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1、Asking for WaysUnit 1Section : Reading1. location /lUkeISn/ n. 位置,场所e.g. This corner would make a good location for a gas station.这个拐角将是设立一个加油站的好地点。Youd better build your house in a fine location. 你最好把房子建在地点好的地方。More: locate v. 把设置在,找出(或指明)的位置2. destination /destIneISn/ n. 目的地,终点;目标,目的e.g. The packa

2、ge was sent to the wrong destination. 包裹被寄错地点了。The destination of his study is the law. 他的学习目标是法律。3. up-to-date /ptdeIt/ a. 现代的,有现代设备的;掌握最新信息的,跟上时代的e.g. Shanghai is an up-to-date and bustling city. 上海是一个现代化的繁华大都市。Scripts:New WordsThey are up-to-date on recent developments in the world computer indus

3、try. 他们了解世界计算机工业的最新发展。4. bustling /bslIN/ a. 活跃的,喧嚷的,忙乱的e.g. Xian is a bustling trading city. 西安是一个兴隆的贸易城市。He is bustling in and out now. 他现在非常忙碌。More: bustle v. 闹哄哄地忙乱,匆忙,使忙碌5. appeal /pil/ v. 有感染力,有吸引力;呼吁,恳求e.g. Jogging appeals as much to girls as to boys. 慢跑在女孩中同在男孩中一样受到欢迎。I appealed to the child

4、ren to make less noise. 我求孩子们别那么大声嚷嚷。More: appeal n. 呼吁,诉请;appealing a. 有感染力的,吸引人的6. beach /bitS/ n. 海滩,海滨度假胜地;(游泳场所旁边的)憩息沙滩e.g. My uncle spends the summer vacation at the beach. 我叔叔夏季常在海滨度假。They have put in a beach by the pool. 他们在游泳池边铺上人工沙滩。7. surf /sf/ v. 作冲浪运动,冲浪;激浪似地拍击(或)涌来e.g. When we were in

5、Hawaii we went surfing every day. 我们在夏威夷的时候,天天去冲浪。The lace frill of her dress surfed white in the sun. 她裙子上的网眼荷叶边在阳光下飘拂,仿佛白色的浪花阵阵泛起。Surfing on-line is his hobby. 网上冲浪是他的爱好。8. lure /ljU/ v. 引诱,诱惑;以诱饵吸引e.g. She lured him into a lane where her partner could rob him. 她引诱他,使他进了一条小巷,好让她的同伙抢他钱财。The youngst

6、ers were lured into a terrorist organization. 年轻人被诱骗加入了恐怖组织。More: lure n. 诱惑力,诱惑物,鱼饵9. worshiper /wSIp(r)/ n. (美) worshipper,(英) 崇拜者,敬重者;敬神者,拜神者e.g. He is a worshipper of money. 他是一个金钱崇拜者。Is he a regular worshipper? 他经常拜神吗?More: worship v. 崇拜,敬神10. stretch /stretS/ v. 展开,使延伸;伸直,伸长e.g. Mother stretch

7、ed a clothesline from a tree to a pole. 妈妈从树干到电线杆拉了一根晾衣绳。He stretched his arm up as far as he could. 他把手臂尽量往上伸。11. convenience /knvinjns/ n. 方便,合宜;舒适,好处e.g. Shopping bags are provided for the customers convenience. 为方便顾客备有购物袋。When and where will it suit your convenience for our next meeting? 我们下次见面什

8、么时候,什么地点对你方便?More: convenient a. 方便的,提供便利的;at your convenience 在你方便的时候,以你认为合适的方式12. display /dIspleI/ v. 使展现,展示;陈列,展出e.g. Notices are displayed on the bus asking people not to smoke. 公共汽车上张贴着请勿吸烟的布告。Shops are displaying summer clothes in their windows. 商店的橱窗里陈列着夏季服装。More: display n. 展示,展览,陈列品13. pas

9、time /pAstaIm/ n. 消遣,娱乐e.g. You can play cards as a pastime. 你可以把玩纸牌作为一种消遣。Golf is his favorite pastime. 打高尔夫球是他最喜爱的娱乐。14. jog /dZg/ v. 慢跑;轻摇,轻推,轻撞e.g. She jogs round the park for half an hour every morning. 她每天早晨绕着公园慢跑半小时。You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing. 你碰了我的胳膊肘,把我正在绘制的图画撞坏了。Mor

10、e: jogger n. 慢跑(健身锻炼)者;jogging n. 慢跑(健身锻炼);jogging pants 复慢跑长运动裤;jogging shoes 复(有软垫的)慢跑运动鞋15. trail /treiIl/ n. 小径;足迹,踪迹e.g. This trail leads to my home. 这条小路通向我的家。There is a snake trail in the sand. 沙地上有蛇爬过的痕迹。More: trail v. 跟踪,追踪;in trail 成一列纵队;off the trail 失去踪迹(或臭迹),偏离目标;on the trail 追踪,追猎;trai

11、l off (或away) 逐渐减弱,缩小16. stall /stl/ n. 货摊,书亭;(英)剧场的座位,s正厅前座观众e.g. The town square is full of traders stalls. 小镇的广场上摆满了生意人的货摊。I want two seats in the stalls. 我要两个正厅前座的座位。More: stall v. 支吾,拖延,推迟(off)17. exotic /IgztIk/ a. 外(国)来的,外国产的;奇异的,异国情调的e.g. This is an exotic word. 这是一个外来词。Many tourists are eag

12、er to visit this exotic tropical island. 很多游客渴望游玩这个有异国风情的热带岛屿。More: exotic n. 外国人,外来词;exotically ad. 外(国)来地;奇特动人地18. souvenir /suvnI/ n. 纪念品,纪念物e.g. He has kept a tea spoon as a souvenir of his journey. 他一直保存着一只茶匙作为旅游纪念。These pictures are of souvenir value. 这些照片有纪念价值。More: souvenir v. 留取作纪念品19. glim

13、pse /glImps/ n. 一瞥,一看;微露,少许e.g. My father had a glimpse of my homework. 我爸爸粗略地看了一下我的作业。There were glimpses of truth in what he said. 他在讲话中略微透露了一些事实真相。More: glimpse v. 瞥见,一瞥(at);catch (或get) a glimpse of 瞥见,看一看20. paddle /pQdl/ v. 用桨划(船);用船运送e.g. They are paddling a little boat in the lake. 他们在湖中划着一叶

14、小舟。He paddled us to shore in his canoe. 他划着独木舟把我们送到岸边。More: paddle n. (不用桨架的)短桨,桨21. canoe /knu/ n. (体长头尖的)小划子,独木舟e.g. The fisherman slid the canoe down to the water. 渔夫把小划子推下水去。Last weekend he made a canoe trip. 上周末他乘小划子出游。More: canoe v. 乘小划子渡过,用小划子载运;paddle ones own canoe 靠自己的力量向前,自力更生22. costume

15、/kstjum,-tjum/ n. 服饰,服装;戏装e.g. Were going to the party in eighteenth-century costume. 我们将穿上18世纪的服装去参加聚会。Some actors are wearing historical costume. 有些演员身穿古装。More: costume v. 为提供服装,给设计服装23. ancestral /Qnsestrl/ a. 祖先的,祖宗传下的e.g. These are my ancestral portraits. 这些都是我列祖列宗的画像。True French cuisine is anc

16、estral. 地道的法国烹饪法是祖传的。More: ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗24. memorial /mImrIl/ n. 纪念碑,纪念馆;为纪念而写的书e.g. The government is going to erect a memorial to a martyr round here. 政府准备在这儿为烈士立纪念碑。His memorial to his father was published. 他为纪念父亲而写的书已出版。More: memorial a. 纪念性的,记忆的;memory n. 记忆,记忆力25. wreck /rek/ n. (失事船舶等的)残骸

17、,沉船漂浮物;(船舶等的)失事,遇难e.g. The wrecks of the enemy planes were here and there. 到处都是敌机残骸。They were trying to save a ship from wreck. 他们正在设法营救遇难的船只。More: wreckage n. (船舶等失事后的)残货,沉船漂浮物,失事26. volcano /vlkeInU/ n. 火山;被抑制的强烈感情,随时可能爆发的状态e.g. That is an active volcano. 那是一座活火山。He nursed this volcano of wrath in

18、 his breast. 他满腔怒火中烧,一触即发。More: sit / sleep / stand on a volcano 置身于火山口,处境危险27. slope /slUp/ n. 斜坡,s山丘;斜度,斜率e.g. The sheep are in the northeast slope of the mountain. 羊群在山的东北坡。The road rises at a slope of 1 in 2. 道路以1比2的斜度上升。More: slope v. 倾斜,有坡度28. tunnel /tnl/ n. 隧道,地道e.g. There is an undersea tun

19、nel linking Britain and France. 英国和法国之间有一条相互连接的海底隧道。The prisoners dug a tunnel under their cell and so managed to escape. 犯人们在牢房底下挖了一条地道而终于越狱成功。1. appeal to 吸引;呼吁,要求e.g. Does the idea of working for a joint venture company appeal to you? 你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作?I appeal to your sense of justice. 我呼吁你们拿出正义感。2

20、. in store 准备着,储存有;即将来临的e.g. You should keep a few pounds in store for a rainy day. 你应该储蓄几磅以备不时之需。There is great trouble in store for her. 她即将遇到很大的麻烦。3. check out 查看,检查;结账离开,办妥手续离去e.g. Lets check out our luggage before we start out. 出发前查看一下行李吧。Has Mrs. Hyde checked out yet? 海德夫人已经结账离去了吗?4. no matter

21、 where. 不管哪里e.g. No matter where you go, Ill be right here waiting for you. 无论你走到哪里,我都会在这里等你。No matter where he is, Ill try to find him. 无论他在哪里,我都会尽量找到他。More: no matter how 不管怎样;no matter what 不管什么;no matter when 不管何时;no matter who 不管何人1. Honolulu is up-to-date and bustling, but it hasnt completely

22、lost the easy-goinglifestyle of the South Seas.译文:尽管火奴鲁鲁是个现代化的繁华城市,但它并未完全失去南海悠闲的生活方式。句中并列连词but表示转折关系,也可以用al though引导前面的句子,但是although和but 不能在句中同时出现。试比较:Although Honolulu is up-to-date and bustling, it hasnt completely lost the easy-goinglifestyle of the South Seas.2. The city of pineapple and sugarca

23、ne fits everyones idea of paradise.译文:这个盛产菠萝和甘蔗的城市是每个人心目中的天堂。本句中主语的中心词是city而不是pineapple and sugarcane,所以句中谓语动词fit用单数形式。根据主、谓一致原则,如果主语中心词是复数,谓语动词该用复数形式;如果主语中心词是单数名词或不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。e.g. Two girls were standing on the corner. 两个女孩正站在街角。Much effort is wasted. 很多努力都白白浪费。3. If sun and sand arent quite wh

24、at you want, Kapiolani Park near Waikiki hasmore than enough to keep you easy.译文:如果阳光和沙滩并非你所渴求的,那么怀基基海滩附近的卡匹奥拉尼公园足以使你尽情地享受安逸和舒适。本句是由if引导条件状语从句,从句中还包含有表语从句what you want。句中more than enough 表示很多、足够。常用的还有这样的表达方式:more than happy / glad / willing / content / pleased to do something 非常乐意做某事e.g. He was more

25、 than pleased to take you there in his car. 他十分愿意用车把你送去。4. Be sure to check out the giant banyan tree decorated with lanterns while youre there.译文:趁你在那儿之际,务必仔细看看用灯笼装饰的巨大的菩提树。句中过去分词短语decorated with lanterns作定语,修饰the giant banyan tree。while在句中引导的是时间状语从句,这里的while还可以用when代替。两个同时发生的事件,如果都有延续性,而且延续时间大致相等,

26、连词可用while,when。e.g. While / When I read, she sang. 我在看书时,她在唱歌。While还可以连接并列句,表示对比。e.g. She is very diligent, while he is very lazy. 她很勤奋,而他却很懒。5. A 300-meter-high volcano called Diamond Head guards the southern tip of Waikiki.译文:高三百米的钻石头火山守护着怀基基的南端。句中called Diamond Head是过去分词短语修饰名词volcano,作后置定语。300-me

27、ter-high是复合形容词,其中的meter不能用复数形式meters。再如:a ten-year-old girl 一个十岁的女孩。check your answers against the original. After that, read the passage alouduntil you can say it from memory.1. mind 2. lures 3. stretch 4. enough 5. to 6. store Understanding the Text1 Choose the best answer according to the text.1.

28、 A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A Using the Word1 Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of theitalicized word on the left of each sentence.1. located 2. displaying 3. performance 4. fits 5. thought(s)6. culture 7. convenient 8. tour 9. comfort 10. independence2 Fill in the blanks

29、with the words given below. Change the form wherenecessary.1. paradise 2. destination 3. explored 4. glimpsed 5. luring6. offer 7. residence 8. memorial 9. stretched 10. up-to-date Learning Expressions1 Complete each of the following sentences with one suitable word fromthe text.1. appealed 2. mind

30、3. than 4. introduce 5. store6. checked 7. taste 8. decorate 9. fitted 10. lies2 Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitablepreposition or adverb.1. in 2. including 3. for 4. in 5. for 6. of 7. as 8. through 9. how 10. over Practicing the Sentence PatternsRewrite the follow

31、ing sentences after the models.1. He was kind as well as sensible.Answer Key:2. In theory as well as in practice, the idea is sound.3. The child is lively as well as healthy.4. The lady named Mary is our English teacher.5. These samples made in China are of good quality.6. These conclusions based on

32、 facts are reasonable. Filling in the Missing Words.Read the passage with blanks and then fill in each of the following blanks withone suitable word.1. In 2. toward 3. to be 4. by 5. moving6. admired 7. solution 8. across 9. constructed 10. was completedPart B: Text B1. oriental /()rIentl/ a. 东方的,东方

33、国家的;东方人的,东方文化的e.g. Do you like the oriental way of life? 你喜欢东方国家的生活方式吗?Shanghai is well known to the world as the Oriental Pearl. 上海以东方明珠闻名于世。More: orient n. the Orient 东方,总称东方国家(指地中海以东的国家);orient v. 使适应,给定向2. pearl /pl/ n. 珍珠,人造珠;珍品,杰出典型e.g. The necklace consists of three strings of pearls. 这条项链由3串

34、珍珠组成。She is a pearl among women. 她是女中豪杰。3. literally /lItrlI/ ad. 逐字地,照着原文e.g. It is impossible to translate all proverbs literally. 谚语不可能都逐字直译。You cannot interpret the passage literally. 你不可以对该段文章进行字面解释。More: literal a. 逐字的,照字面的4. port /pt/ n. 港,港口;港市,口岸e.g. Shanghai is an important port. 上海是个重要的港口

35、。We reached port the next morning. 次日早晨我们抵港。5. commercial /kmSl/ a. 商业的,商务的;(可作为)商品的,以获利为目的的e.g. Shanghai is Chinas major commercial center. 上海是中国主要的商业中心。If a musician goes commercial, he is not a true one. 如果一个音乐家以逐利为目的,他就算不上真正的音乐家。More: commerce n. 商业,贸易6. formerly /fmlI/ ad. 以前,从前e.g. Formerly th

36、is large town was a small village. 这座大镇从前是个小村庄。Formerly he was my colleague. 以前他是我的同事。7. crown /kraUn/ v. 给戴上(花冠),授(以荣誉等);为加冕e.g. They crowned the victor with laurel. 他们给胜利者戴上桂冠。They crowned him athlete of the year. 他们正式公认他为本年度最佳运动员。More: crown n. 王冠,the crown 或 the Crown王位,(象征荣誉、胜利等的)花冠8. financial

37、 /faInQnSl,fI-/ a. 财政的,金融的e.g. Our company is in financial difficulties. 本公司正面临财政困难。Shanghai is Chinas financial center. 上海是中国的金融中心。More: finance n. 财政,金融;financier n. 理财家,金融家9. boost /bust/ v. 推动,提高;举,抬e.g. We need a holiday to boost our spirits. 我们需要休假一次以养精蓄锐。New WordsBoost me up so I can look in

38、the window. 抬我一把,这样我可以从窗户往里看。10. meanwhile /minwaIl;(us)mInhwaIl/ ad. 在间隔时间里;(与此)同时e.g. Theyll be here in ten minutes. Meanwhile, well have some coffee. 他们过10分钟就到。在他们到来之前我们先喝点咖啡。Eve was cutting the grass, meanwhile Adam was planting roses. 夏娃在割草,与此同时亚当在种玫瑰。11. overseas /Uvsiz/ a. (在)海外的,(在)国外的;(向或来自

39、)外国的e.g. The old man is an overseas Chinese. 这位老人是个华侨。They are overseas students. 他们是外国留学生。More: overseas ad. 在(或向)海外,在(或向)国外12. tourist /tUrIst/ n. 旅游者,游览者,观光者e.g. She showed a party of tourists round the museum. 她引领一个旅游团参观博物馆。Huangshan Mountain is always full of tourists in the summer. 夏季黄山游客云集。Mo

40、re: tourist a. 旅游的,观光的;tourism n. 旅游,旅游业;tour n. 旅行,参观13. unique /junik/ a. 独一无二的,独特的;唯一的,仅有的e.g. None of these social problems is unique to this country. 这些社会问题没有一个是这个国家所独有的。His unique concern was his own comfort. 他唯一关心的是自己是否舒服。14. charm /tSAm/ n. 魅力,魔力;引人喜爱的特征,迷人的特性e.g. This thriving resort town h

41、as retained its village charm. 这个繁荣的游览城市还保留着乡村风光的魅力。Her charm of manner made her very popular. 她迷人的风度使她深受欢迎。More: charm v. 使陶醉,迷住;charming a. 娇媚的,迷人的15. metropolis /mItrplIs/ n. 大城市,大都会;(一国或一地区的)首要城市(常指首都或首府)e.g. Shanghai is a busy metropolis. 上海是一个繁忙的大城市。New York is the metropolis of the United Sta

42、tes. 纽约是美国第一大都市。More: metropolitan a. 大城市的,具有大城市居民气派的16. function /fNkSn/ v. 行使职责,起作用(as); 活动,运转e.g. A library is functioning as a temporary hospital to cope with casualties. 图书馆充当临时医院处理伤员。The machine wont function well if you dont oil it. 你若不给机器加油,它就不能很好运转。More: function n. 官能,用途;functional a. 官能的,

43、在起作用的17. mercantile /mkntaIl/ a. 商业的;经商的;商人的e.g. Japan is a mercantile nation. 日本是个商业国。He was born in a mercantile family. 他出生在一个商人家庭。18. reign /reIn/ n. (君主)统治时期,(君主的)在位期;(君主的)统治,王权e.g. How long was the reign of Queen Victoria? 英国女王维多利亚在位有多久?Emperor Qian Long assumed active reign from his father. 乾

44、隆皇帝继其父王开始实施统治权。More: Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. 宁为鸡首,勿为牛后。(谚语)19. navigation /nQvIgeISn/ n. 航行,航海(术);导航e.g. This province mainly depends on inland navigation. 这个省主要靠内河航行。Im relying on you for navigation; just keep me on the road. 我要靠你指路,别让我开到错路上去。More: navigate v. 航行于,导航;navigable

45、 a. 可通航的,可驾驶的20. numerous /njumrs/ a. 许多的,众多的e.g. There are numerous differences between the two. 两者之间有不少差异。He has a numerous acquaintance among politicians. 他结识了不少政客。21. spectacle /spektkl/ n. 景象,奇观;公开展示,场面e.g. The sunrise as seen on the sea was a fine spectacle. 海上看到的日出真是美妙的奇观。A quarrel between dr

46、unken women is an unpleasant spectacle. 喝醉酒的女人吵架是个丑恶的场面。More: make a spectacle of oneself 使自己出丑,出洋相22. relic /relIk/ n. 遗迹,遗俗;纪念物e.g. This custom is a relic of ancient times. 这习俗乃是古代遗风。These are relics of his journey round the world. 这些是他周游世界旅行的纪念品。23. municipal /mjU()nIsIpl/ a. 自治市的,市(政)的;地方性的e.g.

47、The municipal government will take strong measures against pollution. 市政府将采取有力措施制止污染。Is this a municipal university? 这是一所市立大学吗?24. distinctive /dIstINktIv/ a. 特别的;有特色的e.g. They are a new and distinctive generation. 他们是有特色的新一代。Whats distinctive about the French Revolution? 法国大革命有什么特点?More: distinct a

48、. 有区别的,不同的;distinction n. 区分,差别25. characteristic /kQrIktrIstIk/ n. 特性,特色e.g. The capacity to think is the distinctive characteristic of our species. 思维能力是人类的特性。Windy days are characteristic of March. 有风天气是三月的特点。More: characteristic a. 独特的,典型的26. cherish /tSerIS/ v. 珍爱,珍视;抱有,怀有(希望、想法、感情等)e.g. Everyo

49、ne in the world cherishes peace. 世界上每个人都珍视和平。I always cherish the memory of my grandmother. 我常常怀念我的外婆。27. frequent /frikwnt/ v. 常到,时常出入于e.g. In his spare time he frequents the theatre. 业余时间里他常去看戏。Tourists frequent the place. 旅客常去该地。More: frequent a. 时常发生的,频繁的;frequently ad. 时常发生地,频繁地;frequency n. 次数

50、,频率28. cuisine /kwI()zin/ n. 烹饪(术);菜肴,饭菜e.g. The inns cuisine is American, not French. 这家旅馆做的是美国菜,不是法国菜。The cuisine is excellent at that restaurant. 那家饭店的饭菜精美。29. boast /bUst/ v. 以拥有而自豪,以做而感到光荣;夸口说,吹嘘e.g. A fishing village 30 years ago, it now boasts 150 major hotels. 那地方30年前还是一个渔村,现已为拥有150家大旅馆而自豪。H

51、e boasted that he had never had a serious illness. 他自夸从未生过大病。More: boast n. 自吹自擂,自夸的话;boastful a. 自吹自擂的,自夸的30. resort /rIzt/ n. 常去之地,胜地e.g. The park is one of his favourite resorts. 这公园是他最喜欢去的地方之一。North Daihe is a summer resort. 北戴河是个避暑胜地。More: resort v. 常去,成群结队地去31. melt /melt/ v. 使融合,使逐渐变化;使融化,使熔化

52、e.g.The distance melts the varied colours into one. 从远处望去,几种不同的颜色会融合成一种颜色。The sun melted the snow. 阳光使雪融化。More: melting a. 融化的,温柔的;melt away (冰、雪等)融化掉,(使)逐渐散去32. capacity /kpQsItI/ n. 容量,吸收力;(做某事的)能力,力量e.g. The stadium has a seating capacity of 18000. 这个体育场能容纳18000名观众。They always think of military power in terms of potential capacity for action. 他们总是根据作战潜力来估量军事力量。33. tolerance /tlrns/ n. 容忍,宽容;忍耐(力)e.g. Tolerance between the races of the world is a must. 全世界各种族间的互谅互让是必不可少的。My tolerance of noise is limited. 我对噪声的忍耐力


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