1、1. Questi on:tier stores persiste nt metadata and files man aged by the en vironme nt.A. ClientB. EnterpriseC. ResourceD. Web2. The two-tier architecture is composed of what two tiers?A. ClientB. EnterpriseC. ResourceD. Web3. The thin client is available only in thearchitecture.A. Two-tierB. Four-ti
2、er4. The Oraclemonitors remote connection requests made of the database.A. Database serverB. ListenerC. Universal Install5. is the protocol used for communication between the database server, the listener,and the database.A. FTPB. HTTPC. HOPD. Net86. You can create and con figure an Oracle database
3、for use with Teamce nter by first creati ng a gen eral purpose database using the Oracle Database Con figurati on Assists nt and the nconfiguring that database using Teamcenter Environment Manager.A. TrueB. False7. Ais a logical structure used to store data. A table corresponds to a class of items.A
4、. BinB. Data fileC. RowD. Table8. When installing the MS SQL 2005 Server for use with Teamcenter, you should select the following components: SQL Server Database Services and Workstation components, Books Online and development tools A. True B. False9. You can create and configure an MS SQL database
5、 for use with Teamcenter automaticallyusing.A. Database Configuration AssistantB. SQL Server Management StudioC. Teamcenter Environment ManagerD. Universal Installer10. If you use SQL Server Management Studio to create an MS SQL database for use withTeamcenter, execute the file, which is found in th
6、e tcdb_scriptsmssql2005directory in the Teamcenter 2007 software distribution image.A. configure_database.sqlB. connect_database.sqlC. create database.sqlD. install_database.sql11 contains the Teamcenter shared binary executables and files.A. TC_BASEB. TC_DATAC. TC_HOMED. TC_ROOT12. contains the Tea
7、mcenter data model.A. TC_BASEB. TC_DATAC. TC_HOMED. TC_ROOT13. Aserver contains both the Teamcenter executables and the Teamcenter datamodel. This server must be installed first.A. ApplicationB. CorporateC. DataD. Volume14. File Man agement System (FMS) han dies file tran sfer betwee n volumes and c
8、lients for both the two-tier and the four-tier architectures.A. TrueB. False15. In the two-tier architecture, the die nt tier contains the Teamce nter server and executables A. TrueB. False16. The correct order in which a two-tier environment must be set up is: first install the resource tier (for e
9、xample, Oracle), the n in stall the rich die nt on the die nt host, and fin ally install the corporate server.A. TrueB. False17. The two-tier rich die nt is installed usingA. Configuration AssistantB. OUIC. Over-the-Web InstallerD. TEM18. The four-tier architect is composed of the resource tier, the
10、 enterprise tier, the Web tier, and the die nt tier.A. TrueB. False19. Thestarts and times out a configurable number of server processes tocomm un icate with the Teamce nter database .It must be installed in a four-tier envir onment.A. Application serverB. Rich clientC. Server managerD. Tool agent20
11、. is used to create Web tier applications, distribution servers, and distribution serverinstances.A. Application ManagerB. Teamcenter Enterprise ManagerC. Universal InstallerD. Web Application Manager21. Thecontains the thin die nt function ality and is con tacted by the four-tier rich clientin orde
12、r to access the enterprise tier.A. Distribution server instanceB. Over-the-Web installerC. Server managerD. Web tier application22. Thecontains the Over-the-Web installer and the rich die nt software to beinstalled on the client.A. Distribution server instanceB. Web Application ManagerC. Server mana
13、gerD. Web tier application23. is used to create the .NET Web tier.A. Application ManagerB. Teamcenter Enterprise ManagerC. Universal InstallerD. Web Application Manager24. The Busin ess Modeler IDE is built on top of Eclipse, which is a gen eric platform for tool development that is extended via its
14、 plug-in and extension point technology.A. TrueB. False25. The Business Modeler IDE can be installed as a stand-alone application usingA. a hammerB. Teamcenter Environment ManagerC. Universal InstallerD. Web Application Manager26. The following features are required when install!ng the Business Mode
15、ler IDE as a stand- alone application:A. Business Modeler TemplatesB. ClientC. Digital DashboardD. Mapping Designer27. The 2 Tier Teamcenter Server Connection and 4 Tier Teamcenter Server Connection options to automatically create a server connection profile for deployment of data model changes to a
16、 test server.A. TrueB. False28. You can create additional volumes using Organization application.A. TrueB. False29. After creating a volume, it is not necessary to recycle all FSCsA. TrueB. False30. One way that a dataset is identified as corrupted the dataset has no referenee to a file man aged by
17、Teamce nter.A. TrueB. False31. Theutility is used to generate the encrypted Oracle password for the Teamcenterdatabase user.A. clearlocksB. installC. Iist_usersD. purge_password32. Teamcenter has a viewer that can be added to the rich client to provide enterprise-wide product visualization capabilit
18、ies and is embedded in the rich die nt interface.A. TrueB. False33. NX 5 uses the license server that is available in Teamcenter Environment Manager.A. TrueB. False34. You install NX 5 templates usingA. *.bat fileB. NX 5C. Teamcenter Environment ManagerD. Web Application Manager35. You can add additional database conn ecti on to a two-tier rich die nt byin theTeamcenter Environment Manager.A. Adding a database log onB. Adding a server connection featureC. Modifyi ng the FSC parent conn ectionsD. Modifying the HOP server settings to add a TcServer
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