运人contractcarrier 7货物运输 freighttransportation8库存,存货 inventory 9生产率 productivity 10.产品自然领域natural product provincesLesson 15 Insurance (l)1. Insured 被保险人,保户,投保人 2. handmaiden 起服务(或资料仅供参考辅助)作用的事物

13、3. jeopardy 危险,风险4. multi-modal transportation多种方式的运输5.known premium 已知的保险费6承保人 insurer 7保证 margin 8顾客 client9共同款项pool10.海上保险 marine insuranceLesson16Insurance(ll)1. forwardingcharges 远期费用2. free fromparticularaverage 平安险3. all risks 一切险4Pro rata 按比例5 terms of sale 价格条件6水渍险 with particular average7导

14、致损失的直接原因 proximate cause of the loss8分摊 contribution9可保权益 insurable interest10.最大诚信 utmost good faithLesson 17 The InternationalMonetary System and ExchangeRate1. theinternational monetarysystem国际货币体系2.directquote 直接标价 3- flexibleexchange rate 浮动汇率4. gold standard 金本位制5. special drawing right 特别提款权 6买入价 buying rate7利率 interest rate 8.卖出价buying rate9 通货膨胀inflation10.国际收支平衡international balance o


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