2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8课时分层作业:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ Word版含解析_第1页
2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8课时分层作业:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ Word版含解析_第2页
2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8课时分层作业:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ Word版含解析_第3页




1、课时分层作业(六)section 、语言知识练习固基础.语境填词a)根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1im just curious.we dont have to talk about it if it bothers(打扰) you.2mary will take care of the babyshe owes(欠) me a favour.3he couldnt resist laughing at the sight of the funny comic.4when asked,she confirmed that she was going to retire5many work

2、ers went on a strike for better living conditions.b)在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式6he didnt want to bother her with his financial problems on their honeymoon.7i couldnt resist laughing(laugh) when seeing his amusing expression.8the message that the plane will take off on time makes everybody happy.9workin

3、g hard,she is bound to rank(rank) first in the coming exam.10they decided to postpone the trip,owing(owe) to the change of the weather.完成句子1they stayed in the snow for several days,cold and hungry他们在雪地里待了几天,又冷又饿。2the advantage is that we have a good command of english.优势是我们很好地掌握了英语。3many parents hol

4、d the view that teenagers shouldnt spend too much time online.很多父母持这样的观点:青少年不应该花太多时间上网。4he didnt even bother to let me know he was coming.他甚至都没通知我他要来。5he owed his failure to his bad luck.他把他的失败归因于运气不好。高考题型练习提能力阅读理解amarket research has been done to see if people would accept meat from either cloned a

5、nimals or the offspring (后代) of clones.a study done by the international food information council in 2007 asked us respondents if they would buy meat,milk,and eggs from cloned animals.of the respondents,10% would be “very likely”,36% would be “somewhat likely”,while 28% would be “not too likely” and

6、 a quarter “not at all likely”the respondents were slightly more favourable when asked the same question about the offspring of cloned animals.in the us,the hormone(激素) rbst is given to cows to increase milk production.in the eu and a number of other places such hormone treatment is banned.but even

7、in the us,milk and meat is often labelled as rbst hormone free.the us food and drug administration (fda)is not requiring labelling for meat from cloned animals or offspring of clones because its position is that there is no scientific difference between that and noncloned meat.it has said it will pe

8、rmit voluntary labelling.and despite the scientific evidence it gave,there are still plenty of critics against its position on cloned meat.after the 2008 guidance was published,senator barbara mikulski said,“the fda has acted recklessly and i am very disappointed in their rush to allow cloned foods.

9、just because something created in a lab doesnt mean we should have to eat it.if we discover a problem with cloned food after it is in our food supply and its not labelled,the fda wont be able to recall it.”【语篇解读】一个组织做了一项调查和研究来了解人们是否接受克隆动物或克隆动物后代的肉,结果如何呢?1whats the aim of the international food infor

10、mation councils study?ato prove cloned foods are safe.bto persuade people to eat cloned foods.cto find the possible bad effects of cloned foods.dto know peoples attitudes towards cloned foods.d细节理解题。由第一、二段可知,international food information council进行这一调查和研究的目的是了解人们对克隆食品的态度。2the underlined word “reckle

11、ssly” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “ ”acarelesslybformallyceffectively duselesslya词义猜测题。根据下文“我很失望他们草率地许可了克隆食物”,可以判断前面“recklessly”一词应该表示“草率地;鲁莽地”之意。3according to senator barbara mikulski, acloning animals is illegalbcloned foods should be labelledccloned foods should be forbiddendcloned fo

12、ods have health problemsb推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句话,即barbara mikulski所说的“如果人们食用了克隆食品出了健康问题的话,如果没有标签这些食物将无法被召回”可推断他认为应该把克隆食品贴上标签,因此判断b项正确。4whats the best title for the passage?awhy do people in the us not like to accept cloned food?bdifferences between cloned and noncloned meatcwhat are the attitudes towards

13、 cloned food in the us?dvarious responses to a study on cloned foodc主旨大意题。该文主要讲述了美国人对待克隆食品的态度以及存在的种种争议,因此c项作标题最合适。bhave you seen jurassic park?in this film,scientists use dna kept for tens of millions of years to clone dinosaurs.they find trouble,however,when they realize that the cloned creatures a

14、re smarter and more dangerous than expected.thats nothing more than a fiction.but could we really clone endangered animals?to date,the most successful attempt to do so was the cloning of a gaur,a rare oxlike animal from southeast asia.scientists used a cow to bring the cloned baby gaur,named noah.tw

15、o days after birth,however, noah died from a common bacterial infection.other endangered species that may be cloned include the african bongo antelope,the sumatran tiger,the cheetah(猎豹),and the giant panda.next,could we really clone extinct animals?in theory?yes.to do this,you need a wellkept source

16、 of dna from the extinct animals such as wool mammoth(毛象),tasmanian tiger,or even dinosaur,and a closely related species,still living,which could serve as a surrogate motherin reality?probably not.on the one hand,its not likely that extinct animals dna could survive undamaged for such a long time.cl

17、oning such extinct animals as wool mammoth,tasmanian tiger,or dinosaur is much more difficult due to the lack of properly wellpreserved dna.on the other hand,for example,a gaur can have a cow as a surrogate mother,definitely not a monkey.but what about an extinct animal as unique as the panda?what s

18、pecies could possibly serve as a surrogate mother?cloning presents many exciting possibilities.however,even if extinct animals were brought back,they could not survive in todays world.not only do most extinct animals have no habitat to live in,but the other plants and animals they depended on for fo

19、od may also be gone as well.【语篇解读】本文说明了在克隆灭绝动物的过程中遇到的种种困难与障碍。即使克隆成功了,其赖以生存的食物链也已经被破坏,被克隆出来的动物也无法继续生存下去。5it can be learned from the text that athe gaur is an extinct speciesbthe gaur lives in asia and is endangeredcscientists have cloned the african bongo antelopedboth the cheetah and the giant panda

20、 live in asiab细节理解题。根据第二、三段可知,印度野牛生活在亚洲的东南部,濒临灭绝。6the underlined words “a surrogate mother” probably refer to a female who agives birth to a baby of its ownbcannot give birth to a babycgives birth to a baby for another femaledprovides dnac词义猜测题。根据第五段的描述可知,此处表示的是,把一种动物的dna提取出来之后,在另外一种动物的体内进行胚胎繁殖,而这种动物就被称为a surrogate mother,由此判断,画线部分意思为“代孕妈妈”,故c项正确。7the difficulty in cloning an extinct


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