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1、欢迎阅读元宵节英文短信导读:1、团圆年,年团圆,年年团圆年!元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜!Year after year , year reunion , tenant tenant ! Yuanxiao yuan snack , night , night after night yuan snack !2、你也圆圆,我也圆圆,事也圆圆,人也圆圆,愿此元宵佳节, 大家都能好梦圆圆!Things you yuan yuan , I am yuan yuan , yuan yuan , yuan yuan , may the Lantern Festival , everybody can dre

2、am yuan yuan !3、敲响是钟声,走过的是岁月, 留下的是故事, 带来的是希望, 盼望的是美好,送来的是祝福,愿你元宵节幸福快乐!Ring is , through the years , leaving story , is the hope , hope is a good , sent to me is a blessing , wish you a happy Lantern Festival happiness !4、红红的灯笼,在幸福中摇曳;俏俏的花灯,在美好中点亮; 圆圆的汤圆,在甜蜜中发酵;真真的祝福,在喜庆中送到:元宵节快 乐!Red lanterns , sway

3、ing in happiness ;Qiao qiao lanterns , in good light ; Round dumplings , fermentation in sweet ;Really wish ,in the festival tohappy Lantern Festival !欢迎阅读5、元芳,你妈妈喊你回家吃汤圆。你妈还让你别出门乱逛,奥 特曼都回去团圆了,小心碰到怪兽抢你汤圆吃。嘿嘿。Yuan fang , your mother call you go home to eat dumplings 。 Your mother also let you dont go

4、 around , the Ottoman back to reunion , careful met monster you eat dumplings 。 Hey hey 。6、用呵护做濡米,揉捏进一颗真心,裹住美满与甜蜜,粘稠的 浆汁是我的良苦用心,愿它品出你节日什锦的心情!元宵节快乐。Made simple caress m , knead into a truly , wrapped in a happy and sweet , sticky pulp is my heart , let it leaves your festival mixed mood ! Happy Lante

5、rn Festival 。7、灯火良宵,鱼龙百戏;琉璃盛世,锦绣三春。灯火万家,良 宵美景;笙歌一曲,盛世佳音。元宵节快乐。Beautiful night lights , fish dragon acrobatics ; Coloured glaze prosperous , splendid miharu 。 The lamp , night scenery ; Strike a tune , prosperous time 。 Happy Lantern Festival 。8、元宵节送您一碗汤圆,将圆起一场事业的美梦,圆出温暖如 春的爱情,圆得家人幸福的团聚,圆来新一年精彩的运程!亲爱

6、的元 宵快乐!round out the warmThe Lantern Festival to send you a bowl of dumplings , dream of going to round up a career欢迎阅读love , to family happy reunion , circle to the New Year good fortune ! Dear yuanxiao is happy !9、十五到,花灯俏,人间花月圆,而你的情缘不减当年,但是 我对你的思念,黏黏呼呼扯不完,希望你的生活团团圆圆,你的时光 喜喜欢欢,永远都精彩无限!To 15 and lan

7、terns qiao , human take full moon , and you love not losing , but my missing for you , sticky shout pull not finished , hope your life , you like time xi huan , always brilliant !10 、汤圆好了祝福到,祝你元宵佳节妙,甜甜蜜蜜爱情好,幸 幸福福家庭妙,顺顺利利事业好,开开心心万事妙,快快乐乐日子好, 团团圆圆一年妙!Tangyuan good wishes to wish you the Lantern Festiv

8、al,sweet love , her love happy happy family , the smooth career is good , open happy heart all the wonderful, happy day isgood , reunion year better !11 、元宵节到了!朋友,我对你的思念,就像这元宵一样,塞 得鼓鼓的,捏得圆圆的,煮在锅里沸了,盛在碗里满了,含在嘴里, 呀,太甜了!The Lantern Festival is here ! Friend , my missing for you , just like the yuanxiao

9、 , bulging , pinched , round , boilingin the pot boilingserved in a bowl full ofcontain in the欢迎阅读mouth , ah , too sweet !12 、正月里来是新春,十五花灯闹乾坤,汤圆味美香喷喷,祝 你佳节福满身,好运和你不离分,万事如意永开心!元宵节快乐!Come in the day of the first is the New Year, 15 lanternsmake heaven and earth , dumplings taste delicious , wish you h

10、appy holidays , good luck and you never points , wishing you happy forever ! Happy Lantern Festival !13 、品尝着汤圆,按动着键盘,发送着祝福。彼此拉着手,拿 着灯笼,逛着花街,看着满天,璀灿烟火,激动的心情蔓延,愿彼端 的你元宵愉快!Eating dumplings , press the keyboard ,send a blessing 。 Holding hands with each other, lanterns , shopping districtslooking at the

11、 sky , brilliant fireworks , the excited mood spread , may escape the yuanxiao , nice !14 、元宵到,美味到,汤圆圆圆肚圆圆;元宵闹,灯会到,月 亮圆圆灯圆圆;元宵好,心想到,事事圆圆人圆圆;元宵到了,祝你 开开心心,团团圆圆!Yuanxiao , delicious , tangyuan round belly is round ; Lantern , Lantern Festival , the moon is round lamp round Yuanxiao is good , wish that

12、everything is yuan yuan yuan yuan ; Yuanxiao coming , wish you a happy reunion !15 、元宵佳节,用我如火的热情煮一碗汤圆,温暖你正月的心欢迎阅读情;把我的思念串成串挂在你的心空,点缀你元宵夜的美梦,祝元宵 快乐!The Lantern Festival , with my passion like fire boil a bowl of dumplings ,warm you in the first month;Hang my missingstring string in your heart is empt

13、y, the ornament you yuansnacks dream , I wish a happy Lantern Festival !16 、元宵时节月圆夜,舞龙舞狮赏花灯,张灯结彩猜灯谜,合 家乐呵品元宵,元宵滚滚滚团圆,品出幸福快乐多!祝元宵节快乐!Yuanxiao season full moon night , dragon dance lion dance to admire the lanterns , decorating their guess lantern riddles , family happy yuanxiao , yuanxiao rolling rol

14、l reunion leaves the happiness ! I wish a happy Lantern Festival !17 、元宵节勿忘吃元宵,吃一个好运常在,吃两个幸福永远, 吃三个合家团圆,吃四个四季平安,吃五个哎呀别吃了,这东西 可不好消化!元宵快乐哦!Lantern Festival dont forget to eat yuanxiao, eat a goodluck in ,eat two happiness forever ,eat three family reunion , eat four seasons peace , five O h dont eat ,

15、it can not digest ! Yuanxiao happy oh !18 、圆,圆,圆,祝你事业圆满,家庭圆满;园,园,园,祝 你春色满园,源源不断;元,元,元,祝你元宵节快乐,合家大团圆!Circle , circle , circle , wish your career successfully ,欢迎阅读family perfection ; Garden , garden , garden , I wish you a spring scenery garden , flowing ; Yuan, the yuan, the yuan, I wish you a happy

16、 Lantern Festival, the family happy!19 、花前月下是爱情的童话,铃声滴答是朋友的牵挂,龙灯狂 舞舞不尽深深的祝福,短信传来传不完元宵的开怀,元宵节,给你最 美的祝愿,愿你快乐顺心。Easiness is the fairy tale of love, the bell tick is the care of a friend, not deeply wishes dance dragon lantern dance, message was passed not over yuanxiao, Lantern Festival, give you the b

17、est wishes, wish you happy 。20、元宵节到了:买辆奔驰送你 /太贵,请你出国旅游 / 都累,约 你大吃一顿 / 伤胃,送一枝玫瑰 / 误会,还是发个短信 / 有情有味,祝 你元宵节快乐!Lantern Festival to : buy Mercedes send you/itstooexpensive, you travelabroad/istired, about you bigeat ameal/hurt a stomach,to senda rose/misunderstanding,orsend a SMS/sentientbeings,I wish yo

18、u a happy LanternFestival !21 、东风夜放花千树,月儿圆,星点缀,香车宝马堵满路,鞭 炮声,烟花绽,一派歌舞升平,花灯吐艳迎佳节,短信传情祝福热。 祝元宵节快乐!Or spend the dongfeng night, the moon is round, star欢迎阅读ornament, XiangCheBaoMa with road, firecrackers, fireworks, a school of crowing, lanterns festival, text messages (SMS blessing hot 。 I wish a happy

19、Lantern Festival !22 、一首笙歌春似海,万家灯火夜如年,雪月梅柳开新春,花 鼓龙灯闹元宵,灯火良宵,鱼龙百戏,琉璃盛世,锦绣三春。祝元宵 快乐!A strike in the spring as the sea, night lights, such as year, snow on plum LiuKai warming, flower drum dragon lantern yuanxiao, night lights, ichthyosaurs acrobatics, coloured glaze, jinxiu miharu 。 I wish a happy Lan

20、tern Festival !23 、新春乐,酒飘香,龙狮劲舞鼓声扬。庙会且把元宵尝,心 醉不觉夜昏黄。短信飞来祝福长, 自当斟酌添暖装,十五愉快笑意狂! 恭祝元宵节佳节快乐!Happy new spring, wine fragrance, dragon-lion dance drum 。 Temple fair and the yuanxiao, yellow memories before night 。 SMS fly blessing long, should consider add warm clothing, fifteen happy smile crazy ! Happy

21、Lantern Festival !24 、海天一色庆元宵,想念时刻静悄悄,祝福缓缓起浪涛,给 你问候荡最高,且把关怀挂树梢,但求幸福为你俏,元宵到,衷心祝 愿你节日快乐,前途看好。Sea day celebrate yuanxiao, miss moment was silent, blessing slowly up the waves, the highest greetings to you,欢迎阅读and hang the care for the trees, but beg for you happiness qiao, yuanxiao, sincerely wish you

22、a happy holiday, promising。25 、元宵节来临,送你一盏美丽的彩灯,祝愿你的生活五彩缤 纷;送你一碗甜甜的汤圆, 祝愿你的爱情甜蜜美满;送你一声真挚的 祝福,祝愿你的日子开心快乐。The Lantern Festival is coming, send you a light beautiful lights, wish your life colorful 。 Send you a bowl of sweet dumplings, wish you love sweet happiness ; Send you a sincere blessing, wish yo

23、u a happy day happy。26 、亲手下厨做汤圆,水晶面皮蜜糖馅。甜甜蜜蜜团团圆,送 给亲朋尝一尝。甜美团圆不离散,亲人团聚一家圆。朋友情深友谊联, 美满和谐幸福长。宵节喜乐扬!By making dumplings, crystal face honey TangXian 。 Sweet reunion, and sent to relatives and have a taste。 Sweetreunion not discrete, family reunion a circle 。 Friends deep friendship, happy happiness 。 Ni

24、ght festival joy Yang !27 、天边的繁星闪烁,眼前的华灯缤纷。快乐的谜底万千,心 中的祝福斑斓。锅中的汤圆柔滑,碗中的甜汤醇厚。幸福的团圆不断, 真诚的问候绵绵。元宵节快乐!The sky stars shine, colorful lights 。 Colorful happy mystery myriad, in the heart of blessing。 A pot of tangyuanHappy reunionsmooth, mellow sweet soup in a bowl欢迎阅读unceasingly, the sincere regards 。 H

25、appy Lantern Festival !28 、正月十五是新春,观赏月圆看花灯,祝福给你有乾坤,好 运汤圆香喷喷,快乐临门福满身,快乐和你永不分,吉祥如意生乐根, 伴你万事皆和顺。Is the fifteenth day of the New Year, watch the moon watching lanterns, greeting to you have around, good luck dumplings delicious, blessed with joy happiness, happiness and you never points, jixiangruyi raw

26、 root, with you everything is smooth 。29 、元宵节,挂灯笼,挂一个如意灯,和美又顺风;挂一个希 望灯,五谷都丰登;挂一个锦绣灯,发达财源兴;挂一个吉祥灯,健 康又安宁。祝合家团圆,万事如意!The Lantern Festival, hang lanterns, hang a best light, and wind ; Hang a hope lights, corn is good harvest ; Hang a splendid lights, developed revenue xing; Hang a lucky light,healthy

27、and peaceful 。 All the best, for family reunion。30 、汤圆月圆,祝你亲朋团团圆圆!官源财源,祝你事业左右 逢源!人缘机缘,祝你好运缘缘不断! 心愿情愿,祝你理想天随人愿! 祝元宵节圆源缘愿!Tangyuan full moon, I wish your family reunion ! The official sources, wish your business be able! Popularity, goodluck to you the geopolitical! Wish, wish your ideal day meant欢迎阅读

28、I wish the Lantern Festival round like source margin31 、吃元宵了!祝你口袋像元宵的肚皮,鼓鼓的,竟是钞票; 爱情有元宵的味道, 甜甜的,都是美好;事业同元宵的口感, 滑滑的, 没有阻挠。祝元宵节幸福逍遥!Eat yuanxiao ! I wish your pocket as yuanxiao belly, bulging, unexpectedly is money; Love the smell of yuanxiao,sweet, is good ; Career with the taste of yuanxiao, slippe

29、ry, no obstruction 。 I wish the Lantern Festival happiness!32 、我想抓个星星坐在月亮上,许下一个愿望对着你歌唱,看 着那灯火鱼龙舞, 猜不出迷底的你依然傻兮兮, 好像和你在一起把红 灯笼挂起!祝你元宵佳节快乐!I want to catch a star on the moon, make a wish on your singing, and watching the lights of fish dragon dance, couldnt guess the puzzle you still silly xi xi, seeme

30、d to hang up red lanterns with you ! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival !33 、我预订元宵节晚上的第一束彩光给你,祝你快乐;预订了 元宵节第一碗汤圆给你, 祝你圆圆满满;预订了最大的大红灯笼给你, 祝你一生红红火火!I make a reservation for the evening of the Lantern Festival first colour light to you, wish you happy ; The first bowl of dumplings for you booked the La

31、ntern Festival, I wish you a festive 。 Booked the largest red lanterns to you, I wish you a欢迎阅读life time !34 、瑞雪银光梅花香,真诚祝福来四方,东方送你吉祥树,南 方保你永安康,西方祝你事业旺,北方愿你钱满箱,好友真心祝愿你 元宵节快乐!Snow silver plum blossom incense, sincere blessing to all directions, east send you lucky tree, south to protect you forever an

32、kang, wish you business prosperous west, north to you the money full box, friends sincerely wish you a happy Lantern Festival !35 、明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知世界末日,何时会出现。 天中宫阙再展,人间风云突变,翻身奴隶把家还,与我共赏十五之月。 问你呢,十五可否一见?When the moon has, wine ask blue sky。 I do not know theend of the world, when will appear 。 Days in

33、the imperial palace in the exhibition, rapidly changing world, emancipated slaves to the home also, and I totally 15 months。 Asked aboutyou, 15 can you see ?36 、各位旅客, 2016 蛇字第 1 号列车,从小年站始发,经除夕 站中转,即将到达元宵站,请携幸福包,走平安门,下吉祥站台,穿 如意通道,入驻团圆驿站!Dear passengers, no 。 1 train 2016 snake word, since the childho

34、od years starting, after the New Years eve standing欢迎阅读transit, will arrive station yuanxiao, please package with happiness, peace door, under the auspicious platform, wear the best channel, reunion in post !37 、即使是电池没电了我也豁出去,即使电磁辐射了我也要坚 持,即使短信堵塞了我也要尝试, 元宵节我一定要送出我最真心的祝 福给你,给你的家人,元宵节快乐!Even a dead ba

35、ttery I lose yourself, even if the electromagnetic radiation, I also want to insist, even if the message is blocked and I will try, the Lantern Festival I must send my most sincere greeting to you, to your family, happy Lantern Festival !38 、元宵到,祝福我先到,送礼太俗套,发条短信凑热闹,快 乐长期把你骚扰,好运永远把你套牢,大把大把赚钞票,闲来无事偷 着

36、笑,烦恼都溜了,生活很美妙!Yuanxiao, bless me to first, gift giving is too tired, clockwork SMS, happy your harassment for a long time, good luck always takes you over, a lot to earn money, be free and at leisure to steal to smile, has slipped to worry, life is wonderful!39 、万家灯火,好运与你携手,快乐伴你永久;十五月圆,吉 祥为你蜜甜,如意陪你永

37、远;元宵佳节,幸福源泉不竭,成功之榜等 你揭。祝你元宵快乐。Wanjiadenghuo, good luck with you hand in hand, happy欢迎阅读with you forever ; Ten may round, good luck for your honey sweet, luck with you forever ; The Lantern Festival, the source of endless happiness, success will wait for you the list of jie。 Iwish you a happy yuanxia

38、o 。40 、十五的月亮圆圆又圆,愿你年画个优美的圆,以健康为圆 心,以快乐为半径,平安是起点,幸福是终点,事事开心如“圆”梦 想如“圆”元宵节快乐!15 the moon is round and round, wish you New Year pictures a beautiful circle, centered on health, the radius is happiness, peace is the starting point, happiness is the end, everything is happy like the circular dream like c

39、ircle happy Lantern Festival !41、冬去春归, 又见春风裁梦来, 莺歌燕舞入情怀; 横扫烟霾, 情溢景艳心豪迈,万紫千红花常开;九霄云外,清风妩媚拂尘埃,月 明圆缺皆为爱。元宵节快乐!Go to winter, and spring breeze cutting dream, joy into the feelings ; Sweep the haze, feeling overflow JingYan bold heart, full flower normally open ; Enchanting brushed the dust cloud nine, c

40、ool breeze, yuan, Ming short of all is love 。 Happy Lantern Festival !42 、正月十五月儿圆,元宵佳节赏明月。圆圆的汤圆甜如蜜, 亲朋相聚情意浓。观花灯猜灯谜,欢乐种种数不尽。愿你快快乐乐过欢迎阅读佳节,幸幸福福美生活!The fifteenth day of the moon is round, the Lantern Festival to watch the moon 。 Round dumplings made sweet as honey, and relatives together feeling 。 View

41、 guess lantern riddles, joy all sorts of countless。 I wish you a happy holiday,her love happy happy beautiful life !43 、元宵佳节真热闹,大街小巷放鞭炮。迎来花灯门前绕,送 来好运如牛毛。龙腾狮舞人欢笑,还有高跷仰头瞧。人寿年丰心情好, 幸福生活步步高。祝元宵节快乐!Lantern Festival is quite lively, streets set off firecrackers。For lanterns in front of the round, bring good luck。 Longtenglion dances people laugh, and stilts upward look 。 Backgammon RenShouNianFeng in a good mood, happy life I wish a happy Lantern Festival !44 、元宵佳节又来到,大红灯笼门前挂,欢聚一堂开颜笑,亲 朋好友乐逍遥,共遥亲朋赏明月,举家团圆合家


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