1、系统建模与仿直/、实验题目:物流路径系统及成本分析 学 院:能源科学与工程学院 专业班级:工业09-3班学 号:310902020316姓 名:刘玉龙、问题靠背back、坐垫seat、椅腿leg以2 min 一套的速度进入流水线;组装部门 以6 min/件的速度进行组装;喷漆部门(喷成红色、绿色或黄色)的生产速度是 10 min/件,合格率为90%;检验部门的工作速度为 3min/件,有部分由于喷漆不 合格,被送回重新喷漆,装部门(相同颜色的4把椅子打成一包)的工作效率为4min/件,然后被运走。、实验目的1)了解生产线物流路径系统的设计。2)学会使用 Match命令和Perce nt命令。3
2、)分析物流成本的构成及其影响因素。通过在系统布局窗口单击鼠标右键,将弹出元素定义窗口,通过元素定义窗 口定义下列元素:(1) part: Back Seat、Legs(2) buffer: B1、B2、B3、Paint_Q、Inspection_Q、Packing_Q(3) path: path1、path2、path3、path4、path5(4) machine: Assembly、Painting、Inspection、Packing(5) labor: Inspector(6) variable: x、output、cost(7) attribute : c四、元素可视化设置模型的可视
3、化效果如图4-1所示:图4-1生产线物流路径系统可视化效果图1、Part和Buffer元素可视化设置在元素选择窗口分别选择 Back Seat、Legs元素,鼠标右键点击 Display出 现如图4-2所示对话框,设置它们的 Name、Icon和Style属性项。lar匠Display Part - SeatUpdate|Style - Siimlation L | | 童11螫| 毋 | 罔 11 曲 | | 昭 |图4-2 Display对话框分别选择 B1、B2、B3 Paint_Q、Inspection_Q、Packing_Q元素,设置它们的 Name、Icon、Part和 Queue
4、属性项,在 Display Part Queue对话框(如图 4-3)中设置Part Queue属性项的Queue Type选择为Count Display Size设置为3位,则这些缓冲区将采用计数的方式动态显示缓冲区内的 Part的数量。Display Part QueueLabel:|Fart QueueQ口ene Type1 * Count广QueuteForegjroui.dOpaqiieTextDi spl ay M ax i irnun1-土图 4-3 Display Part Queue 对话框2、Path元素的可视化设置分别选择path1、path2、path3、path4、
5、path5,设置它们的Name属性项和 Path属性项、Display Path对话框(如图4-4)。Display Path - Pathl图 4-4 Display Path 对话框五、各个兀素细节设计1、ELEMENT NAME: BackEleme nt Type:PartType:Variable attributesGroup nu mber:1In ter Arrival Time:2.0First Arrival at:0.0Maximum Arrivals:Un limitedIn put / Output Rules Output: PUSH to B22、ELEMENT
6、NAME: LegsEleme nt Type:PartType:Variable attributesGroup nu mber:1In ter Arrival Time:2.0First Arrival at:0.0Maximum Arrivals:Un limitedIn put / Output Rules Output:PUSH to B33、ELEMENT NAME: SeatEleme nt Type:PartType:Variable attributesGroup nu mber:1In ter Arrival Time:2.0First Arrival at:0.0Maxi
7、mum Arrivals:Un limitedIn put / Output Rules Output:PUSH to B14、ELEMENT NAME: PathlEleme nt Type:PathSource Eleme nt:AssemblyDesti natio n Eleme nt:Pai nt_QTraverse Time:15.0Update In terval:0.01Acti ons Front:cost = cost + 1.55、ELEMENT NAME: Path2Eleme nt Type:PathSource Eleme nt:In specti onDesti
8、natio n Eleme nt:Packi ng_QTraverse Time:15.0Update In terval:0.01Acti ons Front:cost = cost + 1.56、ELEMENT NAME: Path3Eleme nt Type:PathSource Eleme nt:Pain ti ngDesti natio n Eleme nt:In specti on_QTraverse Time:10.0Update In terval:0.01Acti ons Front:cost = cost + 1.07、ELEMENT NAME: Path4Eleme nt
9、 Type:PathSource Eleme nt:In specti onDesti natio n Eleme nt:Pai nt_QTraverse Time:10.0Update In terval:0.01Acti ons Front:cost = cost + 1.08、ELEMENT NAME: Path5Eleme nt Type:PathSource Eleme nt:Pack ingDesti natio n Eleme nt:SHIPTraverse Time:5.0Update In terval:0.01Acti ons Front:cost = cost + 0.5
10、9、ELEMENT NAME: SeatEleme nt Type:PartType:Variable attributesGroup nu mber:In ter Arrival Time:12.0First Arrival at:0.0Maximum Arrivals:Un limitedIn put / Output Rules Output:PUSH to B110、ELEMENT NAME: AssemblyEleme nt Type:Mach ineQua ntity:1Priority:LowestType:AssemblyAssembly Qty:3Cycle Time:6.0
11、In put / Output Rules In put:MATCH/ANY B1 #(1)B2 #(1)B3 #(1)Output:PUSH to Pai nt_Q Us ing PathActio ns Fin ish:ICON = 14311、ELEMENT NAME: InspectionElement Type:MachineQuantity:1Priority:LowestType:SingleCycle Time:3.0Input / Output Rules Input:PULL from Inspection_QOutput:PERCENT /189 Packing_Q Us
12、ing Path 90.00 ,Paint_Q With Inspector Using Path 10.0012、ELEMENT NAME: PackingElement Type:MachineQuantity:1Priority:LowestType:AssemblyAssembly Qty:4Cycle Time:4.0Input / Output Rules Input:MATCH/ATTRIBUTE CPacking_Q #(4)Output: PUSH to SHIP Using PathActions Finish:ICON =1IF C= redPEN = 1ELSEIF C
13、 = greenPEN = 2 ELSEPEN = 3 ENDIFOutput: output = output + 113、ELEMENT NAME: PaintingElement Type:MachineQuantity:1Priority:LowestType:SingleCycle Time:10.0Input / Output Rules Input:PULL from Paint_QOutput: PUSH to Inspection_Q Using PathActions Finish: x = IUNIFORM (1,3,356)ICON = 143IF x = 1PEN =
14、 1 C = redELSEIF x = 2PEN = 2C = gree n ELSEPEN = 3C = yellow ENDIFIn put:x = IUNIFORM (1,3,356)六、模型运行和数据分析仿真运行1000分钟,得到如表所示的统计数据表6-1机器工作状态统计表NameAssemblyPain ti ngIn spect ionPack ing% Idle02.168.292% Busy10097.928.88No. Of Operati ons166979620表6-2路径工作状态统计表NameParts InPartsOutLabor InLaborOut% Busy% IdlePath11661640099.40.6Path286850r 087.112.9Path397960096.93.1Path4101010r 101090Path52020001090表6-3工作者工作状态统计表Name% Busy% IdleQua ntityAvg Job TimeIn specto r38.861.213
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