如何在新托福口语考试中做笔记(by 翟少成)_第1页
如何在新托福口语考试中做笔记(by 翟少成)_第2页
如何在新托福口语考试中做笔记(by 翟少成)_第3页
如何在新托福口语考试中做笔记(by 翟少成)_第4页
如何在新托福口语考试中做笔记(by 翟少成)_第5页
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1、note-taking in the independent task该部分要求考生就某一自己熟悉的话题阐述自己的观点。一类问题是自由回 答间题(free-choice response ),如:if you could have any job in the world, what would it be? use details to support your. response;另一类是选择类问题 (paired-choice response ),如:do you like to try new kinds of food or eat the same kind of food al

2、l the time? use details and examples to support yourresponse,准备时间为 15 秒,回答问题时间为 45 秒。问题会被朗读出来,且同 时出现在屏幕上。考生可以不用理会电脑的朗读,迅速阅读完问题。这样可以争 取大概 5 秒,那么在这大约 20 秒内,考生可在草稿纸上迅速记下自己所要表达 的关键信息。这里记笔记的方法为“tst 表格”。tst ( topic-supporting ideas -transitions)意思是考生须在草稿纸上用一到两个词写下欲表达的 topic(主 题),supporting ideas(分论点)和 tra

3、nsitions(信号词)。下面试举一例:question:where would you want to be professionally in ten years? use details to support your response.考生应迅速在纸上写下“own bus.”、“master”、“work com.”、“start”等信 息见以下 tst( topic supporting ideastransitions )表格。topic statement: own bus. (i would like to own my own business) supporting id

4、eas: ( how i will work toward owning my business)* master (will get masters in business )* work com. (will work in company while planning my business)* start (will start my own business when i am ready)transitions: 10 next because 3 within 10 y (可用 y 代替 years)sample answerin ten years i would like t

5、o win an import business of my own. next year, i will be starting a masters program in business with a specialization in entrepre neurship. i will be getting this degree because i hope to start my own busines s and make it successful some day. after i finish my masters degree three ye ars from now,

6、i will most likely take a position in another company for a fewyears to make some money and to spend some time planning my own busine ss. within ten years, i hope to own my own company and be on the way to making it a success.再举一例:question:sometimes students have to write papers. sometimes they have

7、 to give or al presentations. which activity do you think is better for students, and why? i nclude details and examples in your explanation.考生应迅速在纸上写下 “pap”、“strong read write exams ”、“more time think deeply”等信息。见以下 tst( topicsupporting ideastransitions )表格::topic: pap (writing papers is better for

8、 students)supporting ideas: (why writing papers is better)* strong read write exams (need strong writing skills for reading and writing and prepare for exams)* more time think deeply (show understanding for more time to explain an d think deeply)transitions: firstly because, so alsosample answeri th

9、ink writing papers is better for students. firstly we need to develop strong writing skills. we go to school mainly to learn reading and writing, so we need a lot of practice. examinations require a lot of writing, so writing papers i s good reparation. also, i think writing is a better way to show

10、that i underst and. when i write a paper, i can think deeply because i have more time to e xplain my ideas.为了给读者更多机会练习使用“tst 表格”,特提供一下 6 个问题供大家练习。 补充练习:1. describe a place that you consider to be beautiful. explain why certain qu alities of this place make it beautiful. include details and examples

11、to support your explanation.2. some people relax by staying home. others relax by going out. which type of relaxation is better for your and why? include details and examples in your explanation.-3. describe an occasion when you were surprised. what happened to you, an d why did you feel surprised?

12、include details and examples in your explanatio n.4. some students prepare for tests by studying alone. others prepare for tests by studying with other students or a tutor. which study method do you think is better, and why? include details and examples in your explanation.4. what type of home would

13、 you like to live in? describe the characteristics of such a home and explain why you would like to live there. include details and examples in your explanation.6. some people exercise early in the morning. others exercise in the afternoon or evening. which time of day do you think is better for exe

14、rcising and why? include details and examples in your explanation.note-taking in the integrated tasks1. reading listeningspeaking第 3 题和第 4 题以试题中的阅读和听力材料为基础,要求考生回答相关问题。 即 readinglisteningspeaking,具体步骤是首先要求考生在 45 秒内阅读一篇 短文,一般只含一个段落,随后短文隐去,播放一段与短文相关的对话或课堂演 讲,其长度大约为 1 分半钟(比 listening section 中的材料篇幅要短)。最

15、后, 要求考生根据先前阅读的短文和所听到的材料回答相关问题,考生有 30 秒钟的 准备时间,然后进行 60 秒钟的回答。而第 5 题和第 6 题要求考生先听一段听力 材料,然后回答相关问题。即 listening-speaking,听力材料通常有一段是情景对 话,另一段是课堂演讲,其长度大约为 1 分半钟。考生有 20 秒钟的准备时间,之后进行 60 秒钟的回答。在综合口语任务里, 你所需要记笔记的内容就是在读短文和听材料的过程中记下材料中的“main poi nts”、“examples”、“reasons”等等。而是否能很快识别“信号词”(sign al words)成为其中的关键。“信号

16、词”(signal words 或 transitions)是我们 用来“追踪”说话人的思路的词汇,它就像“路标”一样指引着旅行者的方向。 有了信号词,我们就知道说话人何时要举例子,何时要下结论,何时要解释原因 等等。1)信号词*信号词的分类2)在阅读(reading)短文时做笔记在第 3 和第 4 题中你会碰到两篇阅读短文,你所需要记笔记的内容就是在读 短文的过程中记下材料中的“main point”以及“examples”和“reasons ”等等。 切忌写下过多的细节,或为了记笔记而忽略了中心思想。见下例(注意加黑处的 信号词):isaac asimovisaac asimov (192

17、0-1992) was an amazing author who wrote an astoundi ng amount of material on an even more astounding variety of subjects. his lit erary studies included line-by-line analyses of all of the play of shakespeare; h is historical research included works on the history of greece, the roman emp ire, engla

18、nd, and france; he also wrote well-researched tomes on physics, che mistry, and astronomy. what he is most likely best known for today, however,is science fiction: his foundation series on a galactic empire inspired by gib bons decline and fall of the roman empire and the / robot series about a f ut

19、ure society where humans and robots coexist. in total, asimov wrote more t han 500 books on this wide variety of subjects.从信号词我们知道:topic of reading passage: author isaac asimovmain points about asimov:* wrote a huge amount of material (more than 500 books);*wrote on a wide variety of topics (literar

20、y analysis, history, physics, chemistry, astronomy, science fiction)以下是两篇阅读短文,请迅速识别出其信号词,并做出笔记:3)在听对话或讲座时做笔记(listening)在听讲座或对话时,你需要关注主要观点(major points)以及为了支撑其 观点所使用的例子(examples)和原因(causes)listening passage:(professor): now im sure youre all wondering how asimov managed to write so much. well, the si

21、mple answers that he did almost nothing except wr iting because thats what he was driven to do.asimovs normal routine was to spend time, a lot of time, writing every day. he usually got up at 6 oclock in the morning; he was at work writing b y 7:30 in the morning, and he wrote until 10 oclock in the

22、 evening. thats a lot of time to spend writing. this desire to spend so much time writing promp ted asimov himself to say writing is my only interest. even speaking is an i nterruption.topic of listening passage: how asimov wrote so muchmain points about topic:* asimov wrote from 7: 30 in the morning to 10 oclock in the evening.* asimov said, writing is my only interest.4)整合笔记,最终开口(speaking) 以上我们讨论过如何在读文章和听材 料时做笔记,现在我们已经拥有两份笔记,可以开始答题了,不过


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