



1、英语六级口语考前每日练习 7Im kind of hungry. How about you?Yeah, its lunch time.Im starving. /Im getting hungry.Im very hungry. /Im extremely hungry.I could eat a horse.Im thirsty. 我渴了 It smells good. /It smells nice.Im on a diet.Hows it going so far?现在感觉怎么样 ?This looks great! /This looks good!This looks delici

2、ous! My mouth is watering.This smells great! * They all look good.They all look so delicious, dont they?They both look great. Can I eat this? /Is this edible? You cant eat that. /Its inedible. Is this delicious? /Does this taste good?How is it?Its good. / Good.Its delicious. /Delicious!Yum-yum! /Umm

3、! /Mmm! * 比较随便 Yummy! * 女性和孩子们常用Its not good. /It doesnt taste good.This tastes strange. /This tastes funny. /This tastes weird. I eat anything. /I can eat anything.Dont overeat. /Dont eat too much. /Dont eat so much. Hes a big eater.I dont feel like eating anything.I drink like a fish.我是海量I get dru

4、nk easily.我酒量小I can hold my own.我酒量还可以。I can hold my liquor.I can drink a lot.Im a strong drinker. Cake is fattening.Would you like some coffee?Not now, thanks. Please pass me the salt. Could I have the salt, please? Salt, please?Could you hand me the salt, please?Its called misoshiru. 这是大酱汤This is

5、misoshiru.This is called misoshiru.How do you eat sushi?You dip it in soy sauce. 蘸酱油Place the sushi in some soy sauce.Can you use chopsticks? * 筷子What kind of fish is this?Oh, thats tuna.金枪鱼Its spicy. / Its hot.真辣 !Its salty.Its sweet.Its crispy. 真脆Its slimy. 真粘This coffee is not hot enough.This cof

6、fee is lukewarm.This bread is soggy. 面包没有烤透These potato chips are stale.这土豆片变味了These potato chips are soft.This milk is sour.这牛奶酸了Ill buy more today.This coffee tastes bitter. 这咖啡太苦了This coffee is bitter.This meat is tough.这肉太老This meat is tender.这肉挺嫩This has a strong flavor. 味很重This has a weak flav

7、or.味道淡Its too salty.Its too greasy. / Its too oily.太油腻Its too hot/cold. 太烫 / 凉了My mouth is burning.我的嘴都麻了My mouth is on fire.Would you like some?Yes, please. /No, thank you. Im fine.Do you want some?Id like some more wine.I dropped my fork.Id like another cup of coffee.That was good.That was delicio

8、us.Im very full.我吃饱了I couldnt eat another bite.Ive had enough.Im very hungry.There isnt enough food.Ill make more.Would you like another drink?No, I think Ive had enough.How do you like your coffee?您喝什么样的咖啡 ?Black will be fine. 清咖啡就可以了Just sugar, please 只放糖Just cream, please. 只放牛奶How do you like you

9、r coffee?With cream and sugar, please.How do you want you coffee? 以上在餐桌上吃饭场景的口语内容涵盖很广泛,希望大家注意在生活中加以运用,加强 自己的练习。备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。本内容仅给予阅读编辑指点:1、 本文件由微软 OFFICE办公软件编辑而成,同时支持WPS。2、文件可重新编辑整理。3、建议结合本公司和个人的实际情况进行修正编辑。4、因编辑原因,部分文件文字有些微错误的,请自行修正,并不影响本文阅读。Note: it is not the text. The followingparts can b

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