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1、第一部分虚拟语气的形式第一部表示虚拟语气的方法很多,主要通过时态呼应来表示。其形式有:与现在事实相 反的虚拟语气、与过去事实相反的虚拟语气、与将来事实相反的虚拟语气、用It is.that句型表示虚拟语气、用介词短语或者复合连词引导虚拟语气、用wish句型表示虚拟语气、用某些动词引导虚拟语气、用 as if等表示虚拟语气、用情 态动词组合表示虚拟语气,及其他虚拟语气的表达形式。一、与现在事实相反的虚拟语气1. If there were no gravity,air aroundthe earth.A. there would not be B. there would be notC. th

2、ere had bee n nol D. there would be n6 选D,|从句|用过去时,主句|用过去将来时.2. If we did not have atmospheric pressure, we _ automobile fires.A. would have not B. had bee n noC. could not have D. will not have 选C,主句could也可用 would might等代替3. If the bearings properly, theywould be rapidly overheated.A. had not bee n

3、 lubricatedB. would not be lubricatedC. were not lubricatedD. be not lubricated选c,表示与现在事实相反4. not for televisio n, we could not seethings happening in other places at the mome nt they are happe ning.A. Was there B. Were thereC. Was itD. Were it选D,可用倒装形式表示虚拟语气,但必须省略f5. ,he would help us to solve thes

4、eproblems.A. Had he timeB. Did he have timeC. Had time if be D. Had he had time 选 A,相当于 If he had time 二过去事实相反的虚拟语气1. Tom would have gone to New York to get a pla ne reservati on.A. if he would be able B. if he were able toC. if he had been able D. if he was able to选C,主句用过去将来完成时,从句用过去完成时,2. One in v

5、estigati on showed that forty perce nt of those killed in auto accidents _ 丄 they had bee n Wearing seat belts.A. would have bee n savedB. could have bee n savedC. should have bee n savedD. might have bee n saved选B,可用could来代替would表示 可能3. ,I would n ever have man aged tofulfill the task ahead of time

6、.A. Had it not bee n for your helpB. If it were not for your helpC. If it has not bee n for your helpD. Were it not for your help 选A,可用倒装句型,省略if4. The preside nt made a brillia nt decisi on, didnt he?Y es, he did. I dont know what Id have done.to make that decisi on.A. would I have B. have I hadC. h

7、ad I had D. did I have选c,表示 我不知道当时如果要我作出决定 的话,我该怎么办5. Why did nt Tom give you one of his pain ti ngs?I did nt want one, but he would have give n me one if I really _A. did B. would C. were D. had选D,相当于if I had wanted one ,省略是为了 避免重复.三 与将来事实相反的虚拟语气1. If the waters of the ocea n _ moved away, the sea

8、floor with its wide valleys, un-even mountains and submarine rivers_would be an un believable sight.A. was able to B. were able toC. could be D. would be选C,主句用 would be ,从句可用should be 或者could be,全句译成:|有朝一日,如果人 们能把海水移走,那么展现在我们面前的将- 是那宽广的海谷凹凸不平的群山以及地下 河流.2. If hethis test, he might do it insome other

9、way.A. had done B. should doC. would have done D. were to do选D,我们可以用 were to来代替should.另 外,还需注意主句用动词原形,从句可用过王 式,表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气3. today, he would get there by Friday.A. Were he leavi ng B. Would he leaveC. If he leaves D. If he had left 选 B,相当于 If he would leave.4. made to work in this way, it wouldin

10、 crease its efficie ncy by 100%.A. Were the engine to beB. If the engine would beC. Was the engine be D. If the engine was选A.用 were to 来代替 would,从意思上讲更好,全句译成:如果未来人们能够用这种方法使发动机运转的话.选B从语法上讲也没错.5. If he should come tomorrow, he _help us to see into the matter.A. will B. should C. can D. could选B,当主语是第二,

11、三称时,用should表示说 话人的看法或者意志.四 用 It is.that 句型表示虚拟语气1. It was essential that all the necessary documents to the preside nts officebefore the end of this month.A. be han ded in B. must be han ded inC. should hand in D. had bee n han ded in 选 A, It is essential that句型要求从句时态用should+动词原形;should 常常 被省略,这类关键词

12、还有 important, best, hecessary, important , desirable, advisable,urge nt, vital 等等.2. It is appropriate that more timetothorough study of the scheme.A. should have bee n devotedB. ought to be devotedC. must be devotedD. be devoted选D,表示应该多花点时间仔细研究这项计划.3. Its important that a studentthatthe nu mber on

13、a card specifies the locati on of the book in the library.A. understand B. understandsC. un derstood D. had un derstood选A,在it is.that句型中尽管是第三人称单 数仍然应选动词原形,因为前面省略了 should.4. It is imperative that your sig natureonyour ide ntificati on card.A. had to appear B. appearedC. appears D. appear选 D. It is im

14、perative that.表示,是绝对必要的.动词前省略了 should,所以用原形.5. Its highly desirable that a new general man ager _ for this compa ny.A. is appoi ntedB. be appo intedC. will be appo in ted D. would be appo in ted 选B. highly表示非常,强调语气.省略 should.用动词原形.6. It seems so un fair that thishappe n tome all the time.A. does B.

15、/ C. should D. would选C,这里should |表示竟然,|不能省略.五用介词短语或者复合连词引导虚拟语气1. But for the help he gave me, I my taskahead of time.A. had not completed B. could not completeC. would not have completed D. completed 选C短语用过去式,表明此句与过去事实相反.2. Hein it I but that |he saw it himself.A. could not believeB. could not have

16、believedC. had already believedD. were believ ing选B. but for后面+名词,而but that后面+句子,句意相同,表示除非他亲眼所见3. Without trees, our entire world _ a much drier place.A. had bee nB. wereC. would be D. is to be选C. without + n.后面三种情况都可能,这 里可转换成 I If there were no trej4. Iln the absenee of friction, belts in con vey i

17、ng goods from one machi ne to ano ther.A. wont be used B. were not usedC. had not bee n usedD. could not be used 选D,表示与现在事实相反.5. He has bee n work ing hard for fear thatA. he fell behi nd B. he would fall behi ndC. he should fall beh indD. he had falle n beh ind选C,在for fear that 动词形式是 should +动词原形.s

18、hould :有时也被省略.6. The mother put the medic ine high on the shelf lest the little boy _ it.A. takeB. takesC. tookD. will take选 A. lest与for fear that同义,后面用 should +动词原形.should有时被省略7. Suppos ing Ithat she does nt come, _ we do?A. what shallB. what shouldC. what would D. what will选 A. supposing that与If 同

19、义,表示 假使, 但是,不用虚拟形式.六用wish句型表示虚拟语气1. I wish that the weathernot so hot.A. was B. were C. beD. had been选B,表示与现在事实相反,2. We wish that yousuch a lot of work,because we know that you would have enjoyed the party.A. would not have B. would nt have hadC. did not have D. had not had选D,表示与过去事实相反 .3. We wish y

20、ou your mi nd beforeleav ing tomorrow.A. could cha nge B. cha ngedC. had cha ngedD. would have cha nged选D,表示与将来事实相反.4. Marry wishes that she _ her father last ni ght.A. had met B. would have metC. could meet D. met选A,注意:是last might,而不是wishes决定时态的属性5. My grade on the final exam in ati on is terrible;

21、 I wish I _ a new plan more thoroughl y.A. had studied out B. studied outC. would have studied out D. could study out 选D,表示但愿我能制订一个新计划.七用某些动词引导虚拟语气.txt1. He insisted that shethe umbrella forits raining Ihardl outside.A. takes B. take C. must take D. is tak ing 选 B,在动词 dema nd, i nsist, require, requ

22、est, suggest, recomme nd, order, decide,urge等后面的从句中,可以省略 should,用 动词原形2. The housemaster was strict. He requested that we _ televisi on on week n ights.A. did not watch B. not watchC. must not watch D. would watch no选B,省略了 should3. I demand either of you _ back to take an umbrella Ifor fear thatl yo

23、u should becaught in the Irain.A. hurry B. will hurryC. hurries D. hurried选A,省略了 should,直接跟动词原形.4. The general manager IrecommendS that we as patie nt as possible whatever thecon sumes of this kind compla in of.A. be B. am C. were D. shall be 选A,省略了 should用be5. The law requires that every carat leas

24、tonce a year.A. will be checked B. be checkedC. must be checked D. ought to be checked选B,省略了 should.有时候,也可用被动形式.6. It is politely requested by the hotelmanagement that radios after 1loclock at ni ght.A. not be played B. did not playC. were not played D. do not play 选 A.相当于 The hotel management reque

25、sts that .7. We were surprised that hethis methodof killing time.A. chooses B. choseC. would choose D. should choose 选D,这里用动词原形更好.8. It was proposed that the matter _ related in detail at the next lecture.A. will be B. would beC. had to be D. should be 选D,同上.表示 将作详细论述.9. The professor gave orders th

26、at the test _ before 5:30.A. will have bee n fini shedB.| Be flini shedC. will be fini shedD. should have bee n fini shed选 B. gave orders 等于 ordered, 只是说法不 一样而已.10. Every one agreed to his suggesti on that ano ther bridge _ built across the river.A. was B. had bee nD. would be选C, that从句依然指建议,表示一种虚拟1

27、1. May I beg that youany decisi on in this matter un til I n egotiate with you?A. dont make |B. not makeC. wont make D. have nt made 选B. beg与urge同义,表示请求12. We are rejoiced that our predictions _ so accurate.A. areB. wereC. should be D. will be选C,这里也表示竟然.全句译成:我们竟然 会猜中,真使我们兴奋不已,八用 as if. as though. ev

28、en if 和 eve# though弓丨导虚拟语气 .1. The molecules of a gas behave as though they _ perfectly elastic bodies.A. had bee n B. be C. were D. would be 选c,表示与现在事实相反.2. This device operates as ifA. it was repaired B. it had bee n repairedC. it would be repairedD. it should have bee n repaired 选B,表示与过去事实相反3. th

29、ey had dropped from the air, scores of ants began to materialize on the sandwich I had placed beside me.A. As if B. Only ifC. Even if D. What if选A,表示|仿佛从天上掉下来似的.4. Heat can flow from a hot body to a cooler body as if it _ a fluid.A. was B. were C. is D. will be选B,不管主是单数还是复数,均用were表示 虚拟.5. Even thoug

30、h I were starvi ng, I _ a favors of him.A. would not ask B. were not askingC. had not bee n ask ing D. did not ask 选 A. even though 与 as though 不一 样l.even though表示”即挨饿其实并不挨 饿.6. I did nt know this Picasso Exhibiti on wasclosed, but I would nt have bee n able to come eve n ifabout it.A. I kn ewB. I h

31、ad knownC. I would know D. I have bee n knowing 选 B, even if 也与 as if 不一样.even if 表示 即使我知道,其实不知道,时态的呼应与if句 型相同.九,用情态动词组合表示虚拟语气.(一)can /could + have + Ved1. The English of this composition is too good; she _ it herself.A. cant have writte nB. should nt have writte nC. ni ght not have writte nD. must

32、nt have bee n writte n选A,表示”不可能她自己写的2. Joseph _ it upstairs this morning for he went to Italy yesterda y.A. wont have take n B. cant have take nC. may not have take n D. did nt take选B,表示约瑟夫不可能今早拿上楼梯.3. We _ what the n eighbors said because of the no ise from the sea.A. might not have heardB. may not

33、 have heardC. mustnt have heardD. couldnt have heard选D,表示不可能听到邻居的说话声could 的可能性比 can 小.4. Judging from what you said, he _ this work still better.A. could have done B. might have doneC. must have done D. may have done选A表示”照你的话来说,他本来可以干得更 出色.5. Nearly half a million of the death in Europe between 1980

34、 and 1984 _ avoided.A. should have been B. could have beenC. ought to have been D. might have been选B,表示本可以避免,另外,要注意主,被动 态.(二 ) may/might + have +Ved1. He promised to come at five oclock, but it is already half past five. He _ the train.A. must have missed B. might have missed C. may have missed D. s

35、hould have missed 选 C, may + have+ Ved 表示现在推测过去的 事,是一种主观臆断 ,推测 或许他没有赶上 火车.2. Whatever has happened to Brown?I dont know. He lost.A. can have B. might haveC. may have D. must have选 C, 因为这是说话人对事情的主观臆断 ,表 示他或许迷路了 3. She ill quite suddenly otherwise shewould come anyway.A. must have been B. could have b

36、een C. should have beenD. might have been 选 D, might + has + Ved 时 ,隐隐约约有一种 条件句的含义 ,表示 她或许突然生病了 .否 则 ,她一定会来的 .相当于 如果她不生病 ,她 一定会来 .4. I _ come to a wrong conclusion thus making her so angry.A. could have B. should haveC. might have D. must have选C,再比较一下:如果我不出错,她不会生 气的 , 是否等同于 我或许犯了错 ,才使她生 气.5. Nobody

37、asked you to overwork like that. You_ it.A. neednt do B. ought not to doC. might not have done D. must not have done 选 C. might + have + ved 还可表示 本可以 ; 本可以 ; should + have + Ved 表示 本应该 以及表示 本可能 ( 三 ) should/ought to + have +Ved .1 told him how to get there but perhaps I him a map.A. should have give

38、n B. must have givenC. might have given D. could have given 选 A, 表示 我本应该给他一张图 2. With all his work on hand . he to thedance party last night.A. mustnt have gone B. shouldnt have goneC. couldnt have gone D. might not have gone 选 B ,用否定式表示 她本不该 3. r m sorry I could nt get in touch with himbefore he le

39、ft. Ihim earlier.A, might have pho ned B. could have phonedC. ought to have phoned D. must have phoned 选C, should + have + Ved相同,表示早应该, 本应该,本当,语气比should要强 試比较:用 ought to译成我早就应该打电话给他”而用 should则译成我本该早点打电话给他.4. You _ taken away his dictionary Without gett ing his permissi on.A. may not have B. ought no

40、t to haveC. need not have D. cant have 选B.其否定式是 ought not to5. The patient is beyond remedy. He _to the hospital earlier.A. should have sent B. must have bee n sentC. ought to have bee n sentD. could have bee n sent选C.此句表示早该把他送往医院.A是主动 语态显然是错的.(四)must/need nt + have +Ved1. My wallet is no where to b

41、e found. I _ when I was on the bus.A. might have dropped itB. must have dropped itC. should have dropped itD. could have dropped it选B,表示肯定.全句译成:我的皮夹子不见 了,准是掉在车上了 .2. John _ this morning, since he didnt answer the phone.A. might have gene outB. should have gene outC. must have gone outD. could have g

42、one out选C.表示肯定外出了 .3. You _ the class to tell me that; you could have come up to me afterwards.A. neednt have interruptedB. couldnt have interruptedC. mustnt have interruptedD. might not have interrupted选 A. need 的不定式是 neednt4. _ me up so early, Mom. I dont have to go to work toda y.A. You might not

43、 have woke nB. You n eed nt have woke nC. You must not have woke nD. You would nt have woke n选B,表示你其实不必那么早就来叫醒我.十其他形式的虚拟语气1. If only I _ ten years youn ger.A. was B. were C. had bee n D. would be 选B, f only表示”要是.该多好啊!|可以引 导与现在,过去和将来事实相反的虚拟语气.全句译成:”要是我现在年轻10岁该多好啊.2. If only Peterthe police, everythin

44、gwould have bee n all right.A. wont tell B. had not toldC. did nt tellD. would not have told选B,表示与过去事实相反3. She was thankful that hed had her babytaken into the hospital; otherwise she thought, the babyA. had died B. would have diedC. might have died D. has died 选c,表示与过去事实相反.4. Whe n the en emy shot

45、at him, he did nt raisehis head, |otherwise| heA. was killed B. had been killedC. would have bee n killedD. ought to have bee n killed选C.上一句表示或许会死”;而本句则表示 会被杀死.5. Id rather youanything about it for thetime being.A. did nt do B. had nt doneC. wont do D. do 选 A.6. It is time the n ati ons of the world

46、ahall to the manu facture of nu clear weap ons.A. would callB. callC. calledD. will call选C,该句型也要求从句通常用过去式,表示 该是世界各国停止生产核武器的时候了.7. I could go myself but 1 would I rather lyouA. go B. had gone C. would go D. went选D,该句型也要求从句通常用过去式.如果 sooner后跟动词.则用原形.表示我倒愿意你8. May I beg youany decision in thismatter un

47、til I see you aga in?A. wont make B: did nt makeC. not make D. had nt mad选C,省略了 should.表示请求你不要做出决疋.9. How stra nge it is that youanythingabout it!A. did nt hear B. had nt heardC. would nt have heard D. should nt have heard选D,表示你竟然对此事一无所知,实在太奇 怪了 .第二部分综合练习一虚拟语气的综合选择练习1. It was decided that the matter

48、 _ referred to a special committee.A. was B. is C. be D. had been2. I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish| I _ the book from which it was made.A. reed B. had readC. would reed D. have read3. Its high tim e somebody histon gue.A. holds B. hold C. held D. could hold4. The traffic was very heavy, other

49、wise!, I _ here 50 minu tes, sooner.A. must have bee nB. may have bee nC. should have been D. would have been 5.1 m sorry Ann did nt want to go to the pic nic. _willing to go, we would have paid all her expenses.A. is she B. Would she beC. Were she D. Had she been6But fori your coming Ilonely.A. cou

50、ld have bee n B. might have bee nC. ought to have bee n D. must have bee n7. Without the leadership of the CommunistParty of China we _ hopeless and helpless.A. were B. had been C. would be D. are8. You sound |as though you mymeaning.A. were catchi ng B. caughtC. had caught D. will catchKey:1. C2.B3

51、.C 4.D5.D6.A7.C8.C二虚拟语气的综合填充1. It is desirable that the test of theoretical physicsbefore you select the courseof applied physics. (con duct)2.1 enjoy the movie very much. I wish I _ the book from which it was made. (read)3. Her employer demanded that shetowork as quickly as possible. (come)4. The paper, which on my desk by12 oclock, has not bee n han ded in yet. (be)5. He did nt tur n up at yesterdays party; otherwise I _ him.(see)6. Its high time our artists and writers more w


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