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1、+人教版英语七年级上册英语知识点归纳(summary of important and difficult points)1. good morning/ afternoon/ evening (英语中常见见面问候语) 在一些非正式场合或日常生活 中,熟人及朋友间经常用 morning/ afternoon/ evening! good night 晚安,再见(晚上分别 或就寝前道别用语)2. 冠词 定冠词: the (表强调、特指或上文提到过的内容) eg. the white coat is mine.不定冠词: aan (修饰的名词为元音音素发音时) an hour/eraser/ora

2、nge/office worker3.in +语言 (表示使用,利用某种语言) eg. whats this /that in english/ chinese? its =whats the english for this/ that?4. 英语中的元音:a, e, i, o, u5. 英语中的缩略现象:whats=what is( 称作缩略符,它可将两个单词连接,是说话的语言更加流 畅和简洁。) im=i am theyre=they are hes=he is name s=name is6. 自我介绍:im=my name is7. 英语国家的姓与名:名字 +姓(jim green)

3、在非正式或熟人之间,经常直呼其名。在正式场合 或陌生人之间,经常在姓氏 前加 mr.(先生)、ms.( 婚姻状况不明 )女士、 miss( 未婚 )女士,小姐, mrs.(已婚)女士 eg. mr. black miss. zhang 姓和名都要大写lucy smith(first/given name) (last/family name)8. id card (identity card) 身份证,(个人身份)信息卡(在学校中 id card 可指学生的学生证,即 school id card)9. 公共电话号码:120(医疗急救),119(火警),110(报警),114(电话查询),12

4、2(交通事故 处理),10086(移动客服),12315 (消费者投诉中心),121 (天气预报),12348 (法律援助)10. 英语国家家庭成员的关系:grandparents (grandpa/ grandma)-parents(father/ mother/uncle/aunt)-son/daughter(sister/ brother/ cousin) 在称呼不同的亲戚时,为了加以区分, 会在后面加上人的名字,比如 aunt sally, sister mary11. have a good day! (用语表达祝愿,祝愿对方一天有好心情和好运气) day 可以换成其他词 -than

5、ks. you, too.(表示把同样的祝福送给对方) 你(们)也是12. here is/ are 这是,这儿有(用于介绍或引入话题) eg. here are some of my friends.13. 狗在西方国家的地位:人们喜欢饲养宠物,并且对 它们很有感情,常把动物视作家庭成员。 人们通常用 she/ he 来称呼动物,而不用 it.14. excuse me(用于询问、求助或请求) 打扰一下,劳驾15. what/ how about? (用于非正式场合进行反问或征求意见) 怎么样?what/ how about n.(名词 )/ v.-ing(动词 ing) what abou

6、t that skirt? how about going out? 16.名词所有格现象,表示 的 as and b s a and bs students 17.thank you/ thanks for+ n./v-ing 因而感谢 (for 表原因)eg. thank you/ thanks for your help.=thank you/ thanks for helping me.18.关于拼写:how do you spell it?/ can you spell it?/ spell it, please/ do you know how to spell it? 19.lo

7、st and found 失物招领处 (在西方国家学生丢失或捡到东,会写一个 lost 或 found 便条) 20.ask sb to do sth 要求某人去做某事 eg. my mother asks me not to go outside after 6:00 p.m.ask sb for sth 向某人要某物 eg. he asks his mother for some money.21. must 必须,一定(主观)+v 原 i must go now.have (has) to 必须,不得不(客观) +v 原 he has to get up early in the mor

8、ning.22. a set of一套,一副 a set of books/ music cds two sets of books22. come on 赶快,快点儿,加油(表示催促、鼓励、安慰等) come on, jack!24. 连词(把两个独立的短句练成一个较长的句子):and(表并列)和,并且,同时; but(表转折) 但是,然而;so(表承接)所以,因此25. 英语中关于球类的词汇:tennis 网球;ping-pong 乒乓球; soccer 英式足球-football 美式足球; volleyball 排球; basketball 篮球; billiards 桌球;ball

9、球(总称); bat(球棒,球拍) play+运动26. let sb do sth 让某人做某事(let 后接代词宾格) let us play football together.27. i think表示“我想.,我认为”,用来表达自己的判断或想法 i think he is right.28. 感官动词:sound, taste, seem, feel, smell it sounds great.听起来 尝起来 看起来 感觉起来 闻起来29.介词(表名词、代词与句中其他词的关系):in ;on ;at;under;from;to;about;with;for 30.西方食物 hamb

10、urger(汉堡包), salad(沙拉):hamburger 简称 burger, 是西方经典快餐食物。传统汉堡将面包从中间切开,夹入蔬菜、牛肉饼和调味酱。此外,还可以做成不同口味的汉堡, 如 chicken(鸡肉)/fish(鱼肉)/cheese(奶酪)/veggieburger(时蔬)汉堡。 salad(沙拉)是西餐 中经典的凉拌菜。传统的沙拉是将蔬菜洗净,切成块状或片状,与沙拉酱混合,拌匀即可。沙 拉可分为 frui(水果)/ potato(土豆)/ seafood(海鲜) salad.31.think of(想,认为) think about(考虑,思考) think over(仔细

11、考虑) think as(把 视为) 32.在英语中,人们较忌讳使用“fat”一次,而改用其他委婉说法; 人们也很少询问他人的年龄、工资和婚姻状况等较为隐私的信息。33. be on sale 降价销售,大甩卖,促销甩卖34. 介词和时间的搭配 in+时间段(表在这段时间内) in the morning/afternoon/eveningon+星期(表在星期几) on monday/tuesday/wednesday/thusday/friday on+具体时间(表在那一天) on october 1st, 1949at+时间点(表在几点) at half past threebefore(

12、在之前)/after(在之后)+时间点 before nine o clock35.表告别 see you=goodbye 再见see you later.一会儿见,回头见see you then.稍后见see you+时间 时候见36. school day 学校开放日,学校活动日(当 day 大写时,成为专有名词,表示节日、纪念日及其 他有纪念意义的日子。英、美国家中小学非常重视学生的课余活动,每年都会组织各种各样的 活动来丰富学生的生活,培养他们的社会能力。37. term 学期 school year 学年38. can 可以,能够+动词原形39. have 的用法 have a cl

13、ass/ lesson 上课have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 吃早/中/晚餐have a soccer game 举行足球比赛have a party 举办聚会40. a:mr. wangs english class is very interesting. b:that s for sure.(确实如此)41. fromto从到(表示时间、地点范围) from monday to friday from beijing to shanghai 42.英语中书信和电子邮件的格式 称谓: dear lily,正文:每段开头空 4 个字符落款:43.is that ok

14、 with you?那对你来说合适吗?44英语中的词汇按词性(part of speech)划分,可分为名词 n.、动词 v.、形容词 adj.、副词 adv.、 介词 prep.、冠词 art.、代词 pron.、数词 num.、连词 conj.、感叹词 interj.十类词。45.本册书中的语法介绍自己、询问他人 whats your name? whats his name? whats her name? is he jack?are you helen?介绍他人、辨认人物alan/im alan/my name is alan. hes eric/his name is eric.s

15、hes mary/her name is mary. yes, he si./no, he isnt. he is mike. yes, i am./no, im not. im gina.this is my friend jane. thats my grandfather.these are my brothers. those are my parents.whos she? shes my sister.whos he? hes my brother.whore they? they re my grandparents.确认物品所属关系is this your pencil? ye

16、s, it is. its mine./ no, is isnt. its hers.is this his green pen? yes, it is./ no, is isnt. the blue pen is his.is that your schoolbag? yes, it is./ no, is isnt. its his.are these your books? yes, they are./ no, they arent. theyre hers.are those her keys? yes, they are./ no, they arent. theyre mine.

17、确认物品的位置关系wheres the map? its in your grandparents room.where are my books? theyre on the sofa.wheres his pencil box? its in his schoolbag.wheres your ruler? its under the chair.where are their keys? they re on the table.谈论物品所属关系do you have a baseball? yes, i do./ no, i dont. i have a volleyball.do y

18、ou have a ping-pong bat? yes, i do./ no, i dont. i have a ping-pong ball.does she have a tennis ball? yes, she does./ no, she doesnt. she has a baseball. does he have a soccer ball? yes, he does./ no, he doesnt. he has two ping-pong bats. do they have a basketball? yes, they do./ no, they dont. they

19、 have a volleyball.谈论好恶do you like salad? yes, i do./ no, i dont.do they like pears? yes, they do./ no, they dont.does she like tomatoes? yes, she does./ no, she doesnt.i like oranges. i dont like bananas.we like rice. we dont like hamburgers.he like ice-cream. he doesnt like vegetables.询问价格how much

20、 is the hat? its five dollars.how much is this t-shirt? its seven dollars.how much is that brown sweater? its eighty yuan.how much are these socks? they re two dollars.how much are those black trousers? they re nine dollars.谈论日期when is your birthday? my birthday is on may 2nd.when is his birthday? h

21、is birthday is on january 17th.when is her birthday? its in august.when is alices birthday? her birthday is on september 5 when is your father s birthday? his birthday is on april 21st谈论喜好,说明理由whats your favorite subject? my favorite subject is science.whats his favorite subject? his favorite subjec

22、t is chinese.whats her favorite subject? her favorite subject is art.why does bob like history? because its interesting.why do frank and bob like p.e.? because its fun.who is your music teacher? my music teacher is miss. xie. when is your math class? its on monday and friday.th.名词的分类、名词所有格、代词的主格和宾格、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词、指示代词、 数词(基数词和序数词)、一般现在时、助动词、介词的不同意义、句子的种类(陈述句、疑 问句、祈使句、感叹句)。january february march april may june一月二月三月四月五月六月july august september octo


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