



1、职称英语等级考试综合类试题及答案(刀My parents didnt care much. They both smoked, and my older brother did too. My mother told me that smokers dont grow tall, but I was alreadyStaller than most of the boys in my class), so I was happy to hear that fact. In school, the teachers talked against smoking but the cigarette

2、 advertisements were so exciting. The men in the ads were so good-looking and so successful, and the women were-well, they were beautiful and sophisticated(老于世古攵的).I read a book called how to stop smoking. The writer said that smoking wastes time, and that cigarettes cost a lot of money. nSo what?n

3、I thought, the book didnt say that smoking can take away years of your life. But ten years later; every one began to hear about the negative effects of cigarette smoke: lung disease, cancer; and heart problems. After that, there was a health warning on every pack of cigarettes. I didnt pay much atte

4、ntion to the reports and warnings. I felt healthy, and I thought I was taking good care of myself.Then two events changed my mind. First, I started to cough. I thought it was just a cold, but it didnt get better.Second, my brother got lung cancer. He got sicker and sicker. My brother and I used to s

5、moke cigarettes together over twenty years age, and we smoked our last cigarettes together the day before he died. I sat with him in his hospital room, and I decided to quit nNO more cigarettes, ever/ I said to myself.However; it was very hard to stop, Nicotine(尼古丁)is a drug; as a result, cigarettes

6、 cause a powerful addiction. I tried several times to quit on my own-without success. I made excuses. I told myself: Smoking helps me keep my figure-i.e. I dont gain weight when I smoke. Smoking not only relaxes me but it also helps me think clearly. Im a free, liberated woman. I can smoke when I wa

7、nt to.Finally, I ran out of excuses-I might say my excuses went up in smoke. I joined the ”Stop Smoking1 program at the local hospital, which also ended up in failure.备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。本内容仅给予阅读编辑指点:1、本文件由微软0阡ICE办公软件编辑而成,同时支持WPS。2、文件可重新编辑整理。3、建议结合本公司和个人的实际情况逬行修正编辑。4、因编辑原因,部分文件文字有些微错误的,请自行修正,并不影响本文

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