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1、名校名 推荐湖北省随州市2017-2018 学年八年级英语下学期第一阶段试题试卷总分: 120 分 考试时间: 120 分钟第一部分:听力测试(25 分)一、听句子,选择最佳答语。(5 分 )()1.A.No , I wasnt.BYes, I did.C Yes, we do.()2.A.In an animal hospital. BI went on a vacation.C Last year.()3.A.Make some notices. B I didnt see him.C I helped him with the homework.()4.A.Sounds interest

2、ing. B See you later.CYoure welcome.()5.A.My brother is in a bank. B She volunteers at a school.C Because I want to help others.二、听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5 分)()6.A.The girls classmate. BThe boy.C The girl.()7.A.He studied until midnight. B He fell down.C He coughed all the time.()8.A.At 8 : 30 p m. BAt 8 : 0

3、0 p m.C At 7 : 30 p m.()9.A.Watch a movie. BTake after school classes. CTake dance classes.()10.A.The girl. B The girls parents.C The girls brother.三、听长对话,选择正确答案。(5 分 )听第一段对话,回答第11 12 小题。()11.What is wrong with Maria?A She hurt her leg when she played basketball.B She failed in the last English exam

4、.C Something was wrong with her mother.()12.What will Tom do to help Maria?ATo help her study English. B To talk with Marias parents.CTo work harder next time.听第二段对话,回答第13 15 小题。()13.How is Sue feeling now?AHappy.B Worried.C Tired.1名校名 推荐()14.Why do Sues parents want Sue to study all day?A Because t

5、hey expect her to get good grades.B Because they think students should always study hard.C Because they want her to go to a good university.()15.What did Sue decide to do?ATo argue with her parents.B To talk with her parents.CTo leave her parents.四、听短文,选择正确答案。(5 分 )()16.How old is the womans son?A8

6、years old. B9 years old. C10 years old.()17.Where was the old man?AIn the store.B Near the car. C()18.Why did the old man want to look for work?ABecause he wanted to buy a birthday card.BBecause he wanted to help some poor people.CBecause he wanted to buy a bus ticket home.()19.How much did the woma

7、n and her son give the old man?A$5. B $10. C$15.()20.How did the old man feel when he got the money? At the bus station.ALucky. B Surprised. CRich.五、听短文,完成下面的表格。每空一词。(5 分 )What they did for MaryA TV stationSet up a call in _21_Some famous peopleCalled and hoped totake Mary to the best_22_A newspaper

8、Wrote a(n) _23_ about Mary s troubleMarys _24_Gave her family moneyMarys classmatesHanded out papers with Marys _25_ on2名校名 推荐them in the streets第二部分:笔试部分(95 分)六、单项选择。 ( 10 分)()26.We should take good care of _ old. Youre right.A the B a C an D /()27. Did you buy that watch? No. I_ my money.A used ou

9、t B ran out of Cuse up D ran out()28.I saw her_ basketball when I walked on the playground this morning.A practices B practiced Cpracticing Dto practice()29.I used to_ clothes in shops,but now Im used to _ them online.A buying ; buying Bbuy ; buy C buying ; buy D buy; buying()30. My mother cut her h

10、and when she was cooking. _.A It doesnt matter B Dont worryC Yes, thats right D Im sorry to hear that()31.Mary takes _ her mother. Yes. She is similar_ her mother.A for ; as B to ; with C after; to D away; from()32. At times, parents find it difficult _ with their teenage children.A. talk B. talked

11、C. talking D. to talk()33. It is _ interesting book that I want to read it again.A. so an B. such a C. such an D. so a()34. The _ we are, the fewer mistakes well make.A. careful B. more careful C. more carefully D. most careful()35.Whats the matter? _ of my friends hurt in a car accident. Im going t

12、o visit them. A Every B Each C Several D Until3名校名 推荐七、完形填空。 ( 15 分)Once a man and his36worked for an old man There was a big37in the oldmans living room The old man pointed to the box and said Theres only one thing you38do Dont open the box 39saying this he left his homeThewomansaidto her husband T

13、here must be40expensivein the box Letsopenit ,shallwe? Her husband said41toher But the womandidntgiveup her42 Oneday, she decidedto findout43wasin it Her husband didntstop her She opened thebox and lookedinside To her44 ,she found nothingin the box She triedhard to closeit ,but she45Thateveningthe o

14、ld man came home and found the box was46 He was very47andasked the woman and her husband to leave his homeBut there was48in the box the woman said We havent taken anything atall The old man49them The box isnot important,but I cannot50you Thatsimportant!36.A. sisterB. wifeC. brotherD. daughter37.A. b

15、oxB. bookC. computerD. desk38.A may notB mustntC dare notD neednt39.A AfterB ForC ByD Before40.A nothingB everythingCsomethingD anything41.A noB yesC goodbyeD much42.A workB boxC WayD idea43.A whichB whatC whoD that44.A. surprisedB. surpriseC. surprisingD. surprises45.A didB refusedC failedD succeed

16、ed46.A lostB openC emptyD broken47.A honestB happyC carefulD angry48.A. nothingB. anythingC. everythingD. something49.A turned to B listened toC shouted atDsmiled at50.A. loveB. helpC. believeD. drive八、阅读理解。 ( 30 分, A、 B、C 三篇为单项选择,D 篇为根据上下文语境补全短文)4名校名 推荐AMedicalexpertssay most Americansdo notgetenou

17、gh sleep.Theysay more Americansneedto take a napthatis torestfora shortperiodinthemiddle oftheday.They give peopleadviceto sleep lightlybeforecontinuingwithotheractivities.Theexpertssay naps mightimprove health by reducing pressure.Some European and LatinAmerican companieshave supportedthe ideaof na

18、ppingformanyyears.Theyask peopleto leavework , go home and have a nap beforereturning.Inthe UnitedStates, some companies letworkersrestsimplyintheiroffices.Theybelievethiscan helpworkers make fewer mistakes and also increase the amount of work that a person can do.Sleep experts say it is likely that

19、 people make more mistakes at work than at othertimes.They say people should not carry out important tasks when they feel sleepy.And theysay thebestthing todo isto take a nap.Abouttwentyminutes ofrestisall you need.Expertssay this provides extra energy and can increase your effects until the end of

20、the day.Butexperts said that a nap should last nomore than twenty to thirty minutes.A longer napwill put the body into deep sleep and waking up will be difficult.()51.What will happen to the workers if they keep on working without any rest?A They will get a lot of money.B They will fail in their job

21、s and even cause a lot of trouble.C They will live a happy life in the future.D They will feel better after finishing everyday jobs.()52 .Themeaningoftheunderlinedword“reducing ”inthefirstparagraphis“_”A加大B 缓解C 产生D 制造()53.The passage mainly talks about _.A taking a nap during the dayBthe disadvantag

22、es of taking a napC Americans who dont have a nap during the weekendsD the advantages of deep sleepBMy fatherchanged hisjob when I was ten years old ,so my familymoved to anothercity.Iwent to a new school.On the first day of my new school, I was very nervous.A girl named5名校名 推荐Rose smiled( 微笑 ) at m

23、e and asked me to sit near her.Later,we became good friends.I wasa little shy before.But I became more active and outgoing because of her.We cantsee each otheroftennow because we arenotin the same city.However, we writeto each other all the time.In two weeks, it will be her twentieth birthday.I want

24、 to giveher a special present.A wallet or a card wont be very good.Finally, I decided to buy alovely dog.I hope that a dog can be a good company for her.When we have troubles,our friends will help us get over them.When we feel upset,they will try to do what they can to make us happy.They are a great

25、 treasure(财富 ) in ourlife.()54.The writers family moved to another city when she was _ years old.A nine B ten C eleven Dtwenty()55.The writer became more active and outgoing _.A before she left her old schoolB after she became friends with RoseC before she knew RoseD after she left her new school()5

26、6.In the end the writer decided to buy Rose _ on her twentieth birthday.A a cardB a walletC a lovely dogD two lovely toys()57.The underlined word“they ” refers to(指的是) _.A troubles BpresentsC jobs D friendsCThe British Museum is a great building in London, not far from London University.Itsone of th

27、e threelargestmuseumsinthe world.Whatinterestsmany peoplemore thananythingelse is the large library.You can find any English book you want there.And many books init are in foreign languages or translated (翻译 )into English.There are millions of(大量的 )booksthere.Thelibraryalsohas a readingroom.Thereare

28、tablesand chairsforstudentswho wishto studythere.Butifyou want to borrowbooks toread , you must firstgeta readersticket from the office.One cant borrow books without a ticket.In otherpartsof themuseum, there arerooms and halls.Therearethings fromcountriesal l over the world inthem.Theyhelppeopletoun

29、derstandthehistoryofforeigncountries.There are many pictures on show in the museum.Most of the pictures are verygood.Visitorscan buy some of them.If you gotoLondon, dontforget topay a visitto the6名校名 推荐British Museum.()58.What interests people most in the British Museum?A The library.B The universit

30、y. C The picture. D The reading room.()59.What should you have if you want to borrow books from the library?A Money.B A cardC A students ID card.D A readers ticket.()60.Which of the following is TRUE?A You can buy any of the pictures in the museum.B The British Museum is in London University.C You c

31、an find books in many languages in the library.D Students must have a ticket if they want to study in the library.DIts very important to know the relation between children and sports.61Children usually get physical exercise, so they are healthier and stronger when theygrow up.62Also, they get to kno

32、w the importance of working hard.63First, the special skills that the sport needs should not be too hard. Second,dontpush the childto takeup a sportthathe or she doesntlike.64Thechildshouldlearn a game and develop it at his or her own speed(速度 ) This will also give him or herthe chance(机会 ) to choos

33、e a right sport.The relation between children and sports is usually discussed by many families overthe world.65A. Remember to choose a sport that fits the childs age and know the childs ideas on anysport.B. It is also important to remember not to push a child too hard to play a game.C. And they beco

34、me more outgoing.D. Parents should know that sports play an important part in the development of a child.E. Whenparentschoose a sportfortheirchildren,they should remember the followingthings.九、单词拼写。根据音标或首字母提示补全单词。(5 分)66. Kate felt very?k?sa?t ?d when she won the first prize.67.Itsdifficultto _ k ?m

35、ju:n ?ke?twithhim , because he cantspeak Chinese.68. Its a w_ of time to sit here without doing anything.7名校名 推荐69. Betty i_ her friends to her birthday party yesterday.70. Do you mind me s_ here? Youd better not.十、完成句子。 ( 10 分)71 、她最终成功了,因为她从没放弃自己的梦想。She was successful finally,because she never _ _

36、 her dream.72、在这里志愿服务对我来说是美梦成真。here is a dream comefor me.73 、我弟弟喜欢在墙上张贴一些画。My brother likes _ _ some pictures on the wall.74 、你能借我一些钱吗?Could you _ some money _ me?75 、他正在浏览今天的报纸。He is _ _ todays newspaper.十一、短文填空。 ( 10 分)选择方框里的单词并用正确形式填空,每空一词。shout, what, without, lie, along, quick, onto, save, exp

37、ect, himAt 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going76 Zhonghua Road when the driver sawan old man77 on the side of the road. A woman next to him was78for help.The bus driver,24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped thebus79thinking twice. He gotoff and asked the woman 80happened.She said thatthe man had a heartproblem and shouldgo to thehospit


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